1,453 research outputs found

    Automatic Detection of Laryngeal Pathology on Sustained Vowels Using Short-Term Cepstral Parameters: Analysis of Performance and Theoretical Justification

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    The majority of speech signal analysis procedures for automatic detection of laryngeal pathologies mainly rely on parameters extracted from time domain processing. Moreover, calculation of these parameters often requires prior pitch period estimation; therefore, their validity heavily depends on the robustness of pitch detection. Within this paper, an alternative approach based on cepstral- domain processing is presented which has the advantage of not requiring pitch estimation, thus providing a gain in both simplicity and robustness. While the proposed scheme is similar to solutions based on Mel-frequency cepstral parameters, already present in literature, it has an easier physical interpretation while achieving similar performance standards

    Articulatory and bottleneck features for speaker-independent ASR of dysarthric speech

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    The rapid population aging has stimulated the development of assistive devices that provide personalized medical support to the needies suffering from various etiologies. One prominent clinical application is a computer-assisted speech training system which enables personalized speech therapy to patients impaired by communicative disorders in the patient's home environment. Such a system relies on the robust automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology to be able to provide accurate articulation feedback. With the long-term aim of developing off-the-shelf ASR systems that can be incorporated in clinical context without prior speaker information, we compare the ASR performance of speaker-independent bottleneck and articulatory features on dysarthric speech used in conjunction with dedicated neural network-based acoustic models that have been shown to be robust against spectrotemporal deviations. We report ASR performance of these systems on two dysarthric speech datasets of different characteristics to quantify the achieved performance gains. Despite the remaining performance gap between the dysarthric and normal speech, significant improvements have been reported on both datasets using speaker-independent ASR architectures.Comment: to appear in Computer Speech & Language - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2019.05.002 - arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1807.1094

    Multiple voice disorders in the same individual: Investigating handcrafted features, multi-label classification algorithms, and base-learners

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    Non-invasive acoustic analyses of voice disorders have been at the forefront of current biomedical research. Usual strategies, essentially based on machine learning (ML) algorithms, commonly classify a subject as being either healthy or pathologically-affected. Nevertheless, the latter state is not always a result of a sole laryngeal issue, i.e., multiple disorders might exist, demanding multi-label classification procedures for effective diagnoses. Consequently, the objective of this paper is to investigate the application of five multi-label classification methods based on problem transformation to play the role of base-learners, i.e., Label Powerset, Binary Relevance, Nested Stacking, Classifier Chains, and Dependent Binary Relevance with Random Forest (RF) and Support Vector Machine (SVM), in addition to a Deep Neural Network (DNN) from an algorithm adaptation method, to detect multiple voice disorders, i.e., Dysphonia, Laryngitis, Reinke's Edema, Vox Senilis, and Central Laryngeal Motion Disorder. Receiving as input three handcrafted features, i.e., signal energy (SE), zero-crossing rates (ZCRs), and signal entropy (SH), which allow for interpretable descriptors in terms of speech analysis, production, and perception, we observed that the DNN-based approach powered with SE-based feature vectors presented the best values of F1-score among the tested methods, i.e., 0.943, as the averaged value from all the balancing scenarios, under Saarbrücken Voice Database (SVD) and considering 20% of balancing rate with Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE). Finally, our findings of most false negatives for laryngitis may explain the reason why its detection is a serious issue in speech technology. The results we report provide an original contribution, allowing for the consistent detection of multiple speech pathologies and advancing the state-of-the-art in the field of handcrafted acoustic-based non-invasive diagnosis of voice disorders


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    This study aimed to differentiate individuals with Parkinson's disease (PD) from those with other neurological disorders (ND) by analyzing voice samples, considering the association between voice disorders and PD. Voice samples were collected from 76 participants using different recording devices and conditions, with participants instructed to sustain the vowel /a/ comfortably. PRAAT software was employed to extract features including autocorrelation (AC), cross-correlation (CC), and Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) from the voice samples. Principal component analysis (PCA) was utilized to reduce the dimensionality of the features. Classification Tree (CT), Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machines (SVM), and Ensemble methods were employed as supervised machine learning techniques for classification. Each method provided distinct strengths and characteristics, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of their effectiveness in distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. The Naive Bayes kernel, using seven PCA-derived components, achieved the highest accuracy rate of 86.84% among the tested classification methods. It is worth noting that classifier performance may vary based on the dataset and specific characteristics of the voice samples. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the potential of voice analysis as a diagnostic tool for distinguishing PD patients from individuals with other neurological disorders. By employing a variety of voice analysis techniques and utilizing different machine learning algorithms, including Classification Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machines, and Ensemble methods, a notable accuracy rate was attained. However, further research and validation using larger datasets are required to consolidate and generalize these findings for future clinical applications.Przedstawione badanie miało na celu różnicowanie osób z chorobą Parkinsona (PD) od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi poprzez analizę próbek głosowych, biorąc pod uwagę związek między zaburzeniami głosu a PD. Próbki głosowe zostały zebrane od 76 uczestników przy użyciu różnych urządzeń i warunków nagrywania, a uczestnicy byli instruowani, aby wydłużyć samogłoskę /a/ w wygodnym tempie. Oprogramowanie PRAAT zostało zastosowane do ekstrakcji cech, takich jak autokorelacja (AC), krzyżowa korelacja (CC) i współczynniki cepstralne Mel (MFCC) z próbek głosowych. Analiza składowych głównych (PCA) została wykorzystana w celu zmniejszenia wymiarowości cech. Jako techniki nadzorowanego uczenia maszynowego wykorzystano drzewa decyzyjne (CT), regresję logistyczną, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa (NB), maszyny wektorów nośnych (SVM) oraz metody zespołowe. Każda z tych metod posiadała swoje unikalne mocne strony i charakterystyki, umożliwiając kompleksową ocenę ich skuteczności w rozróżnianiu pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, wykorzystujący siedem składowych PCA, osiągnął najwyższy wskaźnik dokładności na poziomie 86,84% wśród przetestowanych metod klasyfikacji. Należy jednak zauważyć, że wydajność klasyfikatora może się różnić w zależności od zbioru danych i konkretnych cech próbek głosowych. Podsumowując, to badanie wykazało potencjał analizy głosu jako narzędzia diagnostycznego do rozróżniania pacjentów z PD od osób z innymi zaburzeniami neurologicznymi. Poprzez zastosowanie różnych technik analizy głosu i wykorzystanie różnych algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, takich jak drzewa decyzyjne, regresja logistyczna, naiwny klasyfikator Bayesa, maszyny wektorów nośnych i metody zespołowe, osiągnięto znaczący poziom dokładności. Niemniej jednak, konieczne są dalsze badania i walidacja na większych zbiorach danych w celu skonsolidowania i uogólnienia tych wyników dla przyszłych zastosowań klinicznych

    Use of Cepstrum-based parameters for automatic pathology detection on speech. Analysis of performance and theoretical justification

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    The majority of speech signal analysis procedures for automatic pathology detection mostly rely on parameters extracted from time-domain processing. Moreover, calculation of these parameters often requires prior pitch period estimation; therefore, their validity heavily depends on the robustness of pitch detection. Within this paper, an alternative approach based on cepstral-domain processing is presented which has the advantage of not requiring pitch estimation, thus providing a gain in both simplicity and robustness. While the proposed scheme is similar to solutions based on Mel-frequency cepstral parameters, already present in literature, it has an easier physical interpretation while achieving similar performance standards

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies

    Enhancing dysarthria speech feature representation with empirical mode decomposition and Walsh-Hadamard transform

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    Dysarthria speech contains the pathological characteristics of vocal tract and vocal fold, but so far, they have not yet been included in traditional acoustic feature sets. Moreover, the nonlinearity and non-stationarity of speech have been ignored. In this paper, we propose a feature enhancement algorithm for dysarthria speech called WHFEMD. It combines empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and fast Walsh-Hadamard transform (FWHT) to enhance features. With the proposed algorithm, the fast Fourier transform of the dysarthria speech is first performed and then followed by EMD to get intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). After that, FWHT is used to output new coefficients and to extract statistical features based on IMFs, power spectral density, and enhanced gammatone frequency cepstral coefficients. To evaluate the proposed approach, we conducted experiments on two public pathological speech databases including UA Speech and TORGO. The results show that our algorithm performed better than traditional features in classification. We achieved improvements of 13.8% (UA Speech) and 3.84% (TORGO), respectively. Furthermore, the incorporation of an imbalanced classification algorithm to address data imbalance has resulted in a 12.18% increase in recognition accuracy. This algorithm effectively addresses the challenges of the imbalanced dataset and non-linearity in dysarthric speech and simultaneously provides a robust representation of the local pathological features of the vocal folds and tracts

    Dysarthric speech analysis and automatic recognition using phase based representations

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    Dysarthria is a neurological speech impairment which usually results in the loss of motor speech control due to muscular atrophy and poor coordination of articulators. Dysarthric speech is more difficult to model with machine learning algorithms, due to inconsistencies in the acoustic signal and to limited amounts of training data. This study reports a new approach for the analysis and representation of dysarthric speech, and applies it to improve ASR performance. The Zeros of Z-Transform (ZZT) are investigated for dysarthric vowel segments. It shows evidence of a phase-based acoustic phenomenon that is responsible for the way the distribution of zero patterns relate to speech intelligibility. It is investigated whether such phase-based artefacts can be systematically exploited to understand their association with intelligibility. A metric based on the phase slope deviation (PSD) is introduced that are observed in the unwrapped phase spectrum of dysarthric vowel segments. The metric compares the differences between the slopes of dysarthric vowels and typical vowels. The PSD shows a strong and nearly linear correspondence with the intelligibility of the speaker, and it is shown to hold for two separate databases of dysarthric speakers. A systematic procedure for correcting the underlying phase deviations results in a significant improvement in ASR performance for speakers with severe and moderate dysarthria. In addition, information encoded in the phase component of the Fourier transform of dysarthric speech is exploited in the group delay spectrum. Its properties are found to represent disordered speech more effectively than the magnitude spectrum. Dysarthric ASR performance was significantly improved using phase-based cepstral features in comparison to the conventional MFCCs. A combined approach utilising the benefits of PSD corrections and phase-based features was found to surpass all the previous performance on the UASPEECH database of dysarthric speech

    Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications

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    The MAVEBA Workshop proceedings, held on a biannual basis, collect the scientific papers presented both as oral and poster contributions, during the conference. The main subjects are: development of theoretical and mechanical models as an aid to the study of main phonatory dysfunctions, as well as the biomedical engineering methods for the analysis of voice signals and images, as a support to clinical diagnosis and classification of vocal pathologies