84 research outputs found

    A hierarchical Dirichlet process mixture model for haplotype reconstruction from multi-population data

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    The perennial problem of "how many clusters?" remains an issue of substantial interest in data mining and machine learning communities, and becomes particularly salient in large data sets such as populational genomic data where the number of clusters needs to be relatively large and open-ended. This problem gets further complicated in a co-clustering scenario in which one needs to solve multiple clustering problems simultaneously because of the presence of common centroids (e.g., ancestors) shared by clusters (e.g., possible descents from a certain ancestor) from different multiple-cluster samples (e.g., different human subpopulations). In this paper we present a hierarchical nonparametric Bayesian model to address this problem in the context of multi-population haplotype inference. Uncovering the haplotypes of single nucleotide polymorphisms is essential for many biological and medical applications. While it is uncommon for the genotype data to be pooled from multiple ethnically distinct populations, few existing programs have explicitly leveraged the individual ethnic information for haplotype inference. In this paper we present a new haplotype inference program, Haploi, which makes use of such information and is readily applicable to genotype sequences with thousands of SNPs from heterogeneous populations, with competent and sometimes superior speed and accuracy comparing to the state-of-the-art programs. Underlying Haploi is a new haplotype distribution model based on a nonparametric Bayesian formalism known as the hierarchical Dirichlet process, which represents a tractable surrogate to the coalescent process. The proposed model is exchangeable, unbounded, and capable of coupling demographic information of different populations.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/08-AOAS225 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    An efficient parallel algorithm for haplotype inference based on rule based approach and consensus methods.

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    Fosmid-based whole genome haplotyping of a HapMap trio child: evaluation of Single Individual Haplotyping techniques

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    Determining the underlying haplotypes of individual human genomes is an essential, but currently difficult, step toward a complete understanding of genome function. Fosmid pool-based next-generation sequencing allows genome-wide generation of 40-kb haploid DNA segments, which can be phased into contiguous molecular haplotypes computationally by Single Individual Haplotyping (SIH). Many SIH algorithms have been proposed, but the accuracy of such methods has been difficult to assess due to the lack of real benchmark data. To address this problem, we generated whole genome fosmid sequence data from a HapMap trio child, NA12878, for which reliable haplotypes have already been produced. We assembled haplotypes using eight algorithms for SIH and carried out direct comparisons of their accuracy, completeness and efficiency. Our comparisons indicate that fosmid-based haplotyping can deliver highly accurate results even at low coverage and that our SIH algorithm, ReFHap, is able to efficiently produce high-quality haplotypes. We expanded the haplotypes for NA12878 by combining the current haplotypes with our fosmid-based haplotypes, producing near-to-complete new gold-standard haplotypes containing almost 98% of heterozygous SNPs. This improvement includes notable fractions of disease-related and GWA SNPs. Integrated with other molecular biological data sets, this phase information will advance the emerging field of diploid genomics

    Empirical vs Bayesian approach for estimating haplotypes from genotypes of unrelated individuals

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    BACKGROUND: The completion of the HapMap project has stimulated further development of haplotype-based methodologies for disease associations. A key aspect of such development is the statistical inference of individual diplotypes from unphased genotypes. Several methodologies for inferring haplotypes have been developed, but they have not been evaluated extensively to determine which method not only performs well, but also can be easily incorporated in downstream haplotype-based association analyses. In this paper, we attempt to do so. Our evaluation was carried out by comparing the two leading Bayesian methods, implemented in PHASE and HAPLOTYPER, and the two leading empirical methods, implemented in PL-EM and HPlus. We used these methods to analyze real data, namely the dense genotypes on X-chromosome of 30 European and 30 African trios provided by the International HapMap Project, and simulated genotype data. Our conclusions are based on these analyses. RESULTS: All programs performed very well on X-chromosome data, with an average similarity index of 0.99 and an average prediction rate of 0.99 for both European and African trios. On simulated data with approximation of coalescence, PHASE implementing the Bayesian method based on the coalescence approximation outperformed other programs on small sample sizes. When the sample size increased, other programs performed as well as PHASE. PL-EM and HPlus implementing empirical methods required much less running time than the programs implementing the Bayesian methods. They required only one hundredth or thousandth of the running time required by PHASE, particularly when analyzing large sample sizes and large umber of SNPs. CONCLUSION: For large sample sizes (hundreds or more), which most association studies require, the two empirical methods might be used since they infer the haplotypes as accurately as any Bayesian methods and can be incorporated easily into downstream haplotype-based analyses such as haplotype-association analyses

    Shape-IT: new rapid and accurate algorithm for haplotype inference

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We have developed a new computational algorithm, Shape-IT, to infer haplotypes under the genetic model of coalescence with recombination developed by Stephens et al in Phase v2.1. It runs much faster than Phase v2.1 while exhibiting the same accuracy. The major algorithmic improvements rely on the use of binary trees to represent the sets of candidate haplotypes for each individual. These binary tree representations: (1) speed up the computations of posterior probabilities of the haplotypes by avoiding the redundant operations made in Phase v2.1, and (2) overcome the exponential aspect of the haplotypes inference problem by the smart exploration of the most plausible pathways (ie. haplotypes) in the binary trees.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that Shape-IT is several orders of magnitude faster than Phase v2.1 while being as accurate. For instance, Shape-IT runs 50 times faster than Phase v2.1 to compute the haplotypes of 200 subjects on 6,000 segments of 50 SNPs extracted from a standard Illumina 300 K chip (13 days instead of 630 days). We also compared Shape-IT with other widely used software, Gerbil, PL-EM, Fastphase, 2SNP, and Ishape in various tests: Shape-IT and Phase v2.1 were the most accurate in all cases, followed by Ishape and Fastphase. As a matter of speed, Shape-IT was faster than Ishape and Fastphase for datasets smaller than 100 SNPs, but Fastphase became faster -but still less accurate- to infer haplotypes on larger SNP datasets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Shape-IT deserves to be extensively used for regular haplotype inference but also in the context of the new high-throughput genotyping chips since it permits to fit the genetic model of Phase v2.1 on large datasets. This new algorithm based on tree representations could be used in other HMM-based haplotype inference software and may apply more largely to other fields using HMM.</p

    Hum Hered

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    The inference of haplotype pairs directly from unphased genotype data is a key step in the analysis of genetic variation in relation to disease and pharmacogenetically relevant traits. Most popular methods such as Phase and PL do require either the coalescence assumption or the assumption of linkage between the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). We have now developed novel approaches that are independent of these assumptions. First, we introduce a new optimization criterion in combination with a block-wise evolutionary Monte Carlo algorithm. Based on this criterion, the 'haplotype likelihood', we develop two kinds of estimators, the maximum haplotype-likelihood (MHL) estimator and its empirical Bayesian (EB) version. Using both real and simulated data sets, we demonstrate that our proposed estimators allow substantial improvements over both the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm and Clark's procedure in terms of capacity/scalability and error rate. Thus, hundreds and more ambiguous loci and potentially very large sample sizes can be processed. Moreover, applying our proposed EB estimator can result in significant reductions of error rate in the case of unlinked or only weakly linked SNPs