1,440 research outputs found

    First Observational Tests of Eternal Inflation: Analysis Methods and WMAP 7-Year Results

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    In the picture of eternal inflation, our observable universe resides inside a single bubble nucleated from an inflating false vacuum. Many of the theories giving rise to eternal inflation predict that we have causal access to collisions with other bubble universes, providing an opportunity to confront these theories with observation. We present the results from the first observational search for the effects of bubble collisions, using cosmic microwave background data from the WMAP satellite. Our search targets a generic set of properties associated with a bubble collision spacetime, which we describe in detail. We use a modular algorithm that is designed to avoid a posteriori selection effects, automatically picking out the most promising signals, performing a search for causal boundaries, and conducting a full Bayesian parameter estimation and model selection analysis. We outline each component of this algorithm, describing its response to simulated CMB skies with and without bubble collisions. Comparing the results for simulated bubble collisions to the results from an analysis of the WMAP 7-year data, we rule out bubble collisions over a range of parameter space. Our model selection results based on WMAP 7-year data do not warrant augmenting LCDM with bubble collisions. Data from the Planck satellite can be used to more definitively test the bubble collision hypothesis.Comment: Companion to arXiv:1012.1995. 41 pages, 23 figures. v2: replaced with version accepted by PRD. Significant extensions to the Bayesian pipeline to do the full-sky non-Gaussian source detection problem (previously restricted to patches). Note that this has changed the normalization of evidence values reported previously, as full-sky priors are now employed, but the conclusions remain unchange

    Self-stabilizing k-clustering in mobile ad hoc networks

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    In this thesis, two silent self-stabilizing asynchronous distributed algorithms are given for constructing a k-clustering of a connected network of processes. These are the first self-stabilizing solutions to this problem. One algorithm, FLOOD, takes O( k) time and uses O(k log n) space per process, while the second algorithm, BFS-MIS-CLSTR, takes O(n) time and uses O(log n) space; where n is the size of the network. Processes have unique IDs, and there is no designated leader. BFS-MIS-CLSTR solves three problems; it elects a leader and constructs a BFS tree for the network, constructs a minimal independent set, and finally a k-clustering. Finding a minimal k-clustering is known to be NP -hard. If the network is a unit disk graph in a plane, BFS-MIS-CLSTR is within a factor of O(7.2552k) of choosing the minimal number of clusters; A lower bound is given, showing that any comparison-based algorithm for the k-clustering problem that takes o( diam) rounds has very bad worst case performance; Keywords: BFS tree construction, K-clustering, leader election, MIS construction, self-stabilization, unit disk graph

    Boosting insights in insurance tariff plans with tree-based machine learning methods

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    Pricing actuaries typically operate within the framework of generalized linear models (GLMs). With the upswing of data analytics, our study puts focus on machine learning methods to develop full tariff plans built from both the frequency and severity of claims. We adapt the loss functions used in the algorithms such that the specific characteristics of insurance data are carefully incorporated: highly unbalanced count data with excess zeros and varying exposure on the frequency side combined with scarce, but potentially long-tailed data on the severity side. A key requirement is the need for transparent and interpretable pricing models which are easily explainable to all stakeholders. We therefore focus on machine learning with decision trees: starting from simple regression trees, we work towards more advanced ensembles such as random forests and boosted trees. We show how to choose the optimal tuning parameters for these models in an elaborate cross-validation scheme, we present visualization tools to obtain insights from the resulting models and the economic value of these new modeling approaches is evaluated. Boosted trees outperform the classical GLMs, allowing the insurer to form profitable portfolios and to guard against potential adverse risk selection

    A real time imaging system for assessment and control swine thermal comfort

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    A real-time bioimaging system was developed to detect movement of group-housed pigs and to classify thermal comfort state of the pigs based on their resting patterns. This dissertation describes the background, theory, image features selection and analysis, image classification techniques, system architecture, and system performance with artificial and live pigs.;The system is based on the bioimaging control method: using animal\u27s thermal behavior as the ultimate biosensor that is used to reflect animal thermal comfortable levels. An automated real time image processing and control system is developed that monitors animal behavior and adjusts external devices according to the image classification results.;The system contains three major components: image capture component that grabs live animal images for analysis and display purposes; image processing component that detects animal movement and analyzes its thermal behaviors; and external device control component that adjusts environmental temperature to keep the temperature within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ). The system operates on a real-time basis with multiple input channels. It also displays live animal images and system control states for selected channels.;The system contains a rich set of image features, including image moment invariants, run-length frequency, animal body occupation ratio, and animal group shape compactness that are extracted as feature vectors. Different image classification methods were also investigated and a minimum distance was adopted as the measurement to distinguish the thermal comfort states of cold vs. comfortable. The system was designed to be body weight independent, and a sliding window was employed to update reference image feature sets so that classification is always based on the most recent information.;Rather than providing an academic prototype, the system is commercial application oriented. It provides real-time configurations so that users can modify system variables such as animal group size, image threshold value, channel selection and temperature set points on the run

    Simple, safe, and efficient memory management using linear pointers

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    Efficient and safe memory management is a hard problem. Garbage collection promises automatic memory management but comes with the cost of increased memory footprint, reduced parallelism in multi-threaded programs, unpredictable pause time, and intricate tuning parameters balancing the program's workload and designated memory usage in order for an application to perform reasonably well. Existing research mitigates the above problems to some extent, but programmer error could still cause memory leak by erroneously keeping memory references when they are no longer needed. We need a methodology for programmers to become resource aware, so that efficient, scalable, predictable and high performance programs may be written without the fear of resource leak. Linear logic has been recognized as the formalism of choice for resource tracking. It requires explicit introduction and elimination of resources and guarantees that a resource cannot be implicitly shared or abandoned, hence must be linear. Early languages based on linear logic focused on Curry-Howard correspondence. They began by limiting the expressive powers of the language and then reintroduced them by allowing controlled sharing which is necessary for recursive functions. However, only by deviating from Curry-Howard correspondence could later development actually address programming errors in resource usage. The contribution of this dissertation is a simple, safe, and efficient approach introducing linear resource ownership semantics into C++ (which is still a widely used language after 30 years since inception) through linear pointer, a smart pointer inspired by linear logic. By implementing various linear data structures and a parallel, multi-threaded memory allocator based on these data structures, this work shows that linear pointer is practical and efficient in the real world, and that it is possible to build a memory management stack that is entirely leak free. The dissertation offers some closing remarks on the difficulties a formal system would encounter when reasoning about a concurrent linear data algorithm, and what might be done to solve these problems

    Role of Interference and Computational Complexity in Modern Wireless Networks: Analysis, Optimization, and Design

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    Owing to the popularity of smartphones, the recent widespread adoption of wireless broadband has resulted in a tremendous growth in the volume of mobile data traffic, and this growth is projected to continue unabated. In order to meet the needs of future systems, several novel technologies have been proposed, including cooperative communications, cloud radio access networks (RANs) and very densely deployed small-cell networks. For these novel networks, both interference and the limited availability of computational resources play a very important role. Therefore, the accurate modeling and analysis of interference and computation is essential to the understanding of these networks, and an enabler for more efficient design.;This dissertation focuses on four aspects of modern wireless networks: (1) Modeling and analysis of interference in single-hop wireless networks, (2) Characterizing the tradeoffs between the communication performance of wireless transmission and the computational load on the systems used to process such transmissions, (3) The optimization of wireless multiple-access networks when using cost functions that are based on the analytical findings in this dissertation, and (4) The analysis and optimization of multi-hop networks, which may optionally employ forms of cooperative communication.;The study of interference in single-hop wireless networks proceeds by assuming that the random locations of the interferers are drawn from a point process and possibly constrained to a finite area. Both the information-bearing and interfering signals propagate over channels that are subject to path loss, shadowing, and fading. A flexible model for fading, based on the Nakagami distribution, is used, though specific examples are provided for Rayleigh fading. The analysis is broken down into multiple steps, involving subsequent averaging of the performance metrics over the fading, the shadowing, and the location of the interferers with the aim to distinguish the effect of these mechanisms that operate over different time scales. The analysis is extended to accommodate diversity reception, which is important for the understanding of cooperative systems that combine transmissions that originate from different locations. Furthermore, the role of spatial correlation is considered, which provides insight into how the performance in one location is related to the performance in another location.;While it is now generally understood how to communicate close to the fundamental limits implied by information theory, operating close to the fundamental performance bounds is costly in terms of the computational complexity required to receive the signal. This dissertation provides a framework for understanding the tradeoffs between communication performance and the imposed complexity based on how close a system operates to the performance bounds, and it allows to accurately estimate the required data processing resources of a network under a given performance constraint. The framework is applied to Cloud-RAN, which is a new cellular architecture that moves the bulk of the signal processing away from the base stations (BSs) and towards a centralized computing cloud. The analysis developed in this part of the dissertation helps to illuminate the benefits of pooling computing assets when decoding multiple uplink signals in the cloud. Building upon these results, new approaches for wireless resource allocation are proposed, which unlike previous approaches, are aware of the computing limitations of the network.;By leveraging the accurate expressions that characterize performance in the presence of interference and fading, a methodology is described for optimizing wireless multiple-access networks. The focus is on frequency hopping (FH) systems, which are already widely used in military systems, and are becoming more common in commercial systems. The optimization determines the best combination of modulation parameters (such as the modulation index for continuous-phase frequency-shift keying), number of hopping channels, and code rate. In addition, it accounts for the adjacent-channel interference (ACI) and determines how much of the signal spectrum should lie within the operating band of each channel, and how much can be allowed to splatter into adjacent channels.;The last part of this dissertation contemplates networks that involve multi-hop communications. Building on the analytical framework developed in early parts of this dissertation, the performance of such networks is analyzed in the presence of interference and fading, and it is introduced a novel paradigm for a rapid performance assessment of routing protocols. Such networks may involve cooperative communications, and the particular cooperative protocol studied here allows the same packet to be transmitted simultaneously by multiple transmitters and diversity combined at the receiver. The dynamics of how the cooperative protocol evolves over time is described through an absorbing Markov chain, and the analysis is able to efficiently capture the interference that arises as packets are periodically injected into the network by a common source, the temporal correlation among these packets and their interdependence

    Modeling and verifying the FlexRay physical layer protocol with reachability checking of timed automata

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    In this thesis, I report on the verification of the resilience of the FlexRay automotive bus protocol's physical layer protocol against glitches during message transmission and drifting clocks. This entailed modeling a significant part of this industrially used communictation protocol and the underlying hardware as well as the possible error scenarios in fine detail. Verifying such a complex model with model-checking led me to the development of data-structures and algorithms able to handle the associated complexity using only reasonable resources. This thesis presents such data-structures and algorithms for reachability checking of timed automata. It also present modeling principles enabling the construction of timed automata models that can be efficiently checked, as well as the models arrived at. Finally, it reports on the verified resilience of FlexRay's physical layer protocol against specific patterns of glitches under varying assumptions about the underlying hardware, like clock drift.In dieser Dissertation berichte ich über den Nachweis der Resilienz des Bitübertragungsprotokolls für die physikalische Schicht des FlexRay-Fahrzeugbusprotokolls gegenüber Übertragungsfehlern und Uhrenverschiebung. Dafür wurde es notwendig, einen signifikanten Teil dieses industriell genutzten Kommunikationsprotokolls mit seiner Hardwareumgebung und die möglichen Fehlerszenarien detailliert zu modellieren. Ein so komplexes Modell mittels Modellprüfung zu überprüfen führte mich zur Entwicklung von Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen, die die damit verbundene Komplexität mit vernünftigen Ressourcenanforderungen bewältigen können. Diese Dissertation stellt solche Datenstrukturen und Algorithmen zur Erreichbarkeitsprüfung gezeiteter Automaten vor. Sie stellt auch Modellierungsprinzipien vor, die es ermöglichen, Modelle in Form gezeiteter Automaten zu konstruieren, die effizient überprüft werden können, sowie die erstellten Modelle. Schließlich berichtet sie über die überprüfte Resilienz des FlexRay-Bitübertragungsprotokolls gegenüber spezifischen Übertragungsfehlermustern unter verschiedenen Annahmen über die Hardwareumgebung, wie etwa die Uhrenverschiebung.DFG: SFB/TRR 14 "AVACS - Automatische Verifikation und Analyse komplexer Systeme

    Model-based compositional verification approaches and tools development for cyber-physical systems

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    The model-based design for embedded real-time systems utilizes the veriable reusable components and proper architectures, to deal with the verification scalability problem caused by state-explosion. In this thesis, we address verification approaches for both low-level individual component correctness and high-level system correctness, which are equally important under this scheme. Three prototype tools are developed, implementing our approaches and algorithms accordingly. For the component-level design-time verification, we developed a symbolic verifier, LhaVrf, for the reachability verification of concurrent linear hybrid systems (LHA). It is unique in translating a hybrid automaton into a transition system that preserves the discrete transition structure, possesses no continuous dynamics, and preserves reachability of discrete states. Afterward, model-checking is interleaved in the counterexample fragment based specification relaxation framework. We next present a simulation-based bounded-horizon reachability analysis approach for the reachability verification of systems modeled by hybrid automata (HA) on a run-time basis. This framework applies a dynamic, on-the-fly, repartition-based error propagation control method with the mild requirement of Lipschitz continuity on the continuous dynamics. The novel features allow state-triggered discrete jumps and provide eventually constant over-approximation error bound for incremental stable dynamics. The above approaches are implemented in our prototype verifier called HS3V. Once the component properties are established, the next thing is to establish the system-level properties through compositional verication. We present our work on the role and integration of quantier elimination (QE) for property composition and verication. In our approach, we derive in a single step, the strongest system property from the given component properties for both time-independent and time-dependent scenarios. The system initial condition can also be composed, which, alongside the strongest system property, are used to verify a postulated system property through induction. The above approaches are implemented in our prototype tool called ReLIC

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 11561 and 11562 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2019, held in New York City, USA, in July 2019. The 52 full papers presented together with 13 tool papers and 2 case studies, were carefully reviewed and selected from 258 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: automata and timed systems; security and hyperproperties; synthesis; model checking; cyber-physical systems and machine learning; probabilistic systems, runtime techniques; dynamical, hybrid, and reactive systems; Part II: logics, decision procedures; and solvers; numerical programs; verification; distributed systems and networks; verification and invariants; and concurrency

    Proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC 1990)

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    Presented here are the proceedings of the Second International Mobile Satellite Conference (IMSC), held June 17-20, 1990 in Ottawa, Canada. Topics covered include future mobile satellite communications concepts, aeronautical applications, modulation and coding, propagation and experimental systems, mobile terminal equipment, network architecture and control, regulatory and policy considerations, vehicle antennas, and speech compression