814 research outputs found

    Near-optimal adjacency labeling scheme for power-law graphs

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    An adjacency labeling scheme is a method that assigns labels to the vertices of a graph such that adjacency between vertices can be inferred directly from the assigned label, without using a centralized data structure. We devise adjacency labeling schemes for the family of power-law graphs. This family that has been used to model many types of networks, e.g. the Internet AS-level graph. Furthermore, we prove an almost matching lower bound for this family. We also provide an asymptotically near- optimal labeling scheme for sparse graphs. Finally, we validate the efficiency of our labeling scheme by an experimental evaluation using both synthetic data and real-world networks of up to hundreds of thousands of vertices

    Pruning based Distance Sketches with Provable Guarantees on Random Graphs

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    Measuring the distances between vertices on graphs is one of the most fundamental components in network analysis. Since finding shortest paths requires traversing the graph, it is challenging to obtain distance information on large graphs very quickly. In this work, we present a preprocessing algorithm that is able to create landmark based distance sketches efficiently, with strong theoretical guarantees. When evaluated on a diverse set of social and information networks, our algorithm significantly improves over existing approaches by reducing the number of landmarks stored, preprocessing time, or stretch of the estimated distances. On Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi graphs and random power law graphs with degree distribution exponent 2<β<32 < \beta < 3, our algorithm outputs an exact distance data structure with space between Θ(n5/4)\Theta(n^{5/4}) and Θ(n3/2)\Theta(n^{3/2}) depending on the value of β\beta, where nn is the number of vertices. We complement the algorithm with tight lower bounds for Erdos-Renyi graphs and the case when β\beta is close to two.Comment: Full version for the conference paper to appear in The Web Conference'1

    Path-Fault-Tolerant Approximate Shortest-Path Trees

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    Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be an nn-nodes non-negatively real-weighted undirected graph. In this paper we show how to enrich a {\em single-source shortest-path tree} (SPT) of GG with a \emph{sparse} set of \emph{auxiliary} edges selected from EE, in order to create a structure which tolerates effectively a \emph{path failure} in the SPT. This consists of a simultaneous fault of a set FF of at most ff adjacent edges along a shortest path emanating from the source, and it is recognized as one of the most frequent disruption in an SPT. We show that, for any integer parameter k1k \geq 1, it is possible to provide a very sparse (i.e., of size O(knf1+1/k)O(kn\cdot f^{1+1/k})) auxiliary structure that carefully approximates (i.e., within a stretch factor of (2k1)(2F+1)(2k-1)(2|F|+1)) the true shortest paths from the source during the lifetime of the failure. Moreover, we show that our construction can be further refined to get a stretch factor of 33 and a size of O(nlogn)O(n \log n) for the special case f=2f=2, and that it can be converted into a very efficient \emph{approximate-distance sensitivity oracle}, that allows to quickly (even in optimal time, if k=1k=1) reconstruct the shortest paths (w.r.t. our structure) from the source after a path failure, thus permitting to perform promptly the needed rerouting operations. Our structure compares favorably with previous known solutions, as we discuss in the paper, and moreover it is also very effective in practice, as we assess through a large set of experiments.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, SIROCCO 201

    Near Optimal Adjacency Labeling Schemes for Power-Law Graphs

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    An adjacency labeling scheme labels the n nodes of a graph with bit strings in a way that allows, given the labels of two nodes, to determine adjacency based only on those bit strings. Though many graph families have been meticulously studied for this problem, a non-trivial labeling scheme for the important family of power-law graphs has yet to be obtained. This family is particularly useful for social and web networks as their underlying graphs are typically modelled as power-law graphs. Using simple strategies and a careful selection of a parameter, we show upper bounds for such labeling schemes of ~O(sqrt^{alpha}(n)) for power law graphs with coefficient alpha;, as well as nearly matching lower bounds. We also show two relaxations that allow for a label of logarithmic size, and extend the upper-bound technique to produce an improved distance labeling scheme for power-law graphs

    Greedy routing and virtual coordinates for future networks

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    At the core of the Internet, routers are continuously struggling with ever-growing routing and forwarding tables. Although hardware advances do accommodate such a growth, we anticipate new requirements e.g. in data-oriented networking where each content piece has to be referenced instead of hosts, such that current approaches relying on global information will not be viable anymore, no matter the hardware progress. In this thesis, we investigate greedy routing methods that can achieve similar routing performance as today but use much less resources and which rely on local information only. To this end, we add specially crafted name spaces to the network in which virtual coordinates represent the addressable entities. Our scheme enables participating routers to make forwarding decisions using only neighbourhood information, as the overarching pseudo-geometric name space structure already organizes and incorporates "vicinity" at a global level. A first challenge to the application of greedy routing on virtual coordinates to future networks is that of "routing dead-ends" that are local minima due to the difficulty of consistent coordinates attribution. In this context, we propose a routing recovery scheme based on a multi-resolution embedding of the network in low-dimensional Euclidean spaces. The recovery is performed by routing greedily on a blurrier view of the network. The different network detail-levels are obtained though the embedding of clustering-levels of the graph. When compared with higher-dimensional embeddings of a given network, our method shows a significant diminution of routing failures for similar header and control-state sizes. A second challenge to the application of virtual coordinates and greedy routing to future networks is the support of "customer-provider" as well as "peering" relationships between participants, resulting in a differentiated services environment. Although an application of greedy routing within such a setting would combine two very common fields of today's networking literature, such a scenario has, surprisingly, not been studied so far. In this context we propose two approaches to address this scenario. In a first approach we implement a path-vector protocol similar to that of BGP on top of a greedy embedding of the network. This allows each node to build a spatial map associated with each of its neighbours indicating the accessible regions. Routing is then performed through the use of a decision-tree classifier taking the destination coordinates as input. When applied on a real-world dataset (the CAIDA 2004 AS graph) we demonstrate an up to 40% compression ratio of the routing control information at the network's core as well as a computationally efficient decision process comparable to methods such as binary trees and tries. In a second approach, we take inspiration from consensus-finding in social sciences and transform the three-dimensional distance data structure (where the third dimension encodes the service differentiation) into a two-dimensional matrix on which classical embedding tools can be used. This transformation is achieved by agreeing on a set of constraints on the inter-node distances guaranteeing an administratively-correct greedy routing. The computed distances are also enhanced to encode multipath support. We demonstrate a good greedy routing performance as well as an above 90% satisfaction of multipath constraints when relying on the non-embedded obtained distances on synthetic datasets. As various embeddings of the consensus distances do not fully exploit their multipath potential, the use of compression techniques such as transform coding to approximate the obtained distance allows for better routing performances

    27th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms: ESA 2019, September 9-11, 2019, Munich/Garching, Germany

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    Parallel Metric Tree Embedding based on an Algebraic View on Moore-Bellman-Ford

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    A \emph{metric tree embedding} of expected \emph{stretch~α1\alpha \geq 1} maps a weighted nn-node graph G=(V,E,ω)G = (V, E, \omega) to a weighted tree T=(VT,ET,ωT)T = (V_T, E_T, \omega_T) with VVTV \subseteq V_T such that, for all v,wVv,w \in V, dist(v,w,G)dist(v,w,T)\operatorname{dist}(v, w, G) \leq \operatorname{dist}(v, w, T) and operatornameE[dist(v,w,T)]αdist(v,w,G)operatorname{E}[\operatorname{dist}(v, w, T)] \leq \alpha \operatorname{dist}(v, w, G). Such embeddings are highly useful for designing fast approximation algorithms, as many hard problems are easy to solve on tree instances. However, to date the best parallel (polylogn)(\operatorname{polylog} n)-depth algorithm that achieves an asymptotically optimal expected stretch of αO(logn)\alpha \in \operatorname{O}(\log n) requires Ω(n2)\operatorname{\Omega}(n^2) work and a metric as input. In this paper, we show how to achieve the same guarantees using polylogn\operatorname{polylog} n depth and O~(m1+ϵ)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m^{1+\epsilon}) work, where m=Em = |E| and ϵ>0\epsilon > 0 is an arbitrarily small constant. Moreover, one may further reduce the work to O~(m+n1+ϵ)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m + n^{1+\epsilon}) at the expense of increasing the expected stretch to O(ϵ1logn)\operatorname{O}(\epsilon^{-1} \log n). Our main tool in deriving these parallel algorithms is an algebraic characterization of a generalization of the classic Moore-Bellman-Ford algorithm. We consider this framework, which subsumes a variety of previous "Moore-Bellman-Ford-like" algorithms, to be of independent interest and discuss it in depth. In our tree embedding algorithm, we leverage it for providing efficient query access to an approximate metric that allows sampling the tree using polylogn\operatorname{polylog} n depth and O~(m)\operatorname{\tilde{O}}(m) work. We illustrate the generality and versatility of our techniques by various examples and a number of additional results