96 research outputs found

    Multicommodity network flows : computational experience

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    "10-257-77."Bibliography: p. 68-69.Supported by the U.S. Department of Transportation under contract. DOT-TSC-1058by Arjang A. Assad

    Liner Service Network Design

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    Analysis of large scale linear programming problems with embedded network structures: Detection and solution algorithms

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    This thesis was submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy and awarded by Brunel University.Linear programming (LP) models that contain a (substantial) network structure frequently arise in many real life applications. In this thesis, we investigate two main questions; i) how an embedded network structure can be detected, ii) how the network structure can be exploited to create improved sparse simplex solution algorithms. In order to extract an embedded pure network structure from a general LP problem we develop two new heuristics. The first heuristic is an alternative multi-stage generalised upper bounds (GUB) based approach which finds as many GUB subsets as possible. In order to identify a GUB subset two different approaches are introduced; the first is based on the notion of Markowitz merit count and the second exploits an independent set in the corresponding graph. The second heuristic is based on the generalised signed graph of the coefficient matrix. This heuristic determines whether the given LP problem is an entirely pure network; this is in contrast to all previously known heuristics. Using generalised signed graphs, we prove that the problem of detecting the maximum size embedded network structure within an LP problem is NP-hard. The two detection algorithms perform very well computationally and make positive contributions to the known body of results for the embedded network detection. For computational solution a decomposition based approach is presented which solves a network problem with side constraints. In this approach, the original coefficient matrix is partitioned into the network and the non-network parts. For the partitioned problem, we investigate two alternative decomposition techniques namely, Lagrangean relaxation and Benders decomposition. Active variables identified by these procedures are then used to create an advanced basis for the original problem. The computational results of applying these techniques to a selection of Netlib models are encouraging. The development and computational investigation of this solution algorithm constitute further contribution made by the research reported in this thesis.This study is funded by the Turkish Educational Council and Mugla University


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    The triples formulation is a compact formulation of multicommodity network flow problems that provides a different representation of flow than the traditional and widely used node-arc and arc-path approaches. In the literature, the triples formulation has been applied successfully to the maximum concurrent flow problem and to a network optimization problem with piecewise linear convex costs. This dissertation applies the triples formulation to the backhaul profit maximization problem (BPMP) and the fixed charge network flow problem (FCNF). It is shown that the triples representation of multicommodity flow significantly reduces the number of variables and constraints in the mixed integer programming formulations of the BPMP and FCNF. For the BPMP, this results in significantly faster solution times. For dense problem instances, the triples-based formulation of FCNF is found to produce better solutions than the node-arc formulation early in the branch-and-bound process. This observation leads to an effective hybrid method which combines the respective advantages of the smaller size of the triples formulation and the stronger linear programming relaxation of the node-arc formulation. In addition to empirical studies, the dissertation presents new theoretical results supporting the equivalence of the triples formulation to the node-arc and arc-path formulations. The dissertation also proposes a multi-criteria Composite Index Method (CIM) to compare the performance of alternative integer programming formulations of an optimization problem. Using the CIM, the decision maker assigns weights to problem instance sizes and multiple performance measures based on their relative importance for the given application. The weighting scheme is used to produce a single number that measures the relative improvement of one alternative over the other and provides a method to select the most effective approach when neither one dominates the other when tested on different sizes of problem instances. The dissertation demonstrates a successful application of the CIM to evaluate a series of eleven techniques for improving the node-arc and triples formulations of the BPMP previously proposed in the literature

    Design of an optimality-based decomposition procedure for an air freight scheduled planning

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    M.S.Ronald L. Rardi

    Branch-and-price and multicommodity flows

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    Tese de doutoramento em Engenharia de Produção e Sistemas, área de Investigação OperacionalIn this Thesis, we address column generation based methods for linear and integer programming and apply them to three multicommodity flow problems. For (mixed) integer programming problems, the approach taken consists in reformulating an original model, using the Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition principle, and then combining column generation with branch-and-bound (branch-and-price) in order to obtain optimal solutions. The main issue when developing a branch-and-price algorithm is the branching scheme. The approach explored in this work is to branch on the variables of the original model, keeping the structure of the subproblems of the column generation method unchanged. The incorporation of cuts (branch-and-price-and-cut), again without changing the structure of the subproblem, is also explored. Based on that general methodology, we developed a set of C++ classes (ADDing - Automatic Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for INteger column Generation), which implements abranch-and-price algorithm. Its main distinctive feature is that it can be used as a “black-box”: all the user is required to do is to provide the original model. ADDing can also be customised to meet a specific problem, if the user is willing to provide a subproblem solver and/or specific branching schemes. We developed column generation based algorithms for three multicommodity flow problems. In this type of problems, it is desired to route a set of commodities through a capacitated network at a minimum cost. In the linear problem, each unit of each commodity is divisible. By using a model with variables associated with paths and circuits, we obtained significant improvements on the solution times over the standard column generation approach, for instances defined in planar networks (in several instances the relative improvement was greater than 60%). In the integer problem, each unit of each commodity is indivisible; the flow of a commodity can be split between different paths, but the flow on each of those paths must be integer. In general, the proposed branch-and-price algorithm was more efficient than Cplex 6.6 in the sets of instances where each commodity is defined by an origin-destination pair; for some of the other sets of instances, Cplex 6.6 gave better time results. In the binary problem, all the flow of each commodity must be routed along a single path. We developed a branch-and-price algorithm based on a knapsack decomposition and modified (by using a different branching scheme) a previously described branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm based on a path decomposition. The outcome of the computational tests was surprising, given that it is usually assumed that specific methods are more efficient than general ones. For the instances tested, a state-of-the-art general-purpose (Cplex 8.1) gave, in general, much better results than both decomposition approaches.Nesta Tese, abordam-se métodos de geração de colunas para programação linear e inteira. A sua aplicação é feita em três problemas de fluxo multicomodidade. Para problemas de programação inteira (mista), a abordagem seguida é a de reformular um modelo original, utilizando o princípio de decomposição de Dantzig-Wolfe, e combinar geração de colunas com o método de partição e avaliação (partição e geração de colunas) para a obtenção de soluções óptimas. A questão essencial no desenvolvimento de um algoritmo deste tipo é a estratégia de partição. A abordagem seguida neste trabalho é a de realizar a partição nas variáveis do modelo original, mantendo a estrutura do subproblema do método de geração de colunas. A incorporação de cortes, ainda sem alteração da estrutura do subproblema, é também explorada. Com base nesta metodologia geral, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de classes em C++ (ADDing - Automatic Dantzig-Wolfe Decomposition for INteger column Generation), que implementa um algorithmo de partição e geração de colunas. A sua característica fundamental é apenas ser requerido ao utilizador a definição de um modelo original. Num modo mais avançado, o utilizador pode implementar algoritmos para resolver o subproblema e/ou esquemas de partição. Foram desenvolvidos algoritmos baseados em geração de colunas para três problemas de fluxo multicomodidade. Neste tipo de problemas, pretende-se encaminhar um conjunto de comodidades através de uma rede capacitada, minimizando o custo. No problema linear, cada unidade de cada comodidade é divisível. Utilizando um modelo com variáveis associadas a caminhos e a circuitos, obtiveram-se melhorias significativas nos tempos de resolução em relação ao método de geração de colunas usual, para instâncias definidas em redes planares (em várias instâncias a melhoria relativa foi superior a 60%). No problema inteiro, cada unidade de cada comodidade é indivisível; o fluxo de uma comodidade pode ser dividido por diferentes caminhos, mas o fluxo em cada um deles tem de ser inteiro. Em geral, o algoritmo de partição e geração de colunas foi mais eficiente do que o software Cplex 6.6 nos conjuntos de instâncias em que cada comodidade é definida por um par origem-destino; para alguns dos outros conjuntos de instâncias, o software Cplex 6.6 obteve melhores resultados. No problema binário, todo o fluxo de cada comodidade apenas pode utilizar um caminho. Foi desenvolvido um algoritmo de partição e geração de colunas baseado numa decomposição de mochila e modificado (através de um esquema de partição diferente) um algoritmo de partição e geração de colunas com cortes, previamente descrito, baseado numa decomposição por caminhos. Os resultados dos testes computacionais foram surpreendentes, dado que é usualmente assumido que métodos específicos são mais eficientes do que métodos gerais. Para as instâncias testadas, o software Cplex 8.1 obteve, em geral, resultados muito melhores do que as duas decomposições

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications

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    Bibliography on graph theory and its application

    Optimization of Container Line Networks with Flexible Demands

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