865 research outputs found

    A highly efficient multiplication-free binary arithmetic coder and its application in video coding. In: ICIP

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    ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION Arithmetic coding has attracted a growing attention in the past years. Recently developed image coding standards like JBIG-2, JPEG-LS or JPEG2000 Binary arithmetic coding is based on the principle of recursive interval subdivision that involves the following elementary multiplication operation. Suppose that an estimate of the probability p LPS of the least probable symbol (LPS) is given and that the given coding interval is represented by its lower bound (base) L and its width (range) R. Based on that settings, the given interval is subdivided into two sub-intervals: one interval of width R LPS = R × p LPS

    Algorithms and Architectures for Secure Embedded Multimedia Systems

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    Embedded multimedia systems provide real-time video support for applications in entertainment (mobile phones, internet video websites), defense (video-surveillance and tracking) and public-domain (tele-medicine, remote and distant learning, traffic monitoring and management). With the widespread deployment of such real-time embedded systems, there has been an increasing concern over the security and authentication of concerned multimedia data. While several (software) algorithms and hardware architectures have been proposed in the research literature to support multimedia security, these fail to address embedded applications whose performance specifications have tighter constraints on computational power and available hardware resources. The goals of this dissertation research are two fold: 1. To develop novel algorithms for joint video compression and encryption. The proposed algorithms reduce the computational requirements of multimedia encryption algorithms. We propose an approach that uses the compression parameters instead of compressed bitstream for video encryption. 2. Hardware acceleration of proposed algorithms over reconfigurable computing platforms such as FPGA and over VLSI circuits. We use signal processing knowledge to make the algorithms suitable for hardware optimizations and try to reduce the critical path of circuits using hardware-specific optimizations. The proposed algorithms ensures a considerable level of security for low-power embedded systems such as portable video players and surveillance cameras. These schemes have zero or little compression losses and preserve the desired properties of compressed bitstream in encrypted bitstream to ensure secure and scalable transmission of videos over heterogeneous networks. They also support indexing, search and retrieval in secure multimedia digital libraries. This property is crucial not only for police and armed forces to retrieve information about a suspect from a large video database of surveillance feeds, but extremely helpful for data centers (such as those used by youtube, aol and metacafe) in reducing the computation cost in search and retrieval of desired videos

    An Energy-efficient Live Video Coding and Communication over Unreliable Channels

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    In the field of multimedia communications there exist many important applications where live or real-time video data is captured by a camera, compressed and transmitted over the channel which can be very unreliable and, at the same time, computational resources or battery capacity of the transmission device are very limited. For example, such scenario holds for video transmission for space missions, vehicle-to-infrastructure video delivery, multimedia wireless sensor networks, wireless endoscopy, video coding on mobile phones, high definition wireless video surveillance and so on. Taking into account such restrictions, a development of efficient video coding techniques for these applications is a challenging problem. The most popular video compression standards, such as H.264/AVC, are based on the hybrid video coding concept, which is very efficient when video encoding is performed off-line or non real-time and the pre-encoded video is played back. However, the high computational complexity of the encoding and the high sensitivity of the hybrid video bit stream to losses in the communication channel constitute a significant barrier of using these standards for the applications mentioned above. In this thesis, as an alternative to the standards, a video coding based on three-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (3-D DWT) is considered as a candidate to provide a good trade-off between encoding efficiency, computational complexity and robustness to channel losses. Efficient tools are proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the 3-D DWT codec. These tools cover all levels of the codec’s development such as adaptive binary arithmetic coding, bit-plane entropy coding, wavelet transform, packet loss protection based on error-correction codes and bit rate control. These tools can be implemented as end-to-end solution and directly used in real-life scenarios. The thesis provides theoretical, simulation and real-world results which show that the proposed 3-D DWT codec can be more preferable than the standards for live video coding and communication over highly unreliable channels and or in systems where the video encoding computational complexity or power consumption plays a critical role

    Gbit/second lossless data compression hardware

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    This thesis investigates how to improve the performance of lossless data compression hardware as a tool to reduce the cost per bit stored in a computer system or transmitted over a communication network. Lossless data compression allows the exact reconstruction of the original data after decompression. Its deployment in some high-bandwidth applications has been hampered due to performance limitations in the compressing hardware that needs to match the performance of the original system to avoid becoming a bottleneck. Advancing the area of lossless data compression hardware, hence, offers a valid motivation with the potential of doubling the performance of the system that incorporates it with minimum investment. This work starts by presenting an analysis of current compression methods with the objective of identifying the factors that limit performance and also the factors that increase it. [Continues.

    CABAC accelerator architectures for video compression in future multimedida : a survey

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    The demands for high quality, real-time performance and multi-format video support in consumer multimedia products are ever increasing. In particular, the future multimedia systems require efficient video coding algorithms and corresponding adaptive high-performance computational platforms. The H.264/AVC video coding algorithms provide high enough compression efficiency to be utilized in these systems, and multimedia processors are able to provide the required adaptability, but the algorithms complexity demands for more efficient computing platforms. Heterogeneous (re-)configurable systems composed of multimedia processors and hardware accelerators constitute the main part of such platforms. In this paper, we survey the hardware accelerator architectures for Context-based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding (CABAC) of Main and High profiles of H.264/AVC. The purpose of the survey is to deliver a critical insight in the proposed solutions, and this way facilitate further research on accelerator architectures, architecture development methods and supporting EDA tools. The architectures are analyzed, classified and compared based on the core hardware acceleration concepts, algorithmic characteristics, video resolution support and performance parameters, and some promising design directions are discussed. The comparative analysis shows that the parallel pipeline accelerator architecture seems to be the most promising

    DCT Implementation on GPU

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    There has been a great progress in the field of graphics processors. Since, there is no rise in the speed of the normal CPU processors; Designers are coming up with multi-core, parallel processors. Because of their popularity in parallel processing, GPUs are becoming more and more attractive for many applications. With the increasing demand in utilizing GPUs, there is a great need to develop operating systems that handle the GPU to full capacity. GPUs offer a very efficient environment for many image processing applications. This thesis explores the processing power of GPUs for digital image compression using Discrete cosine transform

    Fast and Efficient Entropy Coding Architectures for Massive Data Compression

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    The compression of data is fundamental to alleviating the costs of transmitting and storing massive datasets employed in myriad fields of our society. Most compression systems employ an entropy coder in their coding pipeline to remove the redundancy of coded symbols. The entropy-coding stage needs to be efficient, to yield high compression ratios, and fast, to process large amounts of data rapidly. Despite their widespread use, entropy coders are commonly assessed for some particular scenario or coding system. This work provides a general framework to assess and optimize different entropy coders. First, the paper describes three main families of entropy coders, namely those based on variable-to-variable length codes (V2VLC), arithmetic coding (AC), and tabled asymmetric numeral systems (tANS). Then, a low-complexity architecture for the most representative coder(s) of each family is presented-more precisely, a general version of V2VLC, the MQ, M, and a fixed-length version of AC and two different implementations of tANS. These coders are evaluated under different coding conditions in terms of compression efficiency and computational throughput. The results obtained suggest that V2VLC and tANS achieve the highest compression ratios for most coding rates and that the AC coder that uses fixed-length codewords attains the highest throughput. The experimental evaluation discloses the advantages and shortcomings of each entropy-coding scheme, providing insights that may help to select this stage in forthcoming compression systems

    A novel approach for the hardware implementation of a PPMC statistical data compressor

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    This thesis aims to understand how to design high-performance compression algorithms suitable for hardware implementation and to provide hardware support for an efficient compression algorithm. Lossless data compression techniques have been developed to exploit the available bandwidth of applications in data communications and computer systems by reducing the amount of data they transmit or store. As the amount of data to handle is ever increasing, traditional methods for compressing data become· insufficient. To overcome this problem, more powerful methods have been developed. Among those are the so-called statistical data compression methods that compress data based on their statistics. However, their high complexity and space requirements have prevented their hardware implementation and the full exploitation of their potential benefits. This thesis looks into the feasibility of the hardware implementation of one of these statistical data compression methods by exploring the potential for reorganising and restructuring the method for hardware implementation and investigating ways of achieving efficient and effective designs to achieve an efficient and cost-effective algorithm. [Continues.