9 research outputs found

    An Architecture for Anonymous Mobile Coupons in a Large Network

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    A Portuguese Study

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    A balanced implementation of functionalities within a commercial internet presence is important, because of not only the involved complexity and cognitive load required in their use, but also for financial reasons. Investing money on features (e.g., software modules, programming time, maintenance and update, etc.) that are not valued by online consumers, hinders an efficient allocation of resources, especially when financial resources are scarce, a situation that corresponds too many small businesses operating on the internet. However, literature provides little help for managers to decide which functionalities should be implemented, according to a rational basis. Within this context, this research sought to fill in the gap between literature review and the need for helping companies to understand better how to build and keep online businesses. The authors work identified 16 essential functionalities grouped into four sets: order processing, advertising and prominence, product analysis, and payment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predicting mobile advertising response using consumer colocation networks

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    Building on results from economics and consumer behavior, the authors theorize that consumers' movement patterns are informative of their product preferences, and this study proposes that marketers monetize this information using dynamic networks that capture colocation events (when consumers appear at the same place at approximately the same time). To support this theory, the authors study mobile advertising response in a panel of 217 subscribers. The data set spans three months during which participants were sent mobile coupons from retailers in various product categories through a smartphone application. The data contain coupon conversions, demographic and psychographic information, and information on the hourly GPS location of participants and on their social ties in the form of referrals. The authors find a significant positive relationship between colocated consumers' response to coupons in the same product category. In addition, they show that incorporating consumers' location information can increase the accuracy of predicting the most likely conversions by 19%. These findings have important practical implications for marketers engaging in the fast-growing location-based mobile advertising industry

    Does online retail coupons and memberships create favourable psychological disposition?

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    This study aims to examine the impact of coupons, portal membership and peer-influence on consumer purchase and psychological actions, which is built on the theory of impulsiveness and the theory of dissonance. The study uses 2x2x2 (i.e. coupons, peer influence, complimentary coupons) factorial experimental design to investigate the proposed hypothetical model. The experiment was conducted with 364 participants. The study used a two-step structural equation modelling analysis to validate the proposed hypothetical model. The findings suggest that an increase in coupons can positively enhance the purchase actions and impulsiveness, which can later influence cognitive post purchase dissonance (CPPD) and affective post-purchase dissonance (APPD), as well as customers repurchase intention. It was also found that providing additional complimentary coupons reduces the effect of CPPD but not of the APPD. This study contributes to dissonance theory by adding APPD into the framework; moreover, the results on the coupons, memberships and peer influence will offer further insights to practitioners

    Efeitos de uma campanha via Whatsapp sobre o comportamento do consumidor de uma empresa de pequeno porte atacadista

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração, Contabilidade e Gestão de Políticas Públicas, Departamento de Administração, 2019.Os pequenos negócios vêm adquirindo relevância na economia brasileira. No entanto, enfrentam dificuldades relacionadas à gestão e escassez de recursos, o que acaba impactando na geração de vendas e relacionamento com o cliente. Nesse sentido, os aplicativos de mensagens instantâneas, como o WhatsApp, surgem como uma alternativa de baixo custo para promover vendas e conexão com os consumidores. Dessa forma, o presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar os efeitos de uma campanha via WhatsApp em uma empresa de pequeno porte atacadista que atua no mercado B2B, sobre o comportamento de seus compradores organizacionais – escolas públicas e privadas da região. Buscou-se ainda avaliar os efeitos de mensagens personalizadas e promocionais, enviadas por meio da plataforma, sobre o volume compras e sobre a quantidade de respostas enviadas via aplicativo pelas escolas participantes do estudo. A pesquisa realizada caracteriza-se como quantitativa, com viés explicativo e delineamento quasi-experimental. Os resultados apontaram que o tipo de mensagem recebida (personalizada ou promocional) não mostrou efeito sobre as compras ou na quantidade de respostas emitidas pelos participantes na plataforma. Já campanha via WhatsApp aumenta significativamente as chances de realização de compras por parte das escolas. E ainda, a frequência de compra no estabelecimento e o tipo de escola (pública ou privada) influenciam significativamente o cliente à ação de compra. Por fim, implicações gerenciais e agenda de pesquisa foram discutidas com base nos resultados

    Does online retail coupons and memberships create favourable psychological disposition?

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    This study aims to examine the impact of coupons, portal membership and peer-influence on consumer purchase and psychological actions, which is built on the theory of impulsiveness and the theory of dissonance. The study uses 2x2x2 (i.e. coupons, peer influence, complimentary coupons) factorial experimental design to investigate the proposed hypothetical model. The experiment was conducted with 364 participants. The study used a two-step structural equation modelling analysis to validate the proposed hypothetical model. The findings suggest that an increase in coupons can positively enhance the purchase actions and impulsiveness, which can later influence cognitive post purchase dissonance (CPPD) and affective post-purchase dissonance (APPD), as well as customers repurchase intention. It was also found that providing additional complimentary coupons reduces the effect of CPPD but not of the APPD. This study contributes to dissonance theory by adding APPD into the framework; moreover, the results on the coupons, memberships and peer influence will offer further insights to practitioners

    The Analysisof Direct Marketing MediaEffectiveness (and Modelling anOptimal Direct Marketing Campaign)

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    Predmet istraživanja su mediji direktnog marketinga, ispitivanje njihove efektivnosti –ispitivanje reakcija kupaca/potrošača na promotivne aktivnosti sprovedene putem određenog medija direktnog marketinga, kao i testiranje hipoteza. Drugim rečima, ispituju se navike potrošača u pogledu konzumiranja medija direktnog marketinga kako bi se došlo do informacija koje su ključne za formulisanje efektivne strategije marketing komunikacije. Cilj istraživanja je dolaženje do saznanja o efektivnosti medija direktnog marketinga za različite ciljne grupe potrošača u Srbiji, radi formulisanja efektivne i efikasne strategije oglašavanja.Cilj rada je ukazivanje na efektivnost medija direktnog marketinga u Srbiji, generalno, kao i za različite ciljne grupe potrošača, uz smernice koji mediji direktnog marketinga treba da budu uzeti u obzir prilikom razmatranjastrategije oglašavanja (prema starosnim kategorijama potrošača u Srbiji). Osnov za analize u radu čini sprovedeno empirijsko istraživanje u Srbiji, u periodu od 5. juna do 31. jula 2017. godine, gde su ispitani potrošači starosti od 15 do 64 godine, kako bi se došlo do saznanja o njihovim navikama u pogledu upotrebe medija direktnog marketinga za informisanje i naručivanjeputem istih. Uzorak je stratifikovan, i sastoji se od 1532 ispitanika. Statistička greška iznosi 2,5%. Prilikom obrade podataka i interpretacije rezultata koristio se softver SPSS, a u okviru njega deskriptivnai komparativna statistika (χ2-test, t-test, ANOVA, regresija i korelacija). Za izradu modela optimalne direktne marketing kampanje putemlinearnogprogramiranja(LP)koristio sesoftver LINDO.Na osnovu sprovedenog empirijskog istraživanja u Republici Srbiji, zaključeno je da je najefektivniji medij direktnog marketinga internet, s aspekta komunikacionih i prodajnih učinaka.Potvrđeno je da su mediji sa najslabijom efektivnošću:direktna pošta, telemarketing i televizija (u vidu TV shop-a). Od tradicionalnih (štampanih) medija direktnog marketinga ističe se samo letak, u pogledu komunikacionih efekata, i to iz ugla potrošača svih ispitanih starosnih kategorija. Potrošači svih starosnih kategorija u velikoj meri koriste pretraživanje po internetu, dok su za mlađu populaciju u Srbiji atraktivne društvene mreže, u smislu posećivanja istih, praćenja stranica na Facebook-u i Instagramu i naručivanja preko istih. Na osnovu rezultata, date su smernice u koje medije bi bilo efektivno ulagati sredstva, prema starosnim kategorijama potrošača u Srbiji.U radu su, na primeru visokoobrazovne institucije, prestavljeni modeli LP sa dve različite funkcije cilja –maksimizacija pokrivenosti ciljne grupe i maksimizacija broja klikova, i prikazana su rešenja tih modela, u vidu optimalne raspodele ograničenog ukupnog budžeta za oglašavanje, na određeni broj oglasa koje je potrebno uplatiti preko određenog internet medija, da bi se postigli najveći pomenuti efekti.Data je detaljna statistička analiza u vezi informisanja potrošača i naručivanja putem medija direktnog marketinga. Ispitane su nulta, alternativne i ostale hipoteze istraživanja, u vezi statistički značajnih razlika, regresije i korelacije. Sprovedeno empirijsko istraživanje na temu u vezi efektivnosti tradicionalnih i novih medija direktnog marketinga iz ugla potrošača u Srbiji, starosti od 15 do 64 godine, pruža široku mogućnost primene rezultata, u cilju postizanja optimalnih rezultata strategija oglašavanja, marketing strategija, i poslovanja generalno. Doprinos sprovedenog istraživanja od strane autora rada je i u pogledu inovativnosti potrošača Srbije jer su prikazani originalni rezultati o tome koliko su potrošači Srbije spremni da prihvate nove proizvode/usluge, što takođe utiče na efikasnost poslovanja