24 research outputs found

    Integrating Timetabling and Crew

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    We investigate to what degree we can integrate a Train Timetabling / Engine Scheduling Problem with a Crew Scheduling Problem. In the Timetabling Problem we design a timetable for the desired lines by fixing the departure and arrival times. Also, we allocate time-slots in the network to secure a feasible timetable. Next, we assign engines in the Engine Scheduling Problem to the lines in accordance with the timetable. The overall integration is achieved by obtaining an optimal solution for the Timetabling / Engine Scheduling Problem. We exploit the fact that numerous optimal, and near optimal solutions exists. We consider all solutions that can be obtained from the optimal engine schedule by altering the timetable, while keeping the order of demands in the schedules intact. The Crew Scheduling model is allowed to re-time the service of demands if the additional cost is outweighed by the crew savings. This information is implemented in a mathematical model for the Crew Scheduling Problem. The model is solved using a column generation scheme. Hereby it is possible for the Crew Scheduling algorithm to adjust the timetable and achieve a better overall solution. We perform computational experiments based on a case at a freight railway operator, DB Schenker Rail Scandinavia, and show that significant cost savings can be achieved

    Generalized Algorithms for Crew Planning: Survey and Future Directions for Railways

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    This paper studies the crew planning problem as observed in the transportation industry. We first survey the existing literature on crew scheduling applications in railways and airlines. Next, we identify the synergies in the two domains and propose new directions for railway crew scheduling inspired from the applications in airlines

    The Train Driver Recovery Problem - a Set Partitioning Based Model and Solution Method

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    Delay and disruption management in local public transportation via real-time vehicle and crew re-scheduling: a case study

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    Local public transport companies, especially in large cities, are facing every day the problem of managing delays and small disruptions. Disruption management is a well-established practice in airlines and railways. However, in local public transport the approaches to these problems have followed a different path, mainly focusing on holding and short-turning strategies not directly associated with the driver scheduling. In this paper we consider the case of the management of urban surface lines of Azienda Trasporti Milanese (ATM) of Milan. The main issues are the service regularity as a measure of the quality of service, and the minimization of the operational costs due to changes in the planned driver scheduling. We propose a simulation-based optimization system to cope with delays and small disruptions that can be effectively used in a real-time environment and takes into account both vehicle and driver scheduling. The proposed approach is tested on real data to prove its actual applicability

    A Next Step in Disruption Management: Combining Operations Research and Complexity Science

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    Railway systems occasionally get into a state of out-of-control, meaning that there is barely any train is running, even though the required resources (infrastructure, rolling stock and crew) are available. These situations can either be caused by large disruptions or unexpected propagation and accumulation of delays. Because of the large number of aected resources and the absence of detailed, timely and accurate information, currently existing methods cannot be applied in out-of-control situations. Most of the contemporary approaches assume that there is only one single disruption with a known duration, that all information about the resources is available, and that all stakeholders in the operations act as expected. Another limitation is the lack of knowledge about why and how disruptions accumulate and whether this process can be predicted. To tackle these problems, we develop a multidisciplinary framework aiming at reducing the impact of these situations and - if possible - avoiding them. The key elements of this framework are (i) the generation of early warning signals for out-of-control situations using tools from complexity science and (ii) a set of rescheduling measures robust against the features of out-of-control situations, using tools from operations research

    A next step in disruption management: combining operations research and complexity science

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    Railway systems occasionally get into a state of being out-of-control, meaning that barely any train is running, even though the required resources (infrastructure, rolling stock and crew) are available. Because of the large number of affected resources and the absence of detailed, timely and accurate information, currently existing disruption management techniques cannot be applied in out-of-control situations. Most of the contemporary approaches assume that there is only one single disruption with a known duration, that all information about the resources is available, and that all stakeholders in the operations act as expected. Another limitation is the lack of knowledge about why and how disruptions accumulate and whether this process can be predicted. To tackle these problems, we develop a multidisciplinary framework combining techniques from complexity science and operations research, aiming at reducing the impact of these situations and-if possible-avoiding them. The key elements of this framework are (i) the generation of early warning signals for out-of-control situations, (ii) isolating a specific region such that delay stops propagating, and (iii) the application of decentralized decision making, more suited for information-sparse out-of-control situations

    A next step in disruption management: combining operations research and complexity science

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    Railway systems occasionally get into a state of being out-of-control, meaning that barely any train is running, even though the required resources (infrastructure, rolling stock and crew) are available. Because of the large number of affected resources and the absence of detailed, timely and accurate information, currently existing disruption management techniques cannot be applied in out-of-control situations. Most of the contemporary approaches assume that there is only one single disruption with a known duration, that all information about the resources is available, and that all stakeholders in the operations act as expected. Another limitation is the lack of knowledge about why and how disruptions accumulate and whether this process can be predicted. To tackle these problems, we develop a multidisciplinary framework combining techniques from complexity science and operations research, aiming at reducing the impact of these situations and—if possible—avoiding them. The key elements of this framework are (i) the generation of early warning signals for out-of-control situations, (ii) isolating a specific region such that delay stops propagating, and (iii) the app

    A branch-and-price approach for solving the train unit scheduling problem

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    We propose a branch-and-price approach for solving the integer multicommodity flow model for the network-level train unit scheduling problem (TUSP). Given a train operator’s fixed timetable and a fleet of train units of different types, the TUSP aims at determining an assignment plan such that each train trip in the timetable is appropriately covered by a single or coupled train units. The TUSP is challenging due to its complex nature. Our branch-and-price approach includes a branching system with multiple branching rules for satisfying real-world requirements that are difficult to realize by linear constraints, such as unit type coupling compatibility relations and locations banned for coupling/decoupling. The approach also benefits from an adaptive node selection method, a column inheritance strategy and a feature of estimated upper bounds with node reservation functions. The branch-and-price solver designed for TUSP is capable of handling instances of up to about 500 train trips. Computational experiments were conducted based on real-world problem instances from First ScotRail. The results are satisfied by rail practitioners and are generally competitive or better than the manual ones

    A next step in disruption management : combining operations research and complexity science

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    Railway systems occasionally get into a state of being out-of-control, meaning that barely any train is running, even though the required resources (infrastructure, rolling stock and crew) are available. Because of the large number of affected resources and the absence of detailed, timely and accurate information, currently existing disruption management techniques cannot be applied in out-of-control situations. Most of the contemporary approaches assume that there is only one single disruption with a known duration, that all information about the resources is available, and that all stakeholders in the operations act as expected. Another limitation is the lack of knowledge about why and how disruptions accumulate and whether this process can be predicted. To tackle these problems, we develop a multidisciplinary framework combining techniques from complexity science and operations research, aiming at reducing the impact of these situations and—if possible—avoiding them. The key elements of this framework are (i) the generation of early warning signals for out-of-control situations, (ii) isolating a specific region such that delay stops propagating, and (iii) the application of decentralized decision making, more suited for information-sparse out-of-control situations