538 research outputs found

    Design of Stocking Density of Broilers for Closed House in Wet Tropical Climates

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    The objectives of this research were to: 1) design the stocking density of broiler reared at a closed house system in wet tropical climates based on the heat released by broiler, 2) design broiler harvesting system based on the housing heat load, and 3) design required housing area based on the broiler age. The housing design used to determine the broiler stocking density was based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Solid Works Flow Simulation software. The method had good validation shown by small number of average percentage of deviation (6.07%). Simulation was carried out by changing the number of broilers i.e. 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22 birds/m2. According to the CFD simulation result, total heat load inside the house was 233.33 kW at 21 birds/m2 at weight 1.65 kg/bird. At that stocking density the housing can be occupied by 27,224 birds until 22 days of age. The highest total weight was produced by daily harvesting started from 22 to 32 d. It can be concluded that the stocking density of closed house for broiler is 34.65 kg/m2, total production is 45,717 kg per period and the required area for 27,224 broilers is 248.63 m2 (1 to 7 days of age broiler), 562.52 m2 (8 to 14 days of age broiler) and 1,000 m2 (15 to 22 days of age broiler)

    Investigation of bio-aerosol dispersion in a tunnel-ventilated poultry house

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    Bio-aerosol concentrations in poultry houses must be controlled to provide adequate air quality for both birds and workers. High concentrations of airborne bio-aerosols would affect the environmental sustainability of the production and create environmental hazards to the surroundings via the ventilation systems. Previous studies demonstrate that several factors including the age of the birds, the housing configuration, the humidity and temperature would strongly affect the indoor concentration of bio-aerosols. However, limited studies are performed in the literature to investigate the bio-aerosol dispersion pattern inside poultry buildings. In order to fill a gap of the understanding of the bio-aerosol dispersion behavior, experimental measurements of the indoor bio-aerosol distribution are performed in a tunnel-ventilated poultry house in this paper. Meanwhile a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model is built and validated to further investigate the effect of flow pattern, turbulence and vortex on the dispersion and deposition of the bio-aerosols. Furthermore, bio-aerosols with various diameters are also examined in the CFD model. It is found that higher concentrations of bio-aerosols are detected at the rear part of the house and strong turbulent flow resulting from the ventilation inlets enhances the diffusion and dispersion of bio-aerosols. Local vortex or disturbed flow is responsible for higher local concentration due to the re-suspension of settled bio-aerosols, which suggests that careful attentions should be paid to these locations during cleaning and disinfection. Results from present study contribute to the optimization of design and operation of the poultry houses from the standing point of reducing airborne bio-aerosol concentrations

    Design of Stocking Density of Broilers for Closed House in Wet Tropical Climates

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    The objectives of this research were to: 1) design the stocking density of broiler reared at a closed house system in wet tropical climates based on the heat released by broiler, 2) design broiler harvesting system based on the housing heat load, and 3) design required housing area based on the broiler age. The housing design used to determine the broiler stocking density was based on Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) with Solid Works Flow Simulation software. The method had good validation shown by small number of average percentage of deviation (6.07%). Simulation was carried out by changing the number of broilers i.e. 16, 18, 20, 21 and 22 birds/m2. According to the CFD simulation result, total heat load inside the house was 233.33 kW at 21 birds/m2 at weight 1.65 kg/bird. At that stocking density the housing can be occupied by 27,224 birds until 22 days of age. The highest total weight was produced by daily harvesting started from 22 to 32 d. It can be concluded that the stocking density of closed house for broiler is 34.65 kg/m2, total production is 45,717 kg per period and the required area for 27,224 broilers is  248.63 m2 (1 to 7 days of age broiler), 562.52 m2 (8 to 14 days of age broiler) and 1,000 m2 (15 to 22 days of age broiler). Key words: broiler, computational fluid dynamics, stocking density, total hea

    Control of particulate matter emissions from poultry and pig houses

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    Los alojamientos ganaderos, especialmente avícolas y porcinos, son una fuente importante de material particulado ("particulate matter", PM). Las concentraciones elevadas de PM en el ambiente pueden afectar a la salud de las personas y animales, así como al medio ambiente. La mejor manera de reducir las emisiones de PM de los alojamientos ganaderos es evitar que éste se genere y así, controlando el PM en origen, no sólo se pueden reducir las emisiones, sino también mejorar la calidad del aire en el interior de los alojamientos ganaderos. Por otra parte, para evaluar la posible exposición al PM por un lado, y para desarrollar medidas para reducirlo, por otro, es necesario conocer la morfología y composición de las partículas. En consecuencia, el objetivo de esta tesis fue identificar y caracterizar el origen del PM en diferentes sistemas de alojamientos ganaderos y evaluar técnicas de reducción de dicho PM en relación con otros contaminantes. La tesis está compuesta por cuatro trabajos de investigación y una revisión previa, sobre el estado de la cuestión del PM en los sistemas de producción ganaderos, que establece el marco del trabajo experimental. En primer lugar, se muestrearon fuentes conocidas de PM en alojamientos ganaderos que fueron aerosolizadas experimentalmente en un generador de polvo de laboratorio para recoger muestras de PM fino y grueso. Estas muestras fueron analizadas posteriormente mediante: i) microscopía electrónica de barrido con un espectrómetro de rayos X para obtener una caracterización morfológica y química detallada de las fuentes; ii) mediante un contador óptico de partículas para obtener la distribución por tamaños de cada fuente. En segundo lugar, se investigaron las características más adecuadas de las partículas para distinguir entre las distintas fuentes en base a la caracterización de las mismas anteriormente obtenida y a las características morfológicas obtenidas con análisis digital de imagen. En su conjunto, se puede concluir de manera genérica que los resultados presentados en esta tesis contribuyen a proporcionar unas herramientas básicas que permitirán diseñar unas medidas de reducción de PM en origen mejores y más eficientes y, paralelamente, a predecir su funcionamiento.Cambra López, M. (2010). Control of particulate matter emissions from poultry and pig houses [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8501Palanci

    Airborne transmission of pathogens emerging in the poultry industry

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    Poultry houses might have high levels of airborne pathogens, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) and avian influenza (AI), which may be transmitted through the air and pose risks of infection. The objective of the dissertation is to provide an insightful understanding the of airborne transmission of E. coli and AI which were attached to poultry dust particles. Chapter I and VI summarized background, gap in knowledge, and discussed the limitations and implications of the study. Chapter II compared the efficiency of Andersen six-stage impactor, all-glass impinger, and ACD-200 Bobcat, in collecting airborne E. coli carried by dust particles. The results showed that the Andersen six-stage impactor and the all-glass impinger outperformed the Bobcat sampler. Airborne E. coli were found to mainly aggregate on large particles (\u3e7.0 µm). The survivability of E. coli in poultry litter under different environmental conditions was described in Chapter III. The survivability of airborne E. coli was found to have a half-life time of 5.7 ± 1.2 min, while the survivability of settled E. coli and E. coli in poultry litter were much longer with half-life times of 9.6 ± 1.6 hrs and 15.9 ± 1.3 hrs, respectively. The effect of ultraviolet (UV) light on the inactivation of airborne E. coli carried by poultry dust particles under laboratory conditions was explored in Chapter IV. The inactivation rates varied from over 99.87% and 99.95% at 5.62 s of contact time to 72.90% and 86.60% at 0.23 s of contact time, with 1,707 µW cm−2 and 3,422 µW cm−2 of UV irradiance, respectively. Utilizing computational modeling to assess the risk of airborne and deposited AI carried by poultry-litter dust particles was investigated in Chapter V. Results showed that concentrations of airborne AI transmitted to other farms in a day were lower than the minimal infective dose for poultry. The study suggests that factors such as infected location and type of poultry house may influence the risk of airborne transmission of HPAI. In conclusion, this dissertation explores sampling methods, survivability, mitigation technologies for airborne transmission of pathogens in poultry, and factors affecting infection probabilities in the poultry industry

    Automated Optimization of Broiler Production

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    Dinámica de fluidos computacionales (CFD) y su uso para analizar la distribucion de gases al interior de instalaciones pecuarias: una revisión de literatura

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    Currently, one of the most discussed subjects in commercial livestock production is the emission of gases and temperature distribution, associated to climate change and animal welfare, principally with gas as methane (CH4) and ammonia (NH3). Application of computational fluid dynamics (CfD) for predicting the occurrence of these gases, especially in the animal production sector, is becoming increasingly important. Along the years, the versatility, precision and ease of use offered by CfD has caused its greater acceptance by the agricultural and animal engineering community. Therefore, CfD is regularly utilized to solve environmental problems associated to climate control in commercial animal production installations. Due to a better combination between computational simulation in CfD and mathematical modeling, realism of these simulations has become more reliable in recent years. Based on these facts, the goal of this study was to showed the recent studies using commercial Computational fluid Dynamics (CfD) to determinate the behavior and distributions of gases inside animal production installations, showing the advantages and limitations of the technique.Actualmente, uno de los casos de mayor discusión en la producción animal, es la emisión de gases y de distribución de temperatura asociados al cambio climático y al comportamiento animal, principalmente con gases como metano (CH4) y el amoniaco (NH3). La aplicación de la dinámica de los fluidos computacionales (CfD) para predecir el comportamiento de esos gases, especialmente en el sector de producción animal, esta comenzando a ganar gran importancia. A lo largo de los años, la versatilidad, precisión y la facilidad de uso ofrecida por el CfD ha tenido una gran aceptación en la comunidad de la Ingeniería Agrícola y pecuaria en general. Por lo tanto, el CfD es regularmente utilizado para solucionar problemas ambientales asociados a control climático en instalaciones comerciales de producción animal. Debido a la mejor combinación entre la simulación computacional con CfD y modelos matemáticos, situaciones reales se han simulado con mayor confiabilidad en los últimos años. Este trabajo ofrece una revisión del estado del arte acerca de la aplicación de la técnica con CfD para determinar el comportamiento y distribución de gases al interior de instalaciones pecuarias, mostrando las ventajas y limitaciones de la técnica.Incluye referencias bibliográfica