10 research outputs found

    Performance comparison of clustered and replicated information retrieval systems

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    The amount of information available over the Internet is increasing daily as well as the importance and magnitude of Web search engines. Systems based on a single centralised index present several problems (such as lack of scalability), which lead to the use of distributed information retrieval systems to effectively search for and locate the required information. A distributed retrieval system can be clustered and/or replicated. In this paper, using simulations, we present a detailed performance analysis, both in terms of throughput and response time, of a clustered system compared to a replicated system. In addition, we consider the effect of changes in the query topics over time. We show that the performance obtained for a clustered system does not improve the performance obtained by the best replicated system. Indeed, the main advantage of a clustered system is the reduction of network traffic. However, the use of a switched network eliminates the bottleneck in the network, markedly improving the performance of the replicated systems. Moreover, we illustrate the negative performance effect of the changes over time in the query topics when a distributed clustered system is used. On the contrary, the performance of a distributed replicated system is query independent

    Dynamic Role Allocation for Small Search Engine Clusters

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    Search engines facilitate efficient discovery of information in large information environments such as the Web. As the amount of information rapidly increases, search engines require greater computational resources. Similarly, as the user base increases search engines need to handle increasing numbers of user requests. Existing solutions to these scalability problems are often designed for large computer clusters. This paper presents a flexible solution that is deployable also on small clusters. The solution is based on the allocation and dynamic re-adjustment of indexing and querying roles to cluster nodes in order to optimize cluster utilisation. By allocating cluster machines to the job that requires the most computational power, indexing and querying may both realize performance gains, while neither overwhelms the limited resources available. A prototype system was built and tested on a small cluster using a dataset of over 100 000 Web pages from the uct.ac.za domain. Initial results confirm an improved system resource utilisation, which warrants further investigatio

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    Performance and Analysis of Transfer Control Protocol Over Voice Over Wireless Local Area Network

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    A thesis presented to the faculty of the College of Science and Technology at Morehead State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree Master of Science by Rajendra Patil in August of 2008

    A Search Engine Architecture Based on Collection Selection

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    In this thesis, we present a distributed architecture for a Web search engine, based on the concept of collection selection. We introduce a novel approach to partition the collection of documents, able to greatly improve the effectiveness of standard collection selection techniques (CORI), and a new selection function outperforming the state of the art. Our technique is based on the novel query-vector (QV) document model, built from the analysis of query logs, and on our strategy of co-clustering queries and documents at the same time. Incidentally, our partitioning strategy is able to identify documents that can be safely moved out of the main index (into a supplemental index), with a minimal loss in result accuracy. In our test, we could move 50\% of the collection to the supplemental index with a minimal loss in recall. By suitably partitioning the documents in the collection, our system is able to select the subset of servers containing the most relevant documents for each query. Instead of broadcasting the query to every server in the computing platform, only the most relevant will be polled, this way reducing the average computing cost to solve a query. We introduce a novel strategy to use the instant load at each server to drive the query routing. Also, we describe a new approach to caching, able to incrementally improve the quality of the stored results. Our caching strategy is effectively both in reducing computing load and in improving result quality. By combining these innovations, we can achieve extremely high figures of precision, with a reduced load w.r.t.~full query broadcasting. Our system can cover 65\% results offered by a centralized reference index (competitive recall at 5), with a computing load of only 15.6\%, \ie a peak of 156 queries out of a shifting window of 1000 queries. This means about 1/4 of the peak load reached when broadcasting queries. The system, with a slightly higher load (24.6\%), can cover 78\% of the reference results. The proposed architecture, overall, presents a trade-off between computing cost and result quality, and we show how to guarantee very precise results in face of a dramatic reduction to computing load. This means that, with the same computing infrastructure, our system can serve more users, more queries and more documents

    Combining granularity-based topic-dependent and topic-independent evidences for opinion detection

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    Fouille des opinion, une sous-discipline dans la recherche d'information (IR) et la linguistique computationnelle, fait référence aux techniques de calcul pour l'extraction, la classification, la compréhension et l'évaluation des opinions exprimées par diverses sources de nouvelles en ligne, social commentaires des médias, et tout autre contenu généré par l'utilisateur. Il est également connu par de nombreux autres termes comme trouver l'opinion, la détection d'opinion, l'analyse des sentiments, la classification sentiment, de détection de polarité, etc. Définition dans le contexte plus spécifique et plus simple, fouille des opinion est la tâche de récupération des opinions contre son besoin aussi exprimé par l'utilisateur sous la forme d'une requête. Il y a de nombreux problèmes et défis liés à l'activité fouille des opinion. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur quelques problèmes d'analyse d'opinion. L'un des défis majeurs de fouille des opinion est de trouver des opinions concernant spécifiquement le sujet donné (requête). Un document peut contenir des informations sur de nombreux sujets à la fois et il est possible qu'elle contienne opiniâtre texte sur chacun des sujet ou sur seulement quelques-uns. Par conséquent, il devient très important de choisir les segments du document pertinentes à sujet avec leurs opinions correspondantes. Nous abordons ce problème sur deux niveaux de granularité, des phrases et des passages. Dans notre première approche de niveau de phrase, nous utilisons des relations sémantiques de WordNet pour trouver cette association entre sujet et opinion. Dans notre deuxième approche pour le niveau de passage, nous utilisons plus robuste modèle de RI i.e. la language modèle de se concentrer sur ce problème. L'idée de base derrière les deux contributions pour l'association d'opinion-sujet est que si un document contient plus segments textuels (phrases ou passages) opiniâtre et pertinentes à sujet, il est plus opiniâtre qu'un document avec moins segments textuels opiniâtre et pertinentes. La plupart des approches d'apprentissage-machine basée à fouille des opinion sont dépendants du domaine i.e. leurs performances varient d'un domaine à d'autre. D'autre part, une approche indépendant de domaine ou un sujet est plus généralisée et peut maintenir son efficacité dans différents domaines. Cependant, les approches indépendant de domaine souffrent de mauvaises performances en général. C'est un grand défi dans le domaine de fouille des opinion à développer une approche qui est plus efficace et généralisé. Nos contributions de cette thèse incluent le développement d'une approche qui utilise de simples fonctions heuristiques pour trouver des documents opiniâtre. Fouille des opinion basée entité devient très populaire parmi les chercheurs de la communauté IR. Il vise à identifier les entités pertinentes pour un sujet donné et d'en extraire les opinions qui leur sont associées à partir d'un ensemble de documents textuels. Toutefois, l'identification et la détermination de la pertinence des entités est déjà une tâche difficile. Nous proposons un système qui prend en compte à la fois l'information de l'article de nouvelles en cours ainsi que des articles antérieurs pertinents afin de détecter les entités les plus importantes dans les nouvelles actuelles. En plus de cela, nous présentons également notre cadre d'analyse d'opinion et tâches relieés. Ce cadre est basée sur les évidences contents et les évidences sociales de la blogosphère pour les tâches de trouver des opinions, de prévision et d'avis de classement multidimensionnel. Cette contribution d'prématurée pose les bases pour nos travaux futurs. L'évaluation de nos méthodes comprennent l'utilisation de TREC 2006 Blog collection et de TREC Novelty track 2004 collection. La plupart des évaluations ont été réalisées dans le cadre de TREC Blog track.Opinion mining is a sub-discipline within Information Retrieval (IR) and Computational Linguistics. It refers to the computational techniques for extracting, classifying, understanding, and assessing the opinions expressed in various online sources like news articles, social media comments, and other user-generated content. It is also known by many other terms like opinion finding, opinion detection, sentiment analysis, sentiment classification, polarity detection, etc. Defining in more specific and simpler context, opinion mining is the task of retrieving opinions on an issue as expressed by the user in the form of a query. There are many problems and challenges associated with the field of opinion mining. In this thesis, we focus on some major problems of opinion mining

    Ranked Similarity Search of Scientific Datasets: An Information Retrieval Approach

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    In the past decade, the amount of scientific data collected and generated by scientists has grown dramatically. This growth has intensified an existing problem: in large archives consisting of datasets stored in many files, formats and locations, how can scientists find data relevant to their research interests? We approach this problem in a new way: by adapting Information Retrieval techniques, developed for searching text documents, into the world of (primarily numeric) scientific data. We propose an approach that uses a blend of automated and curated methods to extract metadata from large repositories of scientific data. We then perform searches over this metadata, returning results ranked by similarity to the search criteria. We present a model of this approach, and describe a specific implementation thereof performed at an ocean-observatory data archive and now running in production. Our prototype implements scanners that extract metadata from datasets that contain different kinds of environmental observations, and a search engine with a candidate similarity measure for comparing a set of search terms to the extracted metadata. We evaluate the utility of the prototype by performing two user studies; these studies show that the approach resonates with users, and that our proposed similarity measure performs well when analyzed using standard Information Retrieval evaluation methods. We performed performance tests to explore how continued archive growth will affect our goal of interactive response, developed and applied techniques that mitigate the effects of that growth, and show that the techniques are effective. Lastly, we describe some of the research needed to extend this initial work into a true Google for data