70 research outputs found

    An Investigation into Mobile Based Approach for Healthcare Activities, Occupational Therapy System

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    This research is to design and optimize the high quality of mobile apps, especially for iOS. The objective of this research is to develop a mobile system for Occupational therapy specialists to access and retrieval information. The investigation identifies the key points of using mobile-D agile methodology in mobile application development. It considers current applications within a different platform. It achieves new apps (OTS) for the health care activities

    Relationship between organizational justice and perceived organizational agility: Meditating the effect of achievement motivation (A case study on teachers’ viewpoints in Mahallat Azad University)

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    The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between organizational justice and perceived organizational activity based on the mediating effect of job achievement motivation. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The population of the investigation included all professors in Mahallat Azad University (121 members) in the educational year of 2012-2013. Due to the small number of the population all of members were selected as sample. The data were collected through the library and survey method. The instrument of the research consisted of three researcher-made questionnaires: (a) Moreman and Niove (2001) organizational justice questionnaire (α=0.91); (b) the researcher-made organizational agility questionnaire (α = 0.89); (c) the researcher-made job achievement motivation questionnaire (α = 0.94). All questionnaires were set and calibrated according to 5-point Likert scale. To determine the content validity of the questionnaire, we consulted the experts. The data were analyzed through Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression methods. Generally the results of the research showed that there was a significant relationship between organizational justice in three dimensions (distributing, procedural, interactive) and organizational agility. The results also illustrated that the indirect influence of distributive justice on the enhancement of the perceived organizational agility was 0.019, the indirect influence of procedural justice on the enhancement of perceived organizational agility was 0.02, and the indirect influence of interactive justice on the enhancement of perceived organizational agility was 0.023. The results also showed that according to findings: RMSEA = 0.048, RMR= 0.029, GFI =0.96, AGFI =0.089, P (value) = 0.0072,df =2, =5.62, and illustrating the good fit of the case study

    Teaching agile methodologies in a project management course

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    [EN] The increasingly dynamic, competitive and volatile business environment that characterizes today’s marketplace demands for rapid delivery of high-quality outcomes, aligning development with customer needs and company goals. Agile methodologies have gained widespread popularity due to their easy implementation and adaptability to different industrial contexts. Although these methodologies originally emerged in the software and computer science field, they have been rapidly imported to other disciplines such as management and business. This paper describes an activity developed in a Project Management course during the academic year 2016/17. The activity is designed with the objective of not only teaching students agile methodologies (and scrum in particular), but also to allow them understand the basis of such methodologies by implementing a class project. The activity details as well as students’ perceptions are analyzed and discussed. The feedback collected indicates that students positively valued the activity and that they believe that through this activity they have been able to learn the fundamentals of agile methodologies.Berbegal-Mirabent, J.; Gil-Doménech, D.; Berbegal-Mirabent, N. (2017). Teaching agile methodologies in a project management course. En Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 312-320. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD17.2017.5181OCS31232

    Relationship between organizational justice and perceived organizational agility: Meditating the effect of achievement motivation (A case study on teachers’ viewpoints in Mahallat Azad University)

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    The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between organizational justice and perceived organizational activity based on the mediating effect of job achievement motivation. The method of this research is descriptive-correlational. The population of the investigation included all professors in Mahallat Azad University (121 members) in the educational year of 2012-2013. Due to the small number of the population all of members were selected as sample. The data were collected through the library and survey method. The instrument of the research consisted of three researcher-made questionnaires: (a) Moreman and Niove (2001) organizational justice questionnaire (α=0.91); (b) the researcher-made organizational agility questionnaire (α = 0.89); (c) the researcher-made job achievement motivation questionnaire (α = 0.94). All questionnaires were set and calibrated according to 5-point Likert scale. To determine the content validity of the questionnaire, we consulted the experts. The data were analyzed through Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression methods. Generally the results of the research showed that there was a significant relationship between organizational justice in three dimensions (distributing, procedural, interactive) and organizational agility. The results also illustrated that the indirect influence of distributive justice on the enhancement of the perceived organizational agility was 0.019, the indirect influence of procedural justice on the enhancement of perceived organizational agility was 0.02, and the indirect influence of interactive justice on the enhancement of perceived organizational agility was 0.023. The results also showed that according to findings: RMSEA = 0.048, RMR= 0.029, GFI =0.96, AGFI =0.089, P (value) = 0.0072,df =2, =5.62, and illustrating the good fit of the case study

    Estado de arte sobre métodos de evaluación ágiles en las pymes

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    Muchas organizaciones pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) están usando las metodologías ágiles, tales como SCRUM, XP, Kanban, entre otras. Sin embargo, el poco conocimiento en el uso de procesos y metodologías, da como resultado que las pymes adopten las metodologías ágiles empíricamente, y en algunas ocasiones sin seguir los principios marcados en el manifiesto ágil. En este contexto, el objetivo del artículo es el establecimiento del estado del arte referente a los frameworks, métodos y metodologías que existen para evaluar la implementación y el uso de las metodologías ágiles enfocado en las pymes de Latinoamérica. Para lograr el objetivo, se realiza un protocolo de revisión sistemática, del cual se obtuvieron 35 estudios primarios, que han permitido identificar la metodología ágil más utilizada en las pymes, y los métodos, frameworks y herramientas existentes para evaluar si una organización lleva correctamente una metodología ágil y por lo tanto, los principios ágiles


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    O presente estudo propõe-se a apresentar um processo de seleção de artigos relevantes sobre a avaliação de desempenho no processo de desenvolvimento ágil de software a partir da perspectiva construtivista, estabelecendo um referencial que retrate uma amostra representativa do tema, respeitando-se aqui um critério devidamente estruturado. Nesta pesquisa, foi aplicada a metodologia ProKnow-C (Knowledge Development Process – Constructivist), que resultou na identificação de 18 artigos científicos alinhados com o tema e indexados por duas bases de dados internacionais (Scopus e ISI Web of Science) servindo como um portfólio referencial pela comprovação do seu reconhecimento científico. Diante dessa pesquisa observou-se que as publicações envolvendo a disciplina de avaliação de desempenho e a busca da agilidade nos projetos de software pela adoção de métodos ágeis são incipientes e ainda pouco explorados. O estudo bibliométrico permitiu, portanto, consolidar esse conjunto de artigos que contêm relevância científica, considerando pesquisas compreendidas entre os anos de 2006 e 2016, além de alguns clássicos teóricos, oportunizando que futuros pesquisadores possam desenvolver seus fundamentos a partir de uma coleção colaborativa de conhecimentos que sustentam o tema, definidos pela aplicabilidade de um processo construtivista estruturado, gerando conhecimento nos pesquisadores, reduzindo o uso da subjetividade e aleatoriedade durante o processo de identificação e revisão da literatura. ----- DOI: 10.18226/23190639.v6n3.01 Ewerton Sacco Calvetti*, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Brasil.E-mail: [email protected] Rogério Tadeu de Oliveira Lacerda, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Brasil.E-mail: [email protected] Mayara Lucia Bernardes, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Brasil.E-mail: [email protected] Submetido: Outubro 2017Aceito: Julho 2018*Contato para Correspondênci

    A platform for the development of patient applications in the domain of personalized health

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    Personalized health (p-health) systems can contribute significantly to the sustainability of healthcare systems, though their feasibility is yet to be proven. One of the problems related to their development is the lack of well-established development tools for this domain. As the p-health paradigm is focused on patient self-management, big challenges arise around the design and implementation of patient systems. This paper presents a reference platform created for the development of these applications, and shows the advantages of its adoption in a complex project dealing with cardio-vascular diseases