23 research outputs found

    Sequentializing cellular automata

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    We study the problem of sequentializing a cellular automaton without introducing any intermediate states, and only performing reversible permutations on the tape. We give a decidable characterization of cellular automata which can be written as a single sweep of a bijective rule from left to right over an infinite tape. Such cellular automata are necessarily left-closing, and they move at least as much information to the left as they move information to the right

    Sequentializing cellular automata

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    We study the problem of sequentializing a cellular automaton without introducing any intermediate states, and only performing reversible permutations on the tape. We give a decidable characterization of cellular automata which can be written as a single sweep of a bijective rule from left to right over an infinite tape. Such cellular automata are necessarily left-closing, and they move at least as much information to the left as they move information to the right.</p

    On Undecidable Dynamical Properties of Reversible One-Dimensional Cellular Automata

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    Cellular automata are models for massively parallel computation. A cellular automaton consists of cells which are arranged in some kind of regular lattice and a local update rule which updates the state of each cell according to the states of the cell's neighbors on each step of the computation. This work focuses on reversible one-dimensional cellular automata in which the cells are arranged in a two-way in_nite line and the computation is reversible, that is, the previous states of the cells can be derived from the current ones. In this work it is shown that several properties of reversible one-dimensional cellular automata are algorithmically undecidable, that is, there exists no algorithm that would tell whether a given cellular automaton has the property or not. It is shown that the tiling problem of Wang tiles remains undecidable even in some very restricted special cases. It follows that it is undecidable whether some given states will always appear in computations by the given cellular automaton. It also follows that a weaker form of expansivity, which is a concept of dynamical systems, is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It is shown that several properties of dynamical systems are undecidable for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata. It shown that sensitivity to initial conditions and topological mixing are undecidable properties. Furthermore, non-sensitive and mixing cellular automata are recursively inseparable. It follows that also chaotic behavior is an undecidable property for reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.Siirretty Doriast

    Topological Conjugacies Between Cellular Automata

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    We study cellular automata as discrete dynamical systems and in particular investigate under which conditions two cellular automata are topologically conjugate. Based on work of McKinsey, Tarski, Pierce and Head we introduce derivative algebras to study the topological structure of sofic shifts in dimension one. This allows us to classify periodic cellular automata on sofic shifts up to topological conjugacy based on the structure of their periodic points. We also get new conjugacy invariants in the general case. Based on a construction by Hanf and Halmos, we construct a pair of non-homeomorphic subshifts whose disjoint sums with themselves are homeomorphic. From this we can construct two cellular automata on homeomorphic state spaces for which all points have minimal period two, which are, however, not topologically conjugate. We apply our methods to classify the 256 elementary cellular automata with radius one over the binary alphabet up to topological conjugacy. By means of linear algebra over the field with two elements and identities between Fibonacci-polynomials we show that every conjugacy between rule 90 and rule 150 cannot have only a finite number of local rules. Finally, we look at the sequences of finite dynamical systems obtained by restricting cellular automata to spatially periodic points. If these sequences are termwise conjugate, we call the cellular automata conjugate on all tori. We then study the invariants under this notion of isomorphism. By means of an appropriately defined entropy, we can show that surjectivity is such an invariant

    Structural and Computational Existence Results for Multidimensional Subshifts

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    Symbolic dynamics is a branch of mathematics that studies the structure of infinite sequences of symbols, or in the multidimensional case, infinite grids of symbols. Classes of such sequences and grids defined by collections of forbidden patterns are called subshifts, and subshifts of finite type are defined by finitely many forbidden patterns. The simplest examples of multidimensional subshifts are sets of Wang tilings, infinite arrangements of square tiles with colored edges, where adjacent edges must have the same color. Multidimensional symbolic dynamics has strong connections to computability theory, since most of the basic properties of subshifts cannot be recognized by computer programs, but are instead characterized by some higher-level notion of computability. This dissertation focuses on the structure of multidimensional subshifts, and the ways in which it relates to their computational properties. In the first part, we study the subpattern posets and Cantor-Bendixson ranks of countable subshifts of finite type, which can be seen as measures of their structural complexity. We show, by explicitly constructing subshifts with the desired properties, that both notions are essentially restricted only by computability conditions. In the second part of the dissertation, we study different methods of defining (classes of ) multidimensional subshifts, and how they relate to each other and existing methods. We present definitions that use monadic second-order logic, a more restricted kind of logical quantification called quantifier extension, and multi-headed finite state machines. Two of the definitions give rise to hierarchies of subshift classes, which are a priori infinite, but which we show to collapse into finitely many levels. The quantifier extension provides insight to the somewhat mysterious class of multidimensional sofic subshifts, since we prove a characterization for the class of subshifts that can extend a sofic subshift into a nonsofic one.Symbolidynamiikka on matematiikan ala, joka tutkii äärettömän pituisten symbolijonojen ominaisuuksia, tai moniulotteisessa tapauksessa äärettömän laajoja symbolihiloja. Siirtoavaruudet ovat tällaisten jonojen tai hilojen kokoelmia, jotka on määritelty kieltämällä jokin joukko äärellisen kokoisia kuvioita, ja äärellisen tyypin siirtoavaruudet saadaan kieltämällä vain äärellisen monta kuviota. Wangin tiilitykset ovat yksinkertaisin esimerkki moniulotteisista siirtoavaruuksista. Ne ovat värillisistä neliöistä muodostettuja tiilityksiä, joissa kaikkien vierekkäisten sivujen on oltava samanvärisiä. Moniulotteinen symbolidynamiikka on vahvasti yhteydessä laskettavuuden teoriaan, sillä monia siirtoavaruuksien perusominaisuuksia ei ole mahdollista tunnistaa tietokoneohjelmilla, vaan korkeamman tason laskennallisilla malleilla. Väitöskirjassani tutkin moniulotteisten siirtoavaruuksien rakennetta ja sen suhdetta niiden laskennallisiin ominaisuuksiin. Ensimmäisessä osassa keskityn tiettyihin äärellisen tyypin siirtoavaruuksien rakenteellisiin ominaisuuksiin: äärellisten kuvioiden muodostamaan järjestykseen ja Cantor-Bendixsonin astelukuun. Halutunlaisia siirtoavaruuksia rakentamalla osoitan, että molemmat ominaisuudet ovat olennaisesti laskennallisten ehtojen rajoittamia. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa tutkin erilaisia tapoja määritellä moniulotteisia siirtoavaruuksia, sekä sitä, miten nämä tavat vertautuvat toisiinsa ja tunnettuihin siirtoavaruuksien luokkiin. Käsittelen määritelmiä, jotka perustuvat toisen kertaluvun logiikkaan, kvanttorilaajennukseksi kutsuttuun rajoitettuun loogiseen kvantifiointiin, sekä monipäisiin äärellisiin automaatteihin. Näistä kolmesta määritelmästä kahteen liittyy erilliset siirtoavaruuksien hierarkiat, joiden todistan romahtavan äärellisen korkuisiksi. Kvanttorilaajennuksen tutkimus valottaa myös niin kutsuttujen sofisten siirtoavaruuksien rakennetta, jota ei vielä tunneta hyvin: kyseisessä luvussa selvitän tarkasti, mitkä siirtoavaruudet voivat laajentaa sofisen avaruuden ei-sofiseksi.Siirretty Doriast

    Category Theory of Symbolic Dynamics

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    We study the central objects of symbolic dynamics, that is, subshifts and block maps, from the perspective of basic category theory, and present several natural categories with subshifts as objects and block maps as morphisms. Our main goals are to find universal objects in these symbolic categories, to classify their block maps based on their category theoretic properties, to prove category theoretic characterizations for notions arising from symbolic dynamics, and to establish as many natural properties (finite completeness, regularity etc.) as possible. Existing definitions in category theory suggest interesting new problems in symbolic dynamics. Our main technical contributions are the solution to the dual problem of the Extension Lemma and results on certain types of conserved quantities, suggested by the concept of a coequalizer.</p

    Phase transitions in probabilistic cellular automata

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    We investigate the low-noise regime of a large class of probabilistic cellular automata, including the North-East-Center model of A. Toom. They are defined as stochastic perturbations of cellular automata with a binary state space and a monotonic transition function and possessing a property of erosion. These models were studied by A. Toom, who gave both a criterion for erosion and a proof of the stability of homogeneous space-time configurations. Basing ourselves on these major findings, we prove, for a set of initial conditions, exponential convergence of the induced processes toward the extremal invariant measure with a highly predominant state. We also show that this invariant measure presents exponential decay of correlations in space and in time and is therefore strongly mixing. This result is due to joint work with A. de Maere. For the two-dimensional probabilistic cellular automata in the same class and for the same extremal invariant measure, we give an upper bound to the probability of a block of cells with the opposite state. The upper bound decreases exponentially fast as the diameter of the block increases. This upper bound complements, for dimension 2, a lower bound of the same form obtained for any dimension greater than 1 by R. Fern\'andez and A. Toom. In order to prove these results, we use graphical objects that were introduced by A. Toom and we give a review of their construction.Comment: PhD thesis, 229 pages. The author was supported by a grant from the Belgian F.R.S.-FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique) as Aspirant FNR

    A Process Model of Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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    A process model of quantum mechanics utilizes a combinatorial game to generate a discrete and finite causal space upon which can be defined a self-consistent quantum mechanics. An emergent space-time and continuous wave function arise through a uniform interpolation process. Standard non-relativistic quantum mechanics (at least for integer spin particles) emerges under the limit of infinite information (the causal space grows to infinity) and infinitesimal scale (the separation between points goes to zero). This model is quasi-local, discontinuous, and quasi-non-contextual. The bridge between process and wave function is through the process covering map, which reveals that the standard wave function formalism lacks important dynamical information related to the generation of the causal space. Reformulating several classical conundrums such as wave particle duality, Schrodinger's cat, hidden variable results, the model offers potential resolutions to all, while retaining a high degree of locality and contextuality at the local level, yet nonlocality and contextuality at the emergent level. The model remains computationally powerful

    Regularity Properties and Pathologies of Position-Space Renormalization-Group Transformations

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    We reconsider the conceptual foundations of the renormalization-group (RG) formalism, and prove some rigorous theorems on the regularity properties and possible pathologies of the RG map. Regarding regularity, we show that the RG map, defined on a suitable space of interactions (= formal Hamiltonians), is always single-valued and Lipschitz continuous on its domain of definition. This rules out a recently proposed scenario for the RG description of first-order phase transitions. On the pathological side, we make rigorous some arguments of Griffiths, Pearce and Israel, and prove in several cases that the renormalized measure is not a Gibbs measure for any reasonable interaction. This means that the RG map is ill-defined, and that the conventional RG description of first-order phase transitions is not universally valid. For decimation or Kadanoff transformations applied to the Ising model in dimension d3d \ge 3, these pathologies occur in a full neighborhood {β>β0,h<ϵ(β)}\{ \beta > \beta_0 ,\, |h| < \epsilon(\beta) \} of the low-temperature part of the first-order phase-transition surface. For block-averaging transformations applied to the Ising model in dimension d2d \ge 2, the pathologies occur at low temperatures for arbitrary magnetic-field strength. Pathologies may also occur in the critical region for Ising models in dimension d4d \ge 4. We discuss in detail the distinction between Gibbsian and non-Gibbsian measures, and give a rather complete catalogue of the known examples. Finally, we discuss the heuristic and numerical evidence on RG pathologies in the light of our rigorous theorems.Comment: 273 pages including 14 figures, Postscript, See also ftp.scri.fsu.edu:hep-lat/papers/9210/9210032.ps.