7 research outputs found

    Increasing the robustness of CUDA Fermi GPU-based systems

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    Nowadays Graphical processing Units (GPUs) have become increasingly popular due to their high computational power and low prices. This makes them particularly suitable for high-performance computing applications, like data elaboration and image processing. In these fields, the capability of properly work even in presence of faults is mandatory. This paper presents an innovative approach, that combines a Software Based Self Test & Diagnosis (SBSTD) methodology with a fault mitigation strategy, to increase the robustness of a CUDA Fermi GPU-based system

    A software-based self test of CUDA Fermi GPUs

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    Nowadays, Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) have become increasingly popular due to their high computational power and low prices. This makes them particularly suitable for high-performance computing applications, like data elaboration and financial computation. In these fields, high efficient test methodologies are mandatory. One of the most effective ways to detect and localize hardware faults in GPUs is a Software-Based-Self-Test methodology (SBST). In this paper a fully comprehensive SBST and fault localization methodology for GPUs is presented. This novel approach exploits different custom test strategies for each component inside the GPU architecture. Such strategies guarantee both permanent fault detection and accurate fault localization

    Error tolerant multimedia stream processing: There's plenty of room at the top (of the system stack)

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    There is a growing realization that the expected fault rates and energy dissipation stemming from increases in CMOS integration will lead to the abandonment of traditional system reliability in favor of approaches that offer reliability to hardware-induced errors across the application, runtime support, architecture, device and integrated-circuit (IC) layers. Commercial stakeholders of multimedia stream processing (MSP) applications, such as information retrieval, stream mining systems, and high-throughput image and video processing systems already feel the strain of inadequate system-level scaling and robustness under the always-increasing user demand. While such applications can tolerate certain imprecision in their results, today's MSP systems do not support a systematic way to exploit this aspect for cross-layer system resilience. However, research is currently emerging that attempts to utilize the error-tolerant nature of MSP applications for this purpose. This is achieved by modifications to all layers of the system stack, from algorithms and software to the architecture and device layer, and even the IC digital logic synthesis itself. Unlike conventional processing that aims for worst-case performance and accuracy guarantees, error-tolerant MSP attempts to provide guarantees for the expected performance and accuracy. In this paper we review recent advances in this field from an MSP and a system (layer-by-layer) perspective, and attempt to foresee some of the components of future cross-layer error-tolerant system design that may influence the multimedia and the general computing landscape within the next ten years. © 1999-2012 IEEE

    A Hardware Redundancy and Recovery Mechanism for Reliable Scientific Computation on Graphics Processors Abstract

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    General purpose computation on graphics processors (GPGPU) has rapidly evolved since the introduction of commodity programmable graphics hardware. With the appearance of GPGPU computation-oriented APIs such as AMD’s Close to the Metal (CTM) and NVIDIA’s Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA), we begin to see GPU vendors putting financial stakes into this non-graphics, one-time niche market. Major supercomputing installations are building GPGPU clusters to take advantage of massively parallel floating point capabilities, and Folding@Home has even released a GPU port of its protein folding distributed computation client. But in order for GPGPU to truly become important to the supercomputing community, vendors will have to address the heretofore unimportant reliability concerns of graphics processors. We present a hardware redundancy-based approach to reliability for general purpose computation on GPUs that requires minimal change to existing GPU architectures. Upon detecting an error, the system invokes an automatic recovery mechanism that only recomputes erroneous results. Our results show that our technique imposes less than a 1.5 × performance penalty and saves energy for GPGPU but is completely transparent to general graphics and does not affect the performance of the games that drive the market. 1

    Hard and Soft Error Resilience for One-sided Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms

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    Dense matrix factorizations, such as LU, Cholesky and QR, are widely used by scientific applications that require solving systems of linear equations, eigenvalues and linear least squares problems. Such computations are normally carried out on supercomputers, whose ever-growing scale induces a fast decline of the Mean Time To Failure (MTTF). This dissertation develops fault tolerance algorithms for one-sided dense matrix factorizations, which handles Both hard and soft errors. For hard errors, we propose methods based on diskless checkpointing and Algorithm Based Fault Tolerance (ABFT) to provide full matrix protection, including the left and right factor that are normally seen in dense matrix factorizations. A horizontal parallel diskless checkpointing scheme is devised to maintain the checkpoint data with scalable performance and low space overhead, while the ABFT checksum that is generated before the factorization constantly updates itself by the factorization operations to protect the right factor. In addition, without an available fault tolerant MPI supporting environment, we have also integrated the Checkpoint-on-Failure(CoF) mechanism into one-sided dense linear operations such as QR factorization to recover the running stack of the failed MPI process. Soft error is more challenging because of the silent data corruption, which leads to a large area of erroneous data due to error propagation. Full matrix protection is developed where the left factor is protected by column-wise local diskless checkpointing, and the right factor is protected by a combination of a floating point weighted checksum scheme and soft error modeling technique. To allow practical use on large scale system, we have also developed a complexity reduction scheme such that correct computing results can be recovered with low performance overhead. Experiment results on large scale cluster system and multicore+GPGPU hybrid system have confirmed that our hard and soft error fault tolerance algorithms exhibit the expected error correcting capability, low space and performance overhead and compatibility with double precision floating point operation

    From experiment to design – fault characterization and detection in parallel computer systems using computational accelerators

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    This dissertation summarizes experimental validation and co-design studies conducted to optimize the fault detection capabilities and overheads in hybrid computer systems (e.g., using CPUs and Graphics Processing Units, or GPUs), and consequently to improve the scalability of parallel computer systems using computational accelerators. The experimental validation studies were conducted to help us understand the failure characteristics of CPU-GPU hybrid computer systems under various types of hardware faults. The main characterization targets were faults that are difficult to detect and/or recover from, e.g., faults that cause long latency failures (Ch. 3), faults in dynamically allocated resources (Ch. 4), faults in GPUs (Ch. 5), faults in MPI programs (Ch. 6), and microarchitecture-level faults with specific timing features (Ch. 7). The co-design studies were based on the characterization results. One of the co-designed systems has a set of source-to-source translators that customize and strategically place error detectors in the source code of target GPU programs (Ch. 5). Another co-designed system uses an extension card to learn the normal behavioral and semantic execution patterns of message-passing processes executing on CPUs, and to detect abnormal behaviors of those parallel processes (Ch. 6). The third co-designed system is a co-processor that has a set of new instructions in order to support software-implemented fault detection techniques (Ch. 7). The work described in this dissertation gains more importance because heterogeneous processors have become an essential component of state-of-the-art supercomputers. GPUs were used in three of the five fastest supercomputers that were operating in 2011. Our work included comprehensive fault characterization studies in CPU-GPU hybrid computers. In CPUs, we monitored the target systems for a long period of time after injecting faults (a temporally comprehensive experiment), and injected faults into various types of program states that included dynamically allocated memory (to be spatially comprehensive). In GPUs, we used fault injection studies to demonstrate the importance of detecting silent data corruption (SDC) errors that are mainly due to the lack of fine-grained protections and the massive use of fault-insensitive data. This dissertation also presents transparent fault tolerance frameworks and techniques that are directly applicable to hybrid computers built using only commercial off-the-shelf hardware components. This dissertation shows that by developing understanding of the failure characteristics and error propagation paths of target programs, we were able to create fault tolerance frameworks and techniques that can quickly detect and recover from hardware faults with low performance and hardware overheads