5,348 research outputs found

    Handling Data-Based Concurrency in Context-Aware Service Protocols

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    Dependency analysis is a technique to identify and determine data dependencies between service protocols. Protocols evolving concurrently in the service composition need to impose an order in their execution if there exist data dependencies. In this work, we describe a model to formalise context-aware service protocols. We also present a composition language to handle dynamically the concurrent execution of protocols. This language addresses data dependency issues among several protocols concurrently executed on the same user device, using mechanisms based on data semantic matching. Our approach aims at assisting the user in establishing priorities between these dependencies, avoiding the occurrence of deadlock situations. Nevertheless, this process is error-prone, since it requires human intervention. Therefore, we also propose verification techniques to automatically detect possible inconsistencies specified by the user while building the data dependency set. Our approach is supported by a prototype tool we have implemented.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2010, arXiv:1007.499

    Noisy-parallel and comparable corpora filtering methodology for the extraction of bi-lingual equivalent data at sentence level

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    Text alignment and text quality are critical to the accuracy of Machine Translation (MT) systems, some NLP tools, and any other text processing tasks requiring bilingual data. This research proposes a language independent bi-sentence filtering approach based on Polish (not a position-sensitive language) to English experiments. This cleaning approach was developed on the TED Talks corpus and also initially tested on the Wikipedia comparable corpus, but it can be used for any text domain or language pair. The proposed approach implements various heuristics for sentence comparison. Some of them leverage synonyms and semantic and structural analysis of text as additional information. Minimization of data loss was ensured. An improvement in MT system score with text processed using the tool is discussed.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1509.09093, arXiv:1509.0888

    A web-based tool to design and analyze single- and double-stage acceptance sampling plans

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    Acceptance sampling plans are used to determine whether production lots can be accepted or rejected. Existing tools only provide a limited functionality for the two-point design and the risk analysis of such plans. In this article, a web-based tool is presented to study single- and double-stage sampling plans. In contrast to existing solutions, the tool is an interactive applet that is freely available. Analytic properties are derived to support the development of search strategies for the design of double-stage sampling plans that are more efficient and accurate in comparison with existing routines. Several case studies are presented

    Genetic ancestry of participants in the National Children's Study.

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    BackgroundThe National Children's Study (NCS) is a prospective epidemiological study in the USA tasked with identifying a nationally representative sample of 100,000 children, and following them from their gestation until they are 21 years of age. The objective of the study is to measure environmental and genetic influences on growth, development, and health. Determination of the ancestry of these NCS participants is important for assessing the diversity of study participants and for examining the effect of ancestry on various health outcomes.ResultsWe estimated the genetic ancestry of a convenience sample of 641 parents enrolled at the 7 original NCS Vanguard sites, by analyzing 30,000 markers on exome arrays, using the 1000 Genomes Project superpopulations as reference populations, and compared this with the measures of self-reported ethnicity and race. For 99% of the individuals, self-reported ethnicity and race agreed with the predicted superpopulation. NCS individuals self-reporting as Asian had genetic ancestry of either South Asian or East Asian groups, while those reporting as either Hispanic White or Hispanic Other had similar genetic ancestry. Of the 33 individuals who self-reported as Multiracial or Non-Hispanic Other, 33% matched the South Asian or East Asian groups, while these groups represented only 4.4% of the other reported categories.ConclusionsOur data suggest that self-reported ethnicity and race have some limitations in accurately capturing Hispanic and South Asian populations. Overall, however, our data indicate that despite the complexity of the US population, individuals know their ancestral origins, and that self-reported ethnicity and race is a reliable indicator of genetic ancestry

    Experimental Analysis of Subscribers' Privacy Exposure by LTE Paging

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    Over the last years, considerable attention has been given to the privacy of individuals in wireless environments. Although significantly improved over the previous generations of mobile networks, LTE still exposes vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. This might be the case of paging messages, wake-up notifications that target specific subscribers, and that are broadcasted in clear over the radio interface. If they are not properly implemented, paging messages can expose the identity of subscribers and furthermore provide information about their location. It is therefore important that mobile network operators comply with the recommendations and implement the appropriate mechanisms to mitigate attacks. In this paper, we verify by experiment that paging messages can be captured and decoded by using minimal technical skills and publicly available tools. Moreover, we present a general experimental method to test privacy exposure by LTE paging messages, and we conduct a case study on three different LTE mobile operators

    Design and development of protocol log analyzer for cellular modem

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    Abstract. Telecommunications protocols and cellular modems are used in devices to facilitate wireless communication. Cellular modems produce log files, which have to be analyzed by engineers when issues occur. Performing the analysis for large logs manually can be very time consuming, thus different approaches for trying to automate or simplify the process exist. This thesis presents design and development for a cellular modem log analysis tool. The tool is designed to take into account peculiarities of telecommunications protocols and cellular modems, especially of 5G New Radio Radio Resource Control protocol. A notation for defining analysis rules used by the tool is presented to be used alongside the tool. The developed tool is a proof-of-concept, with focus being on how the tool performs the analysis and how the notation can be used to define the wanted analysis rules. The features of the notation include defining expected content of protocol messages and order of log message sequences. The tool performs well with artificial modem logs, though some flaws in the notation are recognized. In the future, the tool and the notation should be updated with support for real cellular modem logs and evaluated in field use cases by cellular modem engineers.Matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen analysointityökalun suunnittelu ja toteutus. Tiivistelmä. Tietoliikenneprotokollia ja matkapuhelinmodeemeja käytetään laitteissa langattoman tiedonsiirron mahdollistamiseksi. Matkapuhelinmodeemit tuottavat lokitiedostoja, joita insinöörien täytyy analysoida ongelmatilanteissa. Suurten lokitiedostojen analysointi manuaalisesti on työlästä, joten on olemassa keinoja prosessin automatisointiin tai yksinkertaistamiseen. Tämä työ esittelee suunnitelman ja toteutuksen matkapuhelinmodeemin lokitiedostojen analysointityökalulle. Työkalun suunnittelussa on otettu huomioon tietoliikenneprotokollien, erityisesti 5G New Radion radioresurssien hallintaprotokollan (RRC), ja matkapuhelinmodeemien erikoisuudet. Merkintäsäännöstö, jolla voidaan määritellä analyysisäännöt, esitellään työkalulle. Kehitetty työkalu on karkea prototyyppi. Kehityksessä keskitytään työkalun analyysiominaisuuksiin ja mahdollisuuksiin käyttää merkintäsäännöstöä määrittämään halutut analyysisäännöt. Merkintäsäännöstön ominaisuuksiin kuuluu odotettujen lokiviestien sisällön ja järjestyksen määrittely. Työkalu suoriutuu keinotekoisien modeemilokitiedostojen kanssa hyvin, mutta joitain vikoja merkintäsäännöstöstä havaittiin. Tulevaisuuden kehitystä ajatellen työkalu kannattaisi päivittää toimimaan aitojen matkapuhelinmodeemien lokitiedostojen kanssa, että sen kykyä suoriutua aidoista käyttötilanteista voitaisiin arvioida