71 research outputs found

    Cross-layer Soft Error Analysis and Mitigation at Nanoscale Technologies

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    This thesis addresses the challenge of soft error modeling and mitigation in nansoscale technology nodes and pushes the state-of-the-art forward by proposing novel modeling, analyze and mitigation techniques. The proposed soft error sensitivity analysis platform accurately models both error generation and propagation starting from a technology dependent device level simulations all the way to workload dependent application level analysis

    Real-time trace decoding and monitoring for safety and security in embedded systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Real-Time Trace Decoding and Monitoring for Safety and Security in Embedded Systems

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    Integrated circuits and systems can be found almost everywhere in today’s world. As their use increases, they need to be made safer and more perfor mant to meet current demands in processing power. FPGA integrated SoCs can provide the ideal trade-off between performance, adaptability, and energy usage. One of today’s vital challenges lies in updating existing fault tolerance techniques for these new systems while utilizing all available processing capa bilities, such as multi-core and heterogeneous processing units. Control-flow monitoring is one of the primary mechanisms described for error detection at the software architectural level for the highest grade of hazard level clas sifications (e.g., ASIL D) described in industry safety standards ISO-26262. Control-flow errors are also known to compose the majority of detected errors for ICs and embedded systems in safety-critical and risk-susceptible environ ments [5]. Software-based monitoring methods remain the most popular [6–8]. However, recent studies show that the overheads they impose make actual reliability gains negligible [9, 10]. This work proposes and demonstrates a new control flow checking method implemented in FPGA for multi-core embedded systems called control-flow trace checker (CFTC). CFTC uses existing trace and debug subsystems of modern processors to rebuild their execution states. It can iden tify any errors in real-time by comparing executed states to a set of permitted state transitions determined statically. This novel implementation weighs hardware resource trade-offs to target mul tiple independent tasks in multi-core embedded applications, as well as single core systems. The proposed system is entirely implemented in hardware and isolated from all monitored software components, requiring 2.4% of the target FPGA platform resources to protect an execution unit in its entirety. There fore, it avoids undesired overheads and maintains deterministic error detection latencies, which guarantees reliability improvements without impairing the target software system. Finally, CFTC is evaluated under different software i Resumo fault-injection scenarios, achieving detection rates of 100% of all control-flow errors to wrong destinations and 98% of all injected faults to program binaries. All detection times are further analyzed and precisely described by a model based on the monitor’s resources and speed and the software application’s control-flow structure and binary characteristics.Circuitos integrados estão presentes em quase todos sistemas complexos do mundo moderno. Conforme sua frequência de uso aumenta, eles precisam se tornar mais seguros e performantes para conseguir atender as novas demandas em potência de processamento. Sistemas em Chip integrados com FPGAs conseguem prover o balanço perfeito entre desempenho, adaptabilidade, e uso de energia. Um dos maiores desafios agora é a necessidade de atualizar técnicas de tolerância à falhas para estes novos sistemas, aproveitando os novos avanços em capacidade de processamento. Monitoramento de fluxo de controle é um dos principais mecanismos para a detecção de erros em nível de software para sistemas classificados como de alto risco (e.g. ASIL D), descrito em padrões de segurança como o ISO-26262. Estes erros são conhecidos por compor a maioria dos erros detectados em sistemas integrados [5]. Embora métodos de monitoramento baseados em software continuem sendo os mais populares [6–8], estudos recentes mostram que seus custos adicionais, em termos de performance e área, diminuem consideravelmente seus ganhos reais em confiabilidade [9, 10]. Propomos aqui um novo método de monitora mento de fluxo de controle implementado em FPGA para sistemas embarcados multi-core. Este método usa subsistemas de trace e execução de código para reconstruir o estado atual do processador, identificando erros através de com parações entre diferentes estados de execução da CPU. Propomos uma implementação que considera trade-offs no uso de recuros de sistema para monitorar múltiplas tarefas independetes. Nossa abordagem suporta o monitoramento de sistemas simples e também de sistemas multi-core multitarefa. Por fim, nossa técnica é totalmente implementada em hardware, evitando o uso de unidades de processamento de software que possa adicionar custos indesejáveis à aplicação em perda de confiabilidade. Propomos, assim, um mecanismo de verificação de fluxo de controle, escalável e extensível, para proteção de sistemas embarcados críticos e multi-core

    Techniques d'abstraction pour l'analyse et la mitigation des effets dus à la radiation

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    The main objective of this thesis is to develop techniques that can beused to analyze and mitigate the effects of radiation-induced soft errors in industrialscale integrated circuits. To achieve this goal, several methods have been developedbased on analyzing the design at higher levels of abstraction. These techniquesaddress both sequential and combinatorial SER.Fault-injection simulations remain the primary method for analyzing the effectsof soft errors. In this thesis, techniques which significantly speed-up fault-injectionsimulations are presented. Soft errors in flip-flops are typically mitigated by selectivelyreplacing the most critical flip-flops with hardened implementations. Selectingan optimal set to harden is a compute intensive problem and the second contributionconsists of a clustering technique which significantly reduces the number offault-injections required to perform selective mitigation.In terrestrial applications, the effect of soft errors in combinatorial logic hasbeen fairly small. It is known that this effect is growing, yet there exist few techniqueswhich can quickly estimate the extent of combinatorial SER for an entireintegrated circuit. The third contribution of this thesis is a hierarchical approachto combinatorial soft error analysis.Systems-on-chip are often developed by re-using design-blocks that come frommultiple sources. In this context, there is a need to develop and exchange reliabilitymodels. The final contribution of this thesis consists of an application specificmodeling language called RIIF (Reliability Information Interchange Format). Thislanguage is able to model how faults at the gate-level propagate up to the block andchip-level. Work is underway to standardize the RIIF modeling language as well asto extend it beyond modeling of radiation-induced failures.In addition to the main axis of research, some tangential topics were studied incollaboration with other teams. One of these consisted in the development of a novelapproach for protecting ternary content addressable memories (TCAMs), a specialtype of memory important in networking applications. The second supplementalproject resulted in an algorithm for quickly generating approximate redundant logicwhich can protect combinatorial networks against permanent faults. Finally anapproach for reducing the detection time for errors in the configuration RAM forField-Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGAs) was outlined.Les effets dus à la radiation peuvent provoquer des pannes dans des circuits intégrés. Lorsqu'une particule subatomique, fait se déposer une charge dans les régions sensibles d'un transistor cela provoque une impulsion de courant. Cette impulsion peut alors engendrer l'inversion d'un bit ou se propager dans un réseau de logique combinatoire avant d'être échantillonnée par une bascule en aval.Selon l'état du circuit au moment de la frappe de la particule et selon l'application, cela provoquera une panne observable ou non. Parmi les événements induits par la radiation, seule une petite portion génère des pannes. Il est donc essentiel de déterminer cette fraction afin de prédire la fiabilité du système. En effet, les raisons pour lesquelles une perturbation pourrait être masquée sont multiples, et il est de plus parfois difficile de préciser ce qui constitue une erreur. A cela s'ajoute le fait que les circuits intégrés comportent des milliards de transistors. Comme souvent dans le contexte de la conception assisté par ordinateur, les approches hiérarchiques et les techniques d'abstraction permettent de trouver des solutions.Cette thèse propose donc plusieurs nouvelles techniques pour analyser les effets dus à la radiation. La première technique permet d'accélérer des simulations d'injections de fautes en détectant lorsqu'une faute a été supprimée du système, permettant ainsi d'arrêter la simulation. La deuxième technique permet de regrouper en ensembles les éléments d'un circuit ayant une fonction similaire. Ensuite, une analyse au niveau des ensemble peut être faite, identifiant ainsi ceux qui sont les plus critiques et qui nécessitent donc d'être durcis. Le temps de calcul est ainsi grandement réduit.La troisième technique permet d'analyser les effets des fautes transitoires dans les circuits combinatoires. Il est en effet possible de calculer à l'avance la sensibilité à des fautes transitoires de cellules ainsi que les effets de masquage dans des blocs fréquemment utilisés. Ces modèles peuvent alors être combinés afin d'analyser la sensibilité de grands circuits. La contribution finale de cette thèse consiste en la définition d'un nouveau langage de modélisation appelé RIIF (Reliability Information Ineterchange Format). Ce langage permet de décrire le taux des fautes dans des composants simples en fonction de leur environnement de fonctionnement. Ces composants simples peuvent ensuite être combinés permettant ainsi de modéliser la propagation de leur fautes vers des pannes au niveau système. En outre, l'utilisation d'un langage standard facilite l'échange de données de fiabilité entre les partenaires industriels.Au-delà des contributions principales, cette thèse aborde aussi des techniques permettant de protéger des mémoires associatives ternaires (TCAMs). Les approches classiques de protection (codes correcteurs) ne s'appliquent pas directement. Une des nouvelles techniques proposées consiste à utiliser une structure de données qui peut détecter, d'une manière statistique, quand le résultat n'est pas correct. La probabilité de détection peut être contrôlée par le nombre de bits alloués à cette structure. Une autre technique consiste à utiliser un détecteur de courant embarqué (BICS) afin de diriger un processus de fond directement vers le région touchée par une erreur. La contribution finale consiste en un algorithme qui permet de synthétiser de la logique combinatoire afin de protéger des circuits combinatoires contre les fautes transitoires.Dans leur ensemble, ces techniques facilitent l'analyse des erreurs provoquées par les effets dus à la radiation dans les circuits intégrés, en particulier pour les très grands circuits composés de blocs provenant de divers fournisseurs. Des techniques pour mieux sélectionner les bascules/flip-flops à durcir et des approches pour protéger des TCAMs ont étés étudiées

    An efficient AVF estimation technique using circuit partitioning

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    ReDO: Cross-Layer Multi-Objective Design-Exploration Framework for Efficient Soft Error Resilient Systems

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    Designing soft errors resilient systems is a complex engineering task, which nowadays follows a cross-layer approach. It requires a careful planning for different fault-tolerance mechanisms at different system's layers: starting from the technology up to the software domain. While these design decisions have a positive effect on the reliability of the system, they usually have a detrimental effect on its size, power consumption, performance and cost. Design space exploration for cross-layer reliability is therefore a multi-objective search problem in which reliability must be traded-off with other design dimensions. This paper proposes a cross-layer multi-objective design space exploration algorithm developed to help designers when building soft error resilient electronic systems. The algorithm exploits a system-level Bayesian reliability estimation model to analyze the effect of different cross-layer combinations of protection mechanisms on the reliability of the full system. A new heuristic based on the extremal optimization theory is used to efficiently explore the design space. An extended set of simulations shows the capability of this framework when applied both to benchmark applications and realistic systems, providing optimized systems that outperform those obtained by applying state-of-the-art cross-layer reliability techniques

    Runtime Monitoring for Dependable Hardware Design

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    Mit dem Voranschreiten der Technologieskalierung und der Globalisierung der Produktion von integrierten Schaltkreisen eröffnen sich eine Fülle von Schwachstellen bezüglich der Verlässlichkeit von Computerhardware. Jeder Mikrochip wird aufgrund von Produktionsschwankungen mit einem einzigartigen Charakter geboren, welcher sich durch seine Arbeitsbedingungen, Belastung und Umgebung in individueller Weise entwickelt. Daher sind deterministische Modelle, welche zur Entwurfszeit die Verlässlichkeit prognostizieren, nicht mehr ausreichend um Integrierte Schaltkreise mit Nanometertechnologie sinnvoll abbilden zu können. Der Bedarf einer Laufzeitanalyse des Zustandes steigt und mit ihm die notwendigen Maßnahmen zum Erhalt der Zuverlässigkeit. Transistoren sind anfällig für auslastungsbedingte Alterung, die die Laufzeit der Schaltung erhöht und mit ihr die Möglichkeit einer Fehlberechnung. Hinzu kommen spezielle Abläufe die das schnelle Altern des Chips befördern und somit seine zuverlässige Lebenszeit reduzieren. Zusätzlich können strahlungsbedingte Laufzeitfehler (Soft-Errors) des Chips abnormales Verhalten kritischer Systeme verursachen. Sowohl das Ausbreiten als auch das Maskieren dieser Fehler wiederum sind abhängig von der Arbeitslast des Systems. Fabrizierten Chips können ebenfalls vorsätzlich während der Produktion boshafte Schaltungen, sogenannte Hardwaretrojaner, hinzugefügt werden. Dies kompromittiert die Sicherheit des Chips. Da diese Art der Manipulation vor ihrer Aktivierung kaum zu erfassen ist, ist der Nachweis von Trojanern auf einem Chip direkt nach der Produktion extrem schwierig. Die Komplexität dieser Verlässlichkeitsprobleme machen ein einfaches Modellieren der Zuverlässigkeit und Gegenmaßnahmen ineffizient. Sie entsteht aufgrund verschiedener Quellen, eingeschlossen der Entwicklungsparameter (Technologie, Gerät, Schaltung und Architektur), der Herstellungsparameter, der Laufzeitauslastung und der Arbeitsumgebung. Dies motiviert das Erforschen von maschinellem Lernen und Laufzeitmethoden, welche potentiell mit dieser Komplexität arbeiten können. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir Lösungen vor, die in der Lage sind, eine verlässliche Ausführung von Computerhardware mit unterschiedlichem Laufzeitverhalten und Arbeitsbedingungen zu gewährleisten. Wir entwickelten Techniken des maschinellen Lernens um verschiedene Zuverlässigkeitseffekte zu modellieren, zu überwachen und auszugleichen. Verschiedene Lernmethoden werden genutzt, um günstige Überwachungspunkte zur Kontrolle der Arbeitsbelastung zu finden. Diese werden zusammen mit Zuverlässigkeitsmetriken, aufbauend auf Ausfallsicherheit und generellen Sicherheitsattributen, zum Erstellen von Vorhersagemodellen genutzt. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir eine kosten-optimierte Hardwaremonitorschaltung, welche die Überwachungspunkte zur Laufzeit auswertet. Im Gegensatz zum aktuellen Stand der Technik, welcher mikroarchitektonische Überwachungspunkte ausnutzt, evaluieren wir das Potential von Arbeitsbelastungscharakteristiken auf der Logikebene der zugrundeliegenden Hardware. Wir identifizieren verbesserte Features auf Logikebene um feingranulare Laufzeitüberwachung zu ermöglichen. Diese Logikanalyse wiederum hat verschiedene Stellschrauben um auf höhere Genauigkeit und niedrigeren Overhead zu optimieren. Wir untersuchten die Philosophie, Überwachungspunkte auf Logikebene mit Hilfe von Lernmethoden zu identifizieren und günstigen Monitore zu implementieren um eine adaptive Vorbeugung gegen statisches Altern, dynamisches Altern und strahlungsinduzierte Soft-Errors zu schaffen und zusätzlich die Aktivierung von Hardwaretrojanern zu erkennen. Diesbezüglich haben wir ein Vorhersagemodell entworfen, welches den Arbeitslasteinfluss auf alterungsbedingte Verschlechterungen des Chips mitverfolgt und dazu genutzt werden kann, dynamisch zur Laufzeit vorbeugende Techniken, wie Task-Mitigation, Spannungs- und Frequenzskalierung zu benutzen. Dieses Vorhersagemodell wurde in Software implementiert, welche verschiedene Arbeitslasten aufgrund ihrer Alterungswirkung einordnet. Um die Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber beschleunigter Alterung sicherzustellen, stellen wir eine Überwachungshardware vor, welche einen Teil der kritischen Flip-Flops beaufsichtigt, nach beschleunigter Alterung Ausschau hält und davor warnt, wenn ein zeitkritischer Pfad unter starker Alterungsbelastung steht. Wir geben die Implementierung einer Technik zum Reduzieren der durch das Ausführen spezifischer Subroutinen auftretenden Belastung von zeitkritischen Pfaden. Zusätzlich schlagen wir eine Technik zur Abschätzung von online Soft-Error-Schwachstellen von Speicherarrays und Logikkernen vor, welche auf der Überwachung einer kleinen Gruppe Flip-Flops des Entwurfs basiert. Des Weiteren haben wir eine Methode basierend auf Anomalieerkennung entwickelt, um Arbeitslastsignaturen von Hardwaretrojanern während deren Aktivierung zur Laufzeit zu erkennen und somit eine letzte Verteidigungslinie zu bilden. Basierend auf diesen Experimenten demonstriert diese Arbeit das Potential von fortgeschrittener Feature-Extraktion auf Logikebene und lernbasierter Vorhersage basierend auf Laufzeitdaten zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit von Harwareentwürfen

    Cross-layer reliability evaluation, moving from the hardware architecture to the system level: A CLERECO EU project overview

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    Advanced computing systems realized in forthcoming technologies hold the promise of a significant increase of computational capabilities. However, the same path that is leading technologies toward these remarkable achievements is also making electronic devices increasingly unreliable. Developing new methods to evaluate the reliability of these systems in an early design stage has the potential to save costs, produce optimized designs and have a positive impact on the product time-to-market. CLERECO European FP7 research project addresses early reliability evaluation with a cross-layer approach across different computing disciplines, across computing system layers and across computing market segments. The fundamental objective of the project is to investigate in depth a methodology to assess system reliability early in the design cycle of the future systems of the emerging computing continuum. This paper presents a general overview of the CLERECO project focusing on the main tools and models that are being developed that could be of interest for the research community and engineering practice