6,849 research outputs found

    When a Patch is Not Enough - HardFails: Software-Exploitable Hardware Bugs

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    In this paper, we take a deep dive into microarchitectural security from a hardware designer's perspective by reviewing the existing approaches to detect hardware vulnerabilities during the design phase. We show that a protection gap currently exists in practice that leaves chip designs vulnerable to software-based attacks. In particular, existing verification approaches fail to detect specific classes of vulnerabilities, which we call HardFails: these bugs evade detection by current verification techniques while being exploitable from software. We demonstrate such vulnerabilities in real-world SoCs using RISC-V to showcase and analyze concrete instantiations of HardFails. Patching these hardware bugs may not always be possible and can potentially result in a product recall. We base our findings on two extensive case studies: the recent Hack@DAC 2018 hardware security competition, where 54 independent teams of researchers competed world-wide over a period of 12 weeks to catch inserted security bugs in SoC RTL designs, and an in-depth systematic evaluation of state-of-the-art verification approaches. Our findings indicate that even combinations of techniques will miss high-impact bugs due to the large number of modules with complex interdependencies and fundamental limitations of current detection approaches. We also craft a real-world software attack that exploits one of the RTL bugs from Hack@DAC that evaded detection and discuss novel approaches to mitigate the growing problem of cross-layer bugs at design time

    Exegeting Sūra al Fātiḥa for the Masses: Bediüzzaman Said Nursi and Haji Muḥammad Saʿīd bin ʿUmar

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    أهداف البحث: تتناول هذه المقالة وجهات النظر التفسيرية حول أشهر سورة في القرآن من مفسرين عاشا في سياقات متنوعة في أواخر القرن التاسع عشر وأوائل القرن العشرين، ويمكن القول إن بديع الزمان سعيد نورسي هو اللاهوتي الأكثر تأثيراً الذي خرج من تركيا العثمانية خلال تاريخها الطويل، وعلى النقيض من ذلك، يتمتع الحاج محمد سعيد بن عمر بسمعة محلية باعتباره باحثًا في المنطقة الماليزية الإندونيسية ولكنه غير معروف خارجها. منهج الدراسة: تستند الدراسة إلى تحليل مقارن لتفسير هذين العالمين في سورة الفاتحة، واستكشاف الأساليب التي استخدماها للوصول إلى المسلمين العاديين بتفسيرهم، وليس فقط المتعلمين تعليماً عالياً. النتائج: جاء بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي والحاج محمد سعيد بن عمر من خلفيات وسياقات مختلفة تمامًا. علاوة على ذلك، كانت أساليبهم التفسيرية مختلفة اختلافًا جوهريًا، حيث كان الأول أكثر عقلانية والأخير أكثر حرفيًا. ومع ذلك، نجح كل منهما في إنتاج تفاسير وصلت إلى الجماهير، وبالتالي نجحا في تحقيق أهدافهما العامة المتمثلة في تعزيز الالتزام الديني والروح الديناميكية للمسلمين في سياقاتهم الخاصة. أصالة البحث: هذا البحث أصيل من نواح مختلفة: أولاً- الدراسات المقارنة لسعيد النورسي مع مفسري اللغة الملاوية قليلة العدد. ثانيًا- يتطلب تحديد أوجه التشابه في النتائج على الرغم من الاختلافات في الأساليب في مجال التفسير مزيدًا من الاهتمام الأكاديمي، ويجب أن تحفز هذه المقالة الاهتمام بمزيد من هذه الدراسات.Purpose: This article considers exegetical perspectives on the best known Sūra of the Qur’ān from two exegetes who lived in diverse contexts in the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Caliphate. Bediüzzaman Said Nursi is arguably the most influential theologian to emerge from  in Ottoman Turkey in its long history. Haji Muḥammad Saʿīd bin ʿUmar, by contrast, enjoys a local reputation as a scholar in the Malay-Indonesian region but is unknown outside of that area. Methodology: This research is based on a comparative analysis of the exegesis of both scholars on Sūra al-Fātiḥa, exploring the techniques they used to reach ordinary Muslims with their exegesis, not just highly educated Muslims. Findings: Said Nursi and Muḥammad Saʿīd bin ʿUmar came from quite different backgrounds and contexts. Moreover, their exegetical styles were fundamentally different, with the former’s being more thematic and the latter’s being more literalist. Nevertheless, each succeeded in producing exegesis that reached the masses, thereby meeting their overall goals of reinforcing the commitment to faith and dynamic spirit of Muslims in their respective contexts. Originality: This research is original in various ways. First, comparative studies of Said Nursi and Malay-language exegetes are few in number. Second, the identification of similarities in the results of studies on exegesis despite the use of different methods requires greater scholarly attention. This article should stimulate interest in further studies on the matter

    Christ as a Worker in the Towneley Cycle

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    Symmetrical freedom quilts: the ethnomathematics of ways of communication, liberation, and art

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    Symmetrical Freedom Quilts may be considered as links between mathematics, history, ethnomathematics, and the art of quilting. A quilt theme is a pedagogical way to integrate mathematics, art, and history in an interdisciplinary approach. This article combines an ethnomathematical-historical perspective by elaborating a history project related to the Underground Railroad. This work will allow teachers to develop classroom projects that help students to better understand geometry, especially concepts of symmetry and transformations. One of the objectives of this project is to stimulate student’s creativity and interest, because quilts may be considered as cultural and mathematical expressions of student’s daily life

    Epistemological Disobedience in a Tasty World: An Auto-Ethnography on Food as an Instrument of Dissent Against Western Epistemology

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    This thesis is a journey of dissent, an exploration of the counter-movements against the business-as-usual illustrated by the means of food. It relates my intense odyssey as student dealing with her own research process while diving into the fabulous tasty realm of food resistance. I aim through my words to demonstrate the significant potential of food as an instrument of dissent, of resistance against the current Western mainstream epistemology. Facing a multiplicity of crises, the humanity is running full speed in a wall. To stop this mad dash, I suggest that we need both 'ecological activism'—mind and hands—performed through the means of food. While the story of food as a desired mere object of domination is often related through impersonal economical and political studies, the very methodological framework of this thesis provides a more personal perspective, an evocative account. Auto-ethnography immerses the reader into a first-person personal narrative enriched with critical and theoretical reflections on my exploration of food activism. At the same time, this methodology is also an instrument of dissent, a form of epistemic resistance that challenges the traditional research inquiry, and to a larger extent the Western epistemology too

    Jackson’s armchair: The only chair in town?

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    Are all the facts about nations, cultures and economies really just facts about people's mental states and their interactions? Are all of the properties which determine whether or not a thing is a work of art really just physical properties of that thing? Is linguistics, the scientific investigation of language, best understood as a branch of psychology, the scientific investigation of the mind? Can psychology be reduced to biology? Can all biological phenomena be explained chemically? Is chemistry really just part of physics? Is there anything going on in the world which isn't a physical thing? Can there be freely-chosen, autonomous human action in a purely physical world? Frank Jackson has made a controversial claim about the way in which one should investigate questions like these. This paper is a qualified defence of that claim