568,733 research outputs found

    The DCP Bay: Toward an Art-House Content Delivery Network for Digital Cinema

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    International audienceCinema theaters have arrived in the digital era. The Digital Cinema Initiatives has chosen Digital Cinema Package(DCP) as format for the distribution of feature films. No suitable economical nor technological model is proposed for DCP content delivery to art-house theaters. The existing solutions are too expensive or not adapted. Therefore, we conduct this research activity in cooperation with Utopia cinemas, a group of art-house French cinemas. Utopia’s main requirement (besides functional ones) is to provide free and open source software for DCP distribution. In this paper, we present a Content Delivery Network for DCP adapted to art-house. This network is operative since mid 2014 and based on torrent peer-to-peer technology inside a multi-point VPN

    Context-based user grouping for multi-casting in heterogeneous radio networks

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    Along with the rise of sophisticated smartphones and smart spaces, the availability of both static and dynamic context information has steadily been increasing in recent years. Due to the popularity of social networks, these data are complemented by profile information about individual users. Making use of this information by classifying users in wireless networks enables targeted content and advertisement delivery as well as optimizing network resources, in particular bandwidth utilization, by facilitating group-based multi-casting. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a web service for advanced user classification based on user, network, and environmental context information. The service employs simple and advanced clustering algorithms for forming classes of users. Available service functionalities include group formation, context-aware adaptation, and deletion as well as the exposure of group characteristics. Moreover, the results of a performance evaluation, where the service has been integrated in a simulator modeling user behavior in heterogeneous wireless systems, are presented

    Building Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery

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    The proxy has been widely and successfully used to cache the static Web objects fetched by a client so that the subsequent clients requesting the same Web objects can be served directly from the proxy instead of other sources faraway, thus reducing the server\u27s load, the network traffic and the client response time. However, with the dramatic increase of streaming media objects emerging on the Internet, the existing proxy cannot efficiently deliver them due to their large sizes and client real time requirements.;In this dissertation, we design, implement, and evaluate cost-effective and high performance proxy-based Internet caching systems for streaming media delivery. Addressing the conflicting performance objectives for streaming media delivery, we first propose an efficient segment-based streaming media proxy system model. This model has guided us to design a practical streaming proxy, called Hyper-Proxy, aiming at delivering the streaming media data to clients with minimum playback jitter and a small startup latency, while achieving high caching performance. Second, we have implemented Hyper-Proxy by leveraging the existing Internet infrastructure. Hyper-Proxy enables the streaming service on the common Web servers. The evaluation of Hyper-Proxy on the global Internet environment and the local network environment shows it can provide satisfying streaming performance to clients while maintaining a good cache performance. Finally, to further improve the streaming delivery efficiency, we propose a group of the Shared Running Buffers (SRB) based proxy caching techniques to effectively utilize proxy\u27s memory. SRB algorithms can significantly reduce the media server/proxy\u27s load and network traffic and relieve the bottlenecks of the disk bandwidth and the network bandwidth.;The contributions of this dissertation are threefold: (1) we have studied several critical performance trade-offs and provided insights into Internet media content caching and delivery. Our understanding further leads us to establish an effective streaming system optimization model; (2) we have designed and evaluated several efficient algorithms to support Internet streaming content delivery, including segment caching, segment prefetching, and memory locality exploitation for streaming; (3) having addressed several system challenges, we have successfully implemented a real streaming proxy system and deployed it in a large industrial enterprise

    Multimedia content delivery for emerging satellite networks

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    Multimedia content delivery over satellite systems is considered as a promising service in the emerging networks. The aim of this work is to design a novel radio resource management (RRM) algorithm for efficiently managing multicast multimedia content transmission over satellite network. The proposed approach performs the spectrum management on a per-group basis, by splitting multicast terminals into different subgroups according to the experienced channel qualities. We demonstrate that subgrouping policy defined by the authors as multicast subgrouping-maximum satisfaction index (MS-MSI), is based on a new metric (i.e., MSI), which overcomes the weakness of the previous techniques proposed in literature and provides the best trade-off between user throughput and fairness. As a further result, we demonstrate that MS-MSI is robust to the long propagation delay of satellite links. An extensive simulation campaign has been conducted by considering several satellite environments

    Social-aware Forwarding in Opportunistic Wireless Networks: Content Awareness or Obliviousness?

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    With the current host-based Internet architecture, networking faces limitations in dynamic scenarios, due mostly to host mobility. The ICN paradigm mitigates such problems by releasing the need to have an end-to-end transport session established during the life time of the data transfer. Moreover, the ICN concept solves the mismatch between the Internet architecture and the way users would like to use it: currently a user needs to know the topological location of the hosts involved in the communication when he/she just wants to get the data, independently of its location. Most of the research efforts aim to come up with a stable ICN architecture in fixed networks, with few examples in ad-hoc and vehicular networks. However, the Internet is becoming more pervasive with powerful personal mobile devices that allow users to form dynamic networks in which content may be exchanged at all times and with low cost. Such pervasive wireless networks suffer with different levels of disruption given user mobility, physical obstacles, lack of cooperation, intermittent connectivity, among others. This paper discusses the combination of content knowledge (e.g., type and interested parties) and social awareness within opportunistic networking as to drive the deployment of ICN solutions in disruptive networking scenarios. With this goal in mind, we go over few examples of social-aware content-based opportunistic networking proposals that consider social awareness to allow content dissemination independently of the level of network disruption. To show how much content knowledge can improve social-based solutions, we illustrate by means of simulation some content-oblivious/oriented proposals in scenarios based on synthetic mobility patterns and real human traces.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Service Platform for Converged Interactive Broadband Broadcast and Cellular Wireless

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    A converged broadcast and telecommunication service platform is presented that is able to create, deliver, and manage interactive, multimedia content and services for consumption on three different terminal types. The motivations of service providers for designing converged interactive multimedia services, which are crafted for their individual requirements, are investigated. The overall design of the system is presented with particular emphasis placed on the operational features of each of the sub-systems, the flows of media and metadata through the sub-systems and the formats and protocols required for inter-communication between them. The key features of tools required for creating converged interactive multimedia content for a range of different end-user terminal types are examined. Finally possible enhancements to this system are discussed. This study is of particular interest to those organizations currently conducting trials and commercial launches of DVB-H services because it provides them with an insight of the various additional functions required in the service provisioning platforms to provide fully interactive services to a range of different mobile terminal types

    MADServer: An Architecture for Opportunistic Mobile Advanced Delivery

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    Rapid increases in cellular data traffic demand creative alternative delivery vectors for data. Despite the conceptual attractiveness of mobile data offloading, no concrete web server architectures integrate intelligent offloading in a production-ready and easily deployable manner without relying on vast infrastructural changes to carriers’ networks. Delay-tolerant networking technology offers the means to do just this. We introduce MADServer, a novel DTN-based architecture for mobile data offloading that splits web con- tent among multiple independent delivery vectors based on user and data context. It enables intelligent data offload- ing, caching, and querying solutions which can be incorporated in a manner that still satisfies user expectations for timely delivery. At the same time, it allows for users who have poor or expensive connections to the cellular network to leverage multi-hop opportunistic routing to send and receive data. We also present a preliminary implementation of MADServer and provide real-world performance evaluations
