1,665 research outputs found

    A Mechatronic Approach to Control of 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator

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    This paper presents a practical implementation, using reconfigurable computing applied to robotic problems. Through the proposal a hierarchical architecture, distributing the several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing is possible to take into account the easiness of future modifications, updates and improvements in the robotic applications. A practical example is presenting using reconfigurable computing, of Stewart- Gough platform control, where the developed software and hardware are structured in independent blocks, through open architecture implementation, allowing the easy expansion of the system, better adapting the platform to the tasks associated to it. This open architecture implementation allows an easy expansion of the system and a better adaptation of the platform to its related tasks.N/

    ControlPULP: A RISC-V On-Chip Parallel Power Controller for Many-Core HPC Processors with FPGA-Based Hardware-In-The-Loop Power and Thermal Emulation

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    High-Performance Computing (HPC) processors are nowadays integrated Cyber-Physical Systems demanding complex and high-bandwidth closed-loop power and thermal control strategies. To efficiently satisfy real-time multi-input multi-output (MIMO) optimal power requirements, high-end processors integrate an on-die power controller system (PCS). While traditional PCSs are based on a simple microcontroller (MCU)-class core, more scalable and flexible PCS architectures are required to support advanced MIMO control algorithms for managing the ever-increasing number of cores, power states, and process, voltage, and temperature variability. This paper presents ControlPULP, an open-source, HW/SW RISC-V parallel PCS platform consisting of a single-core MCU with fast interrupt handling coupled with a scalable multi-core programmable cluster accelerator and a specialized DMA engine for the parallel acceleration of real-time power management policies. ControlPULP relies on FreeRTOS to schedule a reactive power control firmware (PCF) application layer. We demonstrate ControlPULP in a power management use-case targeting a next-generation 72-core HPC processor. We first show that the multi-core cluster accelerates the PCF, achieving 4.9x speedup compared to single-core execution, enabling more advanced power management algorithms within the control hyper-period at a shallow area overhead, about 0.1% the area of a modern HPC CPU die. We then assess the PCS and PCF by designing an FPGA-based, closed-loop emulation framework that leverages the heterogeneous SoCs paradigm, achieving DVFS tracking with a mean deviation within 3% the plant's thermal design power (TDP) against a software-equivalent model-in-the-loop approach. Finally, we show that the proposed PCF compares favorably with an industry-grade control algorithm under computational-intensive workloads.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figure

    Custom optimization algorithms for efficient hardware implementation

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    The focus is on real-time optimal decision making with application in advanced control systems. These computationally intensive schemes, which involve the repeated solution of (convex) optimization problems within a sampling interval, require more efficient computational methods than currently available for extending their application to highly dynamical systems and setups with resource-constrained embedded computing platforms. A range of techniques are proposed to exploit synergies between digital hardware, numerical analysis and algorithm design. These techniques build on top of parameterisable hardware code generation tools that generate VHDL code describing custom computing architectures for interior-point methods and a range of first-order constrained optimization methods. Since memory limitations are often important in embedded implementations we develop a custom storage scheme for KKT matrices arising in interior-point methods for control, which reduces memory requirements significantly and prevents I/O bandwidth limitations from affecting the performance in our implementations. To take advantage of the trend towards parallel computing architectures and to exploit the special characteristics of our custom architectures we propose several high-level parallel optimal control schemes that can reduce computation time. A novel optimization formulation was devised for reducing the computational effort in solving certain problems independent of the computing platform used. In order to be able to solve optimization problems in fixed-point arithmetic, which is significantly more resource-efficient than floating-point, tailored linear algebra algorithms were developed for solving the linear systems that form the computational bottleneck in many optimization methods. These methods come with guarantees for reliable operation. We also provide finite-precision error analysis for fixed-point implementations of first-order methods that can be used to minimize the use of resources while meeting accuracy specifications. The suggested techniques are demonstrated on several practical examples, including a hardware-in-the-loop setup for optimization-based control of a large airliner.Open Acces

    Design and implementation of an FPGA-based piecewise affine Kalman Filter for Cyber-Physical Systems

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    The Kalman Filter is a robust tool often employed as a process observer in Cyber-Physical Systems. However, in the general case the high computational cost, especially for large plant models or fast sample rates, makes it an impractical choice for typical low-power microcontrollers. Furthermore, although industry trends towards tighter integration are supported by powerful high-end System-on-Chip software processors, this consolidation complicates the ability for a controls engineer to verify correct behavior of the system under all conditions, which is important in safety-critical systems and systems demanding a high degree of reliability. Dedicated Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) hardware can provide application speedup, design partitioning in mixed-criticality systems, and fully deterministic timing, which helps ensure a control system behaves identically to offline simulations. This dissertation presents a new design methodology which can be leveraged to yield such benefits. Although this dissertation focuses on the Kalman Filter, the method is general enough to be extended to other compute-intensive algorithms which rely on state-space modeling. For the first part, the core idea is that decomposing the Kalman Filter algorithm from a strictly linear perspective leads to a more generalized architecture with increased performance compared to approaches which focus on nonlinear filters (e.g. Extended Kalman Filter). Our contribution is a broadly-applicable hardware-software architecture for a linear Kalman Filter whose operating domain is extended through online model swapping. A supporting application-agnostic performance and resource analysis is provided. For the second part, we identify limitations of the mixed hardware-software method and demonstrate how to leverage hardware-based region identification in order to develop a strictly hardware-only Kalman Filter which maintains a large operating domain. The resulting hardware processor is partitioned from low criticality software tasks running on a supervising software processor and enables vastly simplified timing validation

    Real-time multi-domain optimization controller for multi-motor electric vehicles using automotive-suitable methods and heterogeneous embedded platforms

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    Los capítulos 2,3 y 7 están sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor. 145 p.In this Thesis, an elaborate control solution combining Machine Learning and Soft Computing techniques has been developed, targeting a chal lenging vehicle dynamics application aiming to optimize the torque distribution across the wheels with four independent electric motors.The technological context that has motivated this research brings together potential -and challenges- from multiple dom ains: new automotive powertrain topologies with increased degrees of freedom and controllability, which can be approached with innovative Machine Learning algorithm concepts, being implementable by exploiting the computational capacity of modern heterogeneous embedded platforms and automated toolchains. The complex relations among these three domains that enable the potential for great enhancements, do contrast with the fourth domain in this context: challenging constraints brought by industrial aspects and safe ty regulations. The innovative control architecture that has been conce ived combines Neural Networks as Virtual Sensor for unmeasurable forces , with a multi-objective optimization function driven by Fuzzy Logic , which defines priorities basing on the real -time driving situation. The fundamental principle is to enhance vehicle dynamics by implementing a Torque Vectoring controller that prevents wheel slip using the inputs provided by the Neural Network. Complementary optimization objectives are effici ency, thermal stress and smoothness. Safety -critical concerns are addressed through architectural and functional measures.Two main phases can be identified across the activities and milestones achieved in this work. In a first phase, a baseline Torque Vectoring controller was implemented on an embedded platform and -benefiting from a seamless transition using Hardware-in -the -Loop - it was integrated into a real Motor -in -Wheel vehicle for race track tests. Having validated the concept, framework, methodology and models, a second simulation-based phase proceeds to develop the more sophisticated controller, targeting a more capable vehicle, leading to the final solution of this work. Besides, this concept was further evolved to support a joint research work which lead to outstanding FPGA and GPU based embedded implementations of Neural Networks. Ultimately, the different building blocks that compose this work have shown results that have met or exceeded the expectations, both on technical and conceptual level. The highly non-linear multi-variable (and multi-objective) control problem was tackled. Neural Network estimations are accurate, performance metrics in general -and vehicle dynamics and efficiency in particular- are clearly improved, Fuzzy Logic and optimization behave as expected, and efficient embedded implementation is shown to be viable. Consequently, the proposed control concept -and the surrounding solutions and enablers- have proven their qualities in what respects to functionality, performance, implementability and industry suitability.The most relevant contributions to be highlighted are firstly each of the algorithms and functions that are implemented in the controller solutions and , ultimately, the whole control concept itself with the architectural approaches it involves. Besides multiple enablers which are exploitable for future work have been provided, as well as an illustrative insight into the intricacies of a vivid technological context, showcasing how they can be harmonized. Furthermore, multiple international activities in both academic and professional contexts -which have provided enrichment as well as acknowledgement, for this work-, have led to several publications, two high-impact journal papers and collateral work products of diverse nature

    Software and hardware code generation for predictive control using splitting methods

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    This paper presents SPLIT, a C code generation tool for Model Predictive Control (MPC) based on operator splitting methods. In contrast to existing code generation packages, SPLIT is capable of generating both software and hardware-oriented C code to allow quick prototyping of optimization algorithms on conventional CPUs and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). A Matlab interface is provided for compatibility with existing commercial and open-source software packages. A numerical study compares software, hardware and heterogeneous implementations of splitting methods and investigates MPC design trade-offs. For the considered testcases the reported speedup of hardware implementations over software realizations is 3x to 11x

    Real-time multi-domain optimization controller for multi-motor electric vehicles using automotive-suitable methods and heterogeneous embedded platforms

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    Los capítulos 2,3 y 7 están sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor. 145 p.In this Thesis, an elaborate control solution combining Machine Learning and Soft Computing techniques has been developed, targeting a chal lenging vehicle dynamics application aiming to optimize the torque distribution across the wheels with four independent electric motors.The technological context that has motivated this research brings together potential -and challenges- from multiple dom ains: new automotive powertrain topologies with increased degrees of freedom and controllability, which can be approached with innovative Machine Learning algorithm concepts, being implementable by exploiting the computational capacity of modern heterogeneous embedded platforms and automated toolchains. The complex relations among these three domains that enable the potential for great enhancements, do contrast with the fourth domain in this context: challenging constraints brought by industrial aspects and safe ty regulations. The innovative control architecture that has been conce ived combines Neural Networks as Virtual Sensor for unmeasurable forces , with a multi-objective optimization function driven by Fuzzy Logic , which defines priorities basing on the real -time driving situation. The fundamental principle is to enhance vehicle dynamics by implementing a Torque Vectoring controller that prevents wheel slip using the inputs provided by the Neural Network. Complementary optimization objectives are effici ency, thermal stress and smoothness. Safety -critical concerns are addressed through architectural and functional measures.Two main phases can be identified across the activities and milestones achieved in this work. In a first phase, a baseline Torque Vectoring controller was implemented on an embedded platform and -benefiting from a seamless transition using Hardware-in -the -Loop - it was integrated into a real Motor -in -Wheel vehicle for race track tests. Having validated the concept, framework, methodology and models, a second simulation-based phase proceeds to develop the more sophisticated controller, targeting a more capable vehicle, leading to the final solution of this work. Besides, this concept was further evolved to support a joint research work which lead to outstanding FPGA and GPU based embedded implementations of Neural Networks. Ultimately, the different building blocks that compose this work have shown results that have met or exceeded the expectations, both on technical and conceptual level. The highly non-linear multi-variable (and multi-objective) control problem was tackled. Neural Network estimations are accurate, performance metrics in general -and vehicle dynamics and efficiency in particular- are clearly improved, Fuzzy Logic and optimization behave as expected, and efficient embedded implementation is shown to be viable. Consequently, the proposed control concept -and the surrounding solutions and enablers- have proven their qualities in what respects to functionality, performance, implementability and industry suitability.The most relevant contributions to be highlighted are firstly each of the algorithms and functions that are implemented in the controller solutions and , ultimately, the whole control concept itself with the architectural approaches it involves. Besides multiple enablers which are exploitable for future work have been provided, as well as an illustrative insight into the intricacies of a vivid technological context, showcasing how they can be harmonized. Furthermore, multiple international activities in both academic and professional contexts -which have provided enrichment as well as acknowledgement, for this work-, have led to several publications, two high-impact journal papers and collateral work products of diverse nature

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability
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