9 research outputs found

    Optimasi Penjadwalan Flow Shop Menggunakan Algoritma Hybrid Differential Evolution

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    Penjadwalan produksi merupakan bagian integral di dalam sistem manufaktur. Artikel ini menyelesaikan permasalahan penjadwalan flow shop dengan fungsi obyektif total flow time. Dalam penjadwalan, total flow time menghasilkan konsumsi yang stabil terhadap sumber daya, perputaran job yang cepat serta meminimalkan work in process inventory. Permasalahan penjadwalan flow shop tergolong pada permasalahan optimasi kombinatorial yang merupakan NP-hard. Saat ini, penggunaan algoritma metaheuristik banyak digunakan untuk memecahkan kasus optimasi kombinatorial, termasuk penjadwalan flow shop. Salah satu yang memiliki performa yang baik adalah Algoritma Differential Evolution. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas solusinya, Algoritma Differential Evolution akan ditambahkan dengan prosedur local search yang dinamakan Hybrid Differential Evolution. Untuk mengetahui performa dari algoritma tersebut, dilakukan pengujian menggunakan data penjadwalan flow shop yang ada pada OR-Library. Performa Hybrid Differential Evolution akan dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa Hybrid Differential Evolution memberikan performa yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan algoritma lain

    Overview on: sequencing in mixed model flowshop production line with static and dynamic context

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    In the present work a literature overview was given on solution techniques considering basic as well as more advanced and consequently more complex arrangements of mixed model flowshops. We first analyzed the occurrence of setup time/cost; existing solution techniques are mainly focused on permutation sequences. Thereafter we discussed objectives resulting in the introduction of variety of methods allowing resequencing of jobs within the line. The possibility of resequencing within the line ranges from 1) offline or intermittent buffers, 2) parallel stations, namely flexible, hybrid or compound flowshops, 3) merging and splitting of parallel lines, 4) re-entrant flowshops, to 5) change job attributes without physically interchanging the position. In continuation the differences in the consideration of static and dynamic demand was studied. Also intermittent setups are possible, depending on the horizon and including the possibility of resequencing, four problem cases were highlighted: static, semi dynamic, nearly dynamic and dynamic case. Finally a general overview was given on existing solution methods, including exact and approximation methods. The approximation methods are furthermore divided in two cases, know as heuristics and methaheuristic

    A robust flexible flow shop problem under processing and release times uncertainty

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    The aim of this paper is to present a simheuristic approach that obtains robust solutions for a multi-objective hybrid flow shop problem under uncertain processing and release times. This approach minimizes the expected tardiness and standard deviation of tardiness, as a robustness measure for the stated problem. The simheuristic algorithm hybridizes the NSGA-II with a Monte Carlo Simulation process. Initially, the deterministic scenario was tested on 32 different created small size instances and 32 medium and large benchmarked instances. As a result, the proposed algorithm improved quality of solutions by 1.21% against the MILP model and it also performed better than ERD, NEHedd, and ENS2, while consuming a reasonable computational time. Afterwards, one experimental design was carried out using 10 random instances from the same benchmark as a blocking factor, where four factors of interest were considered. The factors and their respective values are number of generations (50, 100), crossover probability (0.8, 0.9), mutation probability (0.1, 0.2), and population size (60, 100). Results show that the factors instance, mutation probability and number of generations, as well as other interactions between them, have a significant effect in the total tardiness for the deterministic scenario, proving the importance of an appropriate selection of parameters when using genetic algorithms to obtain quality solutions. Then, the performance of the proposed NSGA-II was compared against ERD, NEHedd, and ENS2 methods. Results show that our algorithm improves the quality of the solutions for both objective functions, proving the robustness of our solutions for the HFS problem. Finally, two additional generalized experiments were carried out to analyze the effect of number of jobs (10, 20), number of stages (2, 3), shop condition (0.2, 0.6), probability distribution (uniform, lognormal), and CV (0.05, 0.25, 0.4) on both objective functions. The shop condition, probability distribution and CV were proven to be highly influential on the variability of the results, with the only exception being the coefficient of variation having no statistically significant effect on the total tardiness.The aim of this paper is to present a simheuristic approach that obtains robust solutions for a multi-objective hybrid flow shop problem under uncertain processing and release times. This approach minimizes the expected tardiness and standard deviation of tardiness, as a robustness measure for the stated problem. The simheuristic algorithm hybridizes the NSGA-II with a Monte Carlo Simulation process. Initially, the deterministic scenario was tested on 32 different created small size instances and 32 medium and large benchmarked instances. As a result, the proposed algorithm improved quality of solutions by 1.21% against the MILP model and it also performed better than ERD, NEHedd, and ENS2, while consuming a reasonable computational time. Afterwards, one experimental design was carried out using 10 random instances from the same benchmark as a blocking factor, where four factors of interest were considered. The factors and their respective values are number of generations (50, 100), crossover probability (0.8, 0.9), mutation probability (0.1, 0.2), and population size (60, 100). Results show that the factors instance, mutation probability and number of generations, as well as other interactions between them, have a significant effect in the total tardiness for the deterministic scenario, proving the importance of an appropriate selection of parameters when using genetic algorithms to obtain quality solutions. Then, the performance of the proposed NSGA-II was compared against ERD, NEHedd, and ENS2 methods. Results show that our algorithm improves the quality of the solutions for both objective functions, proving the robustness of our solutions for the HFS problem. Finally, two additional generalized experiments were carried out to analyze the effect of number of jobs (10, 20), number of stages (2, 3), shop condition (0.2, 0.6), probability distribution (uniform, lognormal), and CV (0.05, 0.25, 0.4) on both objective functions. The shop condition, probability distribution and CV were proven to be highly influential on the variability of the results, with the only exception being the coefficient of variation having no statistically significant effect on the total tardiness.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Minimización del número de pedidos tardíos en un proceso flow shop flexible para una empresa del sector lácteo

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    La programación de la producción realizada de manera adecuada puede traer grandes ventajas a una compañía, es por eso que este proyecto se desarrolla en una empresa de lácteos en su línea de producción líquida 1 que corresponde a fermentados, gelatinas y jugos, esta posee características de un sistema Flow Shop flexible y con secuencia dependiente. Por esto, se busca diseñar una herramienta que minimice el número de trabajos tardíos. Para lograrlo, se creó un aplicativo que permite encontrar un orden adecuado de producción. Se apoyó en el método de Lot Streaming, donde se desarrolló una fórmula para encontrar la cantidad de sub lotes adecuada para lograr una programación mejorada. Se elaboró un aplicativo con una heurística de algoritmo genético, donde sus cinco etapas se desarrollaron según metodologías encontradas en la revisión de literatura (inicialización aleatoria, selección por ranking, two-point ver I crossover, mutación shift, finalización mediante el criterio por iteraciones sin mejora). En cada una de estas etapas se lleva a cabo un proceso de reparación para evaluar los cromosomas infactibles y convertirlos en soluciones viables. La implementación y análisis del aplicativo tuvo varias instancias proporcionadas por la empresa que se compararon con los resultados obtenidos por el aplicativo. Con lo anterior, se prosiguió a la comparación del aplicativo frente a dos reglas de despacho, una estática SPT (shortest processing time) y una dinámica CR (critical ratio), los resultados demostraron que el aplicativo siempre tuvo mayor impacto en cuanto a la reducción de pedidos tardíos y el makespan.A properly executed production scheduling brings great advantages to a company, that’s why this work aims to develop the same for a lactose company and its main production line liquid 1 (fermented, jellies and juices), which is characterized by being a flexible Flow Shop with sequence dependent setup times, in order to minimize the number of late jobs. To achieve this objective, a software was created, which allows to find a proper production order. Relied on the method of Lot Streaming, where an equation was created in order to find the proper amount of sublots to achieve the desired production programming. A software base on a genetic algorithm heuristic was developed, this algorithm was composed by five stages that were developed according to methodologies found in the literature review. (random initialization, ranking selection method, Two-point (ver I)crossover, Shift mutation, criteria for iterations without improvement finalization). In each of the aforementioned stages, there is a repair process, which evaluates the infactibles chromosomes and turns them into workable solutions. The implementation and analysis of the application had several instances given by the Company that compared with the results obtained by the software. With the foregoing, the comparison of the application against two dispatch rules was made, a static SPT (shortest processing time) and a dynamic CR (critical ratio), the results showed that the software always had a greater impact in terms of the reduction of late jobs and makespan.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    Minimizing the makespan in a flexible flowshop with sequence dependent setup times, uniform machines, and limited buffers

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    This research addresses the problem of minimizing the makespan in a flexible flowshop with sequence dependent setup times, uniform machines, and limited buffers. A mathematical model was developed to solve this problem. The problem is NP-Hard in the strong sense and only very small problems could be solved optimally. For exact methods, the computation times are long and not practical even when the problems are relatively small. Two construction heuristics were developed that could find solutions quickly. Also a simulated annealing heuristic was constructed that improved the solutions obtained from the construction heuristics. The combined heuristics could compute a good solution in a short amount of time. The heuristics were tested in three different environments: 3 stages, 4 stages, and 5 stages. To assess the quality of the solutions, a lower bound and two simple heuristics were generated for comparison purposes. The proposed heuristics showed steady improvement over the simple heuristics. When compared to the lower bounds, the heuristics performed well for the smaller environment, but the performance quality decreased as the number of stages increased. The combination of these heuristics defiantly shows promise for solving the problem

    Performance Improvement Through Benchmarking for Small and Medium Manufacturers (SMM)

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    Die wichtigsten Kostenfaktoren innerhalb einer Lieferkette lassen sich drei Kategorien zuordnen: Produktions-, Transport-und Lagerkosten. Die Strukturen dieser operativen Kosten im Hinblick auf die Gesamtkosten variieren stark je nach Industriesektor. Produktionskosten stellen dennoch die höchste Kostenart in fast allen Branchen dar, weniger bedeutend folgen danach jeweils die Transport- und Lagerkosten. Die Optimierung einer dieser Kategorien ohne Rücksicht auf die anderen kann zur Erhöhung der Gesamtkosten sowie der allgemeinen Leistungsfähigkeit führen. Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit dem „production distribution problem“ wobei synchronisierte Strategien entwickelt werden können, um die Leistung der Supply Chain zu verbessern und gleichzeitig die Gesamtkosten zu minimieren. Dazu wurde eine Fallstudie aus der Realität untersucht, nämlich das Praxisbeispiel eines Herstellers von Waschmitteln. Zwei Hauptszenarien werden bewertet. Das erste Szenario ist der konventionelle Plan, wobei die Hersteller dominieren. Dies bedeutet, dass der Hersteller findet seinen eigenen optimalen Job-Scheduling-Plan, während die Distribution versucht mit Hilfe dessen ihren optimalen Plan zu finden. Dadurch erhöhen sich die Distributionskosten. Das zweite Szenario betrifft die Synchronisation der Produktions-, Lagerhaltungs- und Transportzeitpläne. Ein zu diesem Zweck entwickeltes Java-Programm und die Job-Scheduling-Software Simal wurden für die Modellierung der konventionellen und integrierten Szenarien verwendet. Beide Szenarien wurden verglichen und validiert. Die Fallstudie betrachtet mehrere Produkte sowie ein schwer zu planendes flowshop- System. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Gesamtkosten, einschließlich der Einrichtungs-, Lager- und Transportkosten, minimiert werden können, wenn das synchronisierte System angewendet wird.The main cost factors within a supply chain can be put into the categories of production, transportation, and inventory costs. The composition of these operational costs relative to total costs varies largely by industry. However, production cost is the largest of all in almost all the industries, followed by transportation and inventory costs. Optimizing one of these categories without consideration of the others may increase the total cost and reduce the overall performance. This dissertation deals with the production distribution problem of developing synchronized strategies to improve the supply chain performance and to minimize the total cost. A real case study is investigated. This real-life case study is a powder detergent plant located in Libya. There are two main scenarios evaluated. The first scenario is the conventional plan, where the manufacturer dominates. This means the manufacturer finds his own optimum job-scheduling plan, and the distributor tries to find the optimum plan according to it. This will increase the distribution cost. The second scenario involves synchronizing the production, inventory and transportation schedules. A Java program and SimAl (job-schedulingsoftware) were constructed for modelling conventional and integrated scenarios. The two scenarios were compared and validated. The case study considered multiple products and a flowshop system which is difficult to schedule. The results show that the total costs, including setup, inventory and transportation, can be minimized when the synchronized system is applied

    A flexible flowshop problem with total flow time minimization

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    In this study, we consider total flow time problem in a flexible flowshop environment. We develop a branch and bound algorithm to find the optimal schedule. The efficiency of the algorithm is enhanced by upper and lower bounds and a dominance criterion. Computational experience reveals that the algorithm solves moderate sized problems in reasonable solution times

    Sessenta anos de Shop Scheduling : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Cassius Tadeu ScarpinDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Tecnologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. Defesa: Curitiba, 09/02/2017Inclui referências : f. 449-492Resumo: Desde o seminal artigo de Johnson em 1954, a Programação da Produção em Shop Scheduling tem se tornado uma área relevante dentro da Pesquisa Operacional e, atualmente, duzentos trabalhos tangentes à temática são publicados anualmente. Dentre os artigos aqui citados tem-se aqueles que se dedicam à apresentação e síntese do estado da arte desse assunto, intitulados artigos de revisão. Quando tais artigos são elaborados a partir de um conjunto objetivo de critérios, relativos à categorização dos artigos selecionados, tem-se a Revisão Sistemática da Literatura (RSL). O presente trabalho realiza uma RSL em Shop Scheduling, a partir da análise de cada ambiente fabril que o compõe. Fez-se o escrutínio de 560 artigos, à luz de um conjunto de métricas, que constitui a estrutura basilar da proposta de nova taxonomia do Shop Scheduling, complementar à notação de Graham, objetivo fulcral do presente trabalho. Além disso, utilizou-se uma representação em redes dos resultados obtidos em algumas das métricas empregadas, como a característica dos itens, algo outrora inaudito em estudos de revisão desse assunto. Ademais, outro ponto relevante desse estudo repousa na identificação de campos pouco explorados, de modo a colaborar com a pesquisa futura neste tomo. Palavras-chave: Shop Scheduling. Revisão Sistemática da Literatura. Taxonomia. Representação em Redes.Abstract: Since Johnson's seminal article in 1954, Shop Scheduling in Production Scheduling has become a relevant area within Operational Research, and currently hundreds of tangential works on the subject are published annually. Among the articles cited here are those dedicated to the presentation and synthesis of the state of the art of this subject, which are entitled review articles. When these articles are elaborated from an objective set of criteria, regarding the categorization of the selected articles, we have the Systematic Review of Literature (SLR). The present work performs a SLR in Shop Scheduling, based on the analysis of each manufacturing environment that composes it. There were 560 articles scrutinized based on a set of metrics, which is the basic structure of the proposed new Taxonomy of Shop Scheduling, complementary to Graham's notation, the main objective of this work. In addition to that a network representation of the results was obtained in some of the metrics used, such as the job characteristics, something previously unheard of in review studies of this subject. Moreover, another relevant point of this study lies in the identification of less explored fields in order to collaborate with future research in this matter. Keywords: Shop Scheduling. Systematic Literature Review. Taxonomy. Network Representation