64 research outputs found

    Desert RHex Technical Report: Jornada and White Sands Trip

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    Researchers in a variety of fields, including aeolian science, biology, and environmental science, have already made use of stationary and mobile remote sensing equipment to increase their variety of data collection opportunities. However, due to mobility challenges, remote sensing opportunities relevant to desert environments and in particular dune fields have been limited to stationary equipment. We describe here an investigative trip to two well-studied experimental deserts in New Mexico with D-RHex, a mobile remote sensing platform oriented towards desert research. D-RHex is the latest iteration of the RHex family of robots, which are six-legged, biologically inspired, small (10kg) platforms with good mobility in a variety of rough terrains, including on inclines and over obstacles of higher than robot hip height. For more information: Kod*La

    Remote Sensing Applications in Coastal Environment

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    Coastal regions are susceptible to rapid changes, as they constitute the boundary between the land and the sea. The resilience of a particular segment of coast depends on many factors, including climate change, sea-level changes, natural and technological hazards, extraction of natural resources, population growth, and tourism. Recent research highlights the strong capabilities for remote sensing applications to monitor, inventory, and analyze the coastal environment. This book contains 12 high-quality and innovative scientific papers that explore, evaluate, and implement the use of remote sensing sensors within both natural and built coastal environments

    Wireless Sensor Networks for monitoring underwater sediment transport

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    Monitoring of the coastline and coastal processes, in particular sediment movement, is vital to ensure that erosion response is appropriate given the dynamic nature of coastal systems. This should take place regularly over long periods and it is important that data are collected from submerged portions of the littoral zone, as well as the visible beach. This highlights two limitations in existing coastal monitoring techniques: 1. they require largely manual operation and 2. are limited to the visible beach, which results in an incomplete picture of what is happening in the coastal zone. Due to the current difficulties in gathering data beneath the sea surface, this paper reviews wireless sensor network (WSN) technology as a means to overcome these limitations. Analysis showed that WSNs are a promising technology for coastal monitoring, not only in terms of overcoming limitations, but also in terms of cost, safety, and the size of areas they are able to monitor. Previous work using WSNs in this environment is somewhat limited, especially as most current methods are largely limited to the visible beach, and do not consider submerged areas of the coastal zone. From consideration of the physical environment, geological and geographical processes, and informed by advances in technology, research gaps are identified, discussed and evaluated to provide strategies for implementation of WSNs to monitor sediment transport

    Monitoring and modelling the morphodynamic evolution of a breached barrier beach system

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    Predicting the evolution of a coastal cell requires the identification of the key drivers of morphology. Soft coastlines are naturally dynamic but severe storm events and even human intervention can accelerate any changes that are occurring. However, when erosive events such as barrier breaching occur with no obvious contributory factors, a deeper understanding of the underlying coastal processes is required. Ideally conclusions on morphological drivers should be drawn from field data collection and remote sensing over a long period of time. Unfortunately, when the Rossbeigh barrier beach in Dingle Bay, County Kerry, began to erode rapidly in the early 2000’s, eventually leading to it breaching in 2008, no such baseline data existed. This thesis presents a study of the morphodynamic evolution of the Inner Dingle Bay coastal system. The study combines existing coastal zone analysis approaches with experimental field data collection techniques and a novel approach to long term morphodynamic modelling to predict the evolution of the barrier beach inlet system. A conceptual model describing the long term evolution of Inner Dingle Bay in 5 stages post breaching was developed. The dominant coastal processes driving the evolution of the coastal system were identified and quantified. A new methodology of long term process based numerical modelling approach to coastal evolution was developed. This method was used to predict over 20 years of coastal evolution in Inner Dingle Bay. On a broader context this thesis utilised several experimental coastal zone data collection and analysis methods such as ocean radar and grain size trend analysis. These were applied during the study and their suitability to a dynamic coastal system was assessed

    The marine geology of Mossel Bay, South Africa

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    Includes bibliographical references.This thesis presents work undertaken to better understand the complex evolution of the terrestrial landscape now submerged by high sea levels offshore of Mossel Bay along the South Coast of South Africa. Three marine geophysical surveys and scuba diving were used to examine evidence of past sea-level fluctuations and interpret geological deposits on the seafloor. Additional geological mapping of coastal outcrops was carried out to link land and sea features and rock samples were dated using Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL). Geophysical investigations include a regional seismic survey extending from Still Bay in the west to Buffels Bay in the east out to a maximum water depth of 110 m; a high-resolution investigation of the Mossel Bay shelf using multibeam bathymetry, side-scan sonar and sub-bottom profiling; and a shallow seismic pinger survey of Swartvlei, the most prominent coastal lake in the Wilderness Embayment. This study presents 9 discrete seismic sequences, and describes major offshore geomorphic features such as submerged sea cliffs, palaeo-coastal zones and fluvial systems. Oscillation in sea level between ca. 2.7 and 0.9 Ma likely resulted in the formation of the prominent -45 m terrace, which separates a relatively steep inner from a low-gradient mid shelf. Beach and dune deposits span from Marine Isotope Stage 15 (MIS 15) (582 ka) to Recent based on an age model that integrates OSL ages and the established eustatic sea-level record. The most prominent deposits date from the MIS 6 glacial to MIS 5 interglacial periods and include incised lowstand river channels and regressive aeolianites that extended at least 10 km inland from their associated palaeoshorelines. The MIS 5 deposits include transgressive beachrock, an extensive foreshore unit which prograded on the MIS 5e highstand, and regressive beach and dune deposits on the shelf associated with the subsequent fall in sea level. MIS 4 lowstand incised river channels were infilled with sediment truncated during rapid landward shoreface migration at the MIS 4 termination. Lowenergy, back-barrier MIS 4/3 sediments are preserved as a result of overstepping associated with meltwater pulses of the MIS 2 termination. The MIS 1 sediment wedge comprises reworked sediment and is best developed on the inner shelf. Holocene highstand sedimentation continues to prograde. Accommodation space for coastal deposits is controlled by antecedent drainage pathways and the gradient of the adjacent inner continental shelf. The geological deposits on the emergent shelf indicate a greatly expanded glacial coastal plain that potentially received more rain feeding low-gradient meandering rivers and wetland lakes. These extensive wetland environments provided a rich source of diverse food types which along with abundant marine resources on the shoreline made the Southern Coastal Plain an ideal habitat for our ancestors

    The Geology of Kuwait

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    This open access book contains a set of chapters covering all aspects of geosciences related to Kuwait and adjacent regions, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states. It covers basic information about the geology including a wide range of geoscientific disciplines such as marine geology, structural geology, hydrogeology and geophysics related to the region. This book is aimed at researchers and students, as well as professionals in the field of hazard mitigation and petroleum exploration

    The Geology of Kuwait

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    This open access book contains a set of chapters covering all aspects of geosciences related to Kuwait and adjacent regions, including Iran, Saudi Arabia and the Arab Gulf states. It covers basic information about the geology including a wide range of geoscientific disciplines such as marine geology, structural geology, hydrogeology and geophysics related to the region. This book is aimed at researchers and students, as well as professionals in the field of hazard mitigation and petroleum exploration

    Coastal Eye: Monitoring Coastal Environments Using Lightweight Drones

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    Monitoring coastal environments is a challenging task. This is because of both the logistical demands involved with in-situ data collection and the dynamic nature of the coastal zone, where multiple processes operate over varying spatial and temporal scales. Remote sensing products derived from spaceborne and airborne platforms have proven highly useful in the monitoring of coastal ecosystems, but often they fail to capture fine scale processes and there remains a lack of cost-effective and flexible methods for coastal monitoring at these scales. Proximal sensing technology such as lightweight drones and kites has greatly improved the ability to capture fine spatial resolution data at user-dictated visit times. These approaches are democratising, allowing researchers and managers to collect data in locations and at defined times themselves. In this thesis I develop our scientific understanding of the application of proximal sensing within coastal environments. The two critical review pieces consolidate disparate information on the application of kites as a proximal sensing platform, and the often overlooked hurdles of conducting drone operations in challenging environments. The empirical work presented then tests the use of this technology in three different coastal environments spanning the land-sea interface. Firstly, I use kite aerial photography and uncertainty-assessed structure-from-motion multi-view stereo (SfM-MVS) processing to track changes in coastal dunes over time. I report that sub-decimetre changes (both erosion and accretion) can be detected with this methodology. Secondly, I used lightweight drones to capture fine spatial resolution optical data of intertidal seagrass meadows. I found that estimations of plant cover were more similar to in-situ measures in sparsely populated than densely populated meadows. Lastly, I developed a novel technique utilising lightweight drones and SfM-MVS to measure benthic structural complexity in tropical coral reefs. I found that structural complexity measures were obtainable from SfM-MVS derived point clouds, but that the technique was influenced by glint type artefacts in the image data. Collectively, this work advances the knowledge of proximal sensing in the coastal zone, identifying both the strengths and weaknesses of its application across several ecosystems.Natural Environment Research Council (NERC

    A gravel-sand bifurcation:a simple model and the stability of the equilibrium states

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    A river bifurcation, can be found in, for instance, a river delta, in braided or anabranching reaches, and in manmade side channels in restored river reaches. Depending on the partitioning of water and sediment over the bifurcating branches, the bifurcation develops toward (a) a stable state with two downstream branches or (b) a state in which the water discharge in one of the branches continues to increase at the expense of the other branch (Wang et al., 1995). This may lead to excessive deposition in the latter branch that eventually silts up. For navigation, flood safety, and river restoration purposes, it is important to assess and develop tools to predict such long-term behavior of the bifurcation. A first and highly schematized one-dimensional model describing (the development towards) the equilibrium states of two bifurcating branches was developed by Wang et al (1995). The use of a one-dimensional model implies the need for a nodal point relation that describes the partitioning of sediment over the bifurcating branches. Wang et al (1995) introduce a nodal point relation as a function of the partitioning of the water discharge. They simplify their nodal point relation to the following form: s*=q*k , where s* denotes the ratio of the sediment discharges per unit width in the bifurcating branches, q* denotes the ratio of the water discharges per unit width in the bifurcating branches, and k is a constant. The Wang et al. (1995) model is limited to conditions with unisize sediment and application of the Engelund & Hansen (1967) sediment transport relation. They assume the same constant base level for the two bifurcating branches, and constant water and sediment discharges in the upstream channel. A mathematical stability analysis is conducted to predict the stability of the equilibrium states. Depending on the exponent k they find a stable equilibrium state with two downstream branches or a stable state with one branch only (i.e. the other branch has silted up). Here we extend the Wang et al. (1995) model to conditions with gravel and sand and study the stability of the equilibrium states
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