117 research outputs found

    A bio-inspired model towards vocal gesture learning in songbird

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    Corresponding code at https://github.com/spagliarini/2018-ICDL-EPIROBInternational audienceThe paper proposes a bio-inspired model for an imitative sensorimotor learning, which aims at building a map between the sensory representations of gestures (sensory targets) and their underlying motor pattern through random exploration of the motor space. An example of such learning process occurs during vocal learning in humans or birds, when young subjects babble and learn to copy previously heard adult vocalizations. Previous work has suggested that a simple Hebbian learning rule allows perfect imitation when sensory feedback is a purely linear function of the motor pattern underlying movement production. We aim at generalizing this model to the more realistic case where sensory responses are sparse and non-linear. To this end, we explore the performance of various learning rules and nor-malizations and discuss their biological relevance. Importantly, the proposed model is robust whatever normalization is chosen. We show that both the imitation quality and the convergence time are highly dependent on the sensory selectivity and dimension of the motor representation

    Vocal Imitation in Sensorimotor Learning Models: a Comparative Review

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    International audienceSensorimotor learning represents a challenging problem for natural and artificial systems. Several computational models have been proposed to explain the neural and cognitive mechanisms at play in the brain. In general, these models can be decomposed in three common components: a sensory system, a motor control device and a learning framework. The latter includes the architecture, the learning rule or optimisation method, and the exploration strategy used to guide learning. In this review, we focus on imitative vocal learning, that is exemplified in song learning in birds and speech acquisition in humans. We aim to synthesise, analyse and compare the various models of vocal learning that have been proposed, highlighting their common points and differences. We first introduce the biological context, including the behavioural and physiological hallmarks of vocal learning and sketch the neural circuits involved. Then, we detail the different components of a vocal learning model and how they are implemented in the reviewed models

    Prosthetic Avian vocal organ controlled by a freely behaving bird based on a low dimensional model of the biomechanical periphery

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    pre-printBecause of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal animal model to study general mechanisms underlying complex, learned motor behavior. The rich and diverse vocalizations of songbirds emerge as a result of the interaction between a pattern generator in the brain and a highly nontrivial nonlinear periphery. Much of the complexity of this vocal behavior has been understood by studying the physics of the avian vocal organ, particularly the syrinx. A mathematical model describing the complex periphery as a nonlinear dynamical system leads to the conclusion that nontrivial behavior emerges even when the organ is commanded by simple motor instructions: smooth paths in a low dimensional parameter space. An analysis of the model provides insight into which parameters are responsible for generating a rich variety of diverse vocalizations, and what the physiological meaning of these parameters is. By recording the physiological motor instructions elicited by a spontaneously singing muted bird and computing the model on a Digital Signal Processor in real-time, we produce realistic synthetic vocalizations that replace the bird's own auditory feedback. In this way, we build a bio-prosthetic avian vocal organ driven by a freely behaving bird via its physiologically coded motor commands. Since it is based on a low-dimensional nonlinear mathematical model of the peripheral effector, the emulation of the motor behavior requires light computation, in such a way that our bio-prosthetic device can be implemented on a portable platform

    Prosthetic Avian Vocal Organ Controlled by a Freely Behaving Bird Based on a Low Dimensional Model of the Biomechanical Periphery

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    Because of the parallels found with human language production and acquisition, birdsong is an ideal animal model to study general mechanisms underlying complex, learned motor behavior. The rich and diverse vocalizations of songbirds emerge as a result of the interaction between a pattern generator in the brain and a highly nontrivial nonlinear periphery. Much of the complexity of this vocal behavior has been understood by studying the physics of the avian vocal organ, particularly the syrinx. A mathematical model describing the complex periphery as a nonlinear dynamical system leads to the conclusion that nontrivial behavior emerges even when the organ is commanded by simple motor instructions: smooth paths in a low dimensional parameter space. An analysis of the model provides insight into which parameters are responsible for generating a rich variety of diverse vocalizations, and what the physiological meaning of these parameters is. By recording the physiological motor instructions elicited by a spontaneously singing muted bird and computing the model on a Digital Signal Processor in real-time, we produce realistic synthetic vocalizations that replace the bird's own auditory feedback. In this way, we build a bio-prosthetic avian vocal organ driven by a freely behaving bird via its physiologically coded motor commands. Since it is based on a low-dimensional nonlinear mathematical model of the peripheral effector, the emulation of the motor behavior requires light computation, in such a way that our bio-prosthetic device can be implemented on a portable platform

    Reservoir SMILES: Towards SensoriMotor Interaction of Language and Embodiment of Symbols with Reservoir Architectures

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    Language involves several hierarchical levels of abstraction. Most models focus on a particular level of abstraction making them unable to model bottom-up and top-down processes. Moreover, we do not know how the brain grounds symbols to perceptions and how these symbols emerge throughout development. Experimental evidence suggests that perception and action shape one-another (e.g. motor areas activated during speech perception) but the precise mechanisms involved in this action-perception shaping at various levels of abstraction are still largely unknown. My previous and current work include the modelling of language comprehension, language acquisition with a robotic perspective, sensorimotor models and extended models of Reservoir Computing to model working memory and hierarchical processing. I propose to create a new generation of neural-based computational models of language processing and production; to use biologically plausible learning mechanisms relying on recurrent neural networks; create novel sensorimotor mechanisms to account for action-perception shaping; build hierarchical models from sensorimotor to sentence level; embody such models in robots

    Isochronous rhythmic organization of learned animal vocalizations

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    The evolutionary path that led to music as we know it today is difficult to trace. Cross-species comparative research can help us uncover the biological substrates that enabled humans to develop this peculiar behavior. Rhythm, the organization of events in time, is a central component in the structure of all forms of music. Oftentimes musical rhythm gives rise to a perceptionally isochronous beat, or pulse. Learned vocalizations of non-human animals, such as birdsong and the songs of certain bat species, show striking parallels to vocal music (i.e. human song). This thesis investigates these vocalizations for the presence of an isochronous rhythmic structure that could allow a conspecific listener to perceive such a beat. To this end, I have developed a generate-and-test (GAT) method to extract an isochronous pulse from a temporal sequence of events, such as the onsets of notes. This method is compared to a variety of existing analytic techniques for analyzing different aspects of rhythms in vocalizations, movements and other behaviors developing over time. The suitability of the different methods for addressing particular questions is illustrated through various examples. The application of the GAT approach to different types of vocalizations of the greater sac-winged bat (Saccopteryx bilineata) revealed a common temporal regularity that might point towards an interesting relationship between physiologically determined rhythm and the rhythm of learned social vocalizations. In the songs of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata) we discovered a hierarchical isochronous structure that is reminiscent of the metrical structure of many types of music. We then report the effect of genetic manipulations on the song learning success of zebra finches. The expression of FoxP2, a gene involved in speech acquisition and birdsong learning, as well as of two related genes, FoxP1 and FoxP4, was experimentally reduced in juvenile birds during their learning period. Among other effects, the adult birds produced song with an impaired isochronous structure. Surprisingly, control animals whose FoxP levels were not reduced, showed a similar effect in this regard. I discuss possible interpretations of this result in the light of current knowledge about neural mechanisms and behavioral processes of song learning and production

    New horizons for female birdsong : evolution, culture and analysis tools : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology at Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand

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    Published papers appear in Appendix 7.1. and 7.2 respectively under a CC BY 4.0 and CC BY licence: Webb, W. H., Brunton, D. H., Aguirre, J. D., Thomas, D. B., Valcu, M., & Dale, J. (2016). Female song occurs in songbirds with more elaborate female coloration and reduced sexual dichromatism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 4(22). https://doi.org/10.3389/fevo.2016.00022 Yukio Fukuzawa, Wesley Webb, Matthew Pawley, Michelle Roper, Stephen Marsland, Dianne Brunton, & Andrew Gilman. (2020). Koe: Web-based software to classify acoustic units and analyse sequence structure in animal vocalisations. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.13336As a result of male-centric, northern-hemisphere-biased sexual selection theory, elaborate female traits in songbirds have been largely overlooked as unusual or non-functional by-products of male evolution. However, recent research has revealed that female song is present in most surveyed songbirds and was in fact the ancestral condition to the clade. Additionally, a high proportion of songbird species have colourful females, and both song and showy colours have demonstrated female-specific functions in a growing number of species. We have much to learn about the evolution and functions of elaborate female traits in general, and female song in particular. This thesis extends the horizons of female birdsong research in three ways: (1) by revealing the broad-scale evolutionary relationship of female song and plumage elaboration across the songbirds, (2) by developing new accessible tools for the measurement and analysis of song complexity, and (3) by showing—through a detailed field study on a large natural metapopulation—how vocal culture operates differentially in males and females. First, to understand the drivers of elaborate female traits, I tested the evolutionary relationship between female song presence and plumage colouration across the songbirds. I found strong support for a positive evolutionary correlation between traits, with female song more prevalent amongst species with elaborated female plumage. These results suggest that contrary to the idea of trade-off between showy traits, female plumage colouration and female song likely evolved together under similar selection pressures and that their respective functions are reinforcing. Second, I introduce new bioacoustics software, Koe, designed to meet the need for detailed classification and analysis of song complexity. The program enables visualisation, segmentation, rapid classification and analysis of song structure. I demonstrate Koe with a case study of New Zealand bellbird Anthornis melanura song, showcasing the capabilities for large-scale bioacoustics research and its application to female song. Third, I conducted one of the first detailed field-based analyses of female song culture, studying an archipelago metapopulation of New Zealand bellbirds. Comparing between male and female sectors of each population, I found equal syllable diversity, largely separate repertoires, and contrasting patterns of sharing between sites—revealing female dialects and pronounced sex differences in cultural evolution. By combining broad-scale evolutionary approaches, novel song analysis tools, and a detailed field study, this thesis demonstrates that female song can be as much an elaborate signal as male song. I describe how future work can build on these findings to expand understanding of elaborate female traits

    Canary Vocal Sensorimotor Model with RNN Decoder and Low-dimensional GAN Generator

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    International audienceSongbirds, like humans, learn to imitate sounds produced by adult conspecifics. Similarly, a complete vocal learning model should be able to produce, perceive and imitate realistic sounds. We propose (1) to use a low-dimensional generator model obtained from training WaveGAN on a canary vocalizations, (2) to use a RNN-classifier to model sensory processing. In this scenario, can a simple Hebbian learning rule drive the learning of the inverse model linking the perceptual space and the motor space? First, we study how the motor latent space topology affects the learning process. We then investigate the influence of the learning rate and of the motor latent space dimension. We observe that a simple Hebbian rule is able to drive the learning of realistic sounds produced via a low-dimensional GAN

    The evolution of language: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE)

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