140,074 research outputs found

    Comparison of modern nonlinear multichannel filtering techniques using recent full-reference image quality assessment methods

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    In the paper the quality analysis of some modern nonlinear color image filtering methods is presented. Traditionally, many image filtering algorithms are analyzed using classical image quality assessment metrics, mainly based on the Mean Square Error (MSE). However, they are all poorly correlated with subjective evaluation of images performed by observers.Due to necessity of better image quality estimation, some other methods have been recently proposed. They are especially useful for development of new lossy image compression algorithms, as well as evaluation of images obtained after applying some image processing algorithms e.g. filtering methods.Most of image quality algorithms are based on the comparison of similarity between two images: the original (reference) one and the second one which is processed e.g. contaminated by noise, filtered or lossily compressed. Such a group of full-reference methods is actually the only existing universal solution for automatic image quality assessment. There are also some blind (no-reference) algorithms but they are specialized for some kinds of distortions e.g. blocky effects in the JPEG compressed images. The last years' state-of-the-art full-reference metrics are Structural Similarity (SSIM) and M-SVD based on the Singular Value Decomposition of two images' respective blocks.Another important aspect of color image quality assessment is the way the color information is utilized in the quality metric. The authors of two analyzed metrics generally do not consider the effects of using color information at all or limit the usage of their metrics to luminance information in YUV color model only so in this article the solutions based on RGB and CIE LAB models are compared.In the paper the results of quality assessment using the SSIM and M-SVD methods obtained for some modern median-based filters and Distance-Directional Filter for color images are presented with comparison to those obtained using classical metrics as the verification of their usefulness

    Comparison of modern nonlinear multichannel filtering techniques using recent full-reference image quality assessment methods

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    In the paper the quality analysis of some modern nonlinear color image filtering methods is presented. Traditionally, many image filtering algorithms are analyzed using classical image quality assessment metrics, mainly based on the Mean Square Error (MSE). However, they are all poorly correlated with subjective evaluation of images performed by observers.Due to necessity of better image quality estimation, some other methods have been recently proposed. They are especially useful for development of new lossy image compression algorithms, as well as evaluation of images obtained after applying some image processing algorithms e.g. filtering methods.Most of image quality algorithms are based on the comparison of similarity between two images: the original (reference) one and the second one which is processed e.g. contaminated by noise, filtered or lossily compressed. Such a group of full-reference methods is actually the only existing universal solution for automatic image quality assessment. There are also some blind (no-reference) algorithms but they are specialized for some kinds of distortions e.g. blocky effects in the JPEG compressed images. The last years' state-of-the-art full-reference metrics are Structural Similarity (SSIM) and M-SVD based on the Singular Value Decomposition of two images' respective blocks.Another important aspect of color image quality assessment is the way the color information is utilized in the quality metric. The authors of two analyzed metrics generally do not consider the effects of using color information at all or limit the usage of their metrics to luminance information in YUV color model only so in this article the solutions based on RGB and CIE LAB models are compared.In the paper the results of quality assessment using the SSIM and M-SVD methods obtained for some modern median-based filters and Distance-Directional Filter for color images are presented with comparison to those obtained using classical metrics as the verification of their usefulness

    Infrared Image Enhancement Using Wavelet Transform

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    In Infrared Image Enhancement using Wavelet Transform, two enhancement algorithms namely spatial and spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering (SHF and STHF) have been given for enhancement of the far infrared images based upon a far infrared imaging model. Although spatiotemporal homomorphic filtering may reduce the number of iterations greatly in comparison to spatial one for a similar degree of convergence by making explicit use of the additional information provided temporally, the enhanced results from SHF are in general better than those from STHF. In this dissertation work an additive wavelet transform will be proposed for enhancement and filtration of homomorphic infrared images. Keywords: Infrard Images, Additive Wavelet transform, Homomorphic Image Enhancement

    Hybridization of Hyperspectral Imaging Target Detection Algorithm Chains

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    Detection of a known target in an image can be accomplished using several different approaches. The complexity and number of steps involved in the target detection process makes a comparison of the different possible algorithm chains desirable. Of the different steps involved, some have a more significant impact than others on the final result - the ability to find a target in an image. These more important steps often include atmospheric compensation, noise and dimensionality reduction, background characterization, and detection (matched filtering for this research). A brief overview of the algorithms to be compared for each step will be presented. This research seeks to identify the most effective set of algorithms for a particular image or target type. Several different algorithms for each step will be presented, to include ELM, FLAASH, MNF, PPI, MAXD, the structured background matched filters OSP, and ASD. The chains generated by these algorithms will be compared using the Forest Radiance I HYDICE data set. Finally, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves will be calculated for each algorithm chain and, as an end result, a comparison of the various algorithm chains will be presented

    An Algorithm for Real-Time Blind Image Quality Comparison and Assessment

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    This research aims at providing means to image comparison from different image processing algorithms for performance assessment purposes. Reconstruction of images corrupted by blur and noise requires specialized filtering techniques. Due to the immense effect of these corruptive parameters, it is often impossible to evaluate the quality of a reconstructed image produced by one technique versus another. The algorithm presented here is capable of performing this comparison analytically and quantitatively at a low computational cost (real-time) and high efficiency. The parameters used for comparison are the degree of blurriness, information content, and the amount of various types of noise associated with the reconstructed image. Based on a heuristic analysis of these parameters the algorithm assesses the reconstructed image and quantify the quality of the image by characterizing important aspects of visual quality. Extensive effort has been set forth to obtain real-world noise and blur conditions so that the various test cases presented here could justify the validity of this approach well. The tests performed on the database of images produced valid results for the algorithms consistently. This paper presents the description and validation (along with test results) of the proposed algorithm for blind image quality assessment.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v2i1.112 

    Analysis of Optical Flow Algorithms for Denoising

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    When a video sequence is recorded in low-light conditions, the image often become noisy. Standard methods for noise reduction have difficulties with motion. But the interesting parts in a video is often the ones that are moving, for instance a burglar captured in a surveillance video. One approach for denoising video sequences is to use temporal filtering controlled by optical flow, which describes how pixels move between two image frames. Today, there exists few studies comparing how different optical flow algorithms perform on noisy video sequences. Four different algorithms have been analyzed in the thesis. Moreover, a comparison on how well they can be used to improve the result of a temporal noise filter has been done. The conclusion of the comparison is that optical flow is useful for noise reduction. Algorithms based on patch matching and edge consistency perform better than algorithms based on color consistency. A recommendation for future work is to combine the best parts of each algorithm to develop a new optical flow algorithm, specialized on noisy image sequences. Furthermore, develop and implement a sophisticated optical flow based noise filter in camera hardware

    Comparison of Hyperspectral Imagery Target Detection Algorithm Chains

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    Detection of a known target in an image has several different approaches. The complexity and number of steps involved in the target detection process makes a comparison of the different possible algorithm chains desirable. Of the different steps involved, some have a more significant impact than others on the final result the ability to find a target in an image. These more important steps often include atmospheric compensation, noise and dimensionality reduction, background characterization, and detection (matched filtering for this research). A brief overview of the algorithms to be compared for each step will be presented. This research seeks to identify the most effective set of algorithms for detecting a known tar get. Several different algorithms for each step will be presented, to include ELM, FLAASH, ACORN, MNF, PPI, N-FINDR, MAXD, and two matched filters that employ a structured background model OSP and ASD. The chains generated by these algorithms will be com pared using the Forest Radiance I HYDICE data set. Finally, ROC curves and AFAR values are calculated for each algorithm chain and a comparison of them is presented. Detection rates at a CFAR are also compared. Since a relatively small number of algorithms were used for each step, there were no definitive results generated. However, a comprehensive comparison of the chains using the above mentioned algorithms is presented

    Noise reduction in muon tomography for detecting high density objects

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    The muon tomography technique, based on multiple Coulomb scattering of cosmic ray muons, has been proposed as a tool to detect the presence of high density objects inside closed volumes. In this paper a new and innovative method is presented to handle the density fluctuations (noise) of reconstructed images, a well known problem of this technique. The effectiveness of our method is evaluated using experimental data obtained with a muon tomography prototype located at the Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) of the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN). The results reported in this paper, obtained with real cosmic ray data, show that with appropriate image filtering and muon momentum classification, the muon tomography technique can detect high density materials, such as lead, albeit surrounded by light or medium density material, in short times. A comparison with algorithms published in literature is also presented

    Two-stage filtration algorithm with interframe causal processing for multichannel image with presence of uncorrelated noise

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    З використанням властивості умовної незалежності отримано вираз для апостеріорної щільності ймовірності відліків багатоканальних зображень при двоетапній фільтрації з внутрішньокадровою каузальною обробкою при наявності некорельованої завади. Отримано вирази для обчислення її першого і другого моментів у випадку гауссівских багатоканальних зображень. Аналіз алгоритму проведено на модельному прикладі за допомогою статистичного моделювання на ЕОМ.Introduction. When solving a number of practical problems the usage of multichannel images is common practice. Multichannel of this data permits or increases the efficiency of solving the problem, or allows to obtain useful information, which in principle cannot be extracted from the single-channel images. One of the main types of noise occurring in a multichannel image is uncorrelated noise. The optimal image filtering algorithms require enormous computational cost. Therefore, the important practical value is the synthesis of multi-channel image filtering algorithms, providing the required performance indicators at moderate computational cost. Theoretical results. Using conditional independence properties, the expression for the a posteriori probability density of pixels at the two-stage multi-channel image filtration with causal frame processing in the presence of uncorrelated noise is obtained. Gaussian algorithm for determining the estimates of image pixels and error variance estimation with causal intra and inter-frame processing is obtained in the case of multichannel image. Experimental results. The developed algorithm for considered example allows increasing the filtration accuracy of the sequence of homogeneous Gaussian images on a 20% - 45% compared to inter-frame averaging algorithm. Conclusion. Optimal and quasi-two-stage multi-channel image filtration algorithms were synthesized. In algorithms the first stage is one-dimensional causal filtration along each of the coordinates, and the second is the union of the results. These algorithms allow reducing the computational cost in comparison with the optimal algorithm and thus ensuring acceptable accuracy characteristics.С использованием свойства условной независимости получено выражение для апостериорной плотности вероятности отсчетов многоканальных изображений при двухэтапной фильтрации с внутрикадровой каузальной обработкой при наличии некоррелированной помехи. Получены выражения для вычисления ее первого и второго моментов в случае гауссовских многоканальных изображений. Анализ алгоритма проведен на модельном примере с помощью статистического моделирования на ЭВМ