685 research outputs found

    Extending OWL-S for the Composition of Web Services Generated With a Legacy Application Wrapper

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    Despite numerous efforts by various developers, web service composition is still a difficult problem to tackle. Lot of progressive research has been made on the development of suitable standards. These researches help to alleviate and overcome some of the web services composition issues. However, the legacy application wrappers generate nonstandard WSDL which hinder the progress. Indeed, in addition to their lack of semantics, WSDLs have sometimes different shapes because they are adapted to circumvent some technical implementation aspect. In this paper, we propose a method for the semi automatic composition of web services in the context of the NeuroLOG project. In this project the reuse of processing tools relies on a legacy application wrapper called jGASW. The paper describes the extensions to OWL-S in order to introduce and enable the composition of web services generated using the jGASW wrapper and also to implement consistency checks regarding these services.Comment: ICIW 2012, The Seventh International Conference on Internet and Web Applications and Services, Stuttgart : Germany (2012

    Semantic annotations for WSDL and XML schema

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    Anotaciones semánticas para WSDL y esquema XML (SAWSDL) define cómo añadir anotaciones semánticas en varias partes de un documento WSDL como la estructura de los mensajes de entrada y de salida, interfaces y operaciones. Los atributos anexos están definidos en esta forma dentro de los marcos de extensibilidad de WSDL 2.0 [WSDL 2.0], WSDL 1.1 [WSDL 1.1] y XML Schema

    Semantic Web Service Engineering: Annotation Based Approach

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    Web services are an emerging paradigm which aims at implementing software components in the Web. They are based on syntactic standards, notably WSDL. Semantic annotation of Web services provides better qualitative and scalable solutions to the areas of service interoperation, service discovery, service composition and process orchestration. Manual annotation is a time-consuming process which requires deep domain knowledge and consistency of interpretation within annotation teams. Therefore, we propose an approach for semi-automatically annotating WSDL Web services descriptions. This is allowed by Semantic Web Service Engineering. The annotation approach consists of two main processes: categorization and matching. Categorization process consists in classifying WSDL service description to its corresponding domain. Matching process consists in mapping WSDL entities to pre-existing domain ontology. Both categorization and matching rely on ontology matching techniques. A tool has been developed and some experiments have been carried out to evaluate the proposed approach

    A topic modeling approach for web service annotation

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    The actual implementation of semantic-based mechanisms for service retrieval has been restricted, given the resource-intensive procedure involved in the formal specification of services, which generally comprises associating semantic annotations to their documentation sources. Typically, developer performs such a procedure by hand, requiring specialized knowledge on models for semantic description of services (e.g. OWL-S, WSMO, SAWSDL), as well as formal specifications of knowledge. Thus, this semantic-based service description procedure turns out to be a cumbersome and error-prone task. This paper introduces a proposal for service annotation, based on processing web service documentation for extracting information regarding its offered capabilities. By uncovering the hidden semantic structure of such information through statistical analysis techniques, we are able to associate meaningful annotations to the services operations/resources, while grouping those operations into non-exclusive semantic related categories. This research paper belongs to the TelComp 2.0 project, which Colciencas and University of Cauca founded in cooperation.En términos prácticos, la implementación de mecanismos de recuperación de servicios basados en semántica ha sido limitada, debido al costoso procedimiento que involucra la especificación formal de servicios. Este procedimiento comprende una tarea dispendiosa de anotación semántica, la cual se lleva a cabo manualmente por desarrolladores de servicios, quienes, además, deben conocer modelos para la descripción semántica de este tipo de recursos (p. ej. OWL-S, WSMO, SAWSDL). Para superar esta limitación, este artículo introduce una propuesta para la anotación de servicios web, basada en el procesamiento de su documentación disponible, para extraer la información relacionada con las capacidades que estos ofrecen. Al descubrir la estructura semántica oculta de dicha información, a través de técnicas de análisis estadístico, el mecanismo propuesto es capaz de asociar anotaciones relevantes a las operaciones/recursos de los servicios, así como agruparlos en categorías semánticas no exclusivas. Este artículo de investigación está enmarcado en del proyecto TelComp 2.0, financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad del Cauca

    Un enfoque basado en modelos temáticos para la anotación semántica de servicios

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    The actual implementation of semantic-based mechanisms for service retrieval has been restricted, given the resource-intensive procedure involved in the formal specification of services, which generally comprises associating semantic annotations to their documentation sources. Typically, developer performs such a procedure by hand, requiring specialized knowledge on models for semantic description of services (e.g. OWL-S, WSMO, SAWSDL), as well as formal specifications of knowledge. Thus, this semantic-based service description procedure turns out to be a cumbersome and error-prone task. This paper introduces a proposal forservice annotation, based on processing web service documentation for extracting information regarding its offered capabilities. By uncovering the hidden semantic structure of such information through statistical analysis techniques, we are able to associate meaningful annotations to the services operations/resources, while grouping those operations into non-exclusive semantic related categories. This research paper belongs to the TelComp 2.0 project, which Colciencas and University of Cauca founded in cooperation.En términos prácticos, la implementación de mecanismos de recuperación de servicios basados en semántica ha sido limitada, debido al costoso procedimiento que involucra la especificación formal de servicios. Este procedimiento comprende una tarea dispendiosa de anotación semántica, la cual se lleva a cabo manualmente por desarrolladores de servicios, quienes, además, deben conocer modelos para la descripción semántica de este tipo de recursos (p. ej. OWL-S, WSMO, SAWSDL). Para superaresta limitación, este artículo introduce una propuesta para la anotación de servicios web, basada en el procesamiento de su documentación disponible, para extraer la información relacionada con las capacidades que estos ofrecen. Al descubrir la estructura semántica oculta de dicha información, a través de técnicas de análisis estadístico, el mecanismo propuesto es capaz de asociar anotaciones relevantes a las operaciones/recursos de losservicios, así como agruparlos en categorías semánticas no exclusivas. Este artículo de investigación está enmarcado en del proyecto TelComp 2.0, financiado por Colciencias y la Universidad del Cauca