15 research outputs found


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    Generally a good business organization presents an efficient Knowledge Management (KM) system. In the enterpise it’s very important the integration of technological, procedural and organizational know-how. The skills acquired by employees, over time, must be transformed in explicit knowledge and distributed on enterprise community to support decision making for strategic planning. Information and communication technology (ICT) supports very well the flow of knowledge inside enterprise and its trasformation.knowledge management, knowledge building, web 2.0 tools, information and communication technology.

    Organizational Knowledge Management Framework: The COMFENALCO Case

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    Modern organizations generate a great amount of information that stays dispersed throughout the different operating units. This makes it difficult for management to identify useful relationships among the disparate pieces of information. In an attempt to address that issue organizations implement document management systems that only resolve half of the problem: the half that deals with structuring and organizing the information linked to projects and processes carried out in the organization so that it is available and can be consulted. However, that solution does not address the issue of capturing all the information associated with the experience, tacit and explicit, associated with the processes and the people who participated in those activities and the information thus produced. The goal is that in the future users in the organization could query the knowledge management system and find out the history of the projects and processes carried out, the relationship between the different parts of the process, the role and responsibilities of the different participants and in general the lessons learned. With that in mind this paper presents a framework which serves as a guide for successful implementation of an organizational knowledge management system based on a case study of a large regional public organization in the state of Bolívar, Colombia. Note: This paper could also be considered by the KM & IS track. I´ll leave it up to the programme committee

    Metodología de implementación de proyectos de Sistemas de Gestión de Conocimiento

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    Knowledge management in higher education institutions is a research topic that has increased over the last ten years. Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) are solutions to attend to the knowledge gaps through projects. This research, with a hermeneutic literature review method, analyses prescriptive and hybrid knowledge management models for higher education institutions and general methodologies for implementing KMS. Based on the results of this analysis, a methodology for the implementation of knowledge management system projects is proposed with an agile and incremental approach and considering the recommendations of the ISO 30401 standard on Knowledge Management System Requirements. The proposed methodology includes other methodologies for knowledge management such as knowledge auditing and maturity assessment, and other methodologies for analysis, design, and development solutions.La gestión del conocimiento en las instituciones de educación superior es un área de investigación cuyo desarrollo se ha incrementado en los últimos diez años. Los Sistemas de Gestión de Conocimiento (SGC) permiten implementar las soluciones para atender las brechas de conocimiento mediante proyectos.   Con esta investigación fundamentada en una de revisión de literatura hermenéutica, se analizan modelos de gestión de conocimiento prescriptivos o híbridos para instituciones de educación superior y metodologías generales de implementación de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento.  Con base en los resultados de este análisis se propone una metodología de implementación de proyectos de sistemas de gestión de conocimiento con un enfoque ágil e incremental y considerando las recomendaciones del estándar ISO 30401 sobre requerimientos de SGC.  Se integran en la metodología propuesta otras metodologías propias de la disciplina de gestión de conocimiento como la auditoría de conocimiento y la evaluación de madurez de gestión del conocimiento, así como otras metodologías de análisis, diseño y desarrollo de soluciones

    Causes of Challenges in Implementing Computer-Based Knowledge Management Systems in Healthcare Institutions: A Case Study of Private Hospitals in Johannesburg, South Africa

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    The advent of computer-based knowledge management systems has changed the world, especially in the way businesses operate, making them an integral aspect to modern economies and the drivers of success. Studies show that the implementation of computer-based knowledge management systems is challenging, particularly in healthcare institutions. This paper presents a study that was undertaken to identify the causes of challenges encountered when implementing computer-based knowledge management systems in healthcare institutions. A case was used as this study’s research methodology in which three private hospitals based in Johannesburg, South Africa, were utilized. Six participants, two from each private hospital, were purposively selected and interviewed. Researchers collected data in the form of notes and qualitatively analyzed it. The following findings were identified: failure to make organizational culture change to align with computer-based knowledge management systems; no support, commitment and accountability; knowledge gap between medical and knowledge management designers; fast-changing of technology; shortage of skilled human resources; failure to convert tacit and explicit information into systematic knowledge; and failure to comprehend healthcare complexity. The aim of this study is to present a comprehensive synopsis of the causes of challenges encountered when implementing computer-based knowledge management systems in Johannesburg healthcare organizations

    Methodology for the Implementation of Knowledge Management Systems 2.0

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    Web 2.0 and Big Data tools can be used to develop knowledge management systems based on facilitating the participation and collaboration of people in order to enhance knowledge. The paper presents a methodology that can help organizations with the use of Web 2.0 and Big Data tools to discover, gather, manage and apply their knowledge by making the process of implementing a knowledge management system faster and simpler. First, an initial version of the methodology was developed and it was then applied to an oil and gas company in order to analyze and refine it. The results obtained show the effectiveness of the methodology, since it helped this company to carry out the implementation quickly and effectively, thereby allowing the company to gain the maximum benefits from existing knowledge

    Selecting a knowledge management methodology in Society 5.0

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    Society 5.0 is a knowledge-driven society that is impacted by rapid changes in the digital world. Due to the influence of the tools and technologies introduced by Industry 4.0 or the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), Society 5.0 is challenged by the amount of knowledge created through the integration of cyber and physical spaces. The exploitation of the 4IR’s technological advancements increases the potential of knowledge creation, presenting with it a knowledge management (KM) challenge. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to identify the KM methodologies available for adoption in Society 5.0. In this research, systematic literature review was used to identify and evaluate existing KM methodologies from academic reviewed papers published between 2006 and 2020. It was found that some of the KM methodologies are industry specific and derived from best practice, while others focused on the development and implementation of KM systems. Based on the findings, elements of a potential KM methodology for knowledge management in Society 5.0 are presented.https://easychair.org/publications/EPiC/Computingam2024InformaticsSDG-09: Industry, innovation and infrastructur

    A Methodology For Capturing Tacit Knowledge Within The Defense Industry

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    This study looks at the knowledge management practices used by study participants from the defense industry and offers a methodology for capturing tacit knowledge. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in work teams focused on the development and acquisition of defense systems. Those interviewed held various staff and management positions in Program Management (PM), Enterprise Architecture (EA), and system safety auditing. This researcher conducted primary research in the form of a Case Study. Interviewees in the defense industry supporting the Army, Marine Corps and Military aeronautics were interviewed and asked to provide feedback on their experiences and knowledge of tacit knowledge capture. Through a series of questions this researcher was then able to derive a methodology to better capture tacit knowledge in the industry in question. It became evident during the primary research that further studies should be conducted within the defense industry regarding the capture of knowledge from those who have clearances above and beyond “public knowledgeâ€. The discoveries in this primary research brought light to the fact that classified tacit knowledge may not be captured, because it is sensitive in nature. Further studies may include research to provide a means of capturing classified tacit knowledge while still maintaining its security

    Fatores críticos de sucesso na gestão do conhecimento: um estudo de caso baseado na implementação de uma academia do conhecimento

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    Nowadays, knowledge is considered a key resource for organizations, crucial for obtaining long-term sustainable competitive. In line with this principle, many organizations are making efforts toward the implementation of knowledge management (KM) initiatives, recognizing that their competitive foundation lies in the effective way to capture, retain, store and share knowledge. Thus, this research aims to understand how organizations can implement KM initiatives, with a comprehensive study to identify critical success factors, and based on a practical project to implement a knowledge academy in a multinational organization. In order to achieve this objective, the adopted methodology in this research first went through a systematic literature review in order to identify the critical success factors with most influence on the implementation of KM practices. Then, based on the results found with this theoretical approach, it was possible to identify and analyse, in a practical context within a multinational company, the critical factors that contributed the most to the success of a knowledge academy implementation, a project in which the author of this study was involved. The results found suggest that factors related to the organization and people, such as the definition of a clear strategy, the definition of performance measures to evaluate and monitor the strategy, the involvement of top management, or even the organizational culture itself, represent some of the factors that have the most influence on the successful implementation of KM initiatives. With this research, it is expected to contribute from a theoretical perspective to the KM area through the compilation, categorization and classification of a set of critical success factors reported in the literature and subsequently analyzed and validated in a practical context. From a practical perspective, it is expected that these results can contribute as a consultative tool to support the preparation of strategies in this area by organizations wishing to implement KM initiatives.Atualmente o conhecimento é considerado um recurso chave para as organizações, crucial na obtenção de competitividade sustentável a longo prazo. Alinhado com este princípio, muitas organizações estão a fazer esforços no sentido de implementarem iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento (GC), reconhecendo que a sua base competitiva reside na forma eficaz de captar, reter, armazenar e partilhar conhecimento. Desta forma, o presente trabalho tem por objetivo compreender como as organizações podem implementar iniciativas de GC, elencando num estudo exaustivo de identificação de fatores críticos de sucesso, e tendo por base um projeto prático de implementação de uma academia de conhecimento numa organização multinacional. Por forma a alcançar tal objetivo, a metodologia adotada neste trabalho compreendeu, em primeiro lugar, uma revisão sistemática da literatura, de forma a identificar os fatores críticos de sucesso que mais influência têm na implementação de práticas de GC. Seguidamente, e tendo por base os resultados encontrados com esta abordagem teórica, foi possível identificar e analisar, num contexto prático no âmbito de uma empresa multinacional, os fatores críticos que mais contribuíram para o sucesso da implementação de uma academia de conhecimento, projeto onde a autora deste trabalho esteve envolvida. Os resultados encontrados sugerem que fatores relacionados com a organização e com as pessoas, tais como, a definição de uma estratégia clara, a definição de medidas de performance para avaliar e acompanhar a estratégia, o envolvimento da gestão de topo, ou mesmo a própria cultura organizacional, representam alguns dos fatores que mais influência têm na implementação bemsucedida de práticas e iniciativas de GC. Espera-se, assim, com este estudo, contribuir numa perspetiva teórica para a área da GC através da compilação, categorização e classificação de um conjunto de fatores críticos de sucesso reportados na literatura e, posteriormente, analisados e validados num contexto prático. Numa perspetiva prática, espera-se que estes resultados possam contribuir com uma ferramenta consultiva de apoio à preparação de estratégias nesta área, por parte das organizações que pretendam implementar iniciativas de GC.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    A Knowledge Management System (KMS) Using a Storytelling-based Approach to Collect Tacit Knowledge

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    Since the 1990s, Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) have been largely unsuccessful in the collection of tacit knowledge. The process, whether through direct input by the holder of the tacit knowledge or through an intermediary such as the collection of tacit knowledge through interviews and videos, has not succeeded. Reasons encompass the organizational (such as culture of the organization), the technological (example: poor tools), and the individual (example: knowledge is power, i.e. where experts with rare knowledge results in knowledge hoarding instead of transfer). The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that tacit knowledge could be successfully and consistently collected from the participants themselves and placed into a KMS using a storytelling-based approach. This study extended past research that collected stories for KMS’ using interviews and videos by having participants directly entering their data, as stories, into a KMS. This was a new approach and it was posited that having participants use stories to enter their tacit knowledge themselves into a KMS would overcome their reluctance to provide tacit knowledge thus overcoming barriers to providing tacit knowledge into a KMS The validation methodology was based upon three elements: the deep-dive research element, the issues and solution element, and the dissertation proposition element. The deep-dive research element was the extensive research for the study into knowledge management, storytelling, and other various methods for collection of tacit knowledge. The issues and solution element consisted of issues about tacit knowledge that were identified from the deep-dive research element, i.e. general arguments constructed about knowledge management which were backed by data from research into knowledge management systems and storytelling. Theoretical solutions to the issues regarding the capture of tacit knowledge were then constructed which included the storytelling-based approach and a KMS framework for the collection of tacit knowledge. Lastly was the dissertation proposition element which consisted of a thorough analysis of the survey data against each of the dissertation propositions. There were three propositions. Proposition 1 was sharing of knowledge and the storytelling-based approach. Proposition 2 was about the framework, the scenarios, guiding questions, and Communities of Practice (CoP), and Proposition 3 was about participant knowledge and interaction with forums. Each proposition was evaluated independently. The study was successful and validated propositions 1 and 2. For proposition 1, 81% of the participants responded positively to the eight study questions directed towards this proposition. For all eight questions across all 21 participants, the mean was 29.952 against a target test mean of 24 with a range of 27.538-32.367. For proposition 2, 76.19% of participants scored this section positive. For all six questions across all 21 participants, the mean was 23 against a target test mean of 18 with a range of 21.394-24.606. However, the results for proposition 3 were inconclusive and must be considered a failure. Most of the respondents either scored ‘no change’ to at least 50% of the questions or they stated they had never been to a forum. For all four questions across all 21 participants, the mean was 12.905 against a target mean of 12 with a range of 11.896-13.914. Based upon propositions 1 and 2, the null hypothesis was disproved. Participants liked the storytelling-based approach, providing their tacit knowledge, and they liked the framework

    Framework de gestión del conocimiento transversal en una empresa : caso de estudio Comfenalco Cartagena /

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    En las empresas existe una gran cantidad de información que se encuentra dispersa dentro de los procesos, dicha información se encuentra explícitamente presente dentro de los documentos y en los sistemas implementados dentro de los mismos, debido a esto la información se genera de manera aislada y sin ningún tipo de relación. A la vez las empresas en su afán de poder resolver este problema implementan sistemas de Gestión Documental que le permiten poder resolver la mitad del problema, ya que al digitalizar y archivar los documentos de manera electrónica están resolviendo la parte de tener estructurado, organizado y consultable los documentos que se generen en la empresa; pero hace falta una parte importante dentro de estas y son todas aquellas experiencias, conocimientos tácitos y explícitos que se generan de la ejecución y realización de las actividades o acciones en el día a día; sobre todo que le permita a la empresa consolidar la historia de los procesos y problemas importantes que se desarrollan en su interior para poder consultarlos de manera posterior, y así poder establecer las relaciones, saber que sucedió? y que se hizo?, logrando tomar la mejor decisión con base en dicha información, sin asumir tantos riesgos y sobre todo sin depender del individuo que realizó dicha actividad, proyecto o documento. El presente trabajo de investigación pretende resolver dicha problemática desarrollando un framework para la gestión del conocimiento de manera transversal a ix todos los procesos de una organización, tomando como caso de estudio la empresa de Comfenalco Cartagena y pretende generalizar que aspectos se deben tener en cuenta a la hora de decidir desarrollar un Sistema de Gestión del Conocimiento, contribuyendo así a que las empresas cuando tomen esta decisión, ya sea que adquieran una aplicación o decidan desarrollarlo, tengan claro que aspectos debe contener y de esta manera disminuir los riesgos de fracaso y de tiempo en el análisis y aprendizaje de lo que es un Sistema de este tipo.Incluye bibliografía, apéndic