81 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Approaches for an Aging-Aware Design of Nanoscale Microprocessors

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    Thanks to aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions, computers have revolutionized our life. However, the increasing unreliability of devices fabricated in nanoscale technologies emerged as a major threat for the future success of computers. In particular, accelerated transistor aging is of great importance, as it reduces the lifetime of digital systems. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing new methods to model, analyze and mitigate aging at microarchitecture-level and above

    Balancing soft error coverage with lifetime reliability in redundantly multithreaded processors

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    Silicon reliability is a key challenge facing the microprocessor industry. Processors need to be designed such that they are resilient against both soft errors and lifetime reliability phenomena. However, techniques developed to address one class of reliability problems may impact other aspects of silicon reliability. In this paper, we show that Redundant Multi-Threading (RMT), which provides soft error protection, exacerbates lifetime reliability. We then explore two different architectural approaches to tackle this problem, namely, Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVS) and partial RMT. We show that each approach has certain strengths and weaknesses with respect to performance, soft error coverage, and lifetime reliability. We then propose and evaluate a hybrid approach that combines DVS and partial RMT. We show that this approach provides better improvement in lifetime reliability than DVS or partial RMT alone, buys back a significant amount of performance that is lost due to DVS, and provides nearly complete soft error coverage. I

    Report of the Electromechanical Subsystems Panel

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    Deficiencies in electromechanical flight technology are evaluated and development recommendations are made. Specific items discussed include magnetic bearings, lubrication for long life, signal and power transfer devices, servo sensing devices, deployment/retraction devices, cryogenic devices, data storage, and ordnance substitutes

    Wearout-Aware Compiler-Directed Register Assignment for Embedded Systems

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    Although constant technology scaling has resulted in considerable benefits, smaller device dimensions, higher operating temperatures and electric fields have also contributed to faster device aging due to wearout. Not only does this result in the shortening of processor lifetimes, it leads to faster wearout resultant performance degradation with operating time. Instead of taking a reactive approach towards reliability awareness, we propose a pre-emptive route toward wearout mitigation. Given the significant thermal and stress variation across the components of microprocessors, in this work we focus on one of the most likely candidates for overheating and hence reliability failures, the register file. We propose different wearout-aware compiler-directed register assignment techniques that distribute the stress induced wearout throughout the register file, with the aim of improving the lifetime of the register file, with negligible performance overhead. We compare our results with a state-of-the-art thermal-aware compilation scheme to show the clear advantage our proposed wearout-aware scheme has over thermal-aware schemes in terms of lifetime improvement that can reach up to 20% for Bias Temperature Instability

    Reliability and Aging Analysis on SRAMs Within Microprocessor Systems

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    The majority of transistors in a modern microprocessor are used to implement static random access memories (SRAM). Therefore, it is important to analyze the reliability of SRAM blocks. During the SRAM design, it is important to build in design margins to achieve an adequate lifetime. The two main wearout mechanisms that increase a transistor’s threshold voltage are bias temperature instability (BTI) and hot carrier injections (HCI). BTI and HCI can degrade transistors’ driving strength and further weaken circuit performance. In a microprocessor, first-level (L1) caches are frequently accessed, which make it especially vulnerable to BTI and HCI. In this chapter, the cache lifetimes due to BTI and HCI are studied for different cache configurations, namely, cache size, associativity, cache line size, and replacement algorithm. To give a case study, the failure probability (reliability) and the hit rate (performance) of the L1 cache in a LEON3 microprocessor are analyzed, while the microprocessor is running a set of benchmarks. Essential insights can be provided from our results to give better performance-reliability tradeoffs for cache designers

    Aggressive and reliable high-performance architectures - techniques for thermal control, energy efficiency, and performance augmentation

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    As more and more transistors fit in a single chip, consumers of the electronics industry continue to expect decline in cost-per-function. Advancements in process technology offer steady improvements in system performance. The improvements manifest themselves as shrinking area, faster circuits and improved battery life. However, this migration toward sub-micro/nano-meter technologies presents a new set of challenges as the system becomes extremely sensitive to any voltage, temperature or process variations. One approach to immunize the system from the adverse effects of these variations is to add sufficient safety margins to the operating clock frequency of the system. Clearly, this approach is overly conservative because these worst case scenarios rarely occur. But, process technology in nanoscale era has already hit the power and frequency walls. Regardless of any of these challenges, the present processors not only need to run faster, but also cooler and use lesser energy. At a juncture where there is no further improvement in clock frequency is possible, data dependent latching through Timing Speculation (TS) provides a silver lining. Timing speculation is a widely known method for realizing better-than-worst-case systems. TS is aggressive in nature, where the mechanism is to dynamically tune the system frequency beyond the worst-case limits obtained from application characteristics to enhance the performance of system-on-chips (SoCs). However, such aggressive tuning has adverse consequences that need to be overcome. Power dissipation, on-chip temperature and reliability are key issues that cannot be ignored. A carefully designed power management technique combined with a reliable, controlled, aggressive clocking not only attempts to constrain power dissipation within a limit, but also improves performance whenever possible. In this dissertation, we present a novel power level switching mechanism by redefining the existing voltage-frequency pairs. We introduce an aggressive yet reliable framework for energy efficient thermal control. We were able to achieve up to 40% speed-up compared to a base scheme without overclocking. We compare our method against different schemes. We observe that up to 75% Energy-Delay squared product (ED2) savings relative to base architecture is possible. We showcase the loss of efficiency in present chip multiprocessor systems due to excess power supplied, and propose Utilization-aware Task Scheduling (UTS) - a power management scheme that increases energy efficiency of chip multiprocessors. Our experiments demonstrate that UTS along with aggressive timing speculation squeezes out maximum performance from the system without loss of efficiency, and breaching power & thermal constraints. From our evaluation we infer that UTS improves performance by up to 12% due to aggressive power level switching and over 50% in ED2 savings compared to traditional power management techniques. Aggressive clocking systems having TS as their central theme operate at a clock frequency range beyond specified safe limits, exploiting the data dependence on circuit critical paths. However, the margin for performance enhancement is restricted due to extreme difference between short paths and critical paths. In this thesis, we show that increasing the lengths of short paths of the circuit increases the margin of TS, leading to performance improvement in aggressively designed systems. We develop Min-arc algorithm to efficiently add delay buffers to selected short paths while keeping down the area penalty. We show that by using our algorithm, it is possible to increase the circuit contamination delay by up to 30% without affecting the propagation delay, with moderate area overhead. We also explore the possibility of increasing short path delays further by relaxing the constraint on propagation delay, and achieve even higher performance. Overall, we bring out the inter-relationship between power, temperature and reliability of aggressively clocked systems. Our main objective is to achieve maximal performance benefits and improved energy efficiency within thermal constraints by effectively combining dynamic frequency scaling, dynamic voltage scaling and reliable overclocking. We provide solutions to improve the existing power management in chip multiprocessors to dynamically maximize system utilization and satisfy the power constraints within safe thermal limits

    Reliability and Data Analysis of Wearout Mechanisms for Circuits

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    The objective of this research is to develop methodologies for the failure analysis of circuits, as well as investigate the factors for accelerating testing for front-end-of-line time-dependent dielectric breakdown (FEOL TDDB). The separation of wearout mechanisms for circuits will be investigated, and the identification of failure modes for the failure samples will be analyzed. SRAMs and ring oscillators will be used to study the failure modes. The systematic and random errors for online monitoring of SRAMS will also be examined. Furthermore, the testing plans for acceleration testing will also be explored for ring oscillators. Error reduction through sampling will also be used to find the best testing conditions for accelerated testing. This work provides a way for engineers to better understand aging monitoring of circuits, and to design better testing to collect failure data.Ph.D

    Electrical overstress and electrostatic discharge failure in silicon MOS devices

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    This thesis presents an experimental and theoretical investigation of electrical failure in MOS structures, with a particular emphasis on short-pulse and ESD failure. It begins with an extensive survey of MOS technology, its failure mechanisms and protection schemes. A program of experimental research on MOS breakdown is then reported, the results of which are used to develop a model of breakdown across a wide spectrum of time scales. This model, in which bulk-oxide electron trapping/emission plays a major role, prohibits the direct use of causal theory over short time-scales, invalidating earlier theories on the subject. The work is extended to ESD stress of both polarities. Negative polarity ESD breakdownis found to be primarily oxide-voltage activated, with no significant dependence on temperature of luminosity. Positive polarity breakdown depends on the rate of surface inversion, dictated by the Si avalanche threshold and/or the generation speed of light-induced carriers. An analytical model, based upon the above theory is developed to predict ESD breakdown over a wide range of conditions. The thesis ends with an experimental and theoretical investigation of the effects of ESD breakdown on device and circuit performance. Breakdown sites are modelled as resistive paths in the oxide, and their distorting effects upon transistor performance are studied. The degradation of a damaged transistor under working stress is observed, giving a deeper insight into the latent hazards of ESD damage

    A Study of Nanometer Semiconductor Scaling Effects on Microelectronics Reliability

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    The desire to assess the reliability of emerging scaled microelectronics technologies through faster reliability trials and more accurate acceleration models is the precursor for further research and experimentation in this relevant field. The effect of semiconductor scaling on microelectronics product reliability is an important aspect to the high reliability application user. From the perspective of a customer or user, who in many cases must deal with very limited, if any, manufacturer's reliability data to assess the product for a highly-reliable application, product-level testing is critical in the characterization and reliability assessment of advanced nanometer semiconductor scaling effects on microelectronics reliability. This dissertation provides a methodology on how to accomplish this and provides techniques for deriving the expected product-level reliability on commercial memory products. Competing mechanism theory and the multiple failure mechanism model are applied to two separate experiments; scaled SRAM and SDRAM products. Accelerated stress testing at multiple conditions is applied at the product level of several scaled memory products to assess the performance degradation and product reliability. Acceleration models are derived for each case. For several scaled SDRAM products, retention time degradation is studied and two distinct soft error populations are observed with each technology generation: early breakdown, characterized by randomly distributed weak bits with Weibull slope Beta=1, and a main population breakdown with an increasing failure rate. Retention time soft error rates are calculated and a multiple failure mechanism acceleration model with parameters is derived for each technology. Defect densities are calculated and reflect a decreasing trend in the percentage of random defective bits for each successive product generation. A normalized soft error failure rate of the memory data retention time in FIT/Gb and FIT/cm2 for several scaled SDRAM generations is presented revealing a power relationship. General models describing the soft error rates across scaled product generations are presented. The analysis methodology may be applied to other scaled microelectronic products and key parameters
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