58 research outputs found

    Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (Fuzzy Mcdm) untuk Pemilihan Lokasi Gudang Distribusi

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    Persaingan bisnis yang semakin ketat mendorong Perusahaan yang memiliki jaringan pasar yang luas untuk mengefisienkan penggunaan biaya, dan memaksimalkan layanan terhadap konsumen. Salah cara yang bisa dilakukan yaitu memilih lokasi gudang distribusi secara tepat, karena hal ini dapat memberikan pengaruh besar terhadap biaya transportasi, biaya investasi, waktu dan layanan distribusi kepada konsumen, serta pangsa pasarnya. Penelitian ini mengkaji pemilihan lokasi gudang distribusi di tiga lokasi (A, B, C) di wilayah kabupaten Sidoarjo dengan mempertimbangkan multikriteria yang menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process dengan Extent Analysis (FAHP Extent Analysis). Berdasarkan studi literatur dan survei terhadap pelaku bisnis dibeberapa lokasi pergudangan di wilayah kabupaten Sidoarjo, diperoleh 5 kriteria yang dijadikan pertimbangan dalam pemilihan lokasi gudang, yaitu: kondisi transportasi, kedekatan dengan konsumen, biaya investasi, kondisi pasar, luas lokasi. Dengan menggunakan kuesioner, setiap kriteria ini diberi bobot oleh beberapa investor, sedangkan penilaian tiap alternatif dilakukan melalui konsensus. Bobot kriteria kemudian dihitung menggunakan FAHP Extent Analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kriteria 'kedekatan dengan konsumen' merupakan kriteria yang paling dipertimbangkan dalam memilih lokasi pergudangan, disusul dengan kriteria 'biaya investasi', 'luas lokasi pergudangan', 'kondisi transportasi', 'kondisi pasar'. Dan, lokasi yang paling baik (paling direkomendasikan) untuk gudang distribusi adalah lokasi B, disusul dengan lokasi A dan C


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    Para o aperfeiçoamento da logística, cada vez mais tem-se feito uso da lógica fuzzy com diversas aplicações, como por exemplo: controle de estoques, otimização de inventários, melhoria de processos logísticos, avaliação de fornecedores, geolocalização e seleção de parceiros. Diante desta tendência, este artigo teve como intuito fazer uma revisão bibliográfica utilizando a metodologia ProKnow-C para analisar a difusão da lógica fuzzy, estratificando sua aplicação em 14 áreas distintas da logística, assim como levantar seus principais autores, lacunas e oportunidades de pesquisa. Como resultado, foram destacadas as principais contribuições da lógica fuzzy na logística internacional e no contexto brasileiro. Este trabalho além de delimitar o caminho da pesquisa realizado até o presente momento, tenta delinear possíveis perspectivas de estudo

    Improving the Quality of Transport Management Services with Fuzzy Signatures

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    Nowadays the significance of road transport is gradually increasing. All transport companies are working in the same external environment where the speed of transport is defined by traffic rules. The main objective is to accelerate the speed of service and it is only dependent on the individual abilities of the managing members. These operational control units make decisions quickly (in a typically experiential and/or intuitive way). For this reason, support for these decisions is an important task. Our goal is to create a decision support model based on fuzzy signatures that can assist the work of operational management automatically. If the model sets parameters properly, the management of transport could be more economical and efficient

    A user preference perception model using data mining on a Web-based Environment

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    In a competitive environment, how to provide the information and products to meet the requirements of customers and improve the customer satisfaction will be the key criteria to measure a company’s competitiveness. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) becomes an important issue in any business market gradually. Using information technology, businesses can achieve their requirements for one to one marketing more efficiently with lower cost, labor and time. In this paper, we proposed a user preference perception model by using data mining technology on a web-based environment. First, the users’ web browse records are aggregated. Second, fuzzy set theory and most sequential pattern mining algorithm are used to infer the users’ preference changes in a period. After the test had processed, we use the on-line questionnaire to investigate the customer satisfaction degree from all participators. The results show that the degree of satisfaction was up to 72% for receiving the new information of participants whose preferences had been changed. It indicates that the proposed system can effectively perceive the change of preference for users on a web environment


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    The aim of the study is to introduce Fuzzy TOPSIS method and to show how to benefit it for evaluation of salesperson candidates. Foundation of Fuzzy TOPSIS method which is one of Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods and to allow group decision-making in fuzzy environment is calculation of the closeness coefficients by means of Fuzzy Positive Ideal Solution (FPIS) and Fuzzy Negative Ideal Solution (FNIS). According to the calculated closeness coefficients, alternatives are ranked. In the study, salesperson candidates were assessed in accordance with seven decision criteria by three decision makers (DM’s). Decision makers have done their assessments with linguistic variables then these variables transformed to positive trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The study shows that Fuzzy TOPSIS method is very well suited method, as a decision tool, towards using for salesperson candidates evaluation and selection decisions.Fuzzy TOPSIS, Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers, Salesperson.

    Warehousing in Europe – Northern actor perspective

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    Importance of warehousing has increased during the recent decade and among cost issues, these outlets have become value adding centers; responding to market changes with maximized corporate profitability. Our research concerns Finnish and Swedish companies, and their warehousing decisions in larger Europe. According to our longitudinal survey results, warehousing location in Finnish companies is more weighted towards East, while Swedish companies focus on West. Warehousing size itself will continue to increase, but smaller units have future too. However, most significant changes appear in the location criteria; most of the new establishments will consider road transportation connection, low distribution costs, infrastructure enabling intermodal transportation and availability of third party solutions. Among these assembly and manufacturing plant location plays important role. Overall from survey results it is seen that emerging economies of Europe are explaining quite many development paths, especially among Finnish respondents

    Optimization of urban distribution centres: a multi-stage dynamic location approach

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    Customer demand is dynamic and changeable; thus, optimality of the enterprise’s initial location cannot be guaranteed throughout the planning period in order to minimize site selection cost and maximize service reliability in the whole operation cycle. The enterprise planning period is divided into different stages, and a static location model is established at the fixed stage. In addition, a multi-stage dynamic location model is established by introducing the transfer cost between adjacent stages. To reduce the difficulty of solving the dynamic location model, first, we determined the optimal site selection and allocation strategy for each stage. Second, we designed a novel method that transforms the multi-stage dynamic location problem into the shortest path problem in graph theory. Finally, the Dijkstra algorithm was used to find the optimal dynamic location sequence so that its cumulative cost was the lowest in the whole planning period. Through a case study in China, we compare the costs of static and dynamic locations and the location cost under different objectives. The results show that this dynamic location generates more income (as it reduces cost) in comparison to the previous static location, and different location objectives have a substantial influence on location results. At the same time, the findings indicate that exploring the problem of enterprise location from a dynamic perspective could help reduce the operating cost and resources from a sustainable development perspective.Postprint (published version