12 research outputs found

    Global Research Report – South and East Asia

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    Global Research Report – South and East Asia by Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, Gordon Rogers & Martin Szomszor. Published by Institute for Scientific Information, Web of Science Group

    A Study of the Publication pattern in CSIR- Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute

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    Plant genetic resources (PGR) are those resources that are of benefit to man. They are plant materials containing useful characters of actual or potential values. They are the basic raw mate­rials for crop improvement today and for the future. This paper analysed changes in publication trend by scientists from 1981 to 2015 at the CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute. It investigated major commodities covered by the articles produced by scientists of the Institute. The main area of study included publication formats covered by the articles in the Plant Ge­netic Resources Research Institute Reference (PGRRIREF Directory) (1981-2015). The study also highlighted recent research and development activities in each publication discipline in the PGRRIREF Directory. It is believed that information gathered from the analysis of this research, would increase the utilization of the crop plants in Ghana and beyond. Content analysis method and interviews were used for the study of the Publication pattern in CSIR-Plant Genetic Re­sources Research Institute. The findings indicated among others that, socio-economic (27.2%), horticulture (21.5%), root and tubers (18.5%) recorded increasing publication disciplines. Tech­nologies developed in these publication disciplines could be put on-line for a wider audience to enhance efficient conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources materials. Keywords: CSIR-Plant Genetic Resources Research Institute; publication pattern; discipline; formats; research activitie

    Intervensi Bibliometrik terhadap Artikel Saintifik Topik Kesehatan Kawasan Indonesia

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    Kesehatan adalah modal penting untuk mewujudkan pembangunan berkelanjutan sehingga bidang ilmunya penting untuk ditingkatkan. ScienceDirect menjadi media berkelas bagi ilmu kesehatan dan oleh sebab itu keberadaannya menarik diungkap. Kajian ini bertujuan, 1) menganalisis artikel ilmiah topik kesehatan yang mengangkat isu-isu di Indonesia tahun 2006-2015. Untuk menganalisisnya dilibatkan bibliometrik guna mengetahui jurnal penampung dan produktivitasnya, 2) arsitektur dan rasio kolaborasi, dan 3) kontributor termasuk zona geografisnya. Diperoleh 146 artikel yang terdistribusi ke dalam 66 jurnal ilmiah. Melihat pertumbuhannya selama tiga tahun terakhir, jumlah artikel beserta kontributornya konsisten mengalami peningkatan. Satu hingga empat lebih formasi menjadi ciri khas dalam pemroduksian artikel dan kebanyakan ditempuh secara berkolaborasi. Kedua indeks kolaborasi yakni penulis dan institusi menunjukan rasio multipel lebih, kecuali negara meskipun indikasinya kuat mendekati. Pelibatan kekuatan lokal sebesar 41.12% dimana Universitas Indonesia terdepan diantara 107 afiliasi. Posisi Indonesia meraih terbaik dengan prestasi 45.89% dan mengindikasikan kemandirian dalam mengatasi problem kesehatannya sendiri. Menurut bingkai geografis lainnya terdapat 6 regional dan 4 benua.ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze scientific articles on health topics that address issues in Indonesia in 2006-2015. To analyze it involved bibliometrics in order to know the collection journal and its productivity, (2) architecture and collaboration ratio, and (3) contributors including the geographic zone. The result for a decade obtained 146 articles distributed into 66 scientific journals. Looking at its growth over the past three years, the number of articles and its contributors has consistently improved. One to four more formations are characteristic of article production and most are collaborated. Both collaboration indexes are authors and institutions show more multiplier ratios, with the exception of the country despite strong indications of approaching. The involvement of national power is 41.12% where University of Indonesia is ahead of 107 affiliates. The position of Indonesia achieved the best with 45.89% achievement and indicated independence in overcoming its own health problems. According to other geographical frames there are 6 regional and 4 continents. Thus health issues in Indonesia have been viewed as a common problem with a wide spectrum. This review is useful to raise the interest of Indonesian authors in discussing health issues in their are


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    Jonathan Adams, David Pendlebury, Gordon Rogers, Martin Szomszor. 全球研究报告——东南亚[J]. 科学观察, 2020, 15(3): 54-65

    Webometrics: evolution of social media presence of universities

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Springer in Scientometrics on 03/01/2021, available online: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11192-020-03804-y The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.This paper aims at an important task of computing the webometrics university ranking and investigating if there exists a correlation between webometrics university ranking and the rankings provided by the world prominent university rankers such as QS world university ranking, for the time period of 2005–2016. However, the webometrics portal provides the required data for the recent years only, starting from 2012, which is insufficient for such an investigation. The rest of the required data can be obtained from the internet archive. However, the existing data extraction tools are incapable of extracting the required data from internet archive, due to unusual link structure that consists of web archive link, year, date, and target links. We developed an internet archive scrapper and extract the required data, for the time period of 2012–2016. After extracting the data, the webometrics indicators were quantified, and the universities were ranked accordingly. We used correlation coefficient to identify the relationship between webometrics university ranking computed by us and the original webometrics university ranking, using the spearman and pearson correlation measures. Our findings indicate a strong correlation between ours and the webometrics university rankings, which proves that the applied methodology can be used to compute the webometrics university ranking of those years for which the ranking is not available, i.e., from 2005 to 2011. We compute the webometrics ranking of the top 30 universities of North America, Europe and Asia for the time period of 2005–2016. Our findings indicate a positive correlation for North American and European universities, but weak correlation for Asian universities. This can be explained by the fact that Asian universities did not pay much attention to their websites as compared to the North American and European universities. The overall results reveal the fact that North American and European universities are higher in rank as compared to Asian universities. To the best of our knowledge, such an investigation has been executed for the very first time by us and no recorded work resembling this has been done before.Published onlin

    Kerja Sama Studi Bidang Lingkungan: Potret Indonesia di Terbitan Berkala Ilmiah ScienceDirect

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    The national environmental problem sparked solidarity to build a sustainable research collaboration. As settlement form, dissemination of research results as published in international journal ScienceDirect, are reasons for this study. To analyze certain indicators of environmental research trends since 2006-2015 used bibliometric. The aims are to investigate the strength, growth, and character of collaboration, including Indonesian collaborators by geographic. As a result, number of national environmental-related collaborations reached 90% of 338 products obtained. Evolution fluctuates but tends to rise with an average growth of 36.07%. Indonesia dominates the cooperations and one-third more is generated from coalitions between countries. Strong influence of Indonesia is due to role of 41 national institutions and four of them are very prominent namely IPB, UNDIP, UGM, and UI. According to its geographical area, productive contributors reside in West Java, Jakarta, Central Java, and all three belong a competent zone in controlling international collaboration. National patnersare 28 countries and majority of most active collaborators are familiar to Indonesia researchs. Seeing this, local environmental issues potentially serve as asset of cooperation with collaborators, especially those located in Asia. From this study results, national researchers are encouraged to build partnerships to increase publications in international journals as well as solve their domestic environmental problems

    Scientometric assessment of selected R&D priority areas in South Africa : a comparison with other BRICS countries

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    A scientometric analysis of selected research priority areas in South Africa was done using the Web of Science database for a period 2002 - 2012. The performance of the country in the areas of biotechnology, energy, astronomy and palaeontology in terms of the publication output in these areas is compared using two classic scientometric indicators, the activity and attractivity indices. These are important priority areas as highlighted in various government policy documents and the aim was to identify if outputs in these field are corresponding with government policy. The study also identifies leading institutions in the country in terms of publication output while the performance is also benchmarked against that of the other BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) group of countries as well as Egypt. It is found that the country is doing relatively well in research areas in which it enjoys geographical advantage such as astronomy and palaeontology and compares favourably with comparator countries in all areas reviewed. In terms of the institutional profile and based on publication outputs over the period considered, the University of Cape Town is a leader in biotechnology and energy, University of the Witwatersrand in palaeontology and the National Research Foundation in the area of astronomy.http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rajs202017-06-30hb2016Graduate School of Technology Management (GSTM

    Parsing AUC Result-Figures in Machine Learning Specific Scholarly Documents for Semantically-enriched Summarization

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    Machine learning specific scholarly full-text documents contain a number of result-figures expressing valuable data, including experimental results, evaluations, and cross-model comparisons. The scholarly search system often overlooks this vital information while indexing important terms using conventional text-based content extraction approaches. In this paper, we propose creating semantically enriched document summaries by extracting meaningful data from the results-figures specific to the evaluation metric of the area under the curve (AUC) and their associated captions from full-text documents. At first, classify the extracted figures and analyze them by parsing the figure text, legends, and data plots – using a convolutional neural network classification model with a pre-trained ResNet-50 on 1.2 million Images from ImageNet. Next, we extract information from the result figures specific to AUC by approximating the region under the function’s graph as a trapezoid and calculating its area, i.e., the trapezoidal rule. Using over 12,000 figures extracted from 1000 scholarly documents, we show that figure specialized summaries contain more enriched terms about figure semantics. Furthermore, we empirically show that the trapezoidal rule can calculate the area under the curve by dividing the curve into multiple intervals. Finally, we measure the quality of specialized summaries using ROUGE, Edit distance, and Jaccard Similarity metrics. Overall, we observed that figure specialized summaries are more comprehensive and semantically enriched. The applications of our research are enormous, including improved document searching, figure searching, and figure focused plagiarism. The data and code used in this paper can be accessed at the following URL: https://github.com/slab-itu/fig-ir/