64 research outputs found

    Statechart Slicing

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    The paper discusses how to reduce a statechart model by slicing. We start with the discussion of control dependencies and data dependencies in statecharts. The and-or dependence graph is introduced to represent control and data dependencies for statecharts. We show how to slice statecharts by using this dependence graph. Our slicing approach helps systems analysts and system designers in understanding system specifications, maintaining software systems, and reusing parts of systems models

    A proposed java forward slicing approach

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    Many organization, programmers, and researchers need to debug, test and make maintenance for a segment of their source code to improve their system. Program slicing is one of the best techniques to do so. There are many slicing techniques available to solve such problems such as static slicing, dynamic slicing, and amorphous slicing. In our paper, we decided to develop a tool that supports many slicing techniques. Our proposed tool provides new flexible ways to process simple segments of Java code, and it generates needed slicing according to the user needs, our tool will provide the user with direct and indirect dependencies for each variable in the code segments. This tool can work under various operating systems and does not need particular environments. Thus, our tool is helpful in many aspects such as debugging, testing, education, and many other elements

    Dynamic Slice of Aspect Oriented Program A Comparative Study

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    Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a budding latest technology for separating crosscutting concerns . It is very difficult to achieve cross cutting concerns in object - oriented programming (OOP). AOP is generally suitable for the area where code scattering and code tangling arises. Due to the specific features of AOP language such as joinpoint, point - cut, advice and introduction, it is difficult to apply existing slicing algorithms of procedural or object - oriented programming directly to AOP. This paper addresses different types of program slicing approaches for AOP by considering a very simple example. Also this paper addresses a new approach to calculate the dynamic slice of AOP. The complexity of this algorithm is better as compared to some existing algorithms

    Program slicing based on sentence executability

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    We present point slicing, a new slicing technique for imperative programs that gives an answer to the question Which sentences can be executed if sentence p is executed?, very common in program testing, debugging, and understanding tasks and, as far as we know, not directly addressed by other slicing techniques. Point slicing uses a program point as criterion and computes slices by deleting sentences that are proved to be not reachables by executions including the criterion point. We also show how to extend point slicing criterion to a set of program points and how the new technique can be also used to answer to a more precise question: Which sentences are possibly executed if sentence p is executed in a program state satisfying condition Á? Because, minimal point slices are, in general, not computable, we provide definitions of safe approximations for each type of point slice.IV Workshop de Ingeniería de Software y Base de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Dynamic Slicing of Object-Oriented Programs

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    Software maintenance activity is one of the most important part of software development cycle. Certain regions of a program cause more damage than other regions resulting in errors, if they contain bugs. So, it is important to debug and find those areas. We use slicing criteria to obtain a static backward slice of a program to find these areas. An intermediate graphical representation is obtained for an input source program such as the Program Dependence Graph, the Class Dependence Graph and the System Dependence Graph. Slicing is performed on the System Dependence Graph using a two pass graph reachability algorithm proposed by Horwitz[3], and a static backward slice is obtained. After obtaining static slice, dynamic slice is calculated for the given input variable using an algorithm where in a statement, a set of variables and the input values for these variables are taken as input and a dynamic slice is obtained

    Analysis of Java Programs Using Bytecode Based Frameworks

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    Java SDG(System dependence Graph) API and JOANA (Java Object-sensitive Analysis) are two bytecode based analysis frameworks available for analyzing object oriented java programs for different applications. In the present era, the continuous evolution of the customer expectations and requirements has resulted in the increase of size of the software. This arises the problems in maintaining software. Both the frameworks i.e Java SDG API and Joana consist of different variety of analysis techniques which are based on dependence graph generation and computation of slices of an input program. In our work, we make a comparative analysis study on the effectiveness and efficiency of both these above mentioned analysis frameworks in generating the corresponding intermediate dependence graph and computing slices. The dependence graph we have generated is SDG and we have used backward slicing approach in order to compute slices. The two-phase graph reachability algorithm is used in our work in case of Java SDG API in order to perform slicing. The two web start applications are used in order to generate and view SDG in case of Joana which are IFC console and Joana graph viewer. The analysis is based on the bytecode of the program under consideration. The experimental analysis shows that Joana can be extended for more diverse applications