646 research outputs found

    New Concurrent Modulus Algorithm and Soft Decision Directed Scheme for Blind Equalization

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    AbstractThe Constant Modulus Algorithm (CMA) is recognized as the most widely used algorithm in blind channel equalization practice. However, the CMA cost function exhibits local minima, which often leads to ill-convergence. This paper proposes a concurrent equalizer, in which a Soft Decision Directed (SDD) equalizer operates cooperatively with a CMA equalizer, controlled through a non-linear link that depends on the system a priory state. The simulation results show that the proposed equalizer has faster convergence rate and lower steady-state mean square error than the CMA equalizer

    New block-based blind equalization algorithms

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    New block-based blind equalization algorithms are introduced based upon the cost function underlying the recently proposed soft constraint satisfaction blind equalization algorithm. The derivation of these .algorithms is based on mapping the original constrained optimization problem in CN into a much simpler optimization problem in W2. Versions of the new algorithms are also developed for fractionally-spaced equalizers. Simulations on a baud-spaced and a fractionally-spaced channel support the potential of the resulting block-based techniques

    Blind adaptive equalization for QAM signals: New algorithms and FPGA implementation.

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    Adaptive equalizers remove signal distortion attributed to intersymbol interference in band-limited channels. The tap coefficients of adaptive equalizers are time-varying and can be adapted using several methods. When these do not include the transmission of a training sequence, it is referred to as blind equalization. The radius-adjusted approach is a method to achieve blind equalizer tap adaptation based on the equalizer output radius for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals. Static circular contours are defined around an estimated symbol in a QAM constellation, which create regions that correspond to fixed step sizes and weighting factors. The equalizer tap adjustment consists of a linearly weighted sum of adaptation criteria that is scaled by a variable step size. This approach is the basis of two new algorithms: the radius-adjusted modified multitmodulus algorithm (RMMA) and the radius-adjusted multimodulus decision-directed algorithm (RMDA). An extension of the radius-adjusted approach is the selective update method, which is a computationally-efficient method for equalization. The selective update method employs a stop-and-go strategy based on the equalizer output radius to selectively update the equalizer tap coefficients, thereby, reducing the number of computations in steady-state operation. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 45-01, page: 0401. Thesis (M.A.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2006

    Blind Equalization in Optical Communications Using Independent Component Analysis

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    We propose a multi-tap independent component analysis (ICA) scheme for blind equalization and phase recovery in coherent optical communication systems. The proposed algorithm is described and evaluated in the cases of QPSK and 16-QAM transmission. Comparison with CMA equalization shows similar performance in the case of QPSK and an advantage for the ICA equalizer in the case of 16-QAM. The equalization scheme was evaluated in a multi-span optical communications system impaired by both polarization mode dispersion (PMD) and polarization dependent loss (PDL)

    Impacto de imperfeições do laser em receptores ópticos coerentes com formatos de modulação de alta ordem

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    Orientador: Darli Augusto de Arruda MelloDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Atualmente, os sistemas ópticos coerentes transmitem grandes volumes de informação graças à utilização de formatos de modulação de alta ordem. No entanto, esses formatos de modulação são mais suscetíveis a perturbações de fase geradas por imperfeições nos lasers utilizados no transmissor e receptor. Este trabalho centrou-se em uma análise das imperfeições do laser e seu impacto sobre o desempenho de receptores ópticos coerentes com formatos de modulação de alta ordem. Em especial, avaliaram-se as duas fontes principais de perturbações de fase: o ruído de fase do laser e as flutuações na frequência de operação, efeito conhecido como jitter de frequência da portadora. Primeiramente, investigou-se o impacto das imperfeições do laser por meio de simulações. O ruído de fase foi simulado como um processo discreto de Wiener, e o jitter de frequência foi modelado como uma forma de onda senoidal. Os resultados permitiram avaliar o comportamento do sistema sob diversas condições de frequência e amplitude do sinal de jitter. Posteriormente, o impacto das perturbações de fase foi avaliado por meio de experimentos. Observou-se que parâmetro de largura de linha calculado por métodos existentes não é suficiente para prever o comportamento dos algoritmos de processamento digital de sinais sob condições intensas de jitter. Alternativamente, o trabalho sugeriu uma metodologia mais conveniente para prever o impacto das perturbações do laser no desempenho do sistema, que leva em consideração a composição de ruído de fase e jitter de frequênciaAbstract: Currently, coherent optical systems transmit large volumes of information thanks to the use of high-order modulation formats. However, such modulation formats are more susceptible to phase perturbations generated by imperfections in the lasers used in the transmitter and receiver. This work focused on an analysis of laser imperfections and their impact on the performance of coherent optical receivers with high-order modulation formats. In particular, the two main sources of phase perturbations were evaluated: laser phase noise and fluctuations in the operating frequency, an effect known as carrier frequency jitter. First, the impact of laser imperfections was evaluated by simulations. Phase noise was modeled as a Wiener process, and frequency jitter was assumed to be sinusoidal. The results allowed to evaluate the behavior of the system under different conditions of frequency and amplitude of the jitter signal. Later, the impact of phase perturbations was evaluated through experiments. It was observed that the laser linewidth calculated by existing methods is not sufficient to predict the behavior of the digital signal processing algorithms under intense jitter conditions. Alternatively, the work suggested a more convenient methodology for predicting the impact of laser perturbations on system performance, which takes into account the composition of phase noise and carrier frequency jitterMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestra em Engenharia ElétricaCAPE

    Semiblind Channel Estimation and Data Detection for OFDM Systems With Optimal Pilot Design

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    This paper considers semiblind channel estimation and data detection for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) over frequency-selective fading channels. We show that the samples of an OFDM symbol are jointly complex Gaussian distributed, where the mean and covariance are determined by the locations and values of fixed pilot symbols. We exploit this distribution to derive a novel maximum-likelihood (ML) semiblind gradient-descent channel estimator. By exploiting the channel impulse response (CIR) statistics, we also derive a semiblind data detector for both Rayleigh and Ricean fading channels. Furthermore, we develop an enhanced data detector, which uses the estimator error statistics to mitigate the effect of channel estimation errors. Efficient implementation of both the semiblind and the improved data detectors is provided via sphere decoding and nulling-canceling detection. We also derive the Cramér-Rao bound (CRB) and design optimal pilots by minimizing the CRB. Our proposed channel estimator and data detector exhibit high bandwidth efficiency (requiring only a few pilot symbols), achieve the CRB, and also nearly reach the performance of an ideal reference receiver

    MIMO Equalization for Space Division Multiplexing in Optical Communications

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    The evolution of technology has led to an increasing demand for data in both customer- and industry-specific applications. The current infrastructure is capable of meeting the present requirements. However, as data- centric applications continue to advance, recent statistics on consumer behavior indicate an exponential growth in bandwidth requirements. This necessitates the adoption of new technologies that can exploit more efficient methods in addition to the existing architecture. Optical communications currently heavily rely on single-mode fibers (SMF) with wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), which is efficient but needs to address the issue of "Capacity crunch" in the coming years. One proposed solution involves exploring other dimensions with optimized algorithms to achieve higher data rates. A particularly promising multiplexing scheme that has been extensively researched in recent years is space division multiplexing (SDM), which involves transmitting data through multiple spatial paths in the space domain. This can be achieved using multimode fibers (MMF), multi-core fibers (MCFs), or a combination of these techniques, such as few mode fibers (FMF), which utilize a single fiber with a sufficiently large core to carry multiple modes. Upgrading the transmitter, receiver, and various processing schemes allows for spatial filtering, resulting in increased capacity and reduced cost per bit. To reconstruct the transmitted signal and mitigate challenges or impairments in the network, digital signal processing (DSP) offers a variety of algorithms with pre- and post-processing techniques. One interesting approach is to blindly reconstruct the signal from the transmitted signal without knowledge of the training sequence, using popular blind algorithms adaptively. In this thesis work, we study and discuss the constant modulus algorithm (CMA), multi-modulus algorithm (MMA), and decision-directed feed-forward equalization (DDFFE) for PS QPSK (polarization-switched QPSK) and PDM 16 QAM (polarization-division multiplexed 16 QAM). The proof of concept for few-mode fibers in the back-to-back case is validated through simulations and an experimental setup. The primary focus of this work is on linear effects such as chromatic dispersion, polarization modal loss, additional noise, and crosstalk. The performance of the adaptive blind equalization schemes is measured using the bit error rate (BER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) metrics for all modes with X and Y polarization
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