6 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan media pembelajaran dress up untuk mengenalkan identitas gender sebagai antisipasi perilaku LGBT pada anak usia dini. Tujuan lainnya adalah menghasilkan media pembelajaran dress up yang layak dan efektif digunakan untuk mengenalkan identitas gender sebagai antisipasi perilaku LGBT pada anak usia dini. Metode yang digunakan penelitian dan pengembangan model Dick & Carey. Studi pendahuluan menunjukkan bahwa anak-anak perlu untuk dikenalkan tentang identitas gendernya dan setuju dengan penggunaan media sebagai alat dalam pengenalan identitas gender. Dengan mengenalkan identitas gender sejak dini dapat membentengi dan mencegah anak usia dini dari ancaman krisis indentitas gender yang mulai tinggi. Penting sejak dini mengajarkan anak-anak tau tentang identitas gendernya sesuai fitrah masing-masing, itulah kenapa membuat media dress up ini dirasa penting untuk dikembangkan. Guru atau orangtua menjadi garda terdepan untuk menjaga anak-anak kita dari paham-paham yang tidak sejalan dengan agama dan budaya kita. Responden penelitian adalah anak-anak Kelompok Bermain (KB) yang berada di kota dan kabupaten Bekasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media dress up yang dikembangkan dengan model Dick & Carey untuk pengenalan identitas gender yang meliputi aspek pengetahuan, pemahaman, dan penerimaan anak tentang identitas gendernya layak digunakan berdasarkan hasil uji kelayakan melalui proses uji pakar/ahli. Beberapa pakar/ahli yang terlibat yaitu ahli media, ahli desain, ahli PAUD dalam hal ini untuk memvalidasi kesesuaian konten, dan guru PAUD sebagai pengguna. Selain itu, media dress up untuk pengenalan identitas gender efektif digunakan berdasarkan hasil pretest dan posttest pada tahap uji kelompok besar. Kata kunci: Media Dress Up, Pengenalan Identitas Gender, Perilaku LGBT, Anak Usia Dini ******** ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to produce dress up media to introduce gender identity as an anticipation of LGBT behavior in early childhood. Another goal is to produce appropriate and effective dress-up media used to introduce gender identity in anticipation of LGBT behavior in early childhood. The method used is research and development Dick & Carey model. Preliminary studies show that children need to be introduced to their gender identity and agree with the use of media as a tool in gender identity recognition. By introducing gender identity in early age, it can fortify and prevent early childhood from the threat of a gender identity crisis. It is important from an early age to teach children to know about their gender identity according to their respective natures, that's why making dress up media is considered important to be developed. Teachers or parents are at the forefront to protect our children from ideas that are not in line with our religion and culture. The research respondents were Playgroup (KB) children in the city and district of Bekasi. The results showed that the dress up media developed with the Dick & Carey model for gender identity recognition which includes aspects of knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of children about their gender identity is appropriate to use based on the results of the feasibility test through an expert test process. Several experts involved are media experts, design experts, PAUD experts in this regard to validate the suitability of content, and teachers as users. In addition, dress up media for gender identity identification is effectively used based on the results of the pretest and posttest in the large group test stage. Keywords: Dress Up Media, Introduction Gender Identity, LGBT Behavior, Early Childhoo

    The Impact of Coding Apps to Support Young Children in Computational Thinking and Computational Fluency. A Literature Review

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    Data that shows that young children can learn and acquire Computational Thinking (CT) skills has led governments and policymakers internationally to integrate CT into the curriculum, starting in the earliest grades. Researchers support the idea that this introduction must not solely focus on a problem-solving process skill (CT) but instead provide children with new ways to express themselves, supporting their cognitive, language, and socio-emotional development (Computational Fluency-CF). Coupled with the media and governmentā€™s rhetoric and an increasing number of apps offering various programming lessons, puzzles, and challenges, educators have been responsible for introducing young children to CT and CF using touchscreen technology. This paper presents a literature review (N = 21) of empirical studies on applying four coding apps to support young childrenā€™s learning of CT and CF. The main conclusion is that all apps positively affect the development of childrenā€™s CT skills. None of the apps can ultimately support the development of CF, although ScratchJr, with a ā€œsandboxā€ approach, can better help students express themselves

    Personalization, Cognition, and Gamification-based Programming Language Learning: A State-of-the-Art Systematic Literature Review

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    Programming courses in computing science are important because they are often the first introduction to computer programming for many students. Many university students are overwhelmed with the information they must learn for an introductory course. The current teacher-lecturer model of learning commonly employed in university lecture halls often results in a lack of motivation and participation in learning. Personalized gamification is a pedagogical approach that combines gamification and personalized learning to motivate and engage students while addressing individual differences in learning. This approach integrates gamification and personalized learning strategies to inspire and involve students while addressing their unique learning needs and differences. A comprehensive literature search was conducted by including 81 studies that were analyzed based on their research design, intervention, outcome measures, and quality assessment. The findings suggest that personalized gamification can enhance student cognition in programming courses by improving motivation, engagement, and learning outcomes. However, the effectiveness of personalized gamification varies depending on various factors, such as the type of gamification elements used, the degree of personalization, and the characteristics of the learners. This paper provides insights into designing and implementing effective personalized gamification interventions in programming courses. The findings could inform educational practitioners and researchers in programming education about the potential benefits of personalized gamification and its implications for educational practice

    Learning Models in Educational Game Interactions: A Review

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    Educational games have now been used as innovative media and teaching strategies to achieve more effective learning and have an impact that tends to be very good in the learning process. However, it is important to know and systematically prove that the application of the learning model in the interaction of educational games is indeed feasible to be adopted and has an effect. This paper aims to present empirical evidence of the current situation regarding the application of learning models in the flow of educational game interactions. The method used is a systematic literature review by adopting three main stages, namely: 1) Planning; 2) Implementation; 3) Reporting. Then recommend the ten steps in the systematic literature review process along with the selection process through the test-retest approach. The initial search obtained 1,405,310 papers, then go through the selection stage. The selection process took place at stage B1 with the number of papers that successfully passed 198, at the B2 selection stage there were 102 papers, and we focus 75 papers that have passed a fairly rigorous screening and selection process on the quality assessment process for primary studies, used to answer research objectives and questions. We can confirm and conclude that 75 papers have applied the learning model in educational game interactions. The dominating domain is Education, the type of game that dominates is Educational Game, for the most dominating subjects are Programming, Student Learning Motivation as the most dominating impact, Experimental Design as a trial technique, the most widely used evaluation instruments are Questionnaires and Tests, a population that dominates between 79-2,645 people, and 8 papers to support learning in vocational education