19,484 research outputs found

    Analysis of cyclic delay diversity on DVB-H systems over spatially correlated channel

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    The objective of this work is to research and analyze the performance of Cyclic Delay Diversity (CDD) with two transmit antenna on DVB-H systems operating in spatially correlated channel. It is shown in this paper that CDD can achieve desirable transmit diversity gain over uncorrelated channel with or without receiver diversity. However, in reality, the respective signal paths between spatially separated antennas and the mobile receiver is likely to be correlated because of insufficient antenna separation at the transmitter and the lack of scattering effect of the channel. Under this spatially correlated channel, it is apparent that CDD cannot achieve the same diversity gain as obtained under the uncorrelated channel. In this paper, a new upper bound on the pairwise error probability (PEP) of the CDD with spatial correlation of two transmit antennas is derived. The upper bound is used to study the CDD theoretical error performance and diversity gain losses over a generalized spatially correlated Rayleigh channel. This theoretical analysis is validated by the simulation of DVB-H systems with two transmit antennas and the CDD scheme. Both the theoretical and simulated results give the valuable insight that the CDD ability to perform well with a certain amount of channel correlation

    Self-concatenated coding and multi-functional MIMO aided H.264 video telephony

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    Abstract— Robust video transmission using iteratively detected Self-Concatenated Coding (SCC), multi-dimensional Sphere Packing (SP) modulation and Layered Steered Space-Time Coding (LSSTC) is proposed for H.264 coded video transmission over correlated Rayleigh fading channels. The self-concatenated convolutional coding (SECCC) scheme is composed of a Recursive Systematic Convolutional (RSC) code and an interleaver, which is used to randomise the extrinsic information exchanged between the self-concatenated constituent RSC codes. Additionally, a puncturer is employed for improving the achievable bandwidth efficiency. The convergence behaviour of the MIMO transceiver advocated is investigated with the aid of Extrinsic Information Transfer (EXIT) charts. The proposed system exhibits an Eb /N0 gain of about 9 dB at the PSNR degradation point of 1 dB in comparison to the identical-rate benchmarker scheme

    Accurate video object tracking using a region-based particle filter

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    Usually, in particle filters applied to video tracking, a simple geometrical shape, typically an ellipse, is used in order to bound the object being tracked. Although it is a good tracker, it tends to a bad object representation, as most of the world objects are not simple geometrical shapes. A better way to represent the object is by using a region-based approach, such as the Region Based Particle Filter (RBPF). This method exploits a hierarchical region based representation associated with images to tackle both problems at the same time: tracking and video object segmentation. By means of RBPF the object segmentation is resolved with high accuracy, but new problems arise. The object representation is now based on image partitions instead of pixels. This means that the amount of possible combinations has now decreased, which is computationally good, but an error on the regions taken for the object representation leads to a higher estimation error than methods working at pixel level. On the other hand, if the level of regions detail in the partition is high, the estimation of the object turns to be very noisy, making it hard to accurately propagate the object segmentation. In this thesis we present new tools to the existing RBPF. These tools are focused on increasing the RBPF performance by means of guiding the particles towards a good solution while maintaining a particle filter approach. The concept of hierarchical flow is presented and exploited, a Bayesian estimation is used in order to assign probabilities of being object or background to each region, and the reduction, in an intelligent way, of the solution space , to increase the RBPF robustness while reducing computational effort. Also changes on the already proposed co-clustering in the RBPF approach are proposed. Finally, we present results on the recently presented DAVIS database. This database comprises 50 High Definition video sequences representing several challenging situations. By using this dataset, we compare the RBPF with other state-ofthe- art methods

    Laboratory measurement campaign of DVB-T signal with transmit delay diversity

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    The requirements for future DVB-T/H networks demand that broadcasters design and deploy networks that provide ubiquitous reception in challenging indoors and other obstructed situations. It is essential that such networks are designed cost-effectively and with minimized environmental impact. The EC funded project PLUTO has since its start in 2006 explored the use of diversity to improve coverage in these difficult situations. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of Transmit Delay Diversity (DD) with two antennas to improve the reception of DVB-T/H systems operating in different realistic propagation conditions through a series of tests using a SPIRENT SR5500 dual channel emulator. The relationship between correlation coefficient between channels, receiver velocity and diversity gain is nvestigated. It is shown that transmit delay diversity significantly improves the quality of reception particularly in simulated fast fading mobile broadcasting applications. This paper documents research conducted by Brunel University and Broadreach Systems

    Measurement campaign on transmit delay diversity for mobile DVB-T/H systems

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    This article is posted here with permission from IEEE - Copyright @ 2010 IEEEThis paper describes the work carried out by Brunel University and Broadreach Systems (UK) to quantify the advantages that can be achieved if Transmit Delay Diversity is applied to systems employing the DVB standard. The techniques investigated can be applied to standard receiver equipment without modification. An extensive and carefully planned field trial was performed during the winter of 2007/2008 in Uxbridge (UK) to validate predictions from theoretical modeling and laboratory simulations. The transmissions were performed in the 730 MHz frequency band with a DVB-T/H transmitter and a mean power of 18.4 dBW. The impact of the transmit antenna separation and the MPE-FEC was also investigated. It is shown that transmit delay diversity significantly improves the quality of reception in fast fading mobile broadcasting application