14 research outputs found

    Supply Chain System Analysis and Modeling Using Ontology Engineering

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    Knowledge strategy and its influence on knowledge organization

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    Knowledge strategy is the set of guidelines that shape the decisions that an organization makes regarding the acquisition, storage, manipulation, and application of its knowledge base. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the influence knowledge strategy has on the manner in which an organization’s knowledge is organized. Using semi-structured interviews of upper level executives from various industries, relationships are established between certain characteristics of knowledge strategy types (e.g. proactive or reactive knowledge acquisition) and the organization of knowledge within the organization. Results indicate that certain aspects of a knowledge strategy are linked to certain approaches to knowledge organization, though organizational characteristics such as structure and industry type also play a major role

    The Effective Utilization of Knowledge Management in E-Government: A Case Study of E-Government in Jordan

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    The study is aimed at investigating the effective utilization of knowledge management in the Jordanian e-government system. The study proposes the knowledge management model for the implementation of egovernment in Jordan. The sample consisted of 132 employees derived from a population that had a sufficient knowledge of knowledge management in the Jordanian e-government team. The data collection tool used was a selfadministrated questionnaire. The study revealed the existence of a strong correlation between knowledge management and the utilization of knowledge. Furthermore, the study sample agreed that knowledge management is a widespread organizational practice. The study concluded that the utilization of knowledge is related to proper planning and follow-up of the applications for the knowledge management in Jordan e-government entities. In addition, the study recommended the spread of the culture of knowledge management which was supported by the senior management at the Jordanian entities


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    This paper analyses the relationship between business process modelling, knowledge management and information systems development projects. The paper’s main objective is to present business rules as the encoded knowledge of corporate business practices. Further, it introduces a rule-based business activity meta-model as a repository in which business knowledge can be captured and traced from their origin in the business environment through to their implementation in information systems. The case study of the Croatian Ministry of Finance is presented, discussing the practical experience in integrating business process repository and organisational knowledge as the foundation for information system development

    Incorporating K-MAP into KM-oriented BPR: a case study at industrial training management of UTM

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    Many organizations have realized that access to quality information and knowledge will help them remain competitive. However, with rapidly changing business environments, organizations has come to a term of realizing that they need to develop an effective knowledge strategy and provide the employees with the best available knowledge to support the decision making process. Furthermore, while traditional business output presumes it to be an inherent part of the business process, business knowledge is, in practice, downplayed or overlooked by many organizations. Practical business knowledge and experience is typically retained only in individuals and not transferred to the business organization. Hence, this study addresses this within the context of how knowledge mapping can aid by mapping knowledge with its related business process. The purpose of this study is to extend the existing KM-oriented BPR framework by incorporating Knowledge Map and propose a framework that could map knowledge with its related business process. This study will analyze clearly business knowledge asset and management demands for business operation process and fuse relevant KM activities into BPR and thus by incorporating knowledge mapping, it provides a concrete and tactical way of understanding the environment. Qualitative method with in-depth interview, observation and document analysis were applied to provide sufficient evidence to support the framework. The proposed framework has been illustrated at Industrial Training Management unit of UTM at Faculty of Computing and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and some future works are suggested at the end of this study

    Antecedents and consequences of KMS usage in Chunghwa Telecom company

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    [[abstract]]"The knowledge management system (KMS) has attracted significant attention from researchers and practitioners as a facilitator of better employee performance. However, although companies have implemented KMS, empirical research findings offer inconsistent correlation between employee performance and KMS usage. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the antecedent factors influencing the KMS usage which might lead to better employee satisfaction and performance. Specifically, a research model based on the Technology Acceptance Model for testing the influence of KMS usage is proposed. A number of hypotheses are thus developed and were empirically tested using survey data obtained from employees in Chunghwa Telecom Company. The PLS software solutions wre seleted to validate the measurements and the structuralproperties of the proposed research model. The results suggest that employee performance is affected by employee satisfaction and extent of KMS usage, which are in turn jointly determined by knowledge maps fit, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use.

    La gestión de procesos y la productividad laboralen la empresa Química Martell S.A.C, Comas 2019

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general describir la relación entre la gestión de procesos y la productividad laboral en la empresa Química Martell S.A.C. Comas, 2019.El tipo de investigación es aplicada, el diseño de la investigación es no experimental de corte trasversal y correlacional. La población objeto de estudio estuvo conformada por 80 colaboradores de la empresa Química Martell S.A.C. ubicada en Comas. Se trabajó con un muestreo no probabilístico. La técnica que se utilizo fue la encuesta. El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario, el cual obtuvo un alfa de cronbach de 0.848 lo cual significa una alta confiabilidad estadística, y la validación de juicios de experto dio un resultado de 85%. Asímismo se concluye que existe una relación positiva fuerte entre las variables de gestión de procesos y la productividad laboral; es decir que ante la mejora de gestión de procesos se da una alta productividad laboral, los resultados de la prueba estadística Rho de spearman arrojo un resultado de 0.722 con una significancia de 0.000, denotando una relación positiva considerable

    An activity-based model for managing unstructured content

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    An increase in the volume of documents, images and other unstructured content in organisations has resulted in several new approaches to the management of unstructured content. These approaches are however focused on specific problem areas and do not address the problem of how to manage all unstructured content in a unified manner. This research investigates the requirements for managing unstructured content from a records management, knowledge management and information security perspective. To address the management requirements, a model for managing unstructured content by using organisational activities as a basis for categorising the content into a taxonomy is proposed. The management requirements for unstructured content are then determined and applied on the taxonomical node level. The research showed that a strong relationship exists between organisational activities and the content management requirements of unstructured conent. It was also shown that using an activity-based model for classifying unstructured content, can be used as the basis for managing unstructured content from a records management, knowledge management and information security persective. CopyrightDissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2009.Information Scienceunrestricte