813 research outputs found

    Scheduling Jobs in Flowshops with the Introduction of Additional Machines in the Future

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    This is the author's peer-reviewed final manuscript, as accepted by the publisher. The published article is copyrighted by Elsevier and can be found at: http://www.journals.elsevier.com/expert-systems-with-applications/.The problem of scheduling jobs to minimize total weighted tardiness in flowshops,\ud with the possibility of evolving into hybrid flowshops in the future, is investigated in\ud this paper. As this research is guided by a real problem in industry, the flowshop\ud considered has considerable flexibility, which stimulated the development of an\ud innovative methodology for this research. Each stage of the flowshop currently has\ud one or several identical machines. However, the manufacturing company is planning\ud to introduce additional machines with different capabilities in different stages in the\ud near future. Thus, the algorithm proposed and developed for the problem is not only\ud capable of solving the current flow line configuration but also the potential new\ud configurations that may result in the future. A meta-heuristic search algorithm based\ud on Tabu search is developed to solve this NP-hard, industry-guided problem. Six\ud different initial solution finding mechanisms are proposed. A carefully planned\ud nested split-plot design is performed to test the significance of different factors and\ud their impact on the performance of the different algorithms. To the best of our\ud knowledge, this research is the first of its kind that attempts to solve an industry-guided\ud problem with the concern for future developments

    A computational evaluation of constructive and improvement heuristics for the blocking flow shop to minimize total flowtime

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    This paper focuses on the blocking flow shop scheduling problem with the objective of total flowtime minimisation. This problem assumes that there are no buffers between machines and, due to its application to many manufacturing sectors, it is receiving a growing attention by researchers during the last years. Since the problem is NP-hard, a large number of heuristics have been proposed to provide good solutions with reasonable computational times. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the available heuristics for the problem and for related problems, resulting in the implementation and testing of a total of 35 heuristics. Furthermore, we propose an efficient constructive heuristic which successfully combines a pool of partial sequences in parallel, using a beam-search-based approach. The computational experiments show the excellent performance of the proposed heuristic as compared to the best-so-far algorithms for the problem, both in terms of quality of the solutions and of computational requirements. In fact, despite being a relative fast constructive heuristic, new best upper bounds have been found for more than 27% of Taillard’s instances.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación DPI2013-44461-P/DP

    Solving no-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines and rework time by the adjusted discrete Multi Objective Invasive Weed Optimization and fuzzy dominance approach

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    Purpose: Adjusted discrete Multi-Objective Invasive Weed Optimization (DMOIWO) algorithm, which uses fuzzy dominant approach for ordering, has been proposed to solve No-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem. Design/methodology/approach: No-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem by considering sequence-dependent setup times and probable rework in both stations, different ready times for all jobs and rework times for both stations as well as unrelated parallel machines with regards to the simultaneous minimization of maximum job completion time and average latency functions have been investigated in a multi-objective manner. In this study, the parameter setting has been carried out using Taguchi Method based on the quality indicator for beater performance of the algorithm. Findings: The results of this algorithm have been compared with those of conventional, multi-objective algorithms to show the better performance of the proposed algorithm. The results clearly indicated the greater performance of the proposed algorithm. Originality/value: This study provides an efficient method for solving multi objective no-wait two-stage flexible flow shop scheduling problem by considering sequence-dependent setup times, probable rework in both stations, different ready times for all jobs, rework times for both stations and unrelated parallel machines which are the real constraints.Peer Reviewe

    Spatial-temporal data modelling and processing for personalised decision support

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    The purpose of this research is to undertake the modelling of dynamic data without losing any of the temporal relationships, and to be able to predict likelihood of outcome as far in advance of actual occurrence as possible. To this end a novel computational architecture for personalised ( individualised) modelling of spatio-temporal data based on spiking neural network methods (PMeSNNr), with a three dimensional visualisation of relationships between variables is proposed. In brief, the architecture is able to transfer spatio-temporal data patterns from a multidimensional input stream into internal patterns in the spiking neural network reservoir. These patterns are then analysed to produce a personalised model for either classification or prediction dependent on the specific needs of the situation. The architecture described above was constructed using MatLab© in several individual modules linked together to form NeuCube (M1). This methodology has been applied to two real world case studies. Firstly, it has been applied to data for the prediction of stroke occurrences on an individual basis. Secondly, it has been applied to ecological data on aphid pest abundance prediction. Two main objectives for this research when judging outcomes of the modelling are accurate prediction and to have this at the earliest possible time point. The implications of these findings are not insignificant in terms of health care management and environmental control. As the case studies utilised here represent vastly different application fields, it reveals more of the potential and usefulness of NeuCube (M1) for modelling data in an integrated manner. This in turn can identify previously unknown (or less understood) interactions thus both increasing the level of reliance that can be placed on the model created, and enhancing our human understanding of the complexities of the world around us without the need for over simplification. Read less Keywords Personalised modelling; Spiking neural network; Spatial-temporal data modelling; Computational intelligence; Predictive modelling; Stroke risk predictio

    Spatial-temporal data modelling and processing for personalised decision support

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    The purpose of this research is to undertake the modelling of dynamic data without losing any of the temporal relationships, and to be able to predict likelihood of outcome as far in advance of actual occurrence as possible. To this end a novel computational architecture for personalised ( individualised) modelling of spatio-temporal data based on spiking neural network methods (PMeSNNr), with a three dimensional visualisation of relationships between variables is proposed. In brief, the architecture is able to transfer spatio-temporal data patterns from a multidimensional input stream into internal patterns in the spiking neural network reservoir. These patterns are then analysed to produce a personalised model for either classification or prediction dependent on the specific needs of the situation. The architecture described above was constructed using MatLab© in several individual modules linked together to form NeuCube (M1). This methodology has been applied to two real world case studies. Firstly, it has been applied to data for the prediction of stroke occurrences on an individual basis. Secondly, it has been applied to ecological data on aphid pest abundance prediction. Two main objectives for this research when judging outcomes of the modelling are accurate prediction and to have this at the earliest possible time point. The implications of these findings are not insignificant in terms of health care management and environmental control. As the case studies utilised here represent vastly different application fields, it reveals more of the potential and usefulness of NeuCube (M1) for modelling data in an integrated manner. This in turn can identify previously unknown (or less understood) interactions thus both increasing the level of reliance that can be placed on the model created, and enhancing our human understanding of the complexities of the world around us without the need for over simplification. Read less Keywords Personalised modelling; Spiking neural network; Spatial-temporal data modelling; Computational intelligence; Predictive modelling; Stroke risk predictio

    Overview on: sequencing in mixed model flowshop production line with static and dynamic context

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    In the present work a literature overview was given on solution techniques considering basic as well as more advanced and consequently more complex arrangements of mixed model flowshops. We first analyzed the occurrence of setup time/cost; existing solution techniques are mainly focused on permutation sequences. Thereafter we discussed objectives resulting in the introduction of variety of methods allowing resequencing of jobs within the line. The possibility of resequencing within the line ranges from 1) offline or intermittent buffers, 2) parallel stations, namely flexible, hybrid or compound flowshops, 3) merging and splitting of parallel lines, 4) re-entrant flowshops, to 5) change job attributes without physically interchanging the position. In continuation the differences in the consideration of static and dynamic demand was studied. Also intermittent setups are possible, depending on the horizon and including the possibility of resequencing, four problem cases were highlighted: static, semi dynamic, nearly dynamic and dynamic case. Finally a general overview was given on existing solution methods, including exact and approximation methods. The approximation methods are furthermore divided in two cases, know as heuristics and methaheuristic
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