5 research outputs found

    Hidden Markov Model based non-intrusive load monitoring using active and reactive power consumption

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    This work presents a residential appliance disaggregation technique to help achieve the fundamental goal in Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) problem i.e. simple breakdown of energy consumption based on the appliance type in a household. The appliances are modeled using Hidden Markov Model by utilizing both their active and reactive power consumption data. The data was recorded by attaching Power Standards Lab PQube measurement device to the appliances. Granularity of the power readings of the disaggregated appliance matches with that of the reading collected for individual device. The accuracy of the model is compared with other models developed using only active power consumption of the appliances. The results using the proposed method are more effective and are found to predict a better output sequence for the appliances compared to model using only active power for modeling loads --Abstract, page iii

    Thresholding methods in non-intrusive load monitoring

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    Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the problem of predicting the status or consumption of individual domestic appliances only from the knowledge of the aggregated power load. NILM is often formulated as a classifcation (ON/OFF) problem for each device. However, the training datasets gathered by smart meters do not contain these labels, but only the electric consumption at every time interval. This paper addresses a fundamental methodological problem in how a NILM problem is posed, namely how the diferent possible thresholding methods lead to diferent classifcation problems. Standard datasets and NILM deep learning models are used to illustrate how the choice of thresholding method afects the output results. Some criteria that should be considered for the choice of such methods are also proposed. Finally, we propose a slight modifcation to current deep learning models for multi-tasking, i.e. tackling the classifcation and regression problems simultaneously. Transfer learning between both problems might improve performance on each of them.Funding for open access publishing: Universidad de Cádiz/CBUA. This research has been financed in part by the Spanish Agencia Estatal de Investigación under grants PID2021-122154NB-I00 and TED2021-129455B-I00, and by a 2021 BBVA Foundation project for research in Mathematics. He also acknowledges support from the EU under the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme and the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia (FEDER-UCA18-108393)

    Lockdown impacts on residential electricity demand in India: A data-driven and non-intrusive load monitoring study using Gaussian mixture models.

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    This study evaluates the effect of complete nationwide lockdown in 2020 on residential electricity demand across 13 Indian cities and the role of digitalisation using a public smart meter dataset. We undertake a data-driven approach to explore the energy impacts of work-from-home norms across five dwelling typologies. Our methodology includes climate correction, dimensionality reduction and machine learning-based clustering using Gaussian Mixture Models of daily load curves. Results show that during the lockdown, maximum daily peak demand increased by 150-200% as compared to 2018 and 2019 levels for one room-units (RM1), one bedroom-units (BR1) and two bedroom-units (BR2) which are typical for low- and middle-income families. While the upper-middle- and higher-income dwelling units (i.e., three (3BR) and more-than-three bedroom-units (M3BR)) saw night-time demand rise by almost 44% in 2020, as compared to 2018 and 2019 levels. Our results also showed that new peak demand emerged for the lockdown period for RM1, BR1 and BR2 dwelling typologies. We found that the lack of supporting socioeconomic and climatic data can restrict a comprehensive analysis of demand shocks using similar public datasets, which informed policy implications for India's digitalisation. We further emphasised improving the data quality and reliability for effective data-centric policymaking

    Non-intrusive load management system for residential loads using artificial neural network based arduino microcontroller

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    The energy monitoring is one of the most important aspects of energy management. In fact there is a need to monitor the power consumption of a building or premises before planning technical actions to minimize the energy consumption. In traditional load monitoring method, a sensor or a group of sensors attached to every load of interest to monitor the system, which makes the system costly and complex. On the other hand, by Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) the aggregated measurement of the building’s appliances can be used to identify and/or disaggregate the connected appliances in the building. Therefore, the method provides a simple, reliable and cost effective monitoring since it uses only one set of measuring sensors at the service entry. This thesis aims at finding a solution in the residential electrical energy management through the development of Artificial Neural Network Arduino (ANN-Arduino) NILM system for monitoring and controlling the energy consumption of the home appliances. The major goal of this research work is the development of a simplified ANN-based non-intrusive residential appliances identifier. It is a real-time ANN-Arduino NILM system for residential energy management with its performance evaluation and the calibration of the ZMPT101B voltage sensor module for accurate measurement, by using polynomial regression method. Using the sensor algorithm obtained, an error of 0.9% in the root mean square (rms) measurement of the voltage is obtained using peak-peak measurement method, in comparison to 2.5% when using instantaneous measurement method. Secondly, a residential energy consumption measurement and control system is developed using Arduino microcontroller, which accurately control the home appliances within the threshold power consumption level. The energy consumption measurement prototype has an accurate power and current measurement with error of 3.88% in current measurement when compared with the standard Fluke meter. An ANN-Arduino NILM system is also developed using steady-state signatures, which uses the feedforward ANN to identify the loads when it received the aggregated real power, rms current and power factor from the Arduino. Finally, the ANN-Arduino NILM based appliances’ management and control system is developed for keeping track of the appliances and managing their energy usage. The system accurately recognizes all the load combinations and the load controlling works within 2% time error. The overall system resulted into a new home appliances’ energy management system based on ANN-Arduino NILM that can be applied into smart electricity system at a reduced cost, reduced complexity and non-intrusively