600 research outputs found

    LSDA responds: towards a unified e-learning strategy

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    Experiences from Teaching Automated Testing with CrowdSorcerer

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    Software testing is an important process when ensuring a program's quality. However, testing has not traditionally been a very substantial part of computer science education. Some attempts to integrate it into the curriculum has been made but best practices still prove to be an open question. This thesis discusses multiple attempts of teaching software testing during the years. It also introduces CrowdSorcerer, a system for gathering programming assignments with tests from students. It has been used in introductory programming courses in University of Helsinki. To study if the students benefit from creating assignments with CrowdSorcerer, we analysed the number of assignments and tests they created and if they correlate with their performance in a testing-related question in the course exam. We also gathered feedback from the students on their experiences from using CrowdSorcerer. Looking at the results, it seems that more research on how to teach testing would be beneficial. Improving CrowdSorcerer would also be a good idea

    The Role of Integrated Curriculum in the 21st Century School

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    In schools across the country, there appears to be an increasing focus on 21st Century Skills development. While there may be some variance among specific definitions of these skills by national groups and individual schools, review of the literature has identified eight common features among widely accepted frameworks: creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, digital literacy, social and cultural skills, and self-regulation. It is proposed that integrated curriculum should be considered an ideal method for the teaching and learning of 21st Century Skills. While neither the collection of skills designated as “21st century” in and of themselves, nor the integrated curriculum are novel ideas in education, there appears to be a gap in related literature studying the complementary relationship of the two. Surveys were conducted to measure frequency of practices associated with the integrated curriculum and teacher attitudes related to 21st Century Skills. Teachers were interviewed to identify practices and attitudes, providing data for mixed-methods analysis. An interrelationship between the integrated curriculum and the teaching of 21st Century Skills as well as barriers to best practice were identified

    Accelerated Reader: a study of the effects on reading comprehension and attitudes in the fifth grade

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    The purpose of this study was to determine if fifth graders, using the Accelerated Reader, a computer-based reading motivation and management program, will demonstrate an increase in reading comprehension scores as tested by their performance in a pre and posttest using the reading comprehension portion of the Metropolitan Achievement Tests. This study will also measure any increase in favorable reading attitudes as measured by a pre and posttest using the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey by McKenna and Kear. Two classes were selected from the fifth grade at D\u27Ippolito Intermediate School in Vineland, New Jersey to participate in this study. Both classes were similar in composilion with regard to gender, race/ethnic background and academic ability. The reading comprehension section of the Metropolitan Achievement Tests and the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey were administered. Both classes then received reading Instruction using Harcourt Brace Jovanovich\u27s Reading Series. The experimental group also participated in the Accelerated Reader, a computer based reading management program. Posttests were given to both groups and the results were analyzed. The results supported the null hypothesis that there would be no significant difference in the scores of students who used the Accelerated Reader as measured by the reading comprehension section on the Metropolitan Achievement Tests. There was, however, an indication that the use of the Accelerated Reader did increase the students\u27 positive attitudes toward reading as measured by the Elementary Reading Attitude Survey and therefore the second null hypothesis was rejected

    Testador Automático de Classes: uma ferramenta para avaliar programas em Java

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    Atividades práticas são fundamentais no aprendizado de umalinguagem de programação. Muitas vezes, elas não ocorrem com freqüência devido à dificuldade existente para a avaliação dos exercícios: no caso de uma linguagem orientada a objetos, é necessário que cada classe seja submetida a uma série de casos de teste e, para cada um deles, a correção dos resultados deve ser verificada. Por isso, desenvolveu-se uma ferramenta queautomatiza o teste e a avaliação de programas feitos na linguagem Java - o Testador Automático de Classes. Assim, pode-se aumentar a qualidade no ensino dessa linguagem de programação.

    Digital tools in secondary chemistry education – added value or modern gimmicks?

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    The article addresses the challenges faced by teachers incorporating digital tools into chemistry education to prepare students for responsible participation in a digital society. Against the background of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the study analyzes the value that chemistry teachers place on digital tools and examines specific factors that influence their implementation in teaching. For this purpose, we conducted and analyzed interviews with 10 secondary school chemistry teachers in Germany. The findings revealed that while subject-specific digital tools were highly valued by teachers, several barriers to their strategic integration exist, including time constraints, high workloads, failing infrastructure, lack of technical support, and a fear of change. The study concludes that subject-specific digital tools have the potential to enhance learning outcomes and recommends teacher training and further education as well as future research to focus on developing and supporting opportunities for teachers to implement subject-specific digital tools to create a more dynamic and engaging learning experiences for students

    Secondary English Teachers Dispositions Toward Technology Integration in One-to-One Environments

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    This study examined how high school English teachers define technology integration and how teacher beliefs regarding technology integration impacts teacher and student use of digital technologies for instructional purposes. Thirty-nine teachers from three high school English departments in their initial year of a one-to-one device implementation participated in this study. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected and analyzed to examine how high school English teachers define technology integration and to examine if teacher beliefs informs technology integration practices. Quantitative data included the use of the TPACK formative assessment tool and an instructional technology use survey. Qualitative data included open-ended survey questions, interviews, and observation notes. Analysis of the qualitative data identified five themes as to what it means to teachers in their first year of a one-to-one device implementation program to integrate technology into their instructional practices. The potential impact of professional development on teachers’ reported TPACK scores, as well as the reported frequency of technology use by teachers and students are discussed

    A New Empowering India Under Leadership of PM Modi: Promises and Reality

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    According to projections made by internationally renowned consultants and the IMF, India will be one of the world's fastest-growing economies by 2025. It has been ranked as the third-largest emerging market hub and the third-largest global startup ecosystem. Million people empowerment is inevitably a process of teaching values to educate the student to live a life that is personal and congruent with the valued values and standards of society. On 30th May 2019, Shri Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India and marked the beginning of his second term in office. Shri Modi, the first Premier born after independence, served in India formerly between 2014 and 2019. He has also distinguished himself as the longest-serving Chief Minister of Gujarat from October 2001 to May 2014. In her motto, Sitka Modi has introduced a change in governance leading to an integrated, development-focused, and corruption-free government, based on the slogan 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas.' New hopes developed for citizens in India in the 2014 general election following a period of instability, corruption, and fraud under the leadership of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). After one decade of gaps, the National Democrat Alliance (NDA) II administration led by Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) raised many expectations of middle-class ordinary Indian people to an elite. The governance study of the present government is quite significant in this perspective. Therefore, this paper analyzes PM Modi s vision for empowering India and the track record of PM Modi's pledges to understand the cause for the new empowerment for India. Here the research is based on data from prior studies. The study finds that development is a process fueled by resources, and what must do much more to ensure that these resources can equitably meet current needs while remaining available for future generations' development needs

    A New Empowering India Under Leadership of PM Modi: Promises and Reality

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    According to projections made by internationally renowned consultants and the IMF, India will be one of the world's fastest-growing economies by 2025. It has been ranked as the third-largest emerging market hub and the third-largest global startup ecosystem. Million people empowerment is inevitably a process of teaching values to educate the student to live a life that is personal and congruent with the valued values and standards of society. On 30th May 2019, Shri Narendra Modi became Prime Minister of India and marked the beginning of his second term in office. Shri Modi, the first Premier born after independence, served in India formerly between 2014 and 2019. He has also distinguished himself as the longest-serving Chief Minister of Gujarat from October 2001 to May 2014. In her motto, Sitka Modi has introduced a change in governance leading to an integrated, development-focused, and corruption-free government, based on the slogan 'Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas.' New hopes developed for citizens in India in the 2014 general election following a period of instability, corruption, and fraud under the leadership of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA). After one decade of gaps, the National Democrat Alliance (NDA) II administration led by Narendra Modi of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) raised many expectations of middle-class ordinary Indian people to an elite. The governance study of the present government is quite significant in this perspective. Therefore, this paper analyzes PM Modi s vision for empowering India and the track record of PM Modi's pledges to understand the cause for the new empowerment for India. Here the research is based on data from prior studies. The study finds that development is a process fueled by resources, and what must do much more to ensure that these resources can equitably meet current needs while remaining available for future generations' development needs