16 research outputs found

    Parental influence on children's home computer use and digital divide in education

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    Session C6: ICCE Conference on Technology, Pedagogy and Education - Full Papers: C6_F9_284FThis case study compares the data from two secondary schools and attempts to contribute to a better understanding of the construct of parental influence on children's information and communication technology use at home. It identifies five components of parental influence: parents' information and communication technology (ICT) skills, parental monitoring, parental control, parental guidance and parental worries. The relationships among these components were often complex with intriguing similarities and differences among the participants. The findings suggest the existence of certain inequalities in education or, as the authors prefer to call it, the digital divide in education.postprintThe 19th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2011), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 28 November-2 December 2011. In Proceedings of the 19th ICCE, 2011, p. 595-60

    Technology Literacy of Undergraduate Students: A Survey in Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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    The development of information technology and globalization has impacted the learning process of higher education in Indonesia. This study aims to describe the level of technological literacy of students at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang in supporting the Independent Learning Campus (MBKM) policy of universities in Indonesia. This article uses a survey approach through a google form distributed purposively to students using a quantitative method. The survey uses a Likert scale adopted by the PISA standard, UNESCO. The results of this study indicate that the level of technological literacy for students who have participated in the Merdeka Learn Campus Merdeka (MBKM) is high. Furthermore, the survey shows that information literacy and digital literacy have good scores from the four elements of technological literacy: information literacy, digital literacy, and internet literacy. Two faculties have high technological literacy, namely the Faculty of Health Sciences and Teacher Training and Education. The implication of this research is to provide input information for higher education managers to make decisions on the development of the Independent Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) in higher educatio

    Parents’ perceptions over the use of New Technologies in Education

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    This article analyses parents' views on the role that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) plays in the context of pedagogy. It also refers to parents' beliefs, fears and expectations towards new technologies. It uses data that were collected from primary schools and kindergartens of the region of Eastern Macedonian and Thrace in Greece. 1450 parents participated in this research, 869 were from primary schools and 581 from kindergartens.  The results showed that parents (both from primary school and kindergarten) believe that new technologies help their children in the learning process and they believe that new technologies are beneficial for their children. Despite the fact that parents accept new technologies in their children's lives only for educational purposes, they don't want their children to spend a lot of time on the computer, because they are afraid that their children will not be able to socialize properly

    Evaluación de Competencias Informacionales en la Educación Chilena

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    Dentro de la complejidad de la Sociedad de la Información, la cual esta de manera constante mediada por el impacto de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, demanda a los procesos educativos la incorporación de competencias clave, de las cuales destaca las competencias informacionales, las que se encuentran relacionadas con el tratamiento de la información en un contexto virtual y la competencia de procesamiento digital. Desde este aspecto, adquiere importancia la formación de los estudiantes desde los primeros ciclos de enseñanza. Este estudio evalúa la eficacia de una intervención educativa en contexto b-learning para la formación en competencias informacionales a nivel educativo de primaria. De esta manera, se aplicó un diseño pre-experimental con pretest y postest a una muestra de 328 estudiantes de primaria en Chile, en el sector de la Provincia de Maipo. Se comenzó con la recogida de datos mediante un instrumento validado de evaluación del rendimiento en las cuatro dimensiones de las competencias informacionales. Tras la comprobación de los supuestos previos de normalidad y homocedasticidad, en el análisis de datos se aplicaron las pruebas estadísticas correspondientes. Los resultados establecen un aumento en el aprendizaje de las competencias informacionales teniendo como base la aplicación de la intervención educativa

    Students’ Perceptions of Information Literacy at two South African Universities

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    The purpose of this study was to find out students’ perceptions of the information literacy intervention programme at two Universities in a developing country. The study adopted a survey research method in which both questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data about how students perceived information literacy in relation to its contribution to improved academic performance. Results show that students perceived information literacy as very relevant to their academic success. The respondents indicated that they gain skills on how to find and use information in all formats to address their day to day assignments. This study reveals the connection between information literacy provision and how it can improve students’ academic success. However, for the connection to be successful, there is a need for all campus stakeholders to work together both in the development, delivery and assessment of information literacy programmes. This study provides a further dimension on how students perceive information literacy in relation to their academic success, an area which has been hardly researched particularly in a developing country such as South Africa. This therefore helps to add depth to the limited literature on students’ perceptions about information literacy

    Study on Parents' Acceptance of the Augmented Reality Use for Preschool Education

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    Parental influence on children's development is commonly accepted as essential, while the way how parents affect preschool students information and communication technology (ICT) use at school needs a further exploration. This exploratory study is aimed to contribute to a better understanding of parental influence on children's Augmented Reality (AR) use at preschool education by analyzing interview data collected from parents whose children have worked at school with both; AR didactical resources and traditional didactical resources. The study identified and organized parent perspective into five components: motivation, knowledge, reading and writing, creativity and degree of satisfaction. The relationships among these components were often complex with intriguing similarities and differences among the participants. According to parents, the findings suggest that there are a lot of benefits in using a technological competitive tool based on AR: the integration of several components in order to achieve a common goal, the possibility of managing the execution of the exercises in several contexts, or the system availability.Cascales, A.; Pérez Lopez, DC.; Contero, M. (2013). Study on Parents' Acceptance of the Augmented Reality Use for Preschool Education. Procedia Computer Science. 25:420-427. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2013.11.053S4204272

    Assessing students’ information literacy skills in two secondary schools in Singapore

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    Appropriately measuring information literacy skills is essential to understand their educational impact as well as exploring pedagogies to improve teaching of these skills. This paper reports findings of a baseline study to understand the information literacy level of secondary school students in Singapore. A comprehensive instrument encompassing a new dimension of ethical usage of information as well as major IL principles and guidelines was developed for data collection. A total of 298 responses were gathered through the online survey. The findings indicate that overall there was a scope to improve students’ IL skills. That stated, higher order IL skills (such as information use, synthesis, and evaluation) demand more attention, as comparatively lower levels of proficiency were observed in this study.

    Propiedades métricas y estructura dimensional de la adaptación española de una escala de evaluación de competencia informacional autopercibida (IL-HUMASS)

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    Análisis psicométrico y validación de la escala IL-HUMASS de evaluación de competencias informacionales en profesorado de educación secundaria y educación superior.Este estudio pretende conocer las propiedades psicométricas de la adaptación española de una escala de percepción de autoeficacia en competencia informacional, aplicada a 192 estudiantes del Máster universitario en formación del profesorado de educación secundaria. El instrumento, adaptación de Pinto (2009), contiene 26 ítems agrupados en cuatro categorías. En este artículo analizamos el instrumento en su dimensión de autoeficacia. Se incluye, por tanto, análisis de validez y fiabilidad. La consistencia interna es contrastada a partir del coeficiente α de Cronbach, y se aplica el análisis factorial para la validez de constructo. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la consistencia interna del cuestionario (alpha 0.903). Respecto a la estructura, obtenemos dos factores más de los esperables. En conclusión, la escala adaptada constituye un instrumento con evidencias de validez y fiabilidad que permite explorar, entre futuros profesores de Educación Secundaria, subdimensiones de especial relevancia para el desarrollo de Competencia Informacional

    Videojogos Digitais na Sala de Aula: Uma Breve Análise

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Física.RESUMO Neste trabalho revisamos as pesquisas em torno da aplicação de videojogos educativos e comerciais no ambiente escolar. O estudo inclui as nomenclaturas e definições utilizadas atualmente para designar os videojogos educativos, serious games e outros. Do ponto de vista harmonizado com o contexto educacional, discutimos a inserção da tecnologia e dos videojogos na sala de aula, bem como apresentamos argumentos favoráveis e hesitantes a respeito da aprendizagem baseada em videojogos. Em uma das seções, resumimos o uso atual dos videojogos e como os professores e a comunidade escolar reagem ao uso dos mesmos. Expressamos também a construção de reflexões envolvendo o conhecimento do professor e a integração tecnológica no ensino, abarcando um pequeno apanhado histórico desde a década de 80 até o atual contexto tecnológico do século XXI. Na última parte do texto, apresentamos uma proposta de aula de física para o ensino médio com um videojogo comercial como recurso didático. Palavras-chaves: Videojogos. Ensino Médio. Jogos Educativos.ABSTRACT In this work we review the application of educational and commercial videogames in the school environment. The study includes the nomenclatures and definitions currently used to describe the educational videogames, serious games and others. In a point of view harmonized with the educational context, we discuss the integration of technology and video games in the classroom, and present arguments for and against the videogame-based learning. We summarize the current use of videogames and how the teachers and the school community react to your usage. We also express the construction of reflections involving the teacher's knowledge and technology integration in education, covering a brief historical review from the eighties to the present technological context. In the last part of the work, we present a high school physics class script using a commercial videogame as a teaching resource. Keywords : Videogames , High school, Serious game

    Towards a cyber safety information framework for South African parents

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    This dissertation addresses the need for a structured approach to the education of parents regarding cyber safety threats. The researcher has been approached by a service provider, EduX, which works with schools to facilitate digital learning. Edu X has expressed the need to provide cyber safety information for parents from the schools where their solution is implemented. This research suggests a Cyber Safety Information Framework for South African parents, tailored to their specific needs. The Design Science Research Methodology was followed to develop the framework through one main cycle and two sub-cycles. The framework includes different dimensions of the parents’ needs. A Cyber Safety Information Needs Assesment Instrument was developed and tested to tailor these dimensions to a specific school. In addition, a categorisation (or catalogue) of existing cyber safety online material to be used by schools, was developed. The evaluation of this framework was done by designing a prototype of an application to be used by schools to determine its implementation based on the outcome of the needs assessment instrument, the relevant cyber safety content, the way to present the material, as well as the best time to present it. This prototype was demonstrated to a potential user from EduX, and the framework was refined and updated based on the feedback received.Dissertation (MIT)--University of Pretoria, 2019.InformaticsMITUnrestricte