18 research outputs found

    Virtual Design of Piston Production Line

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    Experimental Design of a Flexible Manufacturing System

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    Abstract Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) deal with varied part and product designs, and allows variation in parts' processing sequences and production volume change. Its successful implementation results in improvement of capital utilization, higher profit margins, and increased competitiveness. Today, FMS design is complex, where various layout types and material handling system (MHS) devices exist while part inter-arrival and processing times are stochastic. This paper presents a case study to investigate effects of different input factors, including layout and MHS configuration (number, speed and type) on FMS performance measured by total production cost, total flow time and throughput, using simulation. The investigation includes interactions between input factors and identifies the settings that yield optimal performance. Overall, the paper presents a framework that integrates experimental design, simulation, and multi-criteria decision-making to the design of complex manufacturing systems

    Multi-criteria risk assessment approach for components risk ranking - The case study of an offshore wave energy converter

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    Experts’ judgement is employed in offshore risk assessment because reliable failure data for quantitative risk analysis are scarce. The challenges with this practice lies with knowledge-based uncertainties which renders risk expression and estimation, hence components’ risk-based prioritisation, subjective to the assessor – even for the same case study. In this paper, a new risk assessment framework is developed to improve the fidelity and consistency of prioritisation of components of complex offshore engineering systems based on expert judgement. Unlike other frameworks, such as the Failure Mode and Effect Criticality Analysis, it introduces two additional dimensions: variables and parameters, to allow more effective scoring. These additional dimensions provide the much needed and uniform information that will assist experts with the estimation of probability of occurrence, severity of consequence and safeguards, herein referred to as 3-D methodology. In so doing, it achieves a more systematic approach to risk description and estimation compared to the conventional Risk Priority Number (RPN) of FMECA. Finally, the framework is demonstrated on a real case study of a wave energy converter (WEC) and conclusions of the assessment proved well in comparison and prioritisation

    A decentralized metaheuristic approach applied to the FMS scheduling problem

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    La programación de FMS ha sido uno de los temas más populares para los investigadores. Se han entregado varios enfoques para programar los FMS, incluidas las técnicas de simulación y los métodos analíticos. Las metaheurísticas descentralizadas pueden verse como una forma en que la población se divide en varias subpoblaciones, con el objetivo de reducir el tiempo de ejecución y el número de evaluaciones, debido a la separación del espacio de búsqueda. La descentralización es una ruta de investigación prominente en la programación, por lo que el costo de la computación se puede reducir y las soluciones se pueden encontrar más rápido, sin penalizar la función objetivo. En este proyecto, se propone una metaheurística descentralizada en el contexto de un problema de programación flexible del sistema de fabricación. La principal contribución de este proyecto es analizar otros tipos de división del espacio de búsqueda, particularmente aquellos asociados con el diseño físico del FMS. El desempeño del enfoque descentralizado se validará con los puntos de referencia de programación de FMS.FMS scheduling has been one of the most popular topics for researchers. A number of approaches have been delivered to schedule FMSs including simulation techniques and analytical methods. Decentralized metaheuristics can be seen as a way where the population is divided into several subpopulations, aiming to reduce the run time and the numbers of evaluation, due to the separation of the search space. Decentralization is a prominent research path in scheduling so the computing cost can be reduced and solutions can be found faster, without penalizing the objective function. In this project, a decentralized metaheuristic is proposed in the context of a flexible manufacturing system scheduling problem. The main contribution of this project is to analyze other types of search space division, particularly those associated with the physical layout of the FMS. The performance of the decentralized approach will be validated with FMS scheduling benchmarks.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad

    A Framework For Workforce Management An Agent Based Simulation Approach

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    In today\u27s advanced technology world, enterprises are in a constant state of competition. As the intensity of competition increases the need to continuously improve organizational performance has never been greater. Managers at all levels must be on a constant quest for finding ways to maximize their enterprises\u27 strategic resources. Enterprises can develop sustained competitiveness only if their activities create value in unique ways. There should be an emphasis to transfer this competitiveness to the resources it has on hand and the resources it can develop to be used in this environment. The significance of human capital is even greater now, as the intangible value and the tacit knowledge of enterprises\u27 resources should be strategically managed to achieve a greater level of continuous organizational success. This research effort seeks to provide managers with means for accurate decision making for their workforce management. A framework for modeling and managing human capital to achieve effective workforce planning strategies is built to assist enterprise in their long term strategic organizational goals

    Patterns In System Modeling Theory

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2008Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2008Günümüzde, İşletmeler sürekli değişen dış ortam ile karşı karşıyadırlar. Uygun yönetim için daha iyi iş akışı ve değişime uyum sağlayacak işletme modelleri gereklidir. İş akışı modellemenin hedefi, iş akışı sisteminini anlamak, performans değerlendirmesini üstünleştirmek, karar vermeyi desteklemek ve sürekli iyileştirme için değiştirme cesareti vermektir. Bu hedefe ulaşmak için, etkili enformasyon teknolojisi gerkelidir. Bu nedenle, İşletme içersinde bilgiye ulaşımı destekleyecek etkili enformasyon teknolojisi gereklidir. Organizasyon yönetimine destek amacı ile model entegrasyonuna destek için bu proje referans mimarisi ve modellemesi çercevesinde pattern modellerin geliştirilmesi üzerine odaklanmıştır. Dahası, Referans mimarisini belirleyen ve Üretim proseslere rehberlik eden pattern modelleri, ilgisi olamayan komponentler arasındaki ilişkiyi kurup prosesin ana elemanlarını tanımlar. Bu çalışmamda içeriği sağlamak için elektronik ticaret konusunda uluslararası camia tarafından Kabul gören Renkli Petri ağları ve UML dili şeçilmiştir.Enterprises today are faced with a rapidly changing environment. There is a need for better process management and increased integration, and enterprise modeling is necessary for proper management. The goal of process modeling is to improve understanding of what happens in the process system, enhance performance evaluation of some parts of the process, support decision-making activities and encourage changes for continuous improvement. Therefore, efficient information technology is required to support the availability of information in the enterprise. In an effort to achieve the integration of models aimed at supporting various facets of organizational management, this project focused on the development of pattern modeling in the context of reference architectures and methodologies. Furthermore the Pattern models, that underlie various reference architectures and the guidelines on modeling manufacturing processes, specifies the main elements of an process and provides a relation between its interrelated components. To provide the context that this work was performed in, Colored Petri Nets and UML which were selected because they result from and are promoted by the major international coalition in the area of e-commerce.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Development of a decision support system for decision-based part/fixture assignment and fixture flow control.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.An intense competition in a dynamic situation has increased the requirements that must be considered in the current manufacturing systems. Among those factors, fixtures are one of the major problematic components. The cost of fixture design and manufacture contributes to 10-20% of production costs. Manufacturing firms usually use traditional methods for part/fixture assignment works. These methods are highly resource consuming and cumbersome to enumerate the available fixtures and stabilise the number of fixtures required in a system. The aim of this study was to research and develop a Decision Support System (DSS), which was useful to perform a decision-based part/fixture assignment and fixture flow control during planned production periods. The DSS was designed to assist its users to reuse/adapt the retrieved fixtures or manufacture new fixtures depending upon the state of the retrieved fixtures and the similarities between the current and retrieved cases. This DSS combined Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), fuzzy set theory, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) techniques. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) component of the DSS immensely used a fuzzy CBR system combined with the fuzzy AHP and guiding rules from general domain knowledge. The fuzzy CBR was used to represent the uncertain and imprecise values of case attributes. The fuzzy AHP was applied to elicit domain knowledge from experts to prioritise case attributes. New part orders and training samples were represented as new and prior cases respectively using an Object-Oriented (OO) method for case retrieval and decision proposal. Popular fuzzy ranking and similarity measuring approaches were utilised in the case retrieval process. A DES model was implemented to analyse the performances of the proposed solutions by the fuzzy CBR subsystem. Three scenarios were generated by this subsystem as solution alternatives that were the proposed numbers of fixtures. The performances of these scenarios were evaluated using the DES model and the best alternative was identified. The novelty of this study employed the combination of fuzzy CBR and DES methods since such kinds of combinations have not been addressed yet. A numerical example was illustrated to present the soundness of the proposed methodological approach.Please refer to the PDF for author's keywords

    Development of a decision support system for decision-based part/fixture assignment and fixture flow control = Ukusungulwa kohlelo lokuxhaswa kwezinqumo mayelana nokwabiwa kwezingxenye ezakhiwayo kanye nokuhanjiswa kwazo.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.ABSTRACT: An intense competition in a dynamic situation has increased the requirements that must be considered in the current manufacturing systems. Among those factors, fixtures are one of the major problematic components. The cost of fixture design and manufacture contributes to 10-20% of production costs. Manufacturing firms usually use traditional methods for part/fixture assignment works. These methods are highly resource consuming and cumbersome to enumerate the available fixtures and stabilise the number of fixtures required in a system. The aim of this study was to research and develop a Decision Support System (DSS), which was useful to perform a decision-based part/fixture assignment and fixture flow control during planned production periods. The DSS was designed to assist its users to reuse/adapt the retrieved fixtures or manufacture new fixtures depending upon the state of the retrieved fixtures and the similarities between the current and retrieved cases. This DSS combined Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), fuzzy set theory, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) techniques. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) component of the DSS immensely used a fuzzy CBR system combined with the fuzzy AHP and guiding rules from general domain knowledge. The fuzzy CBR was used to represent the uncertain and imprecise values of case attributes. The fuzzy AHP was applied to elicit domain knowledge from experts to prioritise case attributes. New part orders and training samples were represented as new and prior cases respectively using an Object-Oriented (OO) method for case retrieval and decision proposal. Popular fuzzy ranking and similarity measuring approaches were utilised in the case retrieval process. A DES model was implemented to analyse the performances of the proposed solutions by the fuzzy CBR subsystem. Three scenarios were generated by this subsystem as solution alternatives that were the proposed numbers of fixtures. The performances of these scenarios were evaluated using the DES model and the best alternative was identified. The novelty of this study employed the combination of fuzzy CBR and DES methods since such kinds of combinations have not been addressed yet. A numerical example was illustrated to present the soundness of the proposed methodological approach. Keywords: Decision support systems, case-based reasoning, analytic hierarchy process, fuzzy set theory, object-oriented methods, discrete-event simulation, fixtures. IQOQA LOCWANINGO : Ukuncintisana okunezinhlelo eziguquguqukayo kulesi sikhathi samanje sekwenze ukuthi kube nezidingo ezintsha ezinhlelweni zokukhiqiza. Phakathi kwakho konke lokhu izingxenye (fixtures) zingezinye zezinto ezidala izinkinga. Intengo yokwakha uhlaka lwengxenye kanye nokuyikhiqiza kubiza amaphesenti ayi-10 kuya kwangama-20 entengo yokukhiqiza. Amafemu akhiqizayo avamise ukusebenzisa izindlela ezindala zomsebenzi wokwaba izingxenye. Lezi zindlela zidla kakhulu izinsizangqangi futhi kuthatha isikhathi eside ukubala izingxenye ezikhona nokuqinisekisa ukuthi kunesibalo esanele kulokho okumele kube yikho ohlelweni lokusebenza. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekungukucwaninga nokusungula i-Decision Support System (DSS) ebe lusizo ekwenzeni umsebenzi wokuthatha izinqumo ngokwabiwa kwezingxenye kanye nokuhanjiswa kwazo ngezikhathi ezimiselwe ukukhiqiza. I-DSS yakhelwa ukusiza labo abayisebenzisayo ukuze basebenzise noma bazisebenzise lapho zingakaze zisetshenziswe khona lezo zingxenye ezibuyisiwe, noma kwakhiwe ezintsha kuya ngokuthi zibuyiswe zinjani lezi ezibuyisiwe nokuthi ziyafana yini nalezo ezintsha. I-DSS isebenzise amasu ahlanganise i-Case-Based Reasoning (CBR), injulalwazi echazwa ngokuthi i-fuzzy, ne-Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ne-Discrete-Event Simulation (DES). I-Artificial Intelligence (AI) eyingxenye ye-DSS isebenzise kakhulu uhlelo lwe-fuzzy CBR luhlangene ne-fuzzy AHP kulandelwa imithetho yolwazi olumayelana nohlobo lomsebenzi. I-CBR isetshenziswe ukumelela lezo zimo zamanani ezingaqondakali nezingaphelele kulezo zingxenye. I-AHP e-fuzzy yasetshenziswa ukuze kutholakale ulwazi kochwepheshe olubeka phambili lezo zingxenye. Ama-oda ezingxenye ezintsha kanye namasampuli asetshenziselwa ukuqeqesha avezwe njengamasha kanye nabekade evele ekhona ngokulandelana kusetshenziswa indlela eyaziwa ngokuthi yi-Object-Oriented (OO) method lapho kubuyiswa izinto noma kunezinqumo eziphakanyiswayo. Izindlela ezijwayelekile zokulandelanisa nokufanisa zisetshenziswe ohlelweni lokubuyisa izinto. Kusetshenziswe isu eliyi-DES ukuhlaziya ukusebenza kwezisombululo eziphakanyiswe yindlela ye-CBR e-fuzzy. Le ndlela iphinde yaveza izimo ezintathu eziphakanyiswe ukuba zibe yisisombululo esibalweni sezingxenye ezihlongozwayo. Ukusebenza kwalezi zimo kuhlungwe ngokusebenzisa indlela ye-DES kwase kuvela inqubo engcono. Ukungajwayeleki kwalolu cwaningo kusebenzise ingxube yezindlela ze-fuzzy CBR ne-DES ngoba lolu hlobo lwengxube belungakaze lusetshenziswe. Kusetshenziswe isibonelo sezibalo ekwethuleni ukusebenza kwale nqubo yokusebenza ehlongozwayo

    Modelling flexible manufacturing systems through discrete event simulation

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    As customisation and product diversification are becoming standard, industry is looking for strategies to become more adaptable in responding to customer’s needs. Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS) provide a unique capability where there is a need to provide efficiency through production flexibility. Full potential of FMS development is difficult to achieve due to the variability of components within this complex manufacturing system. It has been recognised that there is a requirement for decision support tools to address different aspects of FMS development. Discrete event simulation (DES) is the most common tool used in manufacturing sector for solving complex problems. Through systematic literature review, the need for a conceptual framework for decision support in FMS using DES has been identified. Within this thesis, the conceptual framework (CF) for decision support for FMS using DES has been proposed. The CF is designed based on decision-making areas identified for FMS development in literature and through industry stakeholder feedback: set-up, flexibility and schedule configuration. The CF has been validated through four industrial simulation case studies developed as a part of implementation of a new FMS plant in automotive sector. The research focuses on: (1) a method for primary data collection for simulation validated through a case study of material handling robot behaviour in FMS; (2) an approach for evaluation of optimal production set-up for industrial FMS with DES; (3) a DES based approach for testing FMS flexibility levels; (4) an approach for testing scheduling in FMS with the use of DES. The study has supported the development of systematic approach for decision making in FMS development using DES. The approach provided tools for evidence based decision making in FMS