11,979 research outputs found

    A framework for understanding the factors influencing pair programming success

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    Pair programming is one of the more controversial aspects of several Agile system development methods, in particular eXtreme Programming (XP). Various studies have assessed factors that either drive the success or suggest advantages (and disadvantages) of pair programming. In this exploratory study the literature on pair programming is examined and factors distilled. These factors are then compared and contrasted with those discovered in our recent Delphi study of pair programming. Gallis et al. (2003) have proposed an initial framework aimed at providing a comprehensive identification of the major factors impacting team programming situations including pair programming. However, this study demonstrates that the framework should be extended to include an additional category of factors that relate to organizational matters. These factors will be further refined, and used to develop and empirically evaluate a conceptual model of pair programming (success)

    Identifying Exceptional Application Software Developers: A Comparison of Students and Professionals

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    Exceptional application software developers are a scarce resource. It is therefore important for employers to identify, retain, and cultivate individuals who exhibit this capacity. This study compared the personality characteristics of exceptional, experienced application software developers with the personality characteristics of junior and senior level IS and CS students (who can be seen as entry-level, or pre-entry level, IT developers). We used the Adjective Checklist to measure personality characteristics for all subjects, then mapped the resultant scales to the Five Factor Model of Personality. The results of this study suggest that exceptional application software developers exhibit significantly higher levels of Extraversion and Conscientiousness. Exceptional students (as determined by GPA), however, were actually found to be introverted. Thus, when GPA is used to pre-screen or filter for entry-level positions, recruiters may actually be excluding some of those candidates who are most likely to become exceptional application software developers. These results have implications for understanding and managing the recruiting of IT personnel and their progression from entry level (novice) to more experienced positions

    SMART Recruiters' Helper

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    In today's world, recruiting the right employees becomes one of the most important success factors for almost all the businesses. However, most of the employers stated that inaccurate judgments about the candidates during the interview session has brought a huge negative impact to the companies. Hence, a system named SMART Recruiters’ Helper that helps to analyze the candidates' personalities based on their handwriting has been developed. To explain in more details, the system allows the recruiters to answer the evaluation questions in the system and the system will analyze the candidates’ personalities based on these answers. This project will then be started with the objectives of identifying the criteria used to select the right employee for the company, developing a system that improves the accuracy in choosing the right employee based on the Psychology studies and lastly, conducting the usability testing with Human Resource Professionals in order to ensure the success implementation of the system. Besides, the proposed system is mainly designed for the managers and the senior executive in Human Resource Department who involve in the recruitment of the lecturers. SMART Recruiters’ Helper system can also be used for all the computers that have already installed the Microsoft Office Professional Suite of business products. Next, the research methodology used in this project is interview and survey to collect the users’ requirements and the main tool to develop the system will be Microsoft Access 2007. An observation has also been conducted to 7 people in Human Resource department. The finding shows that the system is believed to be able to improve the accuracy of the hiring decision. This whole paper is comprised of the introduction part, the related technologies and studies, the methodology used in completing the project as well as the findings from the survey and interview session

    Spartan Daily, February 19, 2015

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    Volume 144, Issue 12https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/spartandaily/2099/thumbnail.jp

    The Impact of United States of America College Education on the Japanese Students’ Keigo Toward Their Senpai

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    The purpose of the study is to research whether studying abroad experiences in the United States of America affect keigo usage of Japanese college students toward senpai. 58 Japanese college students in Japan and the United States of America completed a 25-item survey. Honorifics usage of both Japanese college students in Japan and international Japanese students in the United States were tested. The Results revealed that study abroad experiences influenced/changed international Japanese students’ original communication style and keigo usage toward senpai

    Systems Thinking in Engineering Design: Differences in Expert vs. Novice and Relationship to Personality Traits

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    Systems thinking is the ability to see the big picture and the related elements when designing, and how these relationships form the big picture. In engineering design, systems thinking is valuable to both industry, as well as engineering education. As such, it creates opportunities for researchers to better understand systems thinking of both professional engineers in industry, who are assumed to be the experts, and engineering students in higher education, who are assumed to be the novices. The purpose of this study was to compare and identify the differences between expert and novice systems thinking in engineering design. Additionally, the study explored the relationship between systems thinking and individual personality. Results from various statistical analysis of 61 teams (18 professionals, 19 seniors, and 24 freshmen) show that professionals are different from senior and freshman students because they focus more on the problem during their systems thinking process, whereas students tend to focus on the solution. Surprisingly, members of professional teams interact less with each other than student teams during the process of breaking down complex problems into smaller and manageable subproblems. The results also showed that there were similarities in systems thinking between professionals and senior students. Additionally, exploratory results from a small subset of the participants show no clear evidence for a relationship between systems thinking and personality traits. Therefore, the existence of the relationship between systems thinking and personality traits remains in question and require further investigation. The findings from this study have several implications for engineering education and future research

    Examining Collegiality and Social Justice in Academia and the Private Sector: an Exploratory SYMLOG Analysis

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    This research compares the perceptions of the private sector, high-technology employees to the perceptions of university faculty members regarding organizational culture, social justice and collegiality concepts. The SYMLOG assessment technique was used to record the perceptions of respondents to four different concepts of organizational culture, two different aspects of social justice and two measures of collegiality. Comparative findings of gender differences across the eight concepts raise key organizational culture, legal, measurement, governance, and social policy issues for academia and high tech organizations. The development of a conceptual framework to guide future research and a blueprint to discuss desired organizational change are highlighted

    Role clarity deficiencies can wreck agile teams

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    Background One of the twelve agile principles is to build projects around motivated individuals and trust them to get the job done. Such agile teams must self-organize, but this involves conflict, making self-organization difficult. One area of difficulty is agreeing on everybody’s role. Background What dynamics arise in a self-organizing team from the negotiation of everybody’s role? Method We conceptualize observations from five agile teams (work observations, interviews) by Charmazian Grounded Theory Methodology. Results We define role as something transient and implicit, not fixed and named. The roles are characterized by the responsibilities and expectations of each team member. Every team member must understand and accept their own roles (Local role clarity) and everbody else’s roles (Team-wide role clarity). Role clarity allows a team to work smoothly and effectively and to develop its members’ skills fast. Lack of role clarity creates friction that not only hampers the day-to-day work, but also appears to lead to high employee turnover. Agile coaches are critical to create and maintain role clarity. Conclusions Agile teams should pay close attention to the levels of Local role clarity of each member and Team-wide role clarity overall, because role clarity deficits are highly detrimental

    Integrating e-Learning Modules into Engineering Courses to Develop an Entrepreneurial Mindset in Students

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    Engineering graduates who will be leaders in today’s rapidly changing environment must possess an entrepreneurial mindset and a variety of professional skills in addition to technical knowledge and skills. An entrepreneurial mindset applies to all aspects of life, beginning with curiosity about our changing world, integrating information from various resources to gain insight, and identifying unexpected opportunities to create value. The Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) defines curiosity, connections and creating value as three core components of an entrepreneurial mindset. These 3Cs coupled with associated engineering skills forms KEEN’s entrepreneurial mindset framework. An entrepreneurial mindset enables engineers to develop sound technical solutions that address customer needs, are feasible from a business perspective, and have societal benefit. The Tagliatela College of Engineering at the University of New Haven is working to develop an entrepreneurial mindset in its engineering students through a four-faceted framework based on KEEN’s constructs that includes: 1) developing an entrepreneurial mindset amongst faculty; 2) providing curricular components that develop specific student knowledge and skills; 3) structuring the physical environment to promote entrepreneurial minded learning; and 4) providing opportunities for students to engage in meaningful extra-curricular activities. This paper focuses on the curricular component of this framework. As part of these curricular activities, 18 short, self-paced, e-learning modules will be developed and integrated into courses spanning all four years across all engineering and computer science disciplines. Each module contains readings, short videos and self-assessment exercises. Five of these e-learning modules were developed in fall 2014, four of these five were piloted in the Spring 2015 semester, and all five modules were broadly deployed in the Fall 2015 semester. A flipped classroom instructional model is used to integrate the modules into courses. Content is delivered via a short online module outside the class, and student learning is improved by reinforcing the content covered in the module through class discussions and contextual activities. Direct and indirect assessment is performed through formative and summative class assessments and module specific pre and post surveys, respectively. The five integrated e-learning modules presented in this paper are: 1) Developing customer awareness and quickly testing concepts through customer engagement, 2) Learning from failure, 3) Cost of production and market conditions, 4) Building, sustaining and leading effective teams and establishing performance goals, and 5) Applying systems thinking to solve complex problems. The first two modules were integrated into freshman classes, the third into a sophomore class, the fourth into third year laboratory courses, and the fifth into senior design courses. This paper describes the learning outcomes and the reinforcement activities conducted in the courses into which they were integrated for two of these modules. The findings of the module specific surveys and the assessment results are also presented

    Engineering work integrated learning : a case study in problem-based research and development projects

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    Abstract: The case study presented in this paper is based on an internship program at a company located in Johannesburg South Africa. It aims to show an innovative problem-based research and development approach through an engineering work-integrated learning programme with technologist engineering interns. Through the case study, theoretical, practical and proper decision making have emphasized the understanding of problem solving strategy in research and development with interns. A thorough follow-up of the processes described in this paper could potentially enable decision makers to develop the skills of more engineers. A working model is presented to show how the system can be replicated