1,500 research outputs found

    Audio-visual football video analysis, from structure detection to attention analysis

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    Sport video is an important video genre. Content-based sports video analysis attracts great interest from both industry and academic ļ¬elds. A sports video is characterised by repetitive temporal structures, relatively plain contents, and strong spatio-temporal variations, such as quick camera switches and swift local motions. It is necessary to develop speciļ¬c techniques for content-based sports video analysis to utilise these characteristics. For an efļ¬cient and effective sports video analysis system, there are three fundamental questions: (1) what are key stories for sports videos; (2) what incurs viewerā€™s interest; and (3) how to identify game highlights. This thesis is developed around these questions. We approached these questions from two different perspectives and in turn three research contributions are presented, namely, replay detection, attack temporal structure decomposition, and attention-based highlight identiļ¬cation. Replay segments convey the most important contents in sports videos. It is an efļ¬cient approach to collect game highlights by detecting replay segments. However, replay is an artefact of editing, which improves with advances in video editing tools. The composition of replay is complex, which includes logo transitions, slow motions, viewpoint switches and normal speed video clips. Since logo transition clips are pervasive in game collections of FIFA World Cup 2002, FIFA World Cup 2006 and UEFA Championship 2006, we take logo transition detection as an effective replacement of replay detection. A two-pass system was developed, including a ļ¬ve-layer adaboost classiļ¬er and a logo template matching throughout an entire video. The ļ¬ve-layer adaboost utilises shot duration, average game pitch ratio, average motion, sequential colour histogram and shot frequency between two neighbouring logo transitions, to ļ¬lter out logo transition candidates. Subsequently, a logo template is constructed and employed to ļ¬nd all transition logo sequences. The precision and recall of this system in replay detection is 100% in a ļ¬ve-game evaluation collection. An attack structure is a team competition for a score. Hence, this structure is a conceptually fundamental unit of a football video as well as other sports videos. We review the literature of content-based temporal structures, such as play-break structure, and develop a three-step system for automatic attack structure decomposition. Four content-based shot classes, namely, play, focus, replay and break were identiļ¬ed by low level visual features. A four-state hidden Markov model was trained to simulate transition processes among these shot classes. Since attack structures are the longest repetitive temporal unit in a sports video, a sufļ¬x tree is proposed to ļ¬nd the longest repetitive substring in the label sequence of shot class transitions. These occurrences of this substring are regarded as a kernel of an attack hidden Markov process. Therefore, the decomposition of attack structure becomes a boundary likelihood comparison between two Markov chains. Highlights are what attract notice. Attention is a psychological measurement of ā€œnotice ā€. A brief survey of attention psychological background, attention estimation from vision and auditory, and multiple modality attention fusion is presented. We propose two attention models for sports video analysis, namely, the role-based attention model and the multiresolution autoregressive framework. The role-based attention model is based on the perception structure during watching video. This model removes reļ¬‚ection bias among modality salient signals and combines these signals by reļ¬‚ectors. The multiresolution autoregressive framework (MAR) treats salient signals as a group of smooth random processes, which follow a similar trend but are ļ¬lled with noise. This framework tries to estimate a noise-less signal from these coarse noisy observations by a multiple resolution analysis. Related algorithms are developed, such as event segmentation on a MAR tree and real time event detection. The experiment shows that these attention-based approach can ļ¬nd goal events at a high precision. Moreover, results of MAR-based highlight detection on the ļ¬nal game of FIFA 2002 and 2006 are highly similar to professionally labelled highlights by BBC and FIFA

    Ball-path inference based on a combination of audio and video clues in tennis video sequences

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    Tennis-sports analysis is attracting much attention in content-analysis research and professional applications.This paper presents a scheme for sports analysis employing an automatic tennis ball-path inference driven by a combination of auditory and visual information. The ball-path inference is implemented for tactics analysis.Since ball tracking remains to be a challenging issue in practice, we use a non-tracking approach for ball-path inference. We propose an effective serving-player detection for achieving an accurate match between a sequence of racket-hit moments and the position of the hitting player in the corresponding video frames. Experimental results have shown that the proposed system can reliably detect the serving-player and classify into different categories, such as left-court/right-court service and frontcourt/ back-court service. Therefore, our system can be utilized for an effective and automatic extraction of various tennis events, performance and tactics analysis with high reliability

    Audio-Visual Egocentric Action Recognition

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    Automatic annotation of tennis games: An integration of audio, vision, and learning

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    Fully automatic annotation of tennis game using broadcast video is a task with a great potential but with enormous challenges. In this paper we describe our approach to this task, which integrates computer vision, machine listening, and machine learning. At the low level processing, we improve upon our previously proposed state-of-the-art tennis ball tracking algorithm and employ audio signal processing techniques to detect key events and construct features for classifying the events. At high level analysis, we model event classification as a sequence labelling problem, and investigate four machine learning techniques using simulated event sequences. Finally, we evaluate our proposed approach on three real world tennis games, and discuss the interplay between audio, vision and learning. To the best of our knowledge, our system is the only one that can annotate tennis game at such a detailed level

    Audio-coupled video content understanding of unconstrained video sequences

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    Unconstrained video understanding is a difficult task. The main aim of this thesis is to recognise the nature of objects, activities and environment in a given video clip using both audio and video information. Traditionally, audio and video information has not been applied together for solving such complex task, and for the first time we propose, develop, implement and test a new framework of multi-modal (audio and video) data analysis for context understanding and labelling of unconstrained videos. The framework relies on feature selection techniques and introduces a novel algorithm (PCFS) that is faster than the well-established SFFS algorithm. We use the framework for studying the benefits of combining audio and video information in a number of different problems. We begin by developing two independent content recognition modules. The first one is based on image sequence analysis alone, and uses a range of colour, shape, texture and statistical features from image regions with a trained classifier to recognise the identity of objects, activities and environment present. The second module uses audio information only, and recognises activities and environment. Both of these approaches are preceded by detailed pre-processing to ensure that correct video segments containing both audio and video content are present, and that the developed system can be made robust to changes in camera movement, illumination, random object behaviour etc. For both audio and video analysis, we use a hierarchical approach of multi-stage classification such that difficult classification tasks can be decomposed into simpler and smaller tasks. When combining both modalities, we compare fusion techniques at different levels of integration and propose a novel algorithm that combines advantages of both feature and decision-level fusion. The analysis is evaluated on a large amount of test data comprising unconstrained videos collected for this work. We finally, propose a decision correction algorithm which shows that further steps towards combining multi-modal classification information effectively with semantic knowledge generates the best possible results

    Multimodal fusion for audio-image and video action recognition

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    Multimodal Human Action Recognition (MHAR) is an important research topic in computer vision and event recognition fields. In this work, we address the problem of MHAR by developing a novel audio-image and video fusion-based deep learning framework that we call Multimodal Audio-Image and Video Action Recognizer (MAiVAR). We extract temporal information using image representations of audio signals and spatial information from video modality with the help of Convolutional Neutral Networks (CNN)-based feature extractors and fuse these features to recognize respective action classes. We apply a high-level weights assignment algorithm for improving audio-visual interaction and convergence. This proposed fusion-based framework utilizes the influence of audio and video feature maps and uses them to classify an action. Compared with state-of-the-art audio-visual MHAR techniques, the proposed approach features a simpler yet more accurate and more generalizable architecture, one that performs better with different audio-image representations. The system achieves an accuracy 87.9% and 79.0% on UCF51 and Kinetics Sounds datasets, respectively. All code and models for this paper will be available at https://tinyurl.com/4ps2ux6n

    Visual Concept Detection in Images and Videos

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    The rapidly increasing proliferation of digital images and videos leads to a situation where content-based search in multimedia databases becomes more and more important. A prerequisite for effective image and video search is to analyze and index media content automatically. Current approaches in the field of image and video retrieval focus on semantic concepts serving as an intermediate description to bridge the ā€œsemantic gapā€ between the data representation and the human interpretation. Due to the large complexity and variability in the appearance of visual concepts, the detection of arbitrary concepts represents a very challenging task. In this thesis, the following aspects of visual concept detection systems are addressed: First, enhanced local descriptors for mid-level feature coding are presented. Based on the observation that scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) descriptors with different spatial extents yield large performance differences, a novel concept detection system is proposed that combines feature representations for different spatial extents using multiple kernel learning (MKL). A multi-modal video concept detection system is presented that relies on Bag-of-Words representations for visual and in particular for audio features. Furthermore, a method for the SIFT-based integration of color information, called color moment SIFT, is introduced. Comparative experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed systems on the Mediamill and on the VOC Challenge. Second, an approach is presented that systematically utilizes results of object detectors. Novel object-based features are generated based on object detection results using different pooling strategies. For videos, detection results are assembled to object sequences and a shot-based confidence score as well as further features, such as position, frame coverage or movement, are computed for each object class. These features are used as additional input for the support vector machine (SVM)-based concept classifiers. Thus, other related concepts can also profit from object-based features. Extensive experiments on the Mediamill, VOC and TRECVid Challenge show significant improvements in terms of retrieval performance not only for the object classes, but also in particular for a large number of indirectly related concepts. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that a few object-based features are beneficial for a large number of concept classes. On the VOC Challenge, the additional use of object-based features led to a superior performance for the image classification task of 63.8% mean average precision (AP). Furthermore, the generalization capabilities of concept models are investigated. It is shown that different source and target domains lead to a severe loss in concept detection performance. In these cross-domain settings, object-based features achieve a significant performance improvement. Since it is inefficient to run a large number of single-class object detectors, it is additionally demonstrated how a concurrent multi-class object detection system can be constructed to speed up the detection of many object classes in images. Third, a novel, purely web-supervised learning approach for modeling heterogeneous concept classes in images is proposed. Tags and annotations of multimedia data in the WWW are rich sources of information that can be employed for learning visual concepts. The presented approach is aimed at continuous long-term learning of appearance models and improving these models periodically. For this purpose, several components have been developed: a crawling component, a multi-modal clustering component for spam detection and subclass identification, a novel learning component, called ā€œrandom savannaā€, a validation component, an updating component, and a scalability manager. Only a single word describing the visual concept is required to initiate the learning process. Experimental results demonstrate the capabilities of the individual components. Finally, a generic concept detection system is applied to support interdisciplinary research efforts in the field of psychology and media science. The psychological research question addressed in the field of behavioral sciences is, whether and how playing violent content in computer games may induce aggression. Therefore, novel semantic concepts most notably ā€œviolenceā€ are detected in computer game videos to gain insights into the interrelationship of violent game events and the brain activity of a player. Experimental results demonstrate the excellent performance of the proposed automatic concept detection approach for such interdisciplinary research

    Towards higher sense of presence: a 3D virtual environment adaptable to confusion and engagement

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    Virtual Reality scenarios where emitters convey information to receptors can be used as a tool for distance learning and to enable virtual visits to company physical headquarters. However, immersive Virtual Reality setups usually require visualization interfaces such as Head-mounted Displays, Powerwalls or CAVE systems, supported by interaction devices (Microsoft Kinect, Wii Motion, among others), that foster natural interaction but are often inaccessible to users. We propose a virtual presentation scenario, supported by a framework, that provides emotion-driven interaction through ubiquitous devices. An experiment with 3 conditions was designed involving: a control condition; a less confusing text script based on its lexical, syntactical, and bigram features; and a third condition where an adaptive lighting system dynamically acted based on the userā€™s engagement. Results show that users exposed to the less confusing script reported higher sense of presence, albeit without statistical significance. Users from the last condition reported lower sense of presence, which rejects our hypothesis without statistical significance. We theorize that, as the presentation was given orally and the adaptive lighting system impacts the visual channel, this conflict may have overloaded the usersā€™ cognitive capacity and thus reduced available resources to address the presentation content.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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