13 research outputs found

    Optimizing Engagement Simulations Through the Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM) Software

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    The ability to effectively model and simulate military missions holds the potential to save lives, money, and resources for the United States. The Advanced Framework for Simulation, Integration, and Modeling (AFSIM) software is a tool used to rapidly simulate and model new technologies and mission level scenarios. In this thesis, our objective is to integrate a closed loop optimization routine with AFSIM to identify an effective objective function to assess optimal inputs for engagement scenarios. Given the many factors which impact a mission level engagement, we developed a tool which interfaces with AFSIM to observe the effects from multiple inputs in an engagement scenario. Our tool operates under the assumption that simulation results have met an acceptable convergence threshold. The objective function evaluates the effectiveness and associated cost with a scenario using a genetic algorithm and a particle swarm optimization algorithm. From this, a statistical analysis was performed to assess risk from the distribution of effectiveness and cost at each point. The method allows an optimal set of inputs to be selected for a desired result from the selected engagement scenario.No embargoAcademic Major: Mechanical Engineerin

    A primer on using Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate marksmanship

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    Purpose – Evaluating warfighter lethality is a critical aspect of military performance. Raw metrics such as marksmanship speed and accuracy can provide some insight, yet interpreting subtle differences can be challenging. For example, is a speed difference of 300 milliseconds more important than a 10% accuracy difference on the same drill? Marksmanship evaluations must have objective methods to differentiate between critical factors while maintaining a holistic view of human performance. Design/methodology/approach – Monte Carlo simulations are one method to circumvent speed/accuracy trade-offs within marksmanship evaluations. They can accommodate both speed and accuracy implications simultaneously without needing to hold one constant for the sake of the other. Moreover, Monte Carlo simulations can incorporate variability as a key element of performance. This approach thus allows analysts to determine consistency of performance expectations when projecting future outcomes. Findings – The review divides outcomes into both theoretical overview and practical implication sections. Each aspect of the Monte Carlo simulation can be addressed separately, reviewed and then incorporated as a potential component of small arms combat modeling. This application allows for new human performance practitioners to more quickly adopt the method for different applications. Originality/value – Performance implications are often presented as inferential statistics. By using the Monte Carlo simulations, practitioners can present outcomes in terms of lethality. This method should help convey the impact of any marksmanship evaluation to senior leadership better than current inferential statistics, such as effect size measures

    Симулятор роботи гаубиці на основі віртуальної реальності

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    Тема кваліфікаційної роботи магістра «Симулятор роботи гаубиці на основі віртуальної реальності». Кваліфікаційну роботу магістра присвячено розробці програми навчання стрільби з гаубиці на основі віртуальної реальності. У першому розділі було досліджено предметну область та проведено порівняння аналогів. У другому розділі визначено мету та основні задачі дослідження. Також проаналізовано актуальні засоби реалізації які підходять для успішної реалізації модулю. Третій розділ присвячений моделюванню та проектуванню програми. Було проведене функціональне моделювання, моделювання варіантів використання. У четвертому розділі представлена архітектура. Описана реалізація та продемонстровано його використання. Результатом виконання роботи є розробленена програма для навчання стрільби з гаубиці за допомогою віртуальної реальності

    Simulations in Pre-emptive and Preventive Intervention

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    Simulations are digital environments created by imitating real environments and creating similar ones with mathematical models. In this respect, it is possible to calculate all the possibilities that can be experienced by uploading the data of the real world to these imitated digital environments. The fact that the resulting knowledge can affect real-world policies is a subject that needs to be discussed. Thanks to simulations, probability calculations for important security issues of states have now become frequently used methods. However, it should be discussed whether this security method tried to be provided through the digital space will be a directing factor as a basis for defence or whether taking an action based on simulation data can be interpreted as an attack. This study undertakes to seek answers to these questions. The conceptual framework of the study is the concepts of pre-emptive and preventive intervention. In this context, the study examines whether the use of simulation data as a basis for defence in interventions can be a pre-emptive and preventive approach. The legitimacy of using simulation data and artificial intelligence analyses for identifying enemies and calculating aggression indicators depends on the specific forms of international cooperation and the processes through which international actors establish acceptable options

    Identifying Criteria to Predict Army Rifle Marksmanship Proficiency

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    The United States Army requires each Soldier to develop marksmanship proficiency in an effort to achieve combat readiness. Soldiers currently develop marksmanship proficiency through Basic Rifle Marksmanship (BRM) training, but significant skill deficiencies are apparent at the end of training. These skill deficiencies remain throughout training because instructors rarely assess Soldiers objectively before the final qualification, reducing the opportunity for instructors to diagnose skill deficiencies until it is too late. Therefore, the goal of the current research is to identify individual differences and sensor-based performance measures for inclusion in a formative assessment during BRM training. The results of the current study found several variables that predicted marksmanship qualification scores. These findings bring research one step closer to identifying skill deficiencies and individual needs prior to training. However, more research is needed to maximize the understanding and improvement of marksmanship performance and, in turn, improve overall combat readiness

    Teacher Perceptions of Digital Gaming and 21st-century skills in the Middle School Classroom

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    Teacher Perceptions of digital gaming and 21st-century skills in Middle School classrooms ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to capture teacher perceptions on the use of digital gaming in the learning environment of middle school classrooms. Additionally, to speak to perceptions on learning of 21st-century skills such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. This study of two middle schools in the same district in suburban New Jersey was utilized for capturing the ideas of teachers who employed a variety of digital games in the classroom as part of their learning objectives. An interview protocol was utilized to direct questions around ideas with a focus on: game types, game objectives and observations of learning, as well as perceptions around the assessment of learning. Interviews were conducted with educators both individually and in a group to compile their perspectives on how games can be utilized towards a learning target, specifically to support 21st-century skills. The digital games came in the form of a variety of formats and utilized for different intents, but purposefully integrated to support constructivist learning styles and foster learning. This study contributed information to the literature regarding digital gaming and learning, inclusive and beyond that of engagement. Recommendations for educational leaders and policy makers were outlined as well as suggestions for future research relevant to these ideas were also included

    Teacher Perceptions of Digital Gaming and 21st-century skills in the Middle School Classroom

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    Teacher Perceptions of digital gaming and 21st-century skills in Middle School classrooms ABSTRACT The purpose of this research was to capture teacher perceptions on the use of digital gaming in the learning environment of middle school classrooms. Additionally, to speak to perceptions on learning of 21st-century skills such as communication, collaboration and critical thinking. This study of two middle schools in the same district in suburban New Jersey was utilized for capturing the ideas of teachers who employed a variety of digital games in the classroom as part of their learning objectives. An interview protocol was utilized to direct questions around ideas with a focus on: game types, game objectives and observations of learning, as well as perceptions around the assessment of learning. Interviews were conducted with educators both individually and in a group to compile their perspectives on how games can be utilized towards a learning target, specifically to support 21st-century skills. The digital games came in the form of a variety of formats and utilized for different intents, but purposefully integrated to support constructivist learning styles and foster learning. This study contributed information to the literature regarding digital gaming and learning, inclusive and beyond that of engagement. Recommendations for educational leaders and policy makers were outlined as well as suggestions for future research relevant to these ideas were also included

    2018 Faculty Excellence Showcase, AFIT Graduate School of Engineering & Management

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    Excerpt: As an academic institution, we strive to meet and exceed the expectations for graduate programs and laud our values and contributions to the academic community. At the same time, we must recognize, appreciate, and promote the unique non-academic values and accomplishments that our faculty team brings to the national defense, which is a priority of the Federal Government. In this respect, through our diverse and multi-faceted contributions, our faculty, as a whole, excel, not only along the metrics of civilian academic expectations, but also along the metrics of military requirements, and national priorities

    Air Force Institute of Technology Research Report 2018

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    This Research Report presents the FY18 research statistics and contributions of the Graduate School of Engineering and Management (EN) at AFIT. AFIT research interests and faculty expertise cover a broad spectrum of technical areas related to USAF needs, as reflected by the range of topics addressed in the faculty and student publications listed in this report. In most cases, the research work reported herein is directly sponsored by one or more USAF or DOD agencies. AFIT welcomes the opportunity to conduct research on additional topics of interest to the USAF, DOD, and other federal organizations when adequate manpower and financial resources are available and/or provided by a sponsor. In addition, AFIT provides research collaboration and technology transfer benefits to the public through Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs). Interested individuals may discuss ideas for new research collaborations, potential CRADAs, or research proposals with individual faculty using the contact information in this document

    Kampsimulator i Hæren - en kvalitativ analyse av konsekvenser utsettelsen i leveransen av ny kampsimulator for CV9030 har hatt for Hæren?

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    Parallelt med anskaffelsen av nye CV90 stormpanservogner til Hæren har det pågått en prosess for å anskaffe ny kampsimulator. Denne oppgaven har hatt til hensikt å avdekke konsekvenser for Hæren og dens evne til å drive utdanning og trening av sitt CV90- personell som en følge av forsinket leveranse av ny kampsimulator. Funnene i oppgaven er basert på analyser av relevante dokumenter fremskaffet både selvstendig og gjennom samtaler med relevant fagpersonell med tilknytning til problemstillingen. Oppgavens teoretiske rammeverk gir leseren et enkelt bilde av hva simulatorer er og noen eksempler på hvordan de har og blir brukt til utdanning og trening sivilt og militært. Det vises også til teori innenfor kunnskap, læring, samhold, motivasjon, og økonomiske data som danner grunnlag for den videre analysen. Analysen av problemstillingen drøfter en rekke faktorer knyttet til problemstillingen. Den tar for seg konsekvenser knyttet til Hærens evne til å drive utdanning og trening, samhold og relasjonsbygging, handlefrihet, tid, og økonomi. Gjennom analyse av de overnevnte faktorene har oppgaven identifisert at mangel på ny kampsimulator har hatt både positive og negative konsekvenser for Hæren. Til tross for mitigerende tiltak som bruk av kampsimulator i utlandet, og andre simulatorer i Norge, klarer ikke Hæren å nå egne mål for utdanning og trening av vognpersonell. Imidlertid ser man at bruken av kampsimulator i utlandet er et godt supplement for noen former for trening. I tillegg bidrar utenlandsopphold positivt til soldatenes motivasjon, samt samholdet i avdelingen. Imidlertid viser analyse av den økonomiske faktoren at i et såpass begrenset tidsperspektiv har det verken vært en negativ eller positiv økonomisk konsekvens til mangel på kampsimulator i Norge