14 research outputs found

    A hybrid analytical network process and fuzzy goal programming for supplier selection: A case study of auto part maker

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    The aim of this research is to present a hybrid model to select auto part suppliers. The proposed method of this paper uses factor analysis to find the most influencing factors on part maker selection and the results are validated using different statistical tests such as Cronbach's Alpha and Kaiser-Meyer.The hybrid model uses analytical network process to rank different part maker suppliers and fuzzy goal programming to choose the appropriate alternative among various choices. The implementation of the proposed model of this paper is used for a case study of real-world problem and the results are discussed

    Ranking factors affecting the quality of banking services using analytic network process

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    This paper seeks to identify the priority of factors affecting the quality of banking services in Bank Saderat Iran for better allocation of resources to enhance the quality of its banking services. The study develops a fuzzy method to handle uncertainty associated with the data and using analytical network process (ANP) ranks different factors influencing on service quality. The results have indicated that the quality of e-services (ESQ) is the most important factor followed by the quality of banking services agility (ASQ), the service system quality (SSQ), and the behavioral service qualities (BSQ). Moreover, the employees' competence and skills, the reliability of the electronic system and the reliability of the service system, an impeccability banking system integrity and accountability instruments are among other effective factors influencing on the quality of banking services

    Fuzzy Analytical Network Process Implementation with Matlab

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    An Integrated Decision-Making Method Based on Neutrosophic Numbers for Investigating Factors of Coastal Erosion

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    The recent boom of various integrated decision-making methods has attracted many researchers to the field. The recent integrated Analytic Network Process and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (ANP–DEMATEL) methods were developed based on crisp numbers and fuzzy numbers. However, these numbers are incapable of dealing with the indeterminant and inconsistent information that exists in real-life problems

    Ranking Agility Factors to Reliably Sustain a Green Industrial Supply Chain Using the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process and Ordinal Priority Approach

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    Suppliers can achieve high levels of supply chain sustainability by improving the related factors. An agile supply chain can support sustainability. Identifying and ranking agility factors in the SAIPA company in Iran to reach a sustainable and green supply chain is the primary purpose of this study. SAIPA is an automotive company with an extensive supply chain. The data were quantitative, and the collection was completed by reviewing the literature and questioning experts. The FANP and the OPA methods were the tools used to analyze the data. These methods are proper for facing multiple-criteria decision-making problems, as in the case of this paper. We first identified the factors (capabilities, enablers, and attributes) using a literature review. After that, we gathered the data for ranking analysis by collecting the opinions of SAIPA’s organizational experts using a pairwise comparison questionnaire for the FANP and a prioritizing list for the OPA. Both methods showed that “Quickness” is the capability with the highest priority. “Customer Sensitivity” was the most critical enabler, and “Accurate customer-based measures” was the most significant attribute of the FANP analysis. The OPA results showed that “Information Management” was the first enabler, and “Efficient funds transfer” took first place among all the attributes. Managers should pay more attention to these factors to develop agile supply chains in the SAIPA company. The results also showed that the methods proposed for multi-attribute decision-making problems like the FANP have shortcomings, such as difficulties completing the pairwise comparison matrix due to burdensome data collection in cases similar to the one in this study with many factors

    International collaboration formation in entrepreneurial food industry: evidence of an emerging economy

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Purpose International collaboration is a crucial requirement of entrepreneurship, particularly in developing emerging economies. This collaboration seems so necessary in the food industry as a major contributor to environmental, social and economic problems. This paper aims to identify, analyse the influential network relationship and prioritise the key success factors (KSFs) of international collaboration formation in the entrepreneurial food industry with a case study on Iran's emerging economy. Design/methodology/approach To identify a list of KSFs, a qualitative method, literature review, is initially used. A quantitative method, fuzzy-Delphi, then is employed to finalise the main KSFs based on the entrepreneurial food industry experts' opinion. To analyse the causal relationship, and prioritise the KSFs, a fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL)-analytic network process (ANP) methodology, i.e. FDANP, is applied. At the first stage, the cause–effect diagram of KSFs is extracted using fuzzy DEMATEL and then, the KSFs weights and priorities are evaluated using a fuzzy ANP. Findings The results illustrate that the characteristics of effective development workers are the leading dimension of a successful international collaboration that directly affects other dimensions. On the other hand, increased marketing and trading is the most important KSF that is directly related to international entrepreneurial collaboration team capabilities and professionalism. The leading and casual role of team members also plays a vital role in strategic and communication issues affecting the collaboration success, e.g. market research and new product development. Availability of financial resources and the ability of partners in continuous financing is also a crucial and required factor for a successful collaboration. Originality/value Using an extensive review of the literature to extract the KSFs of international entrepreneurial collaboration and finalising them using a fuzzy-Delphi method and examining the cause-effect relations between them, as well as prioritising the KSFs are the main contributions of this paper

    A fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) model for measurement of the sectoral competititon level (SCL)

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    yuksel, ihsan/0000-0002-5799-8794; Yuksel, Ihsan/0000-0002-0011-8872; DAGDEVIREN, METIN/0000-0003-2121-5978WOS: 000272432300013The purpose of this study is to measure the sectoral competition level (SCL) of an organization within the framework of Porter's five forces analysis by using fuzzy analytic network process (ANP) technique The framework of the study was based on two main thoughts: First is the necessity to approach to the problem on fuzzy logic basis because of complexity and vagueness. which are inherent in the nature of the competition concept. Second is the necessity to take into consideration the mutual Interactions between factors as five forces analysis of Porter suggests so in order to determine SCL. In the scope of the study, firstly the factors and sub-factors which have an impact oil the competition level were determined and then inner dependencies between models and factors were examined The Weights Of sub-factors were determined oil the basis of these examined dependencies and these weights were used for a case Study to determine SCL (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserve

    Strategic marketing options

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    Over the last four years Palabora vermiculite ore body has shown a decline in courser grades fractions (large and medium). Process improvements were implemented to increase recovery rates in all grades. The increase courser grades recoveries currently have no significant impact on the production output for these grades. The increase in recovery rates of finer grades resulted in a surplus production of superfine and micron and is currently stockpiled on site. With the decline in coarser grades, PV is unable to satisfy market demand for coarser grades. In order for PV to stay ahead of competition and to further enhance the company’s position as the market leader in today’s changing environment, this research will indeed outline the key issues PV should consider for future business. In this research, relevant data from within the PV markets were gathered which included qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative research was selected due to its ability to allow respondents to speak freely about the chosen subject and its ability to obtain the widest possible responses. The aim of this research was to determine if strategic marketing options will grow the sales of finer grade vermiculite. The objectives that were looked at were: • To determine why the customers prefer coarser grades. • To investigate potential alternative uses for finer grades. • To determine how the finer grades can be marketed to current users of coarser grades. Definite boundaries exist with in the research study due to geographical displacement in the majority of vermiculite consumers across the world. The problematic issue of supplier and customer loyalty in an intense competitive industry has proved to have inherited barriers to competitor specific information, thus the reliance on secondary data with regards to competitor’s mining capability, crude production and competitive advantages. From analysis of data collected, the following observations were made: • There is a consistent perception that the specific grade been used is critical to an application. • Only 27% of PV’s customer base is currently doing R&D. This is mainly in refractory and construction industries. • Customer indicated that they are not flexible on product qualities i.e. screen sizing and yield. This indicates that to market finer grades in coarser grade markets will require R&D and marketing on the part of PV. For PV to increase its finer grades sales they need to adopt a new or change their existing marketing strategy. PV management needs to consider the following: • Different price strategies can be adopted for different situations i.e.: o Penetration pricing - The price charged for products is set artificially low in order to gain market share. Once this is achieved, the price is increased. (local and Asia markets) o Value pricing - This approach is used where external factors such as recession or increased competition force companies to provide 'value' products to retain sales. (Europe and American markets) • To develop alternative uses for finer grades vermiculite PV needs to engage in R&D. Management needs to be well informed about the marketplace and in particular customers who are more likely to envision realistic and meaningful new product ideas. Consistent market understanding best comes from formal processes designed to generate market intelligence and not from merely ad-hoc interactions with the marketplace (Flint, 2002: 306).Graduate School of Business LeadershipM.B.A

    Lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain management interoperability assessment methodology

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    Dissertação para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (MEGI)Supply Chain Management has become a tactic asset for the current global competition situation. Innovative strategies such as Lean, Agile, Resilient and Green emerged as a response, requiring high levels of cooperation and of great complexity. However, the strategic alignment of operations with partners in supply chains is affected by lack of interoperability. The present work provides a framework to enhance SC competitiveness and performance by assessing interoperable SCM Practices applied in automotive industry. Through a pragmatic interoperability approach, this methodology describes in detail the form of application using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) and Fuzzy sets as support decision making models, ensuring a systematic approach to the analysis of interoperability with appropriate criteria for assessment of situations that require high levels of collaboration between partners. Through a case study in a Portuguese automaker, it was possible to test the methodology and analyse which areas lack interoperability in the implementation of SCM practices

    Multicriteria methodology for decoupling point placement under production postponement strategy

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    The accelerated growth of global markets and the increased bargaining power of customers, has generated a highly competitive environment with a lot of risks for manufacturing companies. In response, the literature has shown mass customization and, in particular way, the postponement strategy as new paradigms of production that allows offering simultaneously high levels of flexibility and efficiency to consumers. Regarding this issue, the decoupling point location is positioned as the most important decision in the implementation of postponement. Starting from the importance of this topic and from a review of the state of the art, it was detected the need to develop a methodology to locate the decoupling point, by integrating qualitative and quantitative criteria and that additionally allows the participation of panel of experts. Thereby, this thesis shows the development of a new multi-criteria methodology; which consists of 7 steps that allow locating the decoupling point, in a production system, according to the needs of the system and relying on the experience and knowledge of experts. Additionally, in order to validate the performance of the methodology in real cases, two study cases developed in the companies Herragro S.A. and Muebles Marco Gomez, are presentedResumen: El crecimiento acelerado de los mercados globalizados y el aumento del poder de negociación de los clientes, ha generado un ambiente fuertemente competitivo y con gran cantidad de riesgos para las empresas manufactureras. Como respuesta, la literatura ha mostrado a la personalización masiva y, de forma particular a la estrategia de aplazamiento como nuevos paradigmas de la producción que permiten ofrecer a los clientes de forma simultánea altos niveles de flexibilidad y eficiencia. Frente a este tema la ubicación del punto de desacople se posiciona como la decisión más importante en la implementación del aplazamiento. Partiendo de la importancia de este tópico y de una revisión del estado del arte, se detecta la necesidad de desarrollar una metodología que permita ubicar el punto de desacople integrando criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos y que adicionalmente permita la participación de grupos de expertos. De esta forma, la presente tesis muestra el desarrollo de una nueva metodología multicriterio; la cual está conformada por 7 pasos que permiten ubicar el punto de desacople, en un sistema de producción, acorde con las necesidades del sistema y apoyándose de la experiencia y conocimiento de los expertos. Adicionalmente, y con el objetivo de validar el funcionamiento de la metodología en casos reales, se presentan dos casos de estudio desarrollados en las empresas Herragro S.A y Muebles Marco GómezMaestrí