58 research outputs found

    Motivational Climate Is Associated with Use of Video Games and Violence in Schoolchildren: A Structural Equation Model According to Healthy Behaviors

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    The aim of this cross-sectional study was to develop an explanatory model of motivational climate, problematic use of videogames, violent behaviour and victimisation in schoolchildren. The sample included 734 children aged between 10 and 12 years of age from the province of Granada (Spain). A multi-group structural equation model was used, with an excellent fit (CFI = 0.964; NFI = 0.954; IFI = 0.964; RMSEA = 0.048). The results showed a positive relationship between the problematic use of video games, victimisation and violent behaviors, associating negatively with the task climate. Likewise, the task-oriented motivational climate was indirectly related to victimisation situations and violent behavior, while the ego climate did so positively with special emphasis on children who did not perform physical activity. As a main conclusion it is shown that adherence to the practice of physical activity, and particularly within a task-oriented motivational climate, can act as a protective factor against the problematic use of video games

    Time Spent Gaming and Marital Quality: The Effect of MMORPGs

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    It is not known if, or to what degree, time spent playing massive multi online roleplaying games (MMORPGs) and adult attachment style affect marital quality. This study attempts to deliver a clearer image about the statistical links between MMORPGs and marital quality to better understand how MMORPGs can affect this relational area. Attachment theory is the theoretical model used in this study. The Hayes mediation analysis was used to answer the research questions. However, correlations were performed initially, to evaluate the suitability of the mediation analysis. The 240 respondents were selected using a convenience sampling approach, through the use of Amazon’s MTurk. It was predicted that adult attachment style would correlate with time spent playing MMORPGs and marital quality. Results indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected for the first three research questions (whether adult attachment style correlated with marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy; whether adult attachment style correlated with time spent playing MMORPGs; and whether time spent playing MMORPGs correlated with marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy. and was not rejected for the fourth research question (whether time spent playing MMORPGs mediated the relationship between adult attachment style and marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy). A professional, in practice, would benefit from knowing the research and acquiring the appropriate tools and resources that provide a competent understanding of gaming, specifically, MMORPGs resulting in positive social change

    Pathological Internet use and psychopathology among European adolescents

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    Background: Internet use and accessibility has grown exponentially across the globe. The highest rates are noted in adolescents and youth. The swift development of technological improvements combined with interactive and enticing online activities has demonstrated to be unprecedented. As a result, the endless possibilities of the Internet become exceptionally appealing, whereby the risk of excessive use becomes elevated. Excessive use of the Internet is a strong precursor for subsequent pathological Internet use (PIU). Considered to be a subtype of a behavioural addiction, the construct of PIU is closely related to the biopsychosocial model of addiction. This suggests that there are genetic, biological, psychological and social components involved in the complex pathways of PIU development. Thus, initiatives that adopt such a multifaceted approach are critically needed in order to attain a better understanding of PIU and related factors. Objectives: The primary aim of this thesis is to improve our knowledge of adolescent PIU by utilising a multifactorial approach. The objective of Study I is to estimate the prevalence of PIU and assess its potential link with demographic and social factors. The objectives in Studies II and III are to ascertain the correlations between PIU, psychopathology and suicidality, while Study IV investigates the association between PIU and health risk-behaviours. The objective of Study V is to evaluate the preventive effect of mental health action in schools on PIU and related psychosocial impairments. Methods and materials: The studies in this thesis were conducted within the framework of the FP7 European Union project: Saving and Empowering Young Lives in Europe (SEYLE). SEYLE is a randomised controlled trial (RCT) assessing the efficacy of mental health interventions based on different strategies and approaches. Adolescents were recruited from randomly-selected schools across study sites in eleven countries, including Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Spain, with Sweden serving as the coordinating centre. PIU was measured using Young’s Diagnostic Questionnaire (YDQ). Social factors, health risk-behaviours, psychopathology and suicidality were measured using validated psychometric instruments. Apposite statistical models were applied in each study in order to assess the respective outcomes of interests. Results: Findings for each study are described accordingly: Study I comprised a sample of 11,956 adolescents (female/male: 6731/5225; mean age: 14.9 ±0.89). The overall prevalence of PIU was 4.4%. Prevalence rates of PIU were significantly higher in males than females (5.2% versus 3.8%). Adolescents in Israel had the highest prevalence of PIU, whereas Italy had the lowest. A significant correlation between mean hours online per day and male gender were observed. In terms of online activities, Internet gaming was significantly associated with males, while social networking was significantly correlated with females. Students not living with a biological parent, low parental involvement and parental unemployment showed the strongest association with PIU. Study II was a systematic review and meta-analysis. An electronic literature search was conducted using the following databases: MEDLINE, PsycARTICLES, PsychINFO, Global Health, and Web of Science. PIU and known synonyms were included in the search as well as psychopathology (i.e. depression, anxiety, symptoms of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obsessive-compulsive symptoms, social phobia and hostility/aggression). Effect sizes for the correlations observed were identified from either the respective publication or calculated using Cohen’s d or R2. The potential effect of publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot model and evaluated by Egger’s test based on a linear regression. Twenty articles met the pre-set inclusion and exclusion criteria: 75% reported significant correlations of PIU with depression, 57% with anxiety, 100% with symptoms of ADHD, 60% with obsessivecompulsive symptoms, and 66% with hostility/aggression. The majority of studies reported a higher rate of PIU among males than females. Depression and symptoms of ADHD appeared to have the most significant and consistent correlation with PIU. Study III comprised a sample of 11,356 school-based adolescents (M/F: 4,856/6,500; mean age: 14.9). Results showed that suicidal behaviours (suicidal ideation and suicide attempts), depression, anxiety, conduct problems and hyperactivity/inattention were significant and independent predictors of PIU. The correlation between PIU, conduct problems and hyperactivity/inattention was stronger among females, while the link between PIU and symptoms of depression, anxiety and peer relationship problems was stronger among males. The association between PIU, psychopathology and self-destructive behaviours was stronger in countries with a higher prevalence of PIU and suicide rates. These findings ascertain that psychopathology and suicidal behaviours are strongly related to PIU. This association is significantly influenced by gender and country suggesting socio-cultural influences. Study IV involved a sample of 11,931 adolescents who were included in the analyses: 43.4% male and 56.6% female (M/F: 5179/6752), with a mean age of 14.89±0.87 years. Adolescents reporting poor sleeping habits and risk-taking actions showed the strongest associations with PIU, followed by tobacco use, poor nutrition and physical inactivity. Among adolescents in the PIU group, 89.9% were characterized as having multiple risk-behaviours. The significant association observed between PIU and risk-behaviours, combined with a high rate of cooccurrence, underline the importance of considering PIU when screening, treating or preventing high-risk behaviours among adolescents. Study V included a sample of n=2,831 school-based adolescents. The sample comprised 47.1% male and 52.9% female adolescents (M/F: 1333/1498), with a mean age of 14.83±0.90 years. In order to avoid contamination from the SEYLE interventions, only those who were in the control group were included in this study. Mental health action in schools (MHAS) was defined as adolescents reporting to have received mental health education at their school and was approached by a teacher to discuss psychosocial issues prior to baseline assessment. Outcomes showed that adolescents exposed to MHAS had a 50 percent lower risk for the onset of PIU compared to the unexposed group. When analysing psychosocial impairments, results showed that adolescents in the MHAS group also exhibited a significantly lower incidence of ≥30 percent for emotional distress, depression and coping problems. Conclusion: Significant correlations between PIU and health risk-behaviours, psychopathology and suicidality were observed among European adolescents. Given the momentous proclivity of evidence-based research, it is clear that PIU is a condition that merits international recognition as a potential disorder. Implementing evidence-based mental health action in schools appear to be effective in the overall risk-reduction of PIU. Of course, the level of efficacy, in terms of prevention efforts, is dependent on the structure of the respective intervention. It is, therefore, critical that an international accord is reached in order to develop a standardized approach to ascertain the nomenclature, taxonomy and diagnostic criteria of PIU. The future direction of PIU research must focus on this fundamental issue in order to legitimize and advance our knowledge and understanding of this condition

    Personality traits and risky online behaviour

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    Kako bi se razumjelo zašto su pojedini mladi skloni rizičnim ponašanjima na internetu važno je utvrditi karakteristike koje su značajne za nastanak i razvoj istih, a osobine ličnosti od velikog su značaja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos osobina ličnosti u objašnjavanju rizičnih ponašanja na internetu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 282 učenika Prve gimnazije u Osijeku. Korišteni instrumenti su HEXACO upitnik ličnosti (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Kratka skala mračne trijade (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Upitnik nasilja preko interneta (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalizirana skala problematične uporabe interneta 2 (Caplan, 2010) i Upitnik pretjeranog igranja igrica na internetu (Pápay i sur., 2013). Rezultati su pokazali da je značajan pozitivan prediktor činjenja nasilja putem interneta psihopatija, dok iskrenost-poniznost i ugodnost imaju indirektan doprinos putem psihopatije. Pozitivnim prediktorom problematične uporabe interneta pokazala se emocionalnost, a negativnim prediktorima iskrenost-poniznost, savjesnost i ekstraverzija. Značajnim negativnim prediktorom pretjeranog igranja igrica pokazala se ekstraverzija.To understand why some adolescents are prone to develop risky behavior online, it is important to specify characteristics that contribute its occurrence and development. The aim of this research was to examine the relation between cyberbullying, generalized problematic Internet use and problematic online gaming with personality traits of the HEXACO model and Dark Triad. Research was conducted on a sample that consisted of 282 high school students in Osijek. Participants completed HEXACO Personality Inventory (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Short Dark Triad (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (Caplan, 2010) and Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (Pápay i sur., 2013). Results reveal a significant correlation between personality traits and risky behaviors. Psychopathy was a significant positive predictor of the criterion cyberbullying, while honesty-humility and agreeableness were mediated by psychopathy. Positive predictor of generalized problematic Internet use was emotionality, while honesty-humility, conscientiousness, and extraversion were negative predictors. Dark personality traits did not predict the criterion. Results also indicated that extraversion was significant negative predictors of problematic online gaming while Dark personality traits were not related to the criterion

    Personality traits and risky online behaviour

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    Kako bi se razumjelo zašto su pojedini mladi skloni rizičnim ponašanjima na internetu važno je utvrditi karakteristike koje su značajne za nastanak i razvoj istih, a osobine ličnosti od velikog su značaja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos osobina ličnosti u objašnjavanju rizičnih ponašanja na internetu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 282 učenika Prve gimnazije u Osijeku. Korišteni instrumenti su HEXACO upitnik ličnosti (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Kratka skala mračne trijade (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Upitnik nasilja preko interneta (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalizirana skala problematične uporabe interneta 2 (Caplan, 2010) i Upitnik pretjeranog igranja igrica na internetu (Pápay i sur., 2013). Rezultati su pokazali da je značajan pozitivan prediktor činjenja nasilja putem interneta psihopatija, dok iskrenost-poniznost i ugodnost imaju indirektan doprinos putem psihopatije. Pozitivnim prediktorom problematične uporabe interneta pokazala se emocionalnost, a negativnim prediktorima iskrenost-poniznost, savjesnost i ekstraverzija. Značajnim negativnim prediktorom pretjeranog igranja igrica pokazala se ekstraverzija.To understand why some adolescents are prone to develop risky behavior online, it is important to specify characteristics that contribute its occurrence and development. The aim of this research was to examine the relation between cyberbullying, generalized problematic Internet use and problematic online gaming with personality traits of the HEXACO model and Dark Triad. Research was conducted on a sample that consisted of 282 high school students in Osijek. Participants completed HEXACO Personality Inventory (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Short Dark Triad (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (Caplan, 2010) and Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (Pápay i sur., 2013). Results reveal a significant correlation between personality traits and risky behaviors. Psychopathy was a significant positive predictor of the criterion cyberbullying, while honesty-humility and agreeableness were mediated by psychopathy. Positive predictor of generalized problematic Internet use was emotionality, while honesty-humility, conscientiousness, and extraversion were negative predictors. Dark personality traits did not predict the criterion. Results also indicated that extraversion was significant negative predictors of problematic online gaming while Dark personality traits were not related to the criterion

    Personality traits and risky online behaviour

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    Kako bi se razumjelo zašto su pojedini mladi skloni rizičnim ponašanjima na internetu važno je utvrditi karakteristike koje su značajne za nastanak i razvoj istih, a osobine ličnosti od velikog su značaja. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati doprinos osobina ličnosti u objašnjavanju rizičnih ponašanja na internetu. Istraživanje je provedeno na 282 učenika Prve gimnazije u Osijeku. Korišteni instrumenti su HEXACO upitnik ličnosti (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Kratka skala mračne trijade (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Upitnik nasilja preko interneta (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalizirana skala problematične uporabe interneta 2 (Caplan, 2010) i Upitnik pretjeranog igranja igrica na internetu (Pápay i sur., 2013). Rezultati su pokazali da je značajan pozitivan prediktor činjenja nasilja putem interneta psihopatija, dok iskrenost-poniznost i ugodnost imaju indirektan doprinos putem psihopatije. Pozitivnim prediktorom problematične uporabe interneta pokazala se emocionalnost, a negativnim prediktorima iskrenost-poniznost, savjesnost i ekstraverzija. Značajnim negativnim prediktorom pretjeranog igranja igrica pokazala se ekstraverzija.To understand why some adolescents are prone to develop risky behavior online, it is important to specify characteristics that contribute its occurrence and development. The aim of this research was to examine the relation between cyberbullying, generalized problematic Internet use and problematic online gaming with personality traits of the HEXACO model and Dark Triad. Research was conducted on a sample that consisted of 282 high school students in Osijek. Participants completed HEXACO Personality Inventory (Ashton i Lee, 2007), Short Dark Triad (Jones i Paulhus, 2013), Cyberbullying Questionnaire (Šincek, Tomašić Humer, Duvnjak i Milić, 2015), Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2 (Caplan, 2010) and Problematic Online Gaming Questionnaire (Pápay i sur., 2013). Results reveal a significant correlation between personality traits and risky behaviors. Psychopathy was a significant positive predictor of the criterion cyberbullying, while honesty-humility and agreeableness were mediated by psychopathy. Positive predictor of generalized problematic Internet use was emotionality, while honesty-humility, conscientiousness, and extraversion were negative predictors. Dark personality traits did not predict the criterion. Results also indicated that extraversion was significant negative predictors of problematic online gaming while Dark personality traits were not related to the criterion

    Opportunities and Risks in Online Gaming Environments

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    Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) have evolved from traditional video games in that they embrace both the technology of the Internet and video games. The massive “exodus” from the physical offline world to online gaming communities brings with it not only a number of unique and exciting opportunities, but also a number of emerging and serious risks. This research set out to examine the unique opportunities and risks to vulnerable individuals, namely, young adults, teenagers and young children; all of whom are considered by many to be priority groups in the protection from harm. The purpose was to examine the reality of vulnerable individuals encountering these opportunities and risks. This research combined a number of methodologies supported by underpinning qualitative and quantitative theories. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus groups gathered information from teenagers, adults and children in order to critically examine the unique opportunities and risks encountered in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games. The findings from these interactions identified specific examples of opportunities and risk posed to vulnerable individuals. The findings demonstrated that there was a need for a support and protection mechanism that promoted the identification and awareness of the potential risk among vulnerable individuals. Emerging from these findings was a set of concepts that provided the evidence base for a Novel Taxonomy of Opportunities and Risks in Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game environments that was designed to assist in the assessment of risk. Validation of the proposed taxonomy was achieved by means of an ethnographic study of (World of Warcraft) online gamers’ behaviour and social interactions through unobtrusive video capture of gaming sessions. The Novel Taxonomy of Opportunities and Risks provided a basis for the development of a proof-of-concept Decision Support System; the purpose of which was to assist both social work practitioners and individuals to identify and reduce risks. Representatives from both user groups were consulted for evaluation of the acceptability of such an approach. Favourable responses from participants demonstrated acceptability of the aforementioned approach. The evaluation process also demonstrated how the prototype would serve as a useful tool to make individual users aware of potential dangers. This research presents three novel facets: (1) it advances understanding of the unique opportunities and risks within MMORPG environments; (2) provides a framework for the assessment of risks in MMORPGs through the Novel Taxonomy and (3) demonstrates a novel Decision Support System to assist in the identification and reduction of risk through a proof-of-concept prototype