825 research outputs found

    Interpolation Cryptanalysis of Unbalanced Feistel Networks with Low Degree Round Functions

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    Arithmetisierungs-Orientierte Symmetrische Primitive (AOSPs) sprechen das bestehende Optimierungspotential bei der Auswertung von Blockchiffren und Hashfunktionen als Bestandteil von sicherer Mehrparteienberechnung, voll-homomorpher Verschlüsselung und Zero-Knowledge-Beweisen an. Die Konstruktionsweise von AOSPs unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Primitiven durch die Verwendung von algebraisch simplen Elementen. Zusätzlich sind viele Entwürfe über Primkörpern statt über Bits definiert. Aufgrund der Neuheit der Vorschläge sind eingehendes Verständnis und ausgiebige Analyse erforderlich um ihre Sicherheit zu etablieren. Algebraische Analysetechniken wie zum Beispiel Interpolationsangriffe sind die erfolgreichsten Angriffsvektoren gegen AOSPs. In dieser Arbeit generalisieren wir eine existierende Analyse, die einen Interpolationsangriff mit geringer Speicherkomplexität verwendet, um das Entwurfsmuster der neuen Chiffre GMiMC und ihrer zugehörigen Hashfunktion GMiMCHash zu untersuchen. Wir stellen eine neue Methode zur Berechnung des Schlüssels basierend auf Nullstellen eines Polynoms vor, demonstrieren Verbesserungen für die Komplexität des Angriffs durch Kombinierung mehrere Ausgaben, und wenden manche der entwickelten Techniken in einem algebraischen Korrigierender-Letzter-Block Angriff der Schwamm-Konstruktion an. Wir beantworten die offene Frage einer früheren Arbeit, ob die verwendete Art von Interpolationsangriffen generalisierbar ist, positiv. Wir nennen konkrete empfohlene untere Schranken für Parameter in den betrachteten Szenarien. Außerdem kommen wir zu dem Schluss dass GMiMC und GMiMCHash gegen die in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Interpolationsangriffe sicher sind. Weitere kryptanalytische Anstrengungen sind erforderlich um die Sicherheitsgarantien von AOSPs zu festigen

    Communication Complexity and Secure Function Evaluation

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    We suggest two new methodologies for the design of efficient secure protocols, that differ with respect to their underlying computational models. In one methodology we utilize the communication complexity tree (or branching for f and transform it into a secure protocol. In other words, "any function f that can be computed using communication complexity c can be can be computed securely using communication complexity that is polynomial in c and a security parameter". The second methodology uses the circuit computing f, enhanced with look-up tables as its underlying computational model. It is possible to simulate any RAM machine in this model with polylogarithmic blowup. Hence it is possible to start with a computation of f on a RAM machine and transform it into a secure protocol. We show many applications of these new methodologies resulting in protocols efficient either in communication or in computation. In particular, we exemplify a protocol for the "millionaires problem", where two participants want to compare their values but reveal no other information. Our protocol is more efficient than previously known ones in either communication or computation

    In search of mathematical primitives for deriving universal projective hash families

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    We provide some guidelines for deriving new projective hash families of cryptographic interest. Our main building blocks are so called group action systems; we explore what properties of this mathematical primitives may lead to the construction of cryptographically useful projective hash families. We point out different directions towards new constructions, deviating from known proposals arising from Cramer and Shoup's seminal work

    Designing Novel Hardware Security Primitives for Smart Computing Devices

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    Smart computing devices are miniaturized electronics devices that can sense their surroundings, communicate, and share information autonomously with other devices to work cohesively. Smart devices have played a major role in improving quality of the life and boosting the global economy. They are ubiquitously present, smart home, smart city, smart girds, industry, healthcare, controlling the hazardous environment, and military, etc. However, we have witnessed an exponential rise in potential threat vectors and physical attacks in recent years. The conventional software-based security approaches are not suitable in the smart computing device, therefore, hardware-enabled security solutions have emerged as an attractive choice. Developing hardware security primitives, such as True Random Number Generator (TRNG) and Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) from electrical properties of the sensor could be a novel research direction. Secondly, the Lightweight Cryptographic (LWC) ciphers used in smart computing devices are found vulnerable against Correlation Power Analysis (CPA) attack. The CPA performs statistical analysis of the power consumption of the cryptographic core and reveals the encryption key. The countermeasure against CPA results in an increase in energy consumption, therefore, they are not suitable for battery operated smart computing devices. The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop novel hardware security primitives from existing sensors and energy-efficient LWC circuit implementation with CPA resilience. To achieve these. we focus on developing TRNG and PUF from existing photoresistor and photovoltaic solar cell sensors in smart devices Further, we explored energy recovery computing (also known as adiabatic computing) circuit design technique that reduces the energy consumption compared to baseline CMOS logic design and same time increasing CPA resilience in low-frequency applications, e.g. wearable fitness gadgets, hearing aid and biomedical instruments. The first contribution of this dissertation is to develop a TRNG prototype from the uncertainty present in photoresistor sensors. The existing sensor-based TRNGs suffer a low random bit generation rate, therefore, are not suitable in real-time applications. The proposed prototype has an average random bit generation rate of 8 kbps, 32 times higher than the existing sensor-based TRNG. The proposed lightweight scrambling method results in random bit entropy close to ideal value 1. The proposed TRNG prototype passes all 15 statistical tests of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Statistical Test Suite with quality performance. The second contribution of this dissertation is to develop an integrated TRNG-PUF designed using photovoltaic solar cell sensors. The TRNG and PUF are mutually independent in the way they are designed, therefore, integrating them as one architecture can be beneficial in resource-constrained computing devices. We propose a novel histogram-based technique to segregate photovoltaic solar cell sensor response suitable for TRNG and PUF respectively. The proposed prototype archives approximately 34\% improvement in TRNG output. The proposed prototype achieves an average of 92.13\% reliability and 50.91\% uniformity performance in PUF response. The proposed sensor-based hardware security primitives do not require additional interfacing hardware. Therefore, they can be ported as a software update on existing photoresistor and photovoltaic sensor-based devices. Furthermore, the sensor-based design approach can identify physically tempered and faulty sensor nodes during authentication as their response bit differs. The third contribution is towards the development of a novel 2-phase sinusoidal clocking implementation, 2-SPGAL for existing Symmetric Pass Gate Adiabatic Logic (SPGAL). The proposed 2-SPGAL logic-based LWC cipher PRESENT shows an average of 49.34\% energy saving compared to baseline CMOS logic implementation. Furthermore, the 2-SPGAL prototype has an average of 22.76\% better energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL (2-phase Energy-Efficient-Secure Positive Feedback Adiabatic Logic). The proposed 2-SPGAL was tested for energy-efficiency performance for the frequency range of 50 kHz to 250 kHz, used in healthcare gadgets and biomedical instruments. The proposed 2-SPGAL based design saves 16.78\% transistor count compared to 2-EE-SPFAL counterpart. The final contribution is to explore Clocked CMOS Adiabatic Logic (CCAL) to design a cryptographic circuit. Previously proposed 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL uses two complementary pairs of the transistor evaluation network, thus resulting in a higher transistor count compared to the CMOS counterpart. The CCAL structure is very similar to CMOS and unlike 2-SPGAL and 2-EE-SPFAL, it does not require discharge circuitry to improve security performance. The case-study implementation LWC cipher PRESENT S-Box using CCAL results into 45.74\% and 34.88\% transistor count saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL counterpart. Furthermore, the case-study implementation using CCAL shows more than 95\% energy saving compared to CMOS logic at frequency range 50 kHz to 125 kHz, and approximately 60\% energy saving at frequency 250 kHz. The case study also shows 32.67\% and 11.21\% more energy saving compared to 2-EE-SPFAL and 2-SPGAL respectively at frequency 250 kHz. We also show that 200 fF of tank capacitor in the clock generator circuit results in optimum energy and security performance in CCAL

    Cryptanalysis of an Image Cipher using Multi entropy Measures and the Countermeasures

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    The use of same keys or equivalent keys should not be occurred in cryptographic communications because a cipher system utilising such keys to secure messages can be attacked even it possesses excellent cryptographic characteristics for extracting intelligible information from encrypted messages. Identification of crypts formed with such keys is an important task of traffic analysis of cryptographic communications to check the applicability of two-messages-on-same-key (TMSK) attack. To avoid its applicability, adequate safeguards are required. In the paper, we cryptanalyze stream encryption based cipher system and propose an intelligent identification methodology using multi-entropy measures and soft decision criteria for identification of encrypted images of same or equivalent keys. Experimental test results show that the crypts formed with same keys can be identified successfully with high precision. We also present the countermeasures against TMSK attack

    Security of Ubiquitous Computing Systems

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    The chapters in this open access book arise out of the EU Cost Action project Cryptacus, the objective of which was to improve and adapt existent cryptanalysis methodologies and tools to the ubiquitous computing framework. The cryptanalysis implemented lies along four axes: cryptographic models, cryptanalysis of building blocks, hardware and software security engineering, and security assessment of real-world systems. The authors are top-class researchers in security and cryptography, and the contributions are of value to researchers and practitioners in these domains. This book is open access under a CC BY license

    Architectures for Code-based Post-Quantum Cryptography

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