21 research outputs found

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Cost based optimization for strategic mobile radio access network planning using metaheuristics

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    La evolución experimentada por las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de las últimas décadas ha sido motivada por dos factores principales: el surgimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y necesidades por parte del usuario, así como los avances tecnológicos. Los servicios ofrecidos para términales móviles han evolucionado desde el clásico servicio de voz y mensajes cortos (SMS), a servicios más atractivos y por lo tanto con una rápida aceptación por parte de usuario final como, video telephony, video streaming, online gaming, and the internet broadband access (MBAS). Todos estos nuevos servicios se han convertido en una realidad gracias a los avances técnologicos, avances tales como nuevas técnicas de acceso al medio compartido, nuevos esquemas de codificiación y modulación de la información intercambiada, sistemas de transmisión y recepción basados en múltiples antenas (MIMO), etc. Un aspecto importante en esta evolución fue la liberación del sector a principios de los años 90, donde la función reguladora llevado a cabo por las autoridades regulatorias nacionales (NRA) se ha antojado fundamental. Uno de los principales problemas tratados por la NRA espcífica de cada nación es la determinación de los costes por servicios mayoristas, esto es los servicios entre operadores de servicios móvilles, entre los que cabe destacar el coste por terminación de llamada o de inteconexión. El servicio de interconexión hace posible la comunicación de usuarios de diferente operadores, así como el acceso a la totalidad de servicios, incluso a aquellos no prestados por un operador en concreto gracias al uso de una red perteneciente a otro operador, por parte de todos los usuarios. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la minimización de los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red, lo cual repercute en el establecimiento de las tarifas de interconexión como se verá a lo largo de este trabajo. La consecución de dicho objetivo se divide en dos partes: en primer lugar, el desarrollo de un conjunto de algoritmos para el dimesionado óptimo de una red de acceso radio (RAN) para un sistema de comunicaciones móvilles. En segundo lugar, el diseño y aplicación de algoritmos de optimización para la distribución óptima de los servicios sobre el conjunto de tecnologías móviles existentes (OSDP). El modulo de diseño de red proporciona cuatro algoritmos diferenciados encargados del dimensionado y planificación de la red de acceso móvil. Estos algoritmos se aplican en un entorno multi-tecnología, considerando sistemas de segunda (2G), tercera (3G) y cuarta (4G) generación, multi-usuario, teniendo en cuenta diferentes perfiles de usuarios con su respectiva carga de tráfico, y multo-servicio, incluyendo voz, servicios de datos de baja velocidad (64-144 Kbps), y acceso a internet de banda ancha móvil. La segunda parte de la tesis se encarga de distribuir de una manera óptima el conjunto de servicios sobre las tecnologías a desplegar. El objetivo de esta parte es hacer un uso eficiente de las tecnologías existentes reduciendo los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red. Esto es posible gracias a las diferencias tecnológicas existente entre los diferentes sistemas móviles, que hacen que los sistemas de segunda generación sean adecuados para proporcionar el servicio de voz y mensajería corta, mientras que redes de tercera generación muestran un mejor rendimiento en la transmisión de servicios de datos. Por último, el servicio de banda ancha móvil es nativo de redes de última generadón, como High Speed Data Acces (HSPA) y 4G. Ambos módulos han sido aplicados a un extenso conjunto de experimentos para el desarrollo de análisis tecno-económicos tales como el estudio del rendimiento de las tecnologías de HSPA y 4G para la prestación del servicio de banda ancha móvil, así como el análisis de escenarios reales de despliegue para redes 4G que tendrán lugar a partir del próximo año coinicidiendo con la licitación de las frecuencias en la banda de 800 MHz. Así mismo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre el despliegue de redes de 4G en las bandas de 800 MHz, 1800 MHz y 2600 MHz, comparando los costes de inversión obtenidos tras la optimización. En todos los casos se ha demostrado la mejora, en términos de costes de inversión, obtenida tras la aplicación de ambos módulos, posibilitando una reducción en la determinación de los costes de provisión de servicios. Los estudios realizados en esta tesis se centran en la nación de España, sin embargo todos los algoritmos implementados son aplicables a cualquier otro país europeo, prueba de ello es que los algoritmos de diseño de red han sido utilizados en diversos proyectos de regulación

    Optimization of Mobility Parameters using Fuzzy Logic and Reinforcement Learning in Self-Organizing Networks

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    In this thesis, several optimization techniques for next-generation wireless networks are proposed to solve different problems in the field of Self-Organizing Networks and heterogeneous networks. The common basis of these problems is that network parameters are automatically tuned to deal with the specific problem. As the set of network parameters is extremely large, this work mainly focuses on parameters involved in mobility management. In addition, the proposed self-tuning schemes are based on Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC), whose potential lies in the capability to express the knowledge in a similar way to the human perception and reasoning. In addition, in those cases in which a mathematical approach has been required to optimize the behavior of the FLC, the selected solution has been Reinforcement Learning, since this methodology is especially appropriate for learning from interaction, which becomes essential in complex systems such as wireless networks. Taking this into account, firstly, a new Mobility Load Balancing (MLB) scheme is proposed to solve persistent congestion problems in next-generation wireless networks, in particular, due to an uneven spatial traffic distribution, which typically leads to an inefficient usage of resources. A key feature of the proposed algorithm is that not only the parameters are optimized, but also the parameter tuning strategy. Secondly, a novel MLB algorithm for enterprise femtocells scenarios is proposed. Such scenarios are characterized by the lack of a thorough deployment of these low-cost nodes, meaning that a more efficient use of radio resources can be achieved by applying effective MLB schemes. As in the previous problem, the optimization of the self-tuning process is also studied in this case. Thirdly, a new self-tuning algorithm for Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO) is proposed. This study includes the impact of context factors such as the system load and user speed, as well as a proposal for coordination between the designed MLB and MRO functions. Fourthly, a novel self-tuning algorithm for Traffic Steering (TS) in heterogeneous networks is proposed. The main features of the proposed algorithm are the flexibility to support different operator policies and the adaptation capability to network variations. Finally, with the aim of validating the proposed techniques, a dynamic system-level simulator for Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks has been designed

    Cost based optimization for strategic mobile radio access network planning using metaheuristics

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    La evolución experimentada por las comunicaciones móviles a lo largo de las últimas décadas ha sido motivada por dos factores principales: el surgimiento de nuevas aplicaciones y necesidades por parte del usuario, así como los avances tecnológicos. Los servicios ofrecidos para términales móviles han evolucionado desde el clásico servicio de voz y mensajes cortos (SMS), a servicios más atractivos y por lo tanto con una rápida aceptación por parte de usuario final como, video telephony, video streaming, online gaming, and the internet broadband access (MBAS). Todos estos nuevos servicios se han convertido en una realidad gracias a los avances técnologicos, avances tales como nuevas técnicas de acceso al medio compartido, nuevos esquemas de codificiación y modulación de la información intercambiada, sistemas de transmisión y recepción basados en múltiples antenas (MIMO), etc. Un aspecto importante en esta evolución fue la liberación del sector a principios de los años 90, donde la función reguladora llevado a cabo por las autoridades regulatorias nacionales (NRA) se ha antojado fundamental. Uno de los principales problemas tratados por la NRA espcífica de cada nación es la determinación de los costes por servicios mayoristas, esto es los servicios entre operadores de servicios móvilles, entre los que cabe destacar el coste por terminación de llamada o de inteconexión. El servicio de interconexión hace posible la comunicación de usuarios de diferente operadores, así como el acceso a la totalidad de servicios, incluso a aquellos no prestados por un operador en concreto gracias al uso de una red perteneciente a otro operador, por parte de todos los usuarios. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es la minimización de los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red, lo cual repercute en el establecimiento de las tarifas de interconexión como se verá a lo largo de este trabajo. La consecución de dicho objetivo se divide en dos partes: en primer lugar, el desarrollo de un conjunto de algoritmos para el dimesionado óptimo de una red de acceso radio (RAN) para un sistema de comunicaciones móvilles. En segundo lugar, el diseño y aplicación de algoritmos de optimización para la distribución óptima de los servicios sobre el conjunto de tecnologías móviles existentes (OSDP). El modulo de diseño de red proporciona cuatro algoritmos diferenciados encargados del dimensionado y planificación de la red de acceso móvil. Estos algoritmos se aplican en un entorno multi-tecnología, considerando sistemas de segunda (2G), tercera (3G) y cuarta (4G) generación, multi-usuario, teniendo en cuenta diferentes perfiles de usuarios con su respectiva carga de tráfico, y multo-servicio, incluyendo voz, servicios de datos de baja velocidad (64-144 Kbps), y acceso a internet de banda ancha móvil. La segunda parte de la tesis se encarga de distribuir de una manera óptima el conjunto de servicios sobre las tecnologías a desplegar. El objetivo de esta parte es hacer un uso eficiente de las tecnologías existentes reduciendo los costes de inversión en equipamiento de red. Esto es posible gracias a las diferencias tecnológicas existente entre los diferentes sistemas móviles, que hacen que los sistemas de segunda generación sean adecuados para proporcionar el servicio de voz y mensajería corta, mientras que redes de tercera generación muestran un mejor rendimiento en la transmisión de servicios de datos. Por último, el servicio de banda ancha móvil es nativo de redes de última generadón, como High Speed Data Acces (HSPA) y 4G. Ambos módulos han sido aplicados a un extenso conjunto de experimentos para el desarrollo de análisis tecno-económicos tales como el estudio del rendimiento de las tecnologías de HSPA y 4G para la prestación del servicio de banda ancha móvil, así como el análisis de escenarios reales de despliegue para redes 4G que tendrán lugar a partir del próximo año coinicidiendo con la licitación de las frecuencias en la banda de 800 MHz. Así mismo, se ha llevado a cabo un estudio sobre el despliegue de redes de 4G en las bandas de 800 MHz, 1800 MHz y 2600 MHz, comparando los costes de inversión obtenidos tras la optimización. En todos los casos se ha demostrado la mejora, en términos de costes de inversión, obtenida tras la aplicación de ambos módulos, posibilitando una reducción en la determinación de los costes de provisión de servicios. Los estudios realizados en esta tesis se centran en la nación de España, sin embargo todos los algoritmos implementados son aplicables a cualquier otro país europeo, prueba de ello es que los algoritmos de diseño de red han sido utilizados en diversos proyectos de regulación

    Adaptive Techniques for Packet-Oriented Transmissions in Future Multicarrier Wireless Systems

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    I sistemi wireless dei prossimi anni sono tenuti a fornire trasmissioni caratterizzate da data rate e affidabilità sempre maggiori per sostenere la sempre più crescente richiesta di applicazioni e servizi eterogenei. Inoltre, tali requisiti devono essere soddisfatti nel difficile ambiente di propagazione rappresentato dal canale wireless, e devono far fronte alla scarsità dello spettro radio disponibile. Per tali sistemi, la tecnica di modulazione multiportante nota come orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) è emersa come tecnologia chiave a livello fisico grazie alla sua elevata efficienza spettrale, struttura di ricetrasmissione piuttosto semplice e robustezza al fenomeno di multipath fading. In tale contesto, questa tesi indaga nuove tecniche adattative in cui le risorse e parametri di trasmissione sono adattati in base alle informazioni sullo stato di canale al fine di fornire una consegna affidabile ed efficiente di pacchetti dati su canali selettivi in frequenza. Queste tecniche, note in letteratura come link resource adaptation (LRA) e resource allocation (RA), sono proposte in combinazione con un numero di funzionalità avanzate come l'efficiente tecnica di codifica di canale chiamata bit interleaved coded modulation (BICM) e meccanismi di hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ). Diversamente dalla maggior parte dei problemi di LRA e RA considerati nella letteratura, questa tesi si basa sul goodput come figura di merito, definito come il numero di bit di informazione consegnati in pacchetti senza errori per unità di tempo. Quest'ultimo rappresenta, infatti, una metrica adeguata per dare un quadro attendibile delle effettive prestazioni del collegamento caratterizzato da modulazione e codifici pratici, trasmissioni a pacchetto e meccanismi di HARQ. In dettaglio, i contributi principali della tesi sono: la derivazione di una strategia di LRA che assegna modulazione, tasso di codifica e potenza ad un sistema BIC-OFDM cognitivo; un nuovo metodo di predizione delle prestazioni, che sfrutta la metodologia di effective signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), per sistemi BIC-OFDM impieganti protocolli di HARQ con packet combining; un algoritmo di LRA che seleziona la migliore distribuzione dei bit e tasso di codifica per sistemi BIC-OFDM; uno schema equo di RA che assegna potenza, ordine di modulazione, tasso di codifica e sottoportanti agli utenti sul downlink di un sistema BIC orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) col fine di ottimizzare le prestazioni dell'utente avente il valore più basso di goodput

    Sustainable scheduling policies for radio access networks based on LTE technology

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyIn the LTE access networks, the Radio Resource Management (RRM) is one of the most important modules which is responsible for handling the overall management of radio resources. The packet scheduler is a particular sub-module which assigns the existing radio resources to each user in order to deliver the requested services in the most efficient manner. Data packets are scheduled dynamically at every Transmission Time Interval (TTI), a time window used to take the user’s requests and to respond them accordingly. The scheduling procedure is conducted by using scheduling rules which select different users to be scheduled at each TTI based on some priority metrics. Various scheduling rules exist and they behave differently by balancing the scheduler performance in the direction imposed by one of the following objectives: increasing the system throughput, maintaining the user fairness, respecting the Guaranteed Bit Rate (GBR), Head of Line (HoL) packet delay, packet loss rate and queue stability requirements. Most of the static scheduling rules follow the sequential multi-objective optimization in the sense that when the first targeted objective is satisfied, then other objectives can be prioritized. When the targeted scheduling objective(s) can be satisfied at each TTI, the LTE scheduler is considered to be optimal or feasible. So, the scheduling performance depends on the exploited rule being focused on particular objectives. This study aims to increase the percentage of feasible TTIs for a given downlink transmission by applying a mixture of scheduling rules instead of using one discipline adopted across the entire scheduling session. Two types of optimization problems are proposed in this sense: Dynamic Scheduling Rule based Sequential Multi-Objective Optimization (DSR-SMOO) when the applied scheduling rules address the same objective and Dynamic Scheduling Rule based Concurrent Multi-Objective Optimization (DSR-CMOO) if the pool of rules addresses different scheduling objectives. The best way of solving such complex optimization problems is to adapt and to refine scheduling policies which are able to call different rules at each TTI based on the best matching scheduler conditions (states). The idea is to develop a set of non-linear functions which maps the scheduler state at each TTI in optimal distribution probabilities of selecting the best scheduling rule. Due to the multi-dimensional and continuous characteristics of the scheduler state space, the scheduling functions should be approximated. Moreover, the function approximations are learned through the interaction with the RRM environment. The Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are used in this sense in order to evaluate and to refine the scheduling policies for the considered DSR-SMOO/CMOO optimization problems. The neural networks are used to train the non-linear mapping functions based on the interaction among the intelligent controller, the LTE packet scheduler and the RRM environment. In order to enhance the convergence in the feasible state and to reduce the scheduler state space dimension, meta-heuristic approaches are used for the channel statement aggregation. Simulation results show that the proposed aggregation scheme is able to outperform other heuristic methods. When the aggregation scheme of the channel statements is exploited, the proposed DSR-SMOO/CMOO problems focusing on different objectives which are solved by using various RL approaches are able to: increase the mean percentage of feasible TTIs, minimize the number of TTIs when the RL approaches punish the actions taken TTI-by-TTI, and minimize the variation of the performance indicators when different simulations are launched in parallel. This way, the obtained scheduling policies being focused on the multi-objective criteria are sustainable. Keywords: LTE, packet scheduling, scheduling rules, multi-objective optimization, reinforcement learning, channel, aggregation, scheduling policies, sustainable

    Cross-layer optimisation of quality of experience for video traffic

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    Realtime video traffic is currently the dominant network traffic and is set to increase in volume for the foreseeable future. As this traffic is bursty, providing perceptually good video quality is a challenging task. Bursty traffic refers to inconsistency of the video traffic level. It is at high level sometimes while is at low level at some other times. Many video traffic measurement algorithms have been proposed for measurement-based admission control. Despite all of this effort, there is no entirely satisfactory admission algorithm for variable rate flows. Furthermore, video frames are subjected to loss and delay which cause quality degradation when sent without reacting to network congestion. The perceived Quality of Experience (QoE)-number of sessions trade-off can be optimised by exploiting the bursty nature of video traffic. This study introduces a cross-layer QoE-aware optimisation architecture for video traffic. QoE is a measure of the user's perception of the quality of a network service. The architecture addresses the problem of QoE degradation in a bottleneck network. It proposes that video sources at the application layer adapt their rate to the network environment by dynamically controlling their transmitted bit rate. Whereas the edge of the network protects the quality of active video sessions by controlling the acceptance of new sessions through a QoE-aware admission control. In particular, it seeks the most efficient way of accepting new video sessions and adapts sending rates to free up resources for more sessions whilst maintaining the QoE of the current sessions. As a pathway to the objective, the performance of the video flows that react to the network load by adapting the sending rate was investigated. Although dynamic rate adaptation enhances the video quality, accepting more sessions than a link can accommodate will degrade the QoE. The video's instantaneous aggregate rate was compared to the average aggregate rate which is a calculated rate over a measurement time window. It was found that there is no substantial difference between the two rates except for a small number of video flows, long measurement window, or fast moving contents (such as sport), in which the average is smaller than the instantaneous rate. These scenarios do not always represent the reality. The finding discussed above was the main motivation for proposing a novel video traffic measurement algorithm that is QoE-aware. The algorithm finds the upper limit of the video total rate that can exceed a specific link capacity without the QoE degradation of ongoing video sessions. When implemented in a QoE-aware admission control, the algorithm managed to maintain the QoE for a higher number of video session compared to the calculated rate-based admission controls such as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard Pre-Congestion Notification (PCN)-based admission control. Subjective tests were conducted to involve human subjects in rating of the quality of videos delivered with the proposed measurement algorithm. Mechanisms proposed for optimising the QoE of video traffic were surveyed in detail in this dissertation and the challenges of achieving this objective were discussed. Finally, the current rate adaptation capability of video applications was combined with the proposed QoE-aware admission control in a QoE-aware cross-layer architecture. The performance of the proposed architecture was evaluated against the architecture in which video applications perform rate adaptation without being managed by the admission control component. The results showed that our architecture optimises the mean Mean Opinion Score (MOS) and number of successful decoded video sessions without compromising the delay. The algorithms proposed in this study were implemented and evaluated using Network Simulator-version 2 (NS-2), MATLAB, Evalvid and Evalvid-RA. These software tools were selected based on their use in similar studies and availability at the university. Data obtained from the simulations was analysed with analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) for the performance metrics were calculated. The proposed architecture will contribute to the preparation for the massive growth of video traffic. The mathematical models of the proposed algorithms contribute to the research community

    On Efficient Signal Processing Algorithms for Signal Detection and PAPR Reduction in OFDM Systems

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    The driving force of the study is susceptibility of LS algorithm to noise. As LS algorithm is simple to implement, hence it’s performance improvement can contribute a lot to the wireless technology that are especially deals with high computation. Cascading of AdaBoost algorithm with LS greatly influences the OFDM system performance. Performance of Adaptive Boosting based symbol recovery was investigated on the performance of LS, MMSE, BLUE were also compared with the performance of AdaBoost algorithm and MMSE has been found the higher computational complexity. Furthermore, MMSE also requires apriori channel statistics and computational complexity O(5N3) of the MMSE increases exponentially as the number of carrier increases. For the Adaboost case the computational complexity calculation is little different.Therefore, in the training stage of the AdaBoost algorithm, the computational complexity is only O(nT M) Furthermore, as it is a classification algorithm so in the receiver side we will require a separate de-mapper (or decoder) to get the desired data bits, i.e., a. SAS aided DCT based PAPR reduction 1326 and b. SAS aided DCT based PAPR reduction. A successive addition subtraction preprocessed DCT based PAPR reduction technique was proposed. Here, the performance of proposed method was compared with other preexisting techniques like SLM and PTS and the performance of the proposed method was seen to outperform specially in low PAPR region. In the proposed PAPR reduction method, the receiver is aware of the transmitted signal processing, this enables a reverse operation at the receiver to extract the transmit data. Hence the requirement of sending extra information through extra subcarrier is eliminated. The proposed method is also seen to be spectrally efficient. In the case of PTS and SLM it is inevitable to send the side information to retrieve the transmit signal. Hence, these two methods are spectrally inefficient. Successive addition subtraction based PAPR reduction method was also applied to MIMO systems. The performance of the SAS based PAPR reduction method also showed better performance as compared to other technique. An extensive simulation of MIMO OFDM PAPR reduction was carried out by varying the number of subcarriers and number of transmitter antennas. A detailed computational complexity analysis was also carried out. BATE aided SDMA multi user detection. A detailed study of SDMA system was carried out with it’s mathematical analysis.Many linear and non linear detectors like ML, MMSE, PIC, SIC have been proposed in literature for multiuser detection of SDMA system. However, except MMSE every receivers other are computational extensive. So as to enhance the performance of the MMSE MUD a meta heuristic Bat algorithm was incorporated in cascade with MMSE

    Planning and optimisation of 4G/5G mobile networks and beyond

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    As mobile networks continue to evolve, two major problems have always existed that greatly affect the quality of service that users experience. These problems are (1) efficient resource management for users at the edge of the network and those in a network coverage hole. (2) network coverage such that improves the quality of service for users while keeping the cost of deployment very low. In this study, two novel algorithms (Collaborative Resource Allocation Algorithm and Memetic-Bee-Swarm Site Location-Allocation Algorithm) are proposed to solve these problems. The Collaborative Resource Allocation Algorithm (CRAA) is inspired by lending and welfare system from the field of political economy and developed as a Market Game. The CRAA allows users to collaborate through coalition formation for cell edge users and users with less than the required Signal-to-Noise-plus-Interference-Ratio to transmit at satisfactory Quality of Service, which is a result of the payoff, achieved and distributed using the Shapley value computed using the Owens Multi Linear Extension function. The Memetic-Bee-Swarm Site Location-Allocation Algorithm (MBSSLAA) is inspired by the behaviour of the Memetic algorithm and Bee Swarm Algorithm for site location. Series of System-level simulations and numerical evaluations were run to evaluate the performance of the algorithms. Numerical evaluation and simulations results show that the Collaborative Resource Allocation Algorithm compared with two popular Long Term Evolution-Advanced algorithms performs higher in comparison when assessed using throughput, spectral efficiency and fairness. Also, results from the simulation of MBSSLAA using realistic network design parameter values show significant higher performance for users in the coverage region of interest and signifies the importance of the ultra-dense small cells network in the future of telecommunications’ services to support the Internet of Things. The results from the proposed algorithms show that following from the existing solutions in the literature; these algorithms give higher performance than existing works done on these problems. On the performance scale, the CRAA achieved an average of 30% improvement on throughput and spectral efficiency for the users of the network. The results also show that the MBSSLAA is capable of reducing the number of small cells in an ultra-dense small cell network while providing the requisite high data coverage. It also indicates that this can be achieved while maintaining high SINR values and throughput for the users, therefore giving them a satisfactory level of quality of service which is a significant requirement in the Fifth Generation network’s specification