653 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of Novel High Performance Domino Logic

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    This dissertation presents design and implementation of novel high performance domino logic techniques with increased noise robustness and reduced leakages. The speed and overhead area became the primary parameters of choice for fabrication industry that led to invention of clocked logic styles named as Dynamic logic and Domino logic families. Most importantly, power consumption, noise immunity, speed of operation, area and cost are the predominant parameters for designing any kind of digital logic circuit technique with effective trade-off amongst these parameters depending on the situation and application of design. Because of its high speed and low overhead area domino logic became process of choice for designing of high speed application circuits. The concerning issues are large power consumption and high sensitivity towards noise. Hence, there is a need for designing new domino methodology to meet the requirements by overcoming above mentioned drawbacks which led to ample opportunities for diversified research in this field. Therefore, the outcome of research must be able to handle the primary design parameters efficiently. Besides this, the designed circuit must exhibit high degree of robustness towards noise.In this thesis, few domino logic circuit techniques are proposed to deal with noise and sub-threshold leakages. Effect of signal integrity issues on domino logic techniques is studied. Furthermore, having been subjected to process corner analysis and noise analysis, the overall performance of proposed domino techniques is found to be enhanced despite a few limitations that are mentioned in this work. Besides this, lector based domino and dynamic node stabilized techniques are also proposed and are investigated thoroughly. Simulations show that proposed circuits are showing superior performance. In addition to this, domino based Schmitt triggers with various hysteresis phenomena are designed and simulated. Pre-layout and post-layout simulation results are compared for proposed Schmitt trigger. Simulations reveal that proposed Schmitt trigger techniques are more noise tolerant than CMOS counterparts. Moreover, a test chip for domino based Schmitt trigger is done in UMC 180 nm technology for fabrication

    Energy Efficient Design for Deep Sub-micron CMOS VLSIs

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    Over the past decade, low power, energy efficient VLSI design has been the focal point of active research and development. The rapid technology scaling, the growing integration capacity, and the mounting active and leakage power dissipation are contributing to the growing complexity of modern VLSI design. Careful power planning on all design levels is required. This dissertation tackles the low-power, low-energy challenges in deep sub-micron technologies on the architecture and circuit levels. Voltage scaling is one of the most efficient ways for reducing power and energy. For ultra-low voltage operation, a new circuit technique which allows bulk CMOS circuits to work in the sub-0. 5V supply territory is presented. The threshold voltage of the slow PMOS transistor is controlled dynamically to get a lower threshold voltage during the active mode. Due to the reduced threshold voltage, switching speed becomes faster while active leakage current is increased. A technique to dynamically manage active leakage current is presented. Energy reduction resulting from using the proposed structure is demonstrated through simulations of different circuits with different levels of complexity. As technology scales, the mounting leakage current and degraded noise immunity impact performance especially that of high performance dynamic circuits. Dual threshold technology shows a good potential for leakage reduction while meeting performance goals. A model for optimally selecting threshold voltages and transistor sizes in wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. On the circuit level, a novel circuit level technique which handles the trade-off between noise immunity and energy dissipation for wide fan-in dynamic circuits is presented. Energy efficiency of the proposed wide fan-in dynamic circuit is further enhanced through efficient low voltage operation. Another direct consequence of technology scaling is the growing impact of interconnect parasitics and process variations on performance. Traditionally, worst case process, parasitics, and environmental conditions are considered. Designing for worst case guarantees a fail-safe operation but requires a large delay and voltage margins. This large margin can be recovered if the design can adapt to the actual silicon conditions. Dynamic voltage scaling is considered a key enabler in reducing such margin. An on-chip process identifier to recover the margin required due to process variations is described. The proposed architecture adjusts supply voltage using a hybrid between the one-time voltage setting and the continuous monitoring modes of operation. The interconnect impact on delay is minimized through a novel adaptive voltage scaling architecture. The proposed system recovers the large delay and voltage margins required by conventional systems by closely tracking the actual critical path at anytime. By tracking the actual critical path, the proposed system is robust and more energy efficient compared to both the conventional open-loop and closed-loop systems

    Chapter One – An Overview of Architecture-Level Power- and Energy-Efficient Design Techniques

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    Power dissipation and energy consumption became the primary design constraint for almost all computer systems in the last 15 years. Both computer architects and circuit designers intent to reduce power and energy (without a performance degradation) at all design levels, as it is currently the main obstacle to continue with further scaling according to Moore's law. The aim of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview of power- and energy-efficient “state-of-the-art” techniques. We classify techniques by component where they apply to, which is the most natural way from a designer point of view. We further divide the techniques by the component of power/energy they optimize (static or dynamic), covering in that way complete low-power design flow at the architectural level. At the end, we conclude that only a holistic approach that assumes optimizations at all design levels can lead to significant savings.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Optimal digital system design in deep submicron technology

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (p. 165-174).The optimization of a digital system in deep submicron technology should be done with two basic principles: energy waste reduction and energy-delay tradeoff. Increased energy resources obtained through energy waste reduction are utilized through energy-delay tradeoffs. The previous practice of obliviously pursuing performance has led to the rapid increase in energy consumption. While energy waste due to unnecessary switching could be reduced with small increases in logic complexity, leakage energy waste still remains as a major design challenge. We find that fine-grain dynamic leakage reduction (FG-DLR), turning off small subblocks for short idle intervals, is the key for successful leakage energy saving. We introduce an FG-DLR circuit technique, Leakage Biasing, which uses leakage currents themselves to bias the circuit into the minimum leakage state, and apply it to primary SRAM arrays for bitline leakage reduction (Leakage-Biased Bitlines) and to domino logic (Leakage-Biased Domino). We also introduce another FG-DLR circuit technique, Dynamic Resizing, which dynamically downsizes transistors on idle paths while maintaining the performance along active critical paths, and apply it to static CMOS circuits.(cont.) We show that significant energy reduction can be achieved at the same computation throughput and communication bandwidth by pipelining logic gates and wires. We find that energy saved by pipelining datapaths is eventually limited by latch energy overhead, leading to a power-optimal pipelining. Structuring global wires into on-chip networks provides a better environment for pipelining and leakage energy saving. We show that the energy-efficiency increase through replacement with dynamically packet-routed networks is bounded by router energy overhead. Finally, we provide a way of relaxing the peak power constraint. We evaluate the use of Activity Migration (AM) for hot spot removal. AM spreads heat by transporting computation to a different location on the die. We show that AM can be used either to increase the power that can be dissipated by a given package, or to lower the operating temperature and hence the operating energy.by Seongmoo Heo.Ph.D

    Minimizing and exploiting leakage in VLSI

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    Power consumption of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) circuits has been growing at an alarmingly rapid rate. This increase in power consumption, coupled with the increasing demand for portable/hand-held electronics, has made power consumption a dominant concern in the design of VLSI circuits today. Traditionally dynamic (switching) power has dominated the total power consumption of VLSI circuits. However, due to process scaling trends, leakage power has now become a major component of the total power consumption in VLSI circuits. This dissertation explores techniques to reduce leakage, as well as techniques to exploit leakage currents through the use of sub-threshold circuits. This dissertation consists of two studies. In the first study, techniques to reduce leakage are presented. These include a low leakage ASIC design methodology that uses high VT sleep transistors selectively, a methodology that combines input vector control and circuit modification, and a scheme to find the optimum reverse body bias voltage to minimize leakage. As the minimum feature size of VLSI fabrication processes continues to shrink with each successive process generation (along with the value of supply voltage and therefore the threshold voltage of the devices), leakage currents increase exponentially. Leakage currents are hence seen as a necessary evil in traditional VLSI design methodologies. We present an approach to turn this problem into an opportunity. In the second study in this dissertation, we attempt to exploit leakage currents to perform computation. We use sub-threshold digital circuits and come up with ways to get around some of the pitfalls associated with sub-threshold circuit design. These include a technique that uses body biasing adaptively to compensate for Process, Voltage and Temperature (PVT) variations, a design approach that uses asynchronous micro-pipelined Network of Programmable Logic Arrays (NPLAs) to help improve the throughput of sub-threshold designs, and a method to find the optimum supply voltage that minimizes energy consumption in a circuit

    A Structured Design Methodology for High Performance VLSI Arrays

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    abstract: The geometric growth in the integrated circuit technology due to transistor scaling also with system-on-chip design strategy, the complexity of the integrated circuit has increased manifold. Short time to market with high reliability and performance is one of the most competitive challenges. Both custom and ASIC design methodologies have evolved over the time to cope with this but the high manual labor in custom and statistic design in ASIC are still causes of concern. This work proposes a new circuit design strategy that focuses mostly on arrayed structures like TLB, RF, Cache, IPCAM etc. that reduces the manual effort to a great extent and also makes the design regular, repetitive still achieving high performance. The method proposes making the complete design custom schematic but using the standard cells. This requires adding some custom cells to the already exhaustive library to optimize the design for performance. Once schematic is finalized, the designer places these standard cells in a spreadsheet, placing closely the cells in the critical paths. A Perl script then generates Cadence Encounter compatible placement file. The design is then routed in Encounter. Since designer is the best judge of the circuit architecture, placement by the designer will allow achieve most optimal design. Several designs like IPCAM, issue logic, TLB, RF and Cache designs were carried out and the performance were compared against the fully custom and ASIC flow. The TLB, RF and Cache were the part of the HEMES microprocessor.Dissertation/ThesisPh.D. Electrical Engineering 201

    myCACTI: A new cache design tool for pipelined nanometer caches

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    TThe presence of caches in microprocessors has always been one of the most important techniques in bridging the memory wall, or the speed gap between the microprocessor and main memory. This importance is continuously increasing especially as we enter the regime of nanometer process technologies (i.e. 90nm and below), as industry has favored investing a larger and larger fraction of a chip.s transistor budget to improving the on-chip cache. This is the case in practice, as it has proven to be an efficient way to utilize the increasing number of transistors available with each succeeding technology. Consequently, it becomes even more important to have cache design tools that give accurate representations of designs that exist in actual microprocessors. The prevalent cache design tools that are the most widely used in academe are CACTI [Wilton1996] and eCACTI [Mamidipaka2004], and these have proven to be very useful tools not just for cache designers, but also for computer architects. This dissertation will show that both CACTI and eCACTI still contain major limitations and even flaws in their design, making them unsuitable for use in very-deep submicron and nanometer caches, especially pipelined designs. These limitations and flaws will be discussed in detail. This dissertation then introduces a new tool, called myCACTI, that addresses all these limitations and, in addition, introduces major enhancements to the simulation framework. This dissertation then demonstrates the use of myCACTI in the cache design process. Detailed design space explorations are done on multiple cache configurations to produce pareto optimal curves of the caches to show optimal implementations. Detailed studies are also performed to characterize the delay and power dissipation of different cache configurations and implementations. Finally, future directions to the development of myCACTI are identified to show possible ways that the tool can be improved in such a way as to allow even more different kinds of studies to be performed

    Ultra Low Power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications

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    Ny forskning innenfor feltet trådløse sensornettverk åpner for nye og innovative produkter og løsninger. Biomedisinske anvendelser er blant områdene med størst potensial og det investeres i dag betydelige beløp for å bruke denne teknologien for å gjøre medisinsk diagnostikk mer effektiv samtidig som man åpner for fjerndiagnostikk basert på trådløse sensornoder integrert i et ”helsenett”. Målet er å forbedre tjenestekvalitet og redusere kostnader samtidig som brukerne skal oppleve forbedret livskvalitet som følge av økt trygghet og mulighet for å tilbringe mest mulig tid i eget hjem og unngå unødvendige sykehusbesøk og innleggelser. For å gjøre dette til en realitet er man avhengige av sensorelektronikk som bruker minst mulig energi slik at man oppnår tilstrekkelig batterilevetid selv med veldig små batterier. I sin avhandling ” Ultra Low power Digital Circuit Design for Wireless Sensor Network Applications” har PhD-kandidat Farshad Moradi fokusert på nye løsninger innenfor konstruksjon av energigjerrig digital kretselektronikk. Avhandlingen presenterer nye løsninger både innenfor aritmetiske og kombinatoriske kretser, samtidig som den studerer nye statiske minneelementer (SRAM) og alternative minnearkitekturer. Den ser også på utfordringene som oppstår når silisiumteknologien nedskaleres i takt med mikroprosessorutviklingen og foreslår løsninger som bidrar til å gjøre kretsløsninger mer robuste og skalerbare i forhold til denne utviklingen. De viktigste konklusjonene av arbeidet er at man ved å introdusere nye konstruksjonsteknikker både er i stand til å redusere energiforbruket samtidig som robusthet og teknologiskalerbarhet øker. Forskningen har vært utført i samarbeid med Purdue University og vært finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd gjennom FRINATprosjektet ”Micropower Sensor Interface in Nanometer CMOS Technology”