52 research outputs found

    A comparison of various linear and non-linear signal processing techniques to separate uterine EMG records of term and pre-term delivery groups

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    Abstract Various linear and non-linear signal-processing techniques were applied to three-channel uterine EMG records to separate term and pre-term deliveries. The linear techniques were root mean square value, peak and median frequency of the signal power spectrum and autocorrelation zero crossing; while the selected non-linear techniques were estimation of the maximal Lyapunov exponent, correlation dimension and calculating sample entropy. In total, 300 records were grouped into four groups according to the time of recording (before or after the 26th week of gestation) and according to the total length of gestation (term delivery records-pregnancy duration C37 weeks and pre-term delivery recordspregnancy duration \37 weeks). The following preprocessing band-pass Butterworth filters were tested: 0.08-4, 0.3-4, and 0.3-3 Hz. With the 0.3-3 Hz filter, the median frequency indicated a statistical difference between those term and pre-term delivery records recorded before the 26th week (p = 0.03), and between all term and all preterm delivery records (p = 0.012). With the same filter, the sample entropy indicated statistical differences between those term and pre-term delivery records recorded before the 26th week (p = 0.035), and between all term and all pre-term delivery records (p = 0.011). Both techniques also showed noticeable differences between term delivery records recorded before and after the 26th week (p B 0.001)

    A critical look at studies applying over-sampling on the TPEHGDB dataset

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of death among young children and has a large prevalence globally. Machine learning models, based on features extracted from clinical sources such as electronic patient files, yield promising results. In this study, we review similar studies that constructed predictive models based on a publicly available dataset, called the Term-Preterm EHG Database (TPEHGDB), which contains electrohysterogram signals on top of clinical data. These studies often report near-perfect prediction results, by applying over-sampling as a means of data augmentation. We reconstruct these results to show that they can only be achieved when data augmentation is applied on the entire dataset prior to partitioning into training and testing set. This results in (i) samples that are highly correlated to data points from the test set are introduced and added to the training set, and (ii) artificial samples that are highly correlated to points from the training set being added to the test set. Many previously reported results therefore carry little meaning in terms of the actual effectiveness of the model in making predictions on unseen data in a real-world setting. After focusing on the danger of applying over-sampling strategies before data partitioning, we present a realistic baseline for the TPEHGDB dataset and show how the predictive performance and clinical use can be improved by incorporating features from electrohysterogram sensors and by applying over-sampling on the training set

    A Machine Learning System for Automatic Detection of Preterm Activity Using Artificial Neural Networks and Uterine Electromyography Data

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    Preterm births are babies born before 37 weeks of gestation. The premature delivery of babies is a major global health issue with those affected at greater risk of developing short and long-term complications. Therefore, a better understanding of why preterm births occur is needed. Electromyography is used to capture electrical activity in the uterus to help treat and understand the condition, which is time consuming and expensive. This has led to a recent interest in automated detection of the electromyography correlates of preterm activity. This paper explores this idea further using artificial neural networks to classify term and preterm records, using an open dataset containing 300 records of uterine electromyography signals. Our approach shows an improvement on existing studies with 94.56% for sensitivity, 87.83% for specificity, and 94% for the area under the curve with 9% global error when using the multilayer perceptron neural network trained using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm

    Recurring patterns in stationary intervals of abdominal uterine electromyograms during gestation

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    Abdominal uterine electromyograms (uEMG) studies have focused on uterine contractions to describe the evolution of uterine activity and preterm birth (PTB) prediction. Stationary, non-contracting uEMG has not been studied. The aim of the study was to investigate the recurring patterns in stationary uEMG, their relationship with gestation age and PTB, and PTB predictivity. A public database of 300 (38 PTB) three-channel (S1-S3) uEMG recordings of 30 min, collected between 22 and 35 weeks' gestation, was used. Motion and labour contraction-free intervals in uEMG were identified as 5-min weak-sense stationarity intervals in 268 (34 PTB) recordings. Sample entropy (SampEn), percentage recurrence (PR), percentage determinism (PD), entropy (ER), and maximum length (L MAX) of recurrence were calculated and analysed according to the time to delivery and PTB. Random time series were generated by random shuffle (RS) of actual data. Recurrence was present in actual data (p<0.001) but not RS. In S3, PR (p<0.005), PD (p<0.01), ER (p<0.005), and L MAX (p<0.05) were higher, and SampEn lower (p<0.005) in PTB. Recurrence indices increased (all p<0.001) and SampEn decreased (p<0.01) with decreasing time to delivery, suggesting increasingly regular and recurring patterns with gestation progression. All indices predicted PTB with AUC≥0.62 (p<0.05). Recurring patterns in stationary non-contracting uEMG were associated with time to delivery but were relatively poor predictors of PTB

    Dynamic neural network architecture inspired by the immune algorithm to predict preterm deliveries in pregnant women

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    There has been some improvement in the treatment of preterm infants, which has helped to increase their chance of survival. However, the rate of premature births is still globally increasing. As a result, this group of infants is most at risk of developing severe medical conditions that can affect the respiratory, gastrointestinal, immune, central nervous, auditory and visual systems. There is a strong body of evidence emerging that suggests the analysis of uterine electrical signals, from the abdominal surface (Electrohysterography – EHG), could provide a viable way of diagnosing true labour and even predict preterm deliveries. This paper explores this idea further and presents a new dynamic self-organized network immune algorithm that classifies term and preterm records, using an open dataset containing 300 records (38 preterm and 262 term). Using the dataset, oversampling and cross validation techniques are evaluated against other similar studies. The proposed approach shows an improvement on existing studies with 89% sensitivity, 91% specificity, 90% positive predicted value, 90% negative predicted value, and an overall accuracy of 90%

    Advance Artificial Neural Network Classification Techniques Using EHG for Detecting Preterm Births

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    Worldwide the rate of preterm birth is increasing, which presents significant health, developmental and economic problems. Current methods for predicting preterm births at an early stage are inadequate. Yet, there has been increasing evidence that the analysis of uterine electrical signals, from the abdominal surface, could provide an independent and easy way to diagnose true labour and predict preterm delivery. This analysis provides a heavy focus on the use of advanced machine learning techniques and Electrohysterography (EHG) signal processing. Most EHG studies have focused on true labour detection, in the window of around seven days before labour. However, this paper focuses on using such EHG signals to detect preterm births. In achieving this, the study uses an open dataset containing 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. The synthetic minority oversampling technique is utilized to overcome the issue with imbalanced datasets to produce a dataset containing 262 term records and 262 preterm records. Six different artificial neural networks were used to detect term and preterm records. The results show that the best performing classifier was the LMNC with 96% sensitivity, 92% specificity, 95% AUC and 6% mean error

    Artificial Intelligence for Detecting Preterm Uterine Activity in Gynacology and Obstertric Care

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    Preterm birth brings considerable emotional and economic costs to families and society. However, despite extensive research into understanding the risk factors, the prediction of patient mechanisms and improvements to obstetrical practice, the UK National Health Service still annually spends more than ÂŁ2.95 billion on this issue. Diagnosis of labour in normal pregnancies is important for minimizing unnecessary hospitalisations, interventions and expenses. Moreover, accurate identification of spontaneous preterm labour would also allow clinicians to start necessary treatments early in women with true labour and avert unnecessary treatment and hospitalisation for women who are simply having preterm contractions, but who are not in true labour. In this research, the Electrohysterography signals have been used to detect preterm births, because Electrohysterography signals provide a strong basis for objective prediction and diagnosis of preterm birth. This has been achieved using an open dataset, which contains 262 records for women who delivered at term and 38 who delivered prematurely. Three different machine learning algorithm were used to identify these records. The results illustrate that the Random Forest performed the best of sensitivity 97%, specificity of 85%, Area under the Receiver Operator curve (AUROC) of 94% and mean square error rate of 14%

    Dispersion Entropy: A Measure of Electrohysterographic Complexity for Preterm Labor Discrimination

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    [EN] Although preterm labor is a major cause of neonatal death and often leaves health sequels in the survivors, there are no accurate and reliable clinical tools for preterm labor prediction. The Electrohysterogram (EHG) has arisen as a promising alternative that provides relevant information on uterine activity that could be useful in predicting preterm labor. In this work, we optimized and assessed the performance of the Dispersion Entropy (DispEn) metric and compared it to conventional Sample Entropy (SampEn) in EHG recordings to discriminate term from preterm deliveries. For this, we used the two public databases TPEHG and TPEHGT DS of EHG recordings collected from women during regular checkups. The 10th, 50th and 90th percentiles of entropy metrics were computed on whole (WBW) and fast wave high (FWH) EHG bandwidths, sweeping the DispEn and SampEn internal parameters to optimize term/preterm discrimination. The results revealed that for both the FWH and WBW bandwidths the best separability was reached when computing the 10th percentile, achieving a p-value (0.00007) for DispEn in FWH, c = 7 and m = 2, associated with lower complexity preterm deliveries, indicating that DispEn is a promising parameter for preterm labor prediction.This work was supported by the Spanish ministry of economy and competitiveness, the European Regional Development Fund (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE RTI2018-094449-A-I00-AR) and the Generalitat Valenciana (AICO/2019/220).Nieto-Del-Amor, F.; Ye Lin, Y.; Garcia-Casado, J.; Díaz-Martínez, MDA.; González Martínez, M.; Monfort-Ortiz, R.; Prats-Boluda, G. (2021). Dispersion Entropy: A Measure of Electrohysterographic Complexity for Preterm Labor Discrimination. SCITEPRESS. 260-267. https://doi.org/10.5220/0010316602600267S26026
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