87 research outputs found


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    The paper aims to explore and evaluate what has been done in the literature regarding teachers’ perceptions, practices, and needs of learning design and learning design tools. To this end, the systematic literature review methodology is adopted. Under the light of this methodology and in line with the study’s selection criteria, six papers are identified as relevant. Data extracted from these papers are analysed according to themes specified by the research questions of the study. The findings are used to produce desirable features for the next generation of learning design tools

    Підготовка майбутніх агроінженерів у творчому освітньому середовищі

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    Сучасний попит на інженерів, зокрема у сфері аграрного виробництва, які володіють уміннями та навичками «високого рівня», здатних швидко орієнтуватися у ситуації, реалізовувати нестандартні та інноваційні підході у професійній діяльності та ефективно вирішувати проблеми різного рівня вимагає постійного розвитку та оновлення навчальних моделей з використанням новітніх виробничих та інформаційних технологій. Одним з пріоритетних напрямів у інженерній освіті є розвиток творчого потенціалу студентів. Це потребує створення творчого освітнього середовища, де можлива реалізація відповідної педагогічної системи, що спрямовує цілі та зміст підготовки, форми, методи і засоби навчання та контролю, результати навчальної діяльності студента, а також діяльність викладача і студента на розвиток творчого потенціалу майбутнього інженера

    a room affecting what we do and how we feel

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    Victorino, G., & Henriques, R. (2021). Design of learning environments: a room affecting what we do and how we feel. In EDULEARN21 Proceedings: 13th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (pp. 10849-10859) https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.2256The conversion of traditional classrooms into new innovative learning environments (ILE) has been increasingly investigated and implemented in many schools, largely due to societal and technological developments (French, Imms, & Mahat, 2020). Higher Education Institutions are no exception. The design of learning environments to support the development of technology-enhanced learning, centred on students and pedagogic theory, has also been studied (Laurillard et al., 2013; Zitter, De Bruijn, Simons, & Cate, 2011). These learning spaces are generally technologically rich spaces, with different screens for visualization, and a spatial configuration aiming to promote collaboration (Mei & May, 2018), nevertheless, attempts to incorporate active learning pedagogies in spaces that aren't tuned in to the needs of active learning have yielded suboptimal outcomes and a lot of dissatisfaction for both teachers and students (Talbert & Mor-Avi, 2019). In this paper, we study the relation between built environments with wellbeing in mind and its use in an innovative learning space. Following the work of Dolan et al. (2016) we implement the SALIENT checklist in a prototype classroom at NOVA University. The SALIENT checklist recognizes that behaviour is context-dependent and consists of seven dimensions to be considered in the design of environments with wellbeing in mind: 1) Sound, 2) Air, 3) Light, 4) Image, 5) Ergonomics, 6) Nature and 7) Tint. These seven dimensions can have an impact on the learning process, and we hypothesize that a space considering the SALIENT checklist will allow for better students’ performances and satisfaction. We conducted qualitative research using a design thinking approach (Brown & Wyatt, 2010) to better understand how to implement the SALIENT checklist in the context of education and what alternatives were more adapted to active learning. We promoted two design-thinking workshops involving students and professors to propose design ideas for the learning environment. Through these design-thinking workshops, students and teachers reflected on the implementation of each dimension of SALIENT and discussed its role and possible impact on the integration of new pedagogical strategies.authorsversionpublishe

    Teacher-training, ICT, creativity, MOOC, Moodle - What pedagogy?

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    The paper discusses learning theories and pedagogical approaches that inform the design of a teacher-training MOOC implementing creativity techniques and ICT tools. The article describes different versions of the course that applies Learning Design Studio as a course format and The First Principles of Instruction as an approach to structure the content and learning activities. It is claimed that the course needs to accommodate the learning profiles based on learning styles, learning locus of control and behavioral patterns as identified by MOOC research.European Commission, Project Number: 531086-LLP-1-2012-1-ES-KA3-KA3MP Agreement Number: 2012-4275 / 001-00

    A pedagogical design pattern framework:for sharing experiences and enhancing communities of practice within online and blended learning

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    ”Design patterns” were originally proposed in architecture and later in software engineering as a methodology to sketch and share solutions to recurring design problems. In recent years ”pedagogical design patterns” have been introduced as a way to sketch and share good practices in teaching and learning; specifically in the context of technology-enhanced learning (e-learning). Several attempts have been made to establish a framework for describing and sharing such e-learning patterns, but so far they have had limited success. At a series of workshops in a competence-development project for teachers at the University of Copenhagen a new and simpler pedagogical design pattern framework was developed for interfaculty sharing of experiences and enhancing communities of practice in relation to online and blended learning across the university. In this study, the new pedagogical design pattern framework is applied to describe the learning design in four online and blended learning courses within different academic disciplines: Classical Greek, Biostatistics, Environmental Management in Europe, and Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation. Future perspectives for using the framework for developing new E-learning patterns for online and blended learning courses are discussed

    Investigating the key attributes to enhance students' learning experience in 21st century class environment

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    The 21st century marks the beginning of digital age with the extensive use of digital media, mobile devices, and Internet resources. Recent studies found that this digital era has expanded the landscape of student experiences, and educational technologies as well as increased the educator’s awareness on embracing technologies to promote effective learning. This has redefined the meaning of effective learning and the approaches in motivating students. Therefore, redesigning the learning environments plays an important role in enhancing the students’ experiences in the university classrooms. In this study, the 21st century class environment is designed by mapping Jonassen’s model and Gagne’s events to employ the constructivist learning approach, organize the information processing, and design the instructions to support effective learning. In order to study student’s perception in the 21st century class environment, this study employed the mixed methods approach, includes conducting exploratory factor analysis on the questionnaire response and the qualitative analysis on students’ comments. The research samples were formed by 300 undergraduate degree students who studied at INTI International University, Malaysia. The exploratory factor analysis has identified four main factors, group learning, motivation, skills development and knowledge transfer. In the discussion, this study presents the key attributes, the main contributors to the attributes and its impact on student learning. For instance, the factor of group learning can be stimulated by emphasizing on the identified key attributes, such as improved work relationship, improved leadership, and refined collaborative learning which enhancing student learning experience as they are keen to attempt different approach, and anticipate changes. This study aims to identify the factors and elaborate the key attributes for supporting the strategies in transforming the university class environment to enhances students’ learning experiences and promote effective learning

    Informed choice? How the United Kingdom's Key Information Set fails to represent pedagogy to potential students

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    This paper explores the ways in which information about course pedagogy has been represented to potential students through national descriptors and specifications such as the United Kingdom’s Key Information Set. It examines the extent to which such descriptors provide helpful information about pedagogy, for example innovative uses of technology. The paper starts by exploring the wider context within which these descriptors have been developed, including a comparison of similar descriptions internationally. This is followed by a comparative analysis, in which two courses (one single honours undergraduate degree, one Massive Open Online Course) are classified and compared. This serves to illustrate the blind spots in classifications such as the Key Information Set. The paper concludes by arguing that further work is needed to develop classification schemes that both address explicitly the interests of potential students and are able to represent the pedagogic decisions that differentiate teaching in contemporary higher education

    Exploring teachers’ needs and the existing barriers to the adoption of Learning Design methods and tools: a literature survey

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    Producción CientíficaLearning Design (LD) is oriented to support teachers in designing their teaching with the aim to provide a sound pedagogical background and to make effective use of resources and technologies. In spite of the significant number of LD approaches and tools proposed so far, their adoption is still very limited and this represents an unsolved challenge in the field of LD. This paper presents a systematic review of the literature about learning design tools, tackling the issue of adoption from two points of view: teachers’ needs in relation to LD tools and methods and possible barriers to their adoption. The review includes only research papers where teachers’ behaviours and opinions are directly explored and not purely theoretical papers. The search included five main academic databases in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) plus a search on Google about project reports; the resulting corpus included 423 papers: 26 of these, plus 3 reports were included in the final list for the analysis. The review provides a systematic overview of the knowledge developed in the LD field, focusing on a set of research gaps that need further exploration in the future.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Projects TIN2014-53199-C3-2-R and TIN2017- 85179-C3-2-R)Junta de Castilla y León (programa de apoyo a proyectos de investigación - Ref. VA082U16)European Commission (Proyect 588438-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA