7 research outputs found

    Kajian Penerapan System Informasi Perbankan menggunakan Enterprise Architecture TOGAF

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    Dewasa ini perkembangan teknologi informasi sangat cepat, apalagi saat ini juga berada dalam era revolusi industri 4.0. Hampir semua industri termasuk industri perbankan mulai menerapkan terobosan untuk menghadapai era revolusi industri 4.0. Salah satu strategi kesiapanny dengan melakukan perubahan perencanaan teknologi informasi berbasis Enterprise Architecture. Metode yang dibahas menggunakan TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework). Dimana tujuannya adalah mengembangkan arsitektur bisnis, arsitektur aplikasi, arsitektur informasi dan teknologi agar mampu beradaptasi dengan revolusi industry. Untuk melakukan implementasi dari arsitektur maka perlunya melakukan gap analisis dan strategi implementasi dari arsitektur yang sudah dilakukan. Pengembangan system aplikasi tidak perlu dilakukan secara total, tetapi ada beberapa system aplikasi yang perlu mengalami perubahan. Diharapkan dengan melakukan penerapan Enterprise Architecture mulai dari perancangan arsitektur, analisis gap sampai strategi implementasi, industri perbankan mampu menghadapi revolusi industri era 4.0

    Intelligent Detection and Recovery from Cyberattacks for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

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    Cyberattacks threaten continuously computer security in companies. These attacks evolve everyday, being more and more sophisticated and robust. In addition, they take advantage of security breaches in organizations and companies, both public and private. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SME), due to their structure and economic characteristics, are particularly damaged when a cyberattack takes place. Although organizations and companies put lots of efforts in implementing security solutions, they are not always effective. This is specially relevant for SMEs, which do not have enough economic resources to introduce such solutions. Thus, there is a need of providing SMEs with affordable, intelligent security systems with the ability of detecting and recovering from the most detrimental attacks. In this paper, we propose an intelligent cybersecurity platform, which has been designed with the objective of helping SMEs to make their systems and network more secure. The aim of this platform is to provide a solution optimizing detection and recovery from attacks. To do this, we propose the application of proactive security techniques in combination with both Machine Learning (ML) and blockchain. Our proposal is enclosed in the IASEC project, which allows providing security in each of the phases of an attack. Like this, we help SMEs in prevention, avoiding systems and network from being attacked; detection, identifying when there is something potentially harmful for the systems; containment, trying to stop the effects of an attack; and response, helping to recover the systems to a normal state

    Ransomware Deployment Methods and Analysis: Views from a Predictive Model and Human Responses

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    Ransomware incidents have increased dramatically in the past few years. The number of ransomware variants is also increasing, which means signature and heuristic-based detection techniques are becoming harder to achieve, due to the ever changing pattern of ransomware attack vectors. Therefore, in order to combat ransomware, we need a better understanding on how ransomware is being deployed, its characteristics, as well as how potential victims may react to ransomware incidents. This paper aims to address this challenge by carrying out an investigation on 18 families of ransomware, leading to a model for categorising ransomware behavioural characteristics, which can then be used to improve detection and handling of ransomware incidents. The categorisation was done in respect to the stages of ransomware deployment methods with a predictive model we developed called Randep. The stages are fingerprint, propagate, communicate, map, encrypt, lock, delete and threaten. Analysing the samples gathered for the predictive model provided an insight into the stages and timeline of ransomware execution. Furthermore, we carried out a study on how potential victims (individuals, as well as IT support staff at universities and SMEs) detect that ransomware was being deployed on their machine, what steps they took to investigate the incident, and how they responded to the attack. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. The results shed an interesting light into the most common attack methods, the most targeted operating systems and the infection symptoms, as well as recommended defence mechanisms. This information can be used in the future to create behavioural patterns for improved ransomware detection and response

    Cyber defensive capacity and capability::A perspective from the financial sector of a small state

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    This thesis explores ways in which the financial sectors of small states are able todefend themselves against ever-growing cyber threats, as well as ways these states can improve their cyber defense capability in order to withstand current andfuture attacks. To date, the context of small states in general is understudied. This study presents the challenges faced by financial sectors in small states with regard to withstanding cyberattacks. This study applies a mixed method approach through the use of various surveys, brainstorming sessions with financial sector focus groups, interviews with critical infrastructure stakeholders, a literature review, a comparative analysis of secondary data and a theoretical narrative review. The findings suggest that, for the Aruban financial sector, compliance is important, as with minimal drivers, precautionary behavior is significant. Countermeasures of formal, informal, and technical controls need to be in place. This study indicates the view that defending a small state such as Aruba is challenging, yet enough economic indicators indicate it not being outside the realm of possibility. On a theoretical level, this thesis proposes a conceptual “whole-of-cyber” model inspired by military science and the VSM (Viable Systems Model). The concept of fighting power components and governance S4 function form cyber defensive capacity’s shield and capability. The “whole-of-cyber” approach may be a good way to compensate for the lack of resources of small states. Collaboration may be an only out, as the fastest-growing need will be for advanced IT skillsets