531 research outputs found

    A survey of scheduling problems with setup times or costs

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    Author name used in this publication: C. T. NgAuthor name used in this publication: T. C. E. Cheng2007-2008 > Academic research: refereed > Publication in refereed journalAccepted ManuscriptPublishe

    Order Acceptance and Scheduling: A Taxonomy and Review

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    Over the past 20 years, the topic of order acceptance has attracted considerable attention from those who study scheduling and those who practice it. In a firm that strives to align its functions so that profit is maximized, the coordination of capacity with demand may require that business sometimes be turned away. In particular, there is a trade-off between the revenue brought in by a particular order, and all of its associated costs of processing. The present study focuses on the body of research that approaches this trade-off by considering two decisions: which orders to accept for processing, and how to schedule them. This paper presents a taxonomy and a review of this literature, catalogs its contributions and suggests opportunities for future research in this area

    Approximation algorithms for solving multi-objective optimization problems

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    This paper tries to cover the main aspects/properties related to scheduling problems, approximation algorithms, and multi-objective combinatorial optimization. Then, we try to describe the main techniques that can be used to solve such problems. In this paper, the reviews results relate to multi-objective optimization problems, exact and approximation search, with the aim of getting all Pareto optimal solutions for some NP-hard problems

    Solving two production scheduling problems with sequence-dependent set-up times

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    In today�s competitive markets, the importance of good scheduling strategies in manufacturing companies lead to the need of developing efficient methods to solve complex scheduling problems. In this paper, we studied two production scheduling problems with sequence-dependent setups times. The setup times are one of the most common complications in scheduling problems, and are usually associated with cleaning operations and changing tools and shapes in machines. The first problem considered is a single-machine scheduling with release dates, sequence-dependent setup times and delivery times. The performance measure is the maximum lateness. The second problem is a job-shop scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times where the objective is to minimize the makespan. We present several priority dispatching rules for both problems, followed by a study of their performance. Finally, conclusions and directions of future research are presented.Production-scheduling, set-up times, priority dispatching rules

    Scheduling in assembly type job-shops

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    Assembly type job-shop scheduling is a generalization of the job-shop scheduling problem to include assembly operations. In the assembly type job-shops scheduling problem, there are n jobs which are to be processed on in workstations and each job has a due date. Each job visits one or more workstations in a predetermined route. The primary difference between this new problem and the classical job-shop problem is that two or more jobs can merge to foul\u27 a new job at a specified workstation, that is job convergence is permitted. This feature cannot be modeled by existing job-shop techniques. In this dissertation, we develop scheduling procedures for the assembly type job-shop with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness. Three types of workstations are modeled: single machine, parallel machine, and batch machine. We label this new scheduling procedure as SB. The SB procedure is heuristic in nature and is derived from the shifting bottleneck concept. SB decomposes the assembly type job-shop scheduling problem into several workstation scheduling sub-problems. Various types of techniques are used in developing the scheduling heuristics for these sub-problems including the greedy method, beam search, critical path analysis, local search, and dynamic programming. The performance of SB is validated on a set of test problems and compared with priority rules that are normally used in practice. The results show that SB outperforms the priority rules by an average of 19% - 36% for the test problems. SB is extended to solve scheduling problems with other objectives including minimizing the maximum completion time, minimizing weighted flow time and minimizing maximum weighted lateness. Comparisons with the test problems, indicate that SB outperforms the priority rules for these objectives as well. The SB procedure and its accompanying logic is programmed into an object oriented scheduling system labeled as LEKIN. The LEKIN program includes a standard library of scheduling rules and hence can be used as a platform for the development of new scheduling heuristics. In industrial applications LEKIN allows schedulers to obtain effective machine schedules rapidly. The results from this research allow us to increase shop utilization, improve customer satisfaction, and lower work-in-process inventory without a major capital investment

    Multicriteria hybrid flow shop scheduling problem: literature review, analysis, and future research

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    This research focuses on the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem, which is one of the most difficult problems to solve. The literature points to several studies that focus the Hybrid Flow Shop scheduling problem with monocriteria functions. Despite of the fact that, many real world problems involve several objective functions, they can often compete and conflict, leading researchers to concentrate direct their efforts on the development of methods that take consider this variant into consideration. The goal of the study is to review and analyze the methods in order to solve the Hybrid Flow Shop production scheduling problem with multicriteria functions in the literature. The analyses were performed using several papers that have been published over the years, also the parallel machines types, the approach used to develop solution methods, the type of method develop, the objective function, the performance criterion adopted, and the additional constraints considered. The results of the reviewing and analysis of 46 papers showed opportunities for future researchon this topic, including the following: (i) use uniform and dedicated parallel machines, (ii) use exact and metaheuristics approaches, (iv) develop lower and uppers bounds, relations of dominance and different search strategiesto improve the computational time of the exact methods,  (v) develop  other types of metaheuristic, (vi) work with anticipatory setups, and (vii) add constraints faced by the production systems itself

    Bütünleşik tedarik zinciri çizelgeleme modelleri: Bir literatür taraması

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    Research on integration of supply chain and scheduling is relatively recent, and number of studies on this topic is increasing. This study provides a comprehensive literature survey about Integrated Supply Chain Scheduling (ISCS) models to help identify deficiencies in this area. For this purpose, it is thought that this study will contribute in terms of guiding researchers working in this field. In this study, existing literature on ISCS problems are reviewed and summarized by introducing the new classification scheme. The studies were categorized by considering the features such as the number of customers (single or multiple), product lifespan (limited or unlimited), order sizes (equal or general), vehicle characteristics (limited/sufficient and homogeneous/heterogeneous), machine configurations and number of objective function (single or multi objective). In addition, properties of mathematical models applied for problems and solution approaches are also discussed.Bütünleşik Tedarik Zinciri Çizelgeleme (BTZÇ) üzerine yapılan araştırmalar nispeten yenidir ve bu konu üzerine yapılan çalışma sayısı artmaktadır. Bu çalışma, bu alandaki eksiklikleri tespit etmeye yardımcı olmak için BTZÇ modelleri hakkında kapsamlı bir literatür araştırması sunmaktadır. Bu amaçla, bu çalışmanın bu alanda çalışan araştırmacılara rehberlik etmesi açısından katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, BTZÇ problemleri üzerine mevcut literatür gözden geçirilmiş ve yeni sınıflandırma şeması tanıtılarak çalışmalar özetlenmiştir. Çalışmalar; tek veya çoklu müşteri sayısı, sipariş büyüklüğü tipi (eşit veya genel), ürün ömrü (sınırlı veya sınırsız), araç karakteristikleri (sınırlı/yeterli ve homojen/heterojen), makine konfigürasyonları ve amaç fonksiyonu sayısı (tek veya çok amaçlı) gibi özellikler dikkate alınarak kategorize edildi. Ayrıca problemler için uygulanan matematiksel modellerin özellikleri ve çözüm yaklaşımları da tartışılmıştır

    A hybrid dual-population genetic algorithm for the single machine maximum lateness problem

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    We consider the problem of scheduling a number of jobs, each job having a release time, a processing time and a due date, on a single machine with the objective of minimizing the maximum lateness. We developed a hybrid dual-population genetic algorithm and compared its performance with alternative methods on a new diverse data set. Extensions from a single to a dual population by taking problem specific characteristics into account can be seen as a stimulator to add diversity in the search process, which has a positive influence on the important balance between intensification and diversification. Based on a comprehensive literature study on genetic algorithms in single machine scheduling, a fair comparison of genetic operators was made

    Deterministic Assembly Scheduling Problems: A Review and Classification of Concurrent-Type Scheduling Models and Solution Procedures

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    Many activities in industry and services require the scheduling of tasks that can be concurrently executed, the most clear example being perhaps the assembly of products carried out in manufacturing. Although numerous scientific contributions have been produced on this area over the last decades, the wide extension of the problems covered and the lack of a unified approach have lead to a situation where the state of the art in the field is unclear, which in turn hinders new research and makes translating the scientific knowledge into practice difficult. In this paper we propose a unified notation for assembly scheduling models that encompass all concurrent-type scheduling problems. Using this notation, the existing contributions are reviewed and classified into a single framework, so a comprehensive, unified picture of the field is obtained. In addition, a number of conclusions regarding the state of the art in the topic are presented, as well as some opportunities for future research.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación español DPI2016-80750-