271 research outputs found


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    As microgrid power systems gain prevalence and renewable energy comprises greater and greater portions of distributed generation, energy storage becomes important to offset the higher variance of renewable energy sources and maximize their usefulness. One of the emerging techniques is to utilize a combination of lead-acid batteries and ultracapacitors to provide both short and long-term stabilization to microgrid systems. The different energy and power characteristics of batteries and ultracapacitors imply that they ought to be utilized in different ways. Traditional linear controls can use these energy storage systems to stabilize a power grid, but cannot effect more complex interactions. This research explores a fuzzy logic approach to microgrid stabilization. The ability of a fuzzy logic controller to regulate a dc bus in the presence of source and load fluctuations, in a manner comparable to traditional linear control systems, is explored and demonstrated. Furthermore, the expanded capabilities (such as storage balancing, self-protection, and battery optimization) of a fuzzy logic system over a traditional linear control system are shown. System simulation results are presented and validated through hardware-based experiments. These experiments confirm the capabilities of the fuzzy logic control system to regulate bus voltage, balance storage elements, optimize battery usage, and effect self-protection

    Railway Research

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    This book focuses on selected research problems of contemporary railways. The first chapter is devoted to the prediction of railways development in the nearest future. The second chapter discusses safety and security problems in general, precisely from the system point of view. In the third chapter, both the general approach and a particular case study of a critical incident with regard to railway safety are presented. In the fourth chapter, the question of railway infrastructure studies is presented, which is devoted to track superstructure. In the fifth chapter, the modern system for the technical condition monitoring of railway tracks is discussed. The compact on-board sensing device is presented. The last chapter focuses on modeling railway vehicle dynamics using numerical simulation, where the dynamical models are exploited

    Preliminary study in discovering 2-propen-1-one, 1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)- from syzygium aqueum leaves as a tyrosinase inhibitor in food product: experimental and theoretical approach

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    In this study, response surface methodology (RSM) in combination with central composite rotatable design (CCRD) were performed to optimize the extraction parameters for total phenolic content (TPC) on Syzygium aqueum (S. aqueum) leaves. The effect of operational conditions on the extraction of S. aqueum leaves using carbon dioxide (CO2) on TPC was investigated. The conditions used in the supercritical extraction with CO2 included temperatures of (40-70 °C), pressures (2200-4500 psi) and extraction time (40-100 min). The highest TPC (3.5893 mg GAE/mg) was obtained at optimum conditions of 55 °C, 3350 psi and 70 min. The major compound in the optimized crude extract was2-propen-1-one,1-(2,4Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)- (82.65 %) which was identified by GC-MS. COSMO-RS was introduced to study the σ-profile between CO2 and 2-propen-1-one,1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4methoxyphenyl)-. Principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to classify major compound which exhibit similar chemical properties with selected control. 2-propen-1-one,1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4methoxyphenyl)- has similar chemical properties with kaempferol as tyrosinase inhibitor. Molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) and molecular docking were plotted to investigate a recognition manner of 2-propen-1-one,1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-upon tyrosinase receptor

    Resilience in Floating Offshore Wind Turbines: A Scoping Review

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    Background With climate change a looming global threat, offshore wind energy is a vital resource, and floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) are essential to capture its full potential. Unfortunately, high operations and maintenance expenses pose an obstacle to widespread implementation of FOWT. Reducing maintenance needs by limiting FOWT damage or failure in harsh environments will undoubtedly contribute to lowering costs and to improving on-site personnel safety. Resilience, an important concept in the field of risk management, may be instrumental in achieving these goals. Objective The objective of this thesis was to develop a thorough understanding of how resilience is understood and its applications to FOWT design and operation. The following issues were of greatest interest: the degree to which FOWT literature addresses resilience, the various interpretations and definitions of resilience that are employed in FOWT research, and how those definitions of resilience are applied to FOWT. These issues and objectives led to the question this thesis sought to answer, in order to map the knowledge and potential gaps in FOWT resilience research: How is resilience understood and applied in the context of FOWT design and operation? Methodology In order to answer this research question, a scoping review was conducted, in which two databases – ScienceDirect and GreenFILE – were searched for sources that discussed resilience with respect to FOWT. In accordance with the JBI scoping review methodology, a search and screening strategy, including search terms and inclusion criteria, was determined in advance. The multi-stage screening process ensured that all relevant sources were included, and the entire process is described in such a way as to be transparent and repeatable. Results Thirteen sources, consisting of twelve articles and one report, were found to meet the inclusion criteria, and these were thematically analyzed in order to investigate the definitions/interpretations and applications of resilience to FOWT technology. Several trends were discovered among the included sources, including a dominant engineering perspective and a glaring lack of explicit resilience definitions. Despite this lack of definitions, however, several interpretations of resilience were found to be used among the thirteen sources, and these are discussed in depth. Furthermore, the various applications of resilience to FOWT were mapped in order to identify popular topics, and these findings were compared to trends noted elsewhere in the literature. Conclusions The results of this review provide valuable insight into the main interpretations of resilience that are used in relation to FOWT. They also provide a solid foundation for future work and for improvements in FOWT resilience research. Among these are the need for a clear definition of resilience in FOWT studies and the potential benefits that could come from the development of a risk management approach to enhance the strong engineering perspective within the field of FOWT resilience research


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    Deep water activities are essential for many industrial fields, for instance in repairing and installation of underwater cables, pipes and constructions, marine salvage and rescue opera- tions. In some cases, these activities must be performed in deep water and hence require special equipment and prepared and experienced personnel. In some critical situations, re- motely controlled vehicles (ROVs) can't be used and a human diver intervention is required. In the last case, divers are required to perform work at high depths, which could be as low as 300m below the water surface. Usually, this is the limit depth for commercial diving and when operations must be carried out even deeper, ROVs remain only possibility to perform them. In the past, the safety regulations were less strict and numerous operations on depth of 300-350 meters of seawater were conducted. However, in the beginning of the 90s gov- ernments and companies started to impose limits on depths of operation; for instance, in Norway maximum operational depth for saturation divers is limited to 180 meters of sea- water (Imbert et al., 2019). Obviously, harsh environmental conditions impose various limitations on performed activi- ties; indeed, low temperature, poor visibility and high pressure make it difficult not only to operate at depth, but even to achieve the point of intervention. One of the main problems is related to elevated pressure, which rises for about 1 bar for each 10 meters of water depth and could achieve up to 20-25 bars at required depth, while pressure inside divers\u2019 atmospheric diving suites must be nearly the same. Considering this, there are several evident limitations. First is related to the fact that at high atmospheric pressure oxy- gen becomes poisonous for human body and special breath gas mixtures are required to avoid health issues. The second one is maximum pressure variation rate which would not cause damage for the human body; indeed, fast compression or decompression could easily cause severe damages and even death of divers. Furthermore, surveys found that circa 1/3 of divers experience headache during decompression which usually last for at least several hours and up to several days (Imbert et al., 2019). The same study indicates that majority of the divers experience fatigue after saturation and it lasts on average more than 4 days before return to normal. Obviously, risk of accidents increases with high number of compression- decompression cycles. To address these issues, in commercial deep water diving the common practice is to perform pressurization only one time before the start of the work activity which typically lasts 20-30 days and consequent depressurization after its end. Hence, divers are living for several weeks in isolated pressurized environments, typically placed on board of a Dive Support Vessel (DSV), usually barge or a ship, and go up and down to the workplace using submersible decompression chamber also known as the bell. While long-term work shifts provide numerous advantages, there is still necessity to perform life support supervision of the plant, the bell and the diving suits, which require presence of well qualified personnel. Currently, most of training activities are performed on empty plant during idle time, but obviously this approach is low efficient and costly, as well as accom- panied by the risk to broke equipment. To address such issues, this research project proposes utilization of simulator of plant and its life support system, devoted to train future Life-Support Supervisors (LSS), taking into account gas dynamics, human behaviour and physiology as well as various aspect of opera- tion of saturation diving plants

    Fault-tolerant Synchronization of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

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    The main objective of this thesis is to develop a fault-tolerant and reconfigurable synchronization scheme based on model-based control protocols for stern and sail hydroplanes that are employed as actuators in the attitude control subsystem (ACS) of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV). In this thesis two control approaches are considered for synchronization, namely i) state feedback synchronization, and ii) output feedback synchronization. Both problems are tackled by proposing a passive control approach as well as an active reconfiguration (re-designing the control gains). For the ”state feedback” synchronization scheme, to achieve consensus the relative/absolute measurements of the AUV’s states (position and attitude) are available. The states of a longitudinal model of an AUV are mainly heave, pitch, and their associated rates. For the state feedback problem we employ a static protocol, and it is shown that the multi-agent system will synchronize in the stochastic mean square sense in the presence of measurement noise. However, the resulting performance index defined as the accumulated sum of variations of control inputs and synchronization errors is high. To deal with this problem, Kalman filtering is used for states estimation that are used in synchronization protocol. Moreover, the e�ffects of parameter uncertainty of the agent’s dynamics are also investigated through simulation results. By employing the static protocol it is demonstrated that when a loss of e�ffectiveness (LOE) or float fault occurs the synchronization can still be achieved under some conditions. Finally, one of the main problems that is tackled in the state feedback scenario is our proposed proportional-integral (PI) control methodology to deal with the lock in place (LIP) fault. It is shown that if the LIP fault occurs, by employing a PI protocol the synchronization could still be achieved. Finally, our proposed dynamic synchronization protocol methodology is applied given that the fault (LOE/float) severity is known. Since after a fault occurrence the agents become heterogeneous, employing the dynamic scheme makes the task of reconfiguration (redesigning the gains) more e�ffective. For the ”output feedback” synchronization approach, to achieve consensus relative/absolute measurements of the AUV’s states except the pitch rate are available. For the output feedback problem a dynamic protocol through a Luenberger observer is first employed for state estimation and the synchronization achievement is demonstrated. Then, a system under state and measurement noise is considered, and it is shown that by employing a Kalman filter for the state estimation; the multi-agent system will synchronize in the stochastic mean square sense. Furthermore, by employing the static protocol, it is shown that when a LOE/float fault occurs the synchronization is still achieved under certain conditions. Finally, one of the main problems that is tackled in the output feedback scenario is our proposed dynamic controller methodology. The results of this scheme are compared with another approach that exploits both dynamic controller and dynamic observer. The former approach has less computational e�ort and results in more a robust control with respect to the actuator fault. The reason is that the later method employs an observer that uses the control input matrix information. When fault occurs, this information will not be correct any more. However, if there is a need to redesign the synchronization gains under faulty scenario, the later methodology is preferred. The reason is that the former approach becomes complicated when there is a fault even though its severity is known. In this thesis, fault-tolerant synchronization of autonomous underwater vehicles is considered. In the first chapter a brief introduction on the motivation, problem definition, objectives and the methodologies that are used in the dissertation are discussed. A literature review on research dedicated to synchronization, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control is provided. In Chapter 2, a through literature review on unmanned underwater vehicles is covered. It also comprises a comprehensive background information and definitions including algebraic graph theory, matrix theory, and fault modeling. In the problem statement, the two main problems in this thesis, namely state feedback synchronization and output feedback synchronization are discussed. Chapters 3 and 4 will cover these two problems, their solutions, and the corresponding simulation results that are provided. Finally, Chapter 5 includes a discussion of conclusions and future work

    Aeronautical Engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes, supplement 155, December 1982

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    This bibliography lists 272 reports, articles and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in November 1982

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 275)

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    This bibliography lists 379 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in Jan. 1991

    NASA Aircraft Controls Research, 1983

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    The workshop consisted of 24 technical presentations on various aspects of aircraft controls, ranging from the theoretical development of control laws to the evaluation of new controls technology in flight test vehicles. A special report on the status of foreign aircraft technology and a panel session with seven representatives from organizations which use aircraft controls technology were also included. The controls research needs and opportunities for the future as well as the role envisioned for NASA in that research were addressed. Input from the panel and response to the workshop presentations will be used by NASA in developing future programs

    Design of hybrid marine control systems for dynamic positioning

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