517 research outputs found

    An online multiplayer sports management game using Laravel

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    Treball final de Grau en Disseny i Desenvolupament de Videojocs. Codi: VJ1241. Curs acadèmic: 2019/2020The following document presents the final project of the Bachelor's Degree in Video Game Design and Development taught at the Jaume I University of Castellón. The main idea of the project is the development of a sports management video game for the web: BBCoach. BBCoach is a 2D sports manager game developed in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Laravel, a famous PHP language framework widely used in web programming

    Paralympic VR Game Immersive Game using Virtual Reality Technology

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    Throughout the years virtual reality has been used for a wide range of applications, and several types of research have been made in order to improve its techniques and technology. In the last few years, the interest in virtual reality has been increasing partially due to the emergence of cheaper and more accessible hardware, and the increase in content available. One of the possible applications for virtual reality is to lead people into seeing situations from a different perspective, which can help change opinions. This thesis uses virtual reality to help people better understand paralympic sports by allowing them to experience the sports’ world from the athletes’ perspective. For the creation of the virtual environment, both computer-generated elements and 360 video are used. The integration of these two components presented a challenge to explore. This thesis focused on wheelchair basketball, and a simulator of this sport was created resorting to the use of a game engine (Unity 3D). For the development of this simulator, computer-generated elements were built, and the interaction with them implemented. Besides allowing the users to play the sport as if they are in the athlete’s shoes, users can also watch 360 videos in which explanations of the modality (rules and classification) are presented. They are also capable of interacting with some of these videos through virtual elements that are placed over the videos. User studies were conducted to evaluate the sense of presence, motion sickness and usability of the system developed. The results were positive although there are still some aspects that should be improved

    Paralympic VR: an immersive experience

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    Paralympic VR: an immersive experience is based on exploratory research and consists in the production of a 360 video-prototype that aims to give special access to the wheelchair basketball training universe, bringing the users close to Paralympic athletes without the need to hide the impairment or hyper focus on the stories behind the disability. Media coverage of Paralympic sports and the representation of disabled athletes have been changing, but still present a medicalised framing, a narrative where the athletes are commonly portrayed as heroes due to the overcoming of difficulties related to the impairment and not to the sports results. This present project work considers immersive journalism and the use of virtual reality technologies as the means by which an alternative approach and a better representation of Paralympians are possible. The project presents the description of the workflow process, detailing conceptualization decisions, technical aspects and, mainly, the challenges and lessons learned. A user study combining focus groups and online survey was also conducted in order to have insights about the experience of watching the video with the headset Samsung Gear VR. Feedback provided by participants indicated that the prototype accomplished its aim. Recommendations to improve future work were also gathered.Paralympic VR: an immersive experience baseia-se em investigação exploratória e consiste na produção de um vídeo 360 graus que visa dar acesso especial ao universo de treino do basquete em cadeira de rodas, aproximando os utilizadores dos atletas paralímpicos sem a necessidade de ocultar a deficiência ou dar grande enfoque às histórias por detrás da deficiência. A cobertura do desporto paralímpico nos media e a representação dos atletas com deficiência está a transformar-se, mas ainda apresenta uma abordagem medicalizada, uma narrativa em que os atletas são comumente retratados como heróis devido à superação de dificuldades relacionadas à deficiência e não em virtude aos resultados desportivos. O jornalismo imersivo e o uso de tecnologias de realidade virtual são considerados no presente trabalho de projeto os meios pelos quais é possível uma abordagem alternativa e uma melhor representação dos atletas paralímpicos. O projeto apresenta a descrição de todo o processo de produção do vídeo-protótipo, detalhando decisões de conceito, aspectos técnicos e, principalmente, os desafios e lições aprendidas. Um estudo com utilizadores combinando grupos de foco e questionário on-line também foi conduzido para a recolha de perceções sobre a experiência de assistir ao vídeo com o headset Samsung Gear VR. Os comentários fornecidos pelos participantes indicaram que o protótipo atingiu seu objetivo. Importantes recomendações para a melhoria de futuras experiências também foram reunidas

    A multi‐scale analysis of basketball throw in virtual reality for tracking perceptual‐motor expertise

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    To benefit from virtual reality (VR) as a complementary tool for training, coaches must determine the proper tools and variables for tracking sports performance. We explored the basketball shooting at several scales (basket-ball, ball-player, and player systems) by monitoring success-rate, and ball and body kinematics. We measured how these scales of analysis allowed tracking players' expertise and perceptual sensitivity to basket distance. Experienced and novice players were instructed to naturally throw and swish an instrumented ball in a stereoscopically rendered virtual basket. We challenged their perceptual-motor systems by manipulating the distance of the virtual basket while keeping the surrounding environment unchanged. The success-rate accounted for the players' shooting adjustments to the manipulation of basket distance and allowed tracking their expertise. Ball kinematics also reflected the manipulation of distance and allowed detecting gender, but did not reflect the players' expertise. Finally, body kinematics variables did not echo players' adjustments to the distance manipulation but reflected their expertise and gender. The results gained at each scale of analysis are discussed with regard to the simulator's construct, biomechanical, and psychological fidelity

    The Effects of Virtual Reality on Motor Performance in the First Person Point of View

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    Previous research has shown that visualization is an effective method used to improve motor performance (Ridderinkhof, 2015) and that similar neural pathways are activated while visualizing and performing a task (Decety, 1989). More recent research has begun to look at whether virtual reality similarly improves motor performance (Bideau, 2004). The advantages of virtual reality include the ability to practice without physical exertion (Ridderinkhof, 2015) and a better cognitive understanding of complex tactics (Science-based cognitive assessment & training, 2019). In the current study, the effects of virtual reality and visualization on motor performance in sports is tested based on the success rate of being able to make free-throws between the Control, Visualization or Virtual Reality groups. I hypothesized that the Virtual Reality group will make more shots than the Visualization or the Control groups because of its more interactive ability. I also hypothesized that participants\u27 self-efficacy will increase after using virtual reality. The results of my research showed that there was no significant difference in shooting ability between groups. On the other hand, the participants in the Virtual Reality group found virtual reality to be significantly more useful than the Control group found counting backwards to be. Virtual reality was not significantly on any of the other self-efficacy questions. Future research should continue to examine the possible effects that virtual reality can have on motor performance as well as self-efficacy improvement

    Immersive virtual reality in the psychology classroom: What purpose could it serve?

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    This short article provides a brief overview of the most common forms of immersive virtual environments, highlighting some ways in which these have been used in other discipline areas, and ways in which they have been used in psychology research. In drawing these together it will be speculated how best to make use of this technology in psychology education, and a potential way forward will be argued for. In writing this article the purpose is not to provide a comprehensive account of the many different research areas that may contribute to adopting such a technology, but simply to provide the interested reader with a starting point and some suggestions for further reading. Overall, with developments oriented to other fields (e.g. medicine, home entertainment) and sparse research in this area, it is argued that to embrace the potentials of the technology we must first engage with where it might fit within our curriculums. The opportunity to provide practical demonstrations that may be otherwise unachievable in conventional environments seems most viable at this very early stage

    Investigating the Transfer of Learning, Psychological, and Neural Effects in Immersive Virtual Reality

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    Achieving mastery or expertise requires a substantial amount of quality practice. Recent technological developments have introduced a novel approach to practice, virtual reality. Specifically, virtual reality offers a low-cost, customizable opportunity to practice while minimizing the risk of the individual. Given that some types of practice may not lead to the acquisition of a motor skill, or worse, lead to detriments of that skill, understanding the developing science of motor behavior in relation to virtual reality is imperative. The following literature review will begin with a brief historical account of the evolution of virtual reality. Next, some terms of virtual reality will be defined, and the technological characteristics will be introduced. Then, fundamental theories of transfer of learning and important variables which likely contribute to transfer of learning will be discussed. In the following section, the current understanding of virtual reality and motor learning will be explained. Research that has examined transfer of learning within immersive virtual reality will then be examined and discussions of the findings and limitations will be presented. Finally, to address the aforementioned shortcomings, the following project was a two-experimental study to investigate the transfer of learning effects of virtual reality motor skill practice

    Psychomotor control in a virtual laparoscopic surgery training environment: gaze control parameters differentiate novices from experts

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    Background: Surgical simulation is increasingly used to facilitate the adoption of technical skills during surgical training. This study sought to determine if gaze control parameters could differentiate between the visual control of experienced and novice operators performing an eye-hand coordination task on a virtual reality laparoscopic surgical simulator (LAP Mentor™). Typically adopted hand movement metrics reflect only one half of the eye-hand coordination relationship; therefore, little is known about how hand movements are guided and controlled by vision. Methods: A total of 14 right-handed surgeons were categorised as being either experienced (having led more than 70 laparoscopic procedures) or novice (having performed fewer than 10 procedures) operators. The eight experienced and six novice surgeons completed the eye-hand coordination task from the LAP Mentor basic skills package while wearing a gaze registration system. A variety of performance, movement, and gaze parameters were recorded and compared between groups. Results: The experienced surgeons completed the task significantly more quickly than the novices, but only the economy of movement of the left tool differentiated skill level from the LAP Mentor parameters. Gaze analyses revealed that experienced surgeons spent significantly more time fixating the target locations than novices, who split their time between focusing on the targets and tracking the tools. Conclusion: The findings of the study provide support for the utility of assessing strategic gaze behaviour to better understand the way in which surgeons utilise visual information to plan and control tool movements in a virtual reality laparoscopic environment. It is hoped that by better understanding the limitations of the psychomotor system, effective gaze training programs may be developed. © 2010 The Author(s).published_or_final_versionSpringer Open Choice, 01 Dec 201